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By Wellington Rodrigues


This booklet is Copyrighted 2011 By Wellington Rodrigues All Worldwide Rights Reserved. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be altered nor transmitted for resale. Reader is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use and distribute it FREELY as an individual book or as part of any package, as long as NO PART OF IT IS ALTERED. As owner of this e-book you can: - Store it on a hard drive, web site, CD, or other storage medium. - Include it as a FREE bonus on a membership site. - Include it as a FREE bonus with an e-book package - You may print this e-book for your own personal at-home reading. - You may transmit it to friends through e-mail. You MAY NOT do the following with this e-book (including any materials that may accompany it): - Alter it in any way. The entire e-book must remain exactly intact. - Claim the copyright as your own. - Distribute for sale or otherwise in any printed version whatsoever. (For example, this means you may not print it out and bind it as a hard copy book for distribution.) IF YOU PAID FOR THIS BOOK YOU HAVE BEEN SCAMMED! IT IS DISTRIBUTED FREE OF CHARGE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. PLEASE REPORT ANY WEBSITE THAT IS SELLING THIS VERSION WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION.
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INDEX - Are you up for this challenge? - The fall from grace - The infamous D word - The meta-vibration process - Conclusion - Resources - About the Author 4 11 20 27 37 39 41


Are you up for this challenge?

Dear friend, How has life been treating you lately? Are you smoothly navigating towards your goals and enjoying each moment of the ride, or are you becoming more and more frustrated as the years pass by and you feel somehow stuck with your major challenges? I will let you in a secret... come close... The secret is: theres no such a thing as being stuck in life. Nope, there isnt; at any moment in life you are either moving forwards or backwards. The first thing that my students learn when they start immersing themselves in the amazing world of Transformation Dynamics (TD) is that change is the ONLY constant in the universe. It is. You cannot avoid it, you cannot hide from it. Even if you decide to lock yourself inside an empty room and do nothing for or the rest of your life, you you will will get still older, experience change transformation;

probably obese (if the only thing you do is eating), and your muscles will atrophy. What is that? That IS change, right?


So, at each and every moment of your life youre under the power of this principle (the only constant). There are forces inside and external to you contributing to these changes. What these forces are is not in the scope of this booklet, but for the practice shared here you do not need that level of knowledge. Just keep in mind that each action that you take, as well as each mental and emotional state that you experience are also change initiators. Therefore, you have a lot of freedom to set the nature of the changes you experience each moment. The challenge I give you in this booklet will hopefully help you finally realize that you have a great degree of control over your personal reality. Yeah, right. I have read and heard that to the point of boredom. Sure, I know that you are probably tired of reading about the amazing results experienced by people who read a positive thinking book or participated in an expensive 3-day self-help right? At some point you start thinking that theres something wrong with you, that your karma does not allow you to live the high-life, or that God is punishing you for something. That









them, but each time you try your frustration just increases,

will definitely make you even more frustrated and will help you sink deeper in the realm of negative transformation. Yep, principle. negative Youre transformation either is part of the or constant negative



changes, and the self-help frustration syndrome can really take you down quicker than an AK 47. Let me share another secret... come close... THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!!! It does not matter what you think or what you were indoctrinated to believe; you ARE an amazingly creative being, and every single aspect of your life is working perfectly at this point. Yep! Whether you are living la vida loca or struggling to pay for your next rent, whether you are jumping with energy and health or lying on a hospital bed, whether youre lonely or living with your dream partner, everything is working PERFECTLY, and you are exercising your intention, decision, and belief powers at every moment of your life. You just cant escape it. If you are alive in this 3D universe, you ARE initiating changes and functioning perfectly as the creator that you are, period. You may not be creating exactly what you want,

though. But, using a metaphor, we cannot say that a knife has a problem if it was used to hurt someone. The knife is being a knife, pretty much as you are being you. Congratulations! You do NOT have to change! But Wellington, all self-help authors and gurus tell me that I have to change. B.S.! Major B.S.! Super-duper B.S.! If youre already functioning perfectly, why should you struggle to change your nature? You are NOT a work in progress, you came to this life whole, with all the tools you need to enjoy the game and make an impression. You do not have to change; all you have to do is to learn how to use your tools correctly. Back to the metaphor; once you start using a knife only to prepare your food, it will not hurt anybody else (besides a finger cut once in a while). You dont have to change knives, only the intention behind its use. Similarly, you dont have to struggle to change your nature and reality thats a waste of time, and you may know what I mean by personal experience. Once you insert a new movie in the DVD player, you will see another movie, period. Dont take the DVD player to the repair shop because you do not like the movie, dont pray or











metaphors). Most mind-power and self-help enthusiasts are

unknowingly sabotaging their lives more and more because they are not exposed to a true transformational science, but pieces and bits of fragmented information from people who dont know it any better, people who are desperately trying to change something But dont worry; your frustrations may be over. Here you will be learning an amazing process that will translate in quick, visible and measurable results, from someone who knows what he is doing. I better know what Im doing, because I charge only for results, and if my clients do not experience measurable results I dont eat nor feed the wife and the cats, period. I am giving you this tiny piece of true transformational practice because I DO have an agenda. Yes! You thought it would come freely? Nope, I have an interest on your results, actually I have two; First, if you get results and experience the vibrational shift promised (and the consequent reality shift that comes with it), you will feel much more confident about taking my risk-free sessions... yeah, Im giving you a taste of the candy in order to get you hooked! However I can assure you that, if you make good use of this booklet, you will get much more out of it than youve ever gotten from many

expensive courses and seminars. I am NOT exaggerating. Test me, accept my challenge to the letter and you will see. The second interest I have is more global; we are at an incredible moment in the history of humanity. At this moment, whether you believe it or not, and I dont care if you believe because I KNOW it, there is a battle going on. The dark side of the Force is doing everything in their powers to keep humanity under subjugation while the light side is working intensively to help you awake to your true power. Hopefully this booklet will help many people raise their vibrations and acquire mastery over their realities. That is the only way to win this battle that has been going on for millennia, under your nose. The battle is not physical, but at an energetic level. You dont have to struggle, just change the DVD. So, even if you dont ever get to be one of my beloved students (and you will be the one missing a lot), Ill still gain from your reading and practicing the process in this booklet. I WANT you to raise your vibration, no matter what! Once we reach the critical mass, the world will be a totally different place. That will eventually happen; actually it should already have happened. We, together, can accelerate this process and graduate into the 5th dimension.


But you may not believe in this bunch of mystical B.S. No problem, you still can benefit from this booklet. Whether you want to feel happier, experience prosperity, attract love, or heal your body, this process is the basis from which you can radically transform your reality. So, enjoy it. If this information does not work for you, just hit the DELETE key. Actually, send it to some of your friends before deleting, maybe this booklet was meant for them in the first place, not you. The universe works in mysterious way and someones garbage may be someone elses treasure.


The fall from grace

Why would some perfect, infinite beings choose to live a life of limitation, sorrow and suffering? That is the million dollar question that may have haunted you at some point in your life. Behind this question there may be an enlightening truth. Read the question again. Good. Did you pay attention to the word choose? Reflect on that for a moment, it is empowering You chose it dear reader! Hell not man! Youre crazy, how in heavens would I choose to go through all this mess? Thats what I usually hear when I point this fact to someone. And my honest answer to their question is: I have NO idea why you chose this, neither do you, all I know is that you still have that same power of choice and can choose a different movie to be played in your DVD. Another thing I know is that at some point we seem to have been free. What does it mean to be free? One definition of freedom in TD is: to rise above the pendulum of duality. Im not saying that we can totally eliminate duality, but we can get away with rising above its restricting influences.


And whats duality? You may ask. It is the dual nature of 3D reality; the pairs of opposites: yin and yang, light and darkness, good and bad, love and hate, like and dislike, happiness and sorrow, life and death, etc. I dont know exactly why duality exists or how it all started (the voices in my head never explained that), however, ancient scriptures can give us a hint. They mention the fall of man. This implies that at certain point we have experienced a higher state of beingness from which we have descended. In the book of Genesis, for example, we find the story of Adam and Eve (which represents humanity) being originally created in the image and likeness of God, free from duality, having dominion over their environment, not working for their daily bread, and even being immortals. At some point, however, the original first couple had an opportunity to exercise their choice (see, choice is popping up again). They were exposed to all the trees of the Garden of Eden, from which they could feast all they wanted. They were also exposed to the infamous tree of knowledge of good and evil, from which they could NOT eat, otherwise, according to God, they would die. Needless to say, they chose to eat from the forbidden tree (just humans!), and that started all the mess that were

still suffering the consequences from to this day. They fell from grace and brought all of humanity down with them. You may argue that Adam and Eve did not choose to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but that they were tempted by the serpent. Well, they still had a choice to follow the serpents advice or not. The serpent did not shove the fruit down their throat. Now, this tale may seem too farfetched to be believed, and I dont want you to believe in it literally. The Bible, as many ancient wisdom books, was written in codes, employing metaphors to keep the truth hidden from the masses. If we have the eyes to see, however, we can extract treasures from its hidden teachings, such as the Eden tale. The first thing we must analyze in this story is the fact that God placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil right there, at the reach of Adam and Eve. Well, if this tree meant death, or at least fall from grace, why in heavens would God even create it in the first place, why would he make it available to his beloved creation? Can you guess why? No, God is not dumb. He did this BECAUSE he designed us to be endowed with FREE WILL. Thats the greatest treasure our creator gave us as his inheritance.


Everything is at hands reach for us to choose, from inner states to physical circumstances, be it good, bad or even deadly. AND that is your greatest power the power to choose from the infinite possibilities and probabilities available to you. That is why the creator did not hide nor kept the tree of knowledge of good and evil from being created; otherwise our options would be limited. Theories abound about the fall from grace. Some say that the serpent represents a reptilian extra-terrestrial race that manipulated our genetic codes and altered our DNA to keep us under bondage. Others say that God chose to experience the pair of opposites (duality) through his creation, and yet others say that our higher selves are just having a blast experiencing a roller-coaster like adventure of lowering into a heavy vibration just to move back into grace. I have my opinion about that event, actually knowledge that Ive acquired from one of the Secret Societies Ive been a member of. However I will not share this information in this booklet. I want you to come to your own conclusion. But no matter what you think or believe may have caused the fall of humanity into duality does not really matter; what matters is that we ARE in this situation now, and, most importantly, we CAN individually return to a state of grace (whatever that means to you).


TDs definition of grace is very simple. It is: LIVING IN HARMONY WITH YOUR UNIVERSE This concept encompasses everything you may imagine, desire and aspire. Grace means living in synchronicity, operating from the source space, not from the ego. It also means not trying to change yourself or the world out there, but using the tools that you already possess to CHOOSE the parallel reality that matches your desires. It seems that this is a HUGE task, right? Actually it is simple, so simple that most people just disregard or underestimate it. It is extremely simple because all we have to do is to be who we really are, exercise our power to choose, and rise above duality. Read this last phrase a few times and trust your Higher Self to clarify your mind about it. Herein lays one of the biggest secrets I of will self-transformation not give it all (move to you over law of and attraction). chewed

digested. You have to earn it, and those who are ready will. What I will tell you is that the fall from grace, no matter if it was an accident or part of the divine plan, left a scar in humanity; after that happened we started seeing the universe and our environments as hostile. We started having to protect ourselves from imaginary dangers. I say imaginary

because YOUR core frequency is the ONLY thing that can conditions circumstances and make those dangers real. Unfortunately most of humanity lives in the frequency of FEAR. No wonder why the world is as it is today. The first step to TRUE transformation then is to make peace with the universe to see it as it is, an infinite realm of possibilities and probabilities that youre here to choose from, according to your core frequency. It is also to realize that theres nobody out there conspiring to make your life a living hell, theres no enemy hiding in a dark corner ready to jump over you...theres ONLY YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS and what you project through your CHOICES. This last paragraph is also worth re-reading a few times until it sinks in. By saying that theres only your consciousness and your choices, I do not mean that you are the only person in the universe and everybody else is an illusion created by you. No, there are about 7 billion individual units of consciousness living on earth alone. However, YOUR CHOICE conditions other peoples behavior towards you and the circumstances you will encounter. It all boils down to what YOU choose to see and experience in your version of reality all versions are equally valid.


Someone who is terrible to you may be an angel to me. Why is that so? It is the same person; however we chose to see different parallel probabilities. If Im above duality, I enter a parallel in which that person is nice. If youre living in duality and hold negative subconscious beliefs about that specific type of person, you will see a parallel version of him in which he is negative. Your universe splits whenever you make a choice. Yep, thats exactly how it works. Welcome to the Twilight Zone! So, the first processes I use to help my students break the Eden spell are processes that help them HARMONIZE WITH THE UNIVERSE. Ill share a basic one below: From now on, have the following phrase imbued in your mind, like a mantra. Hang it on your mirror, carry it with you in your purse or wallet, and look at it a few times a day: The Universe IS a friendly place and I AM totally safe in it. Dont try to rationalize this phrase; your conscious

mind is way too limited to explore all implications of such practices. In Secret Societies and true Metaphysical trainings, we do NOT work with the conscious mind; we go around it,

straight choice. Once



Super-conscious realizations,

mind. and

From the

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experience a major shift. All your fears will gradually melt down. You will cease encountering hostility. You can even avoid dangers and accidents. Once we are imbued with the concept of the friendly universe, we ARE fluctuating ABOVE the frequency of duality. As the wise Master said in the Bible: "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. - Matthew 6:22 Once you harmonize with the Universe, your EYE will be SINGLE. What that means? You will choose NOT to see (perceive) good and evil, love and hate, positive and negative, but you will stay grounded above the level of duality, where everything is energy that can be conditioned to either polarity. If your body is full of light, you will CHOOSE to

condition all energy towards the positive. The choice is always in your hands.


How are you using your amazing power of choosing at this point? Just take a look around, see how your life is developing, and you will have the answer.


The infamous D word

I will share some scary statistics with you... For every 1,000 people who read a so-called self-help book, listen to some tape, or watch some movie on the subject, just a handful really benefit from it. Maybe you have gone through that experience yourself. How many self-help materials have you exposed yourself to? How different is your life now? How many obstacles were you able to overcome, how many of your dreams have come true? By saying that I am not implying that self-help materials are worthless. There are a handful of authors out there that write from their hearts and have the sincere intention of helping their readers. There are a few reasons why even the best self-help material cannot possibly help every single person who have access to it. Two of those reasons are: 1- An author cannot personalize a mass publication to each individual reader/listener. 2- Unfortunately most people lack true discipline to follow through with even the simplest techniques or processes shared in a publication.

It is obvious that you cannot become a Karate Master or a Tennis champ just by reading books or watching videos on those subjects. You can get the basic concepts, learn a few techniques, and even become a good weekend practitioner. But if you want to climb to a higher level, at some point in your life you will have to look for personal tutoring. The same is field. I true I for the personal mastery and

transformation mental

say had

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Before meeting my first master I had read many books on science. successes disappointments. Once I started working under the tutoring of a true mental science coach, I quickly jumped to a new level of progress and results. That was the foundation for what I am and what I know today. I still read quality books, watch videos, and listen to tapes; however, my greatest breakthroughs happened when I was under the tutelage of good trainers both in Brazil and in the USA. That gave me the ability to be a good coach today, and the confidence to charge only for results, because I know my students WILL experience results if they practice as suggested. I am not saying that just to convince you to take private coaching sessions with me. Truly, I may not even have the time to coach you personally. What I am trying to say is that at some point in your life you may need a true coach. And











because, as in any field, there are good and bad practitioners. A good coach can answer your unique questions, monitor your practice, focus on your individual strengths and weaknesses, as well as calibrate your progress. A higher level coach (a Master) will also be working with your energy bodies to accelerate cleaning and reprogramming and talking directly to your super-conscious mind. A book or tape cannot do it. Now, even good coaches arent able to help every single person who comes to them. In my personal practice, I have an average of 75% of success, which is a very high average, but still, 25 out of 100 people dont move forward. Why is that so? A long time ago I released the need to be perfect. This happened when I realized (the voices in my head again!) that by trying to force my teachings into someones consciousness, I might be violating his or her free-will. Some people approach me just out of curiosity, or to prove to themselves that nothing or nobody can help them. Those may not be ready to learn; they chose to stay in a low frequency and explore all negative states they can handle. It is still a choice, and I respect their free-will.


Others, however, come to me with good intention, truly interested in rising above their limitations and experiencing transformation. Even some of these fail sometimes. After over twenty years of practice, I have discovered the failure key that keeps some people from ever experiencing progress with this type of teachings. And that boils down to: DISCIPLINE Yes, thats all theres to it, the infamous D word. I know that some of you will skim through this booklet, try the processes shared here a couple of times, then forget about it if you dont win the lotto in 3 days, and continue your compulsive search online for a magical formula to riches, love and happiness (ideally a free one that does not require you to move one finger). Keep on searching and good luck. In reality, theres no such a thing as lack of discipline, theres just misdirected discipline. I bet you have the discipline to do many things, such as go to work every day, feed your kids (hopefully), pay your bills, play video games, over eat, binge drink, watch TV every night, waste hours chatting online with strangers that pose as other than who they truly are, etc.

So, you really do not lack discipline. Remember that I told you that you DONT have to change anything, that you are perfect just as you are? Therefore, all you have to do is to learn how to use your energy in a different way. Simple, right? Not so simple tough. Discipline is a habit, and some people have a real hard time transforming their habits. My advice to you is: for the sake of your own growth, stick to the process taught here until you start experiencing the inner shifts. Those come first, then external shifts will start happening. Transformation of your reality can be relatively quick, by that I mean a few weeks. Once the inner transformation happens, the external world responds to it, pretty much as when you change the DVD disc in your player, the movie changes. But theres no way external transformation can occur without being preceded by inner transformation. Most of us keep the same disk in the player and expect seeing a different movie. Stop that insane behavior and you will finally experience inner transformation. And how do you know when inner transformation has started taking place? Usually you will feel calmer, lighter, as if things out there do not affect you as they used to do. You will sleep better, have some vivid dreams (a sign that youre switching into a different parallel), maybe for the first

time, since you were a child, you will feel playful and happy, just because, for no specific reasons. Yes, harmonizing with your universe can bring you back to your natural state, that state that you ended up believing could be experienced only by children and teenagers. You will also sense a peaceful and positive feeling of emptiness. That happens because you have dropped the sense of struggle, the weight of duality, and you have released your need to control or change anything. From this moment on, the universe will be your partner in creation. Once you start experiencing those feelings, some weird things will happen in your personal reality; people that mistreated you will either move away or start treating you better. Tasks will seem easier; things that you want will start moving towards you (where before you kept chasing after them). I could write several pages on the benefits you can experience, but Ill let you discover it for yourself. But all these things will start happening ONLY if you dedicate yourself to it with the same discipline that you use for other things that you enjoy doing. Having said that, in the next chapter Ill give you a basic TD process that is more advanced than most processes you learn at expensive seminars or books. This single process

can help you experienced all the things that I have listed above. Try me.


The meta-vibration process

In this chapter Ill share a very simple process with you. It is a basic-level TD practice, what I call a Metaphysical kindergarten exercise. Dont underestimate it, though. What is basic in TD can be very advanced for those familiar with the usual law of attraction and self-help practices. Only disciplined application of this process will reveal the power and magic behind it, and the choice to apply it or not is in your hands. Some people may doubt that a single process, especially something as simple as the meta-vibration, can really bring about all the transformation that I have mentioned in the last chapter. It can as long as you apply yourself to it with discipline. Throughout my years as a coach I had the opportunity to meet some amazing people that were able to radically transform their lives after reading just a single book or article and following those simple teachings to the letter. I usually contrast them with those I call new age parrots, the ones that have read all the books in the field, attended dozens of workshops, and still keep living in the same loop, where results are rare and frustrations are a constant. The only difference I could find between both groups was the level of discipline of each individual.

Maybe it is time for you to stop compulsively looking for a magic bullet and do some serious work with what you already have. I assure you that this shift alone will help you make quantum leaps in your progress. During my NLP training I became aware of the power of stories and metaphors to drive a message deeper into our consciousness. Longer before I had any contact with the Metaphysical lore or NLP, I was exposed to a story that represented a turning point in my own life. This short story alone was worthy more than many books I have read throughout the years. I was only about 11 or 12 years old when my first Karate master told me the story that Ill now gladly share with you. Pay close attention and try to get something out of it. The one-punch Karate master This story talks about a young man in Japan who

wished to learn Karate. Back them this art was practiced in closed circles, and not everybody was able to find a master willing to share his secrets. This young man learned that close to his village there was a legitimate Karate master who taught his sons in his backyard. He them decided to pay a visit to the master and begged to be accepted as his pupil. The master refused and said





















(training area). The young man went home disappointed. However, he was not to give up so easily. He figured out that if he offered to pay for his lessons the master might accept him. He returned to the dojo and was once again refused training. As he was leaving the place without any hopes left, he noticed a small hole in the fence surrounding the masters backyard, the space used as a dojo. The young man did not hesitate to peek through the hole and watch the action inside. It was class time, and the master was teaching his sons the correct way of throwing a specific punch. The young man paid close attention to the explanation, observed the form, and witnessed the master applying it. He went home obsessed about that technique he had just learned. Needless to say, he started practicing it with all his soul, repeating it hundreds of times a day. After a few months of practice the young man was able to literally punch a tree down. Thats when he decided to return to the masters dojo. He figured out that now, by seeing the ability he had developed, the master would surely accept him as a student. To the dojo he went, arriving there during the familys training session. Angry for having their practice abruptly interrupted, the master said: what are you doing back here,

young man? I told you that I will NOT teach you. Go away! And the young man replied: I have mastered your secret punch. As he said that the master and his five sons broke into laughter. Do you want to test me? challenged the young man. The master then told his youngest son to face up the challenger and finish him up. They faced each other, and when the masters son prepared to move in, the one-punch guy hit him right in the chest. He fell to the floor unconscious. The other brothers, as well as the master, could not believe what they had just witnessed. Then the master sent his older and most skilled son to fight the young man. The exact same thing happened again to everyones surprise and amazement. Tears started coming out of the masters eyes when he found out how this young man was able to learn and master such a powerful technique. The young man was immediately invited into the clan and became a great master himself, even more skilled than the masters siblings. The end. I hope this story touches you as it has touched me many years ago, dear reader. When I heard it, even being so young, I realized the power of discipline, and that no matter how


simple a technique is, if we apply ourselves to it with all our heart, we are on the way to become masters. I applied that same discipline to my early mental science training, and that is the secret of my success. Thats why now I can teach people all over the world and help them experience amazing results. If you wish to start your journey into self-mastery,

consider the process taught here as the secret punch that you were able to learn by peeking through my fence. If you truly master it and make it part of your life, you will be way ahead of most self-proclaimed law of attraction or selfhelp teachers and authors. Later on, as you desire to grow even further, the master will appear to guide you to new heights. The meta-vibration process First of all, I want you to understand that this process surpasses your conscious with the mind and allows for direct feeling communication Super-conscious through

(vibration). The Super-conscious is the part of us that some call the magic lamp genie. Whatever we choose is granted to us by this genie, be it positive or negative. The Super-conscious is the portal guardian that says YES to all your requests, especially in the form of feelings

and emotions. Conscious thoughts are really secondary. You can imagine whatever you want endlessly, but if the vibration is not there, your thoughts only will the be in vain. The Superof conscious understands universal language

FEELINGS/STATES/FREQUENCIES/EMOTIONS, period! Remember that you have the free-will to choose, and the universe is neutral. Whether you choose a positive or negative outcome by staying in a specific frequency, the Superconscious grants your wish. Your only task is to choose, the rest is taken care of for you. The moment you activate the meta-vibration process, you are choosing to rise above duality and live in a magical world where everything is synchronized to lead you straight to your goals. This is a META process, which means, it works for EACH and EVERY aspect of your life. No need to adapt it to physical healing, prosperity, love or inner peace. Once you activate it, all aspects are affected and transformed simultaneously. It brings the promise to fulfillment: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his

righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 You have been using this ability already. Each time you choose to engage in negative states you ARE using this same


process in the reverse. Your negative synchronicity leads you towards that which you fear or want to avoid. The meta-vibration process is divided in two parts, as follows: I - The magic text:
The Universe takes care of ALL my needs.

It brings me the right people, circumstances and opportunities that are aligned to my highest good.

I now give up all the need to control, create and change things, and I return to my natural state of a chooser and observer.

I now choose to replace my core vibration from fear to trust, from doubt to intention, from trying to allowing.

I now choose to accept the best that the Universe has in store for me and allow for it to happen.

Each and every event that happens in my life leads me closer to my goals.

I choose to be free and to see only the positive in every person, situation and event.

Something wonderful is happening in my life right now. Print this page.


II - The state: How would you feel if the magic text was a reality in your life right now? Act as if it is now. Just allow your body to be permeated with that feeling of connection, fearlessness, certainty and inner peace. What if you did not have to worry about anything in your life, ever again? Feel it in your body. DO NOT try to figure this state out with your conscious mind, it cant. Just trust that your Super-conscious KNOWS what it is and can deliver it to you NOW. As you repeat the magical text, this feeling will naturally be imbued on your consciousness, it just takes a few days, really, but you can already experience that state NOW if you want, just ACT AS IF. Putting it all together I advise you to print the magic text and carry it along with you. Read it at least 4 times a day and, if possible, read it aloud once a day. Do not read it as you were reading a piece of news, though. Pay attention to it, to every word, every phrase. It reading: can help if text you is say to yourself all before levels or of after my





Do not be concerned with absorbing it consciously. As you read and feel it, the text will automatically penetrate the depths of your being, without any conscious effort. Again, choose and allow, that is all you have to do. Try experiencing the state a few times a day as well. Dont worry if youre doing it right. As long as you act as if, your super-conscious knows what to do with the feeling. You can also create an anchor to the state. As you feel it, just make a small gesture, such as closing one fist, or touching some part of your body. If you associate that anchor with the feeling, later on you will enter the state at will just by firing (repeating) the anchor. Usually after about 21 days of disciplined practice, the new frequency will replace the old one, and you will BE in the state most of the time. That is the moment where you will have mastered the process and will be able to punch down the limitations that have been associated with your previous reality, states which of is duality. just a At that moment of your external state of reflection your

consciousness, will start shifting magically. Yes, that is all theres to it. It cant be any easier, right? No hours of visualization, praying or affirmations. Just a single two-step magic formula that has saved more people than penicillin.







results if your core state is one of duality, if a part of you live in fear. Thats the reason why most of you are failing to realize and make these teachings real in your life. It is now in your hands to choose using it or not. I cant force you on that its your free-will.


I truly wish this simple process transforms your life as much as it has done to most of my private students. And I challenge the few brave ones who value and use it to see how high you can climb by applying the process daily. Give yourself 60 days to master being in the non-duality state. Be like the one-punch Karate master and practice it with all your mind and soul, as if your life depended on it (it actually does, if you wish to have an amazing life). The decision you make now will ripple through the rest of your life. Once you experience the power of this process and see your reality magically transforming in front of your eyes, you will certainly become positively addicted to it. Send me your testimonials of progress so I can know that you really took up the challenge and dared to choose another reality. I love to hear from my readers and Im as available as possible to respond to you personally. Also, please help me spread this freeing and vibrationraising process. Send this file to all those you really care about, link it to your website, post in your blog, Skype and Facebook pages.










participating in the process of raising mankinds consciousness and that will be of benefit to all of us. We will be known as the generation that freed humanity from its own limitations. May wisely! the Force be with you, and keep on choosing

Wellington Rodrigues

December 2011


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About the Author

Wellington Rodrigues is a Brazilian Transformation Coach living and practicing in New York for the past 22 years. He has been involved with alternative psychotherapies, self-development and Eastern philosophies since his early teens. At the age of 17 he was the youngest person to ever graduate in Parapsychology and Applied Mental Science at the Rio de Janeiros Institute of Psycho-biophysics (A program accredited by Rio de Janeiros Board of Education) under one of Brazils top teachers. Wellington is proud of allowing his online and personal clients to PAY ONLY FOR RESULTS. In his Coaching Programs participants always pay after they complete a phase of lessons and training. He NEVER charges in advance. His philosophy is that he should be paid only for his competence, not for trying.
Training and Certifications Graduated in Parapsychology and Mental Sciences Institute of Psycho-biophysics Brazil (Accredited by Rio de Janeiros Board of Education) Certified NLP Practitioner American University of NLP USA Certified in Radionics and Advanced Homeopathy AGEACAC & American Association of Natural Medicine USA Board Certified Advanced Master Clinical Hypnotherapist Hypnosis International Board of Registration USA Certified Hypnosis Teacher The Hypnodyne Foundation USA Certified Past-Life Regression Specialist The Hypnodyne Foundation USA Metaphysical Minister and Pastoral Counselor World Metaphysical Ministry USA Meridian Therapy & Energy Psychology Practitioner Various USA REIKI MASTER and Vibrational Therapies Practitioner Various USA Chi Kung Practitioner Chinese National Chi Kung Institute USA Developer of the Transformation Dynamics System Certified Emotrance Practitioner U.K. Certified Personal Fitness Trainer - AAAI-ISMA - USA


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