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i. Q.1. Ans.

De finition A machine is a device by which we can either overcome a large resistive force at some point What do you unde rstand by a simple machine?

by applying a small force at a convenient point and in a desired direction or by which we can o btain a gain in speed.

ii. Functions and Uses Q.1. State four ways in whic h mac hines a re use ful to us. The machines perform the follow ing functions and they are useful to us in the follow ing four ways: i) In lifting a heavy load by applying a less effort, i.e., as a force multiplier. ii) In changing the point of application of effort to a convenient point. iii) In changing the direction of effort to a convenient direction. iv) For obtaining a gain in speed (i.e., a greater movement of load by a smaller movement of effort). Q.2. Give an illustration of the following use of a simple machine : i) to obtain gain in force, ii) to change the direction of force, iii) to obtain gain in speed. Ans. i) ii) iii) Pliers A Car jack Bicycle Ans.

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iii. Technical te rms Q.1. De fine e ffort. Ans. Effort is the external force applied to a simple machine Q.2. De fine Load. Ans. Load is the force against which the machine does the work Q.3. Explain the term mechanical advanta ge. State its unit. Mechanical Advantage (MA)= When is the mechanical advantage of a machine 1? When is the mechanical advantage of a machine less than 1? When is the mechanical advantage of a machine greater than 1? It has no unit


when the machine changes direction

When the machine increases distance

when the machine increases force


De fine the te rm velocity ratio. State its unit. Velocity Ratio (VR) is defined as the ratio of displacement of effort (dE ) to the displacement


of load (dL ) in the same interval of time. It has no unit. Velocity Ratio (VR)= Q.4. De fine the te rm e fficie ncy of a machine. Efficiency of the machine () is the ratio of the work done on the load to the work done by


the effort. Efficiency () = Note: Efficiency is always expressed as percentage Q.5. Why is a mac hine not 100% e ffic ient? No machine is ideal or 100% efficient for the follow ing reasons :


i) the moving parts in it are not frictionless ii) the string in it if present, is not perfectly elastic. iii) its different parts are not perfectly rigid, and iv) its moving parts are not weightless. Due to above factors there is always some loss of energy in the machine. Thus, the output energy from a machine is always less than the input energy to it .

iv. Princ iple Q.1. What is the purpose of a mac hine?

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The purpose of a machine is to make the work easier by either reducing effort or changing

the point of applic ation of force or changing the direction of force or increasing the speed. Q.2. What do you unde rstand by an ideal machine? An ideal machine has an efficiency of 100%.A machine in which work inputs equals work output; such a machine would be frictionless.


v. Re lation between Efficiency, M.A. And V. R. Q.1. State the relationship betwee n mec hanica l a dvantage, veloc ity ratio a nd e ffic iency. = =

Ans. Q.2.

De rive the relationship between the terms mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and

efficiency as applied to a machine. Ans. Consider actual machine which displaces a useful load 'E' causes a displacement through distance 'D'. Output = Work done in displacing load. = . through a distance when effort

Input = work done by effort in causing displacement = Efficiency = = = = = = =

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i. Q.1. Ans.

De finition A lever is a simple machine. A lever bar exerts a force to move a load by turning on a pivot

What is a lever? or fulcrum.

ii. Princ iple Q.2. State the principle of a lever. For equilibrium, the moment of the effort about the fulcrum must be equal and opposite to the moment of the weight (Load) about it. So that, we have Effort effort arm = Weight weight arm. This is known as the principle of leve r. Ans.


Write down a re lation expressing the mecha nica l adva ntage of a lever. By the principle of moments, in state of equilibrium, for all types of levers, we have, LOAD load arm = Effort effort arm Or i.e. Mechanical advantage of a lever = Clearly, therefore, the longer the effort arm and the shorter the weight arm, the greater is the mechanical advantage of the lever.


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What is the use of the lever if its mec hanical a dvantage is less than 1? Although levers have MA less than 1, they help to get gain in force, or gain in speed, thereby


help us apply force at a convenient place to enable movement of effort over a large distance.

iii. Kinds of Levers


Name the three c lasses of levers a nd distinguish between them. Give two examples o f

each class Ans. __________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Q.2. The following are examples of levers. State the c lass of levers to whic h each one i) Scissors ii) Sugar tongs. iii) Nut cracker iv) pliers. Ans. No. Name of Lever Scissors Sugar tongs Nut cracker Pliers Order of Lever First Third Second First Position of Load (L) One end One end At centre One end Effort (E) Other end At centre One end Other end Fulcrum (F) At centre Other end Other end At the centre

belongs giving the re lative positions of Load (L), Effort (E) a nd Fulc rum (F):

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

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Which type of lever has a mec hanical advantage always more tha n one? Give one

example. What change can be made in this lever to inc rease it mecha nica l advanta ge? Ans. In a lever of the second Class, we always have effort arm > Load arm and hence the

mechanical advantage in this case must always be greater than 1.______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Q.4. Draw diagrams to illustrate the positions of fulc rum, loa d a nd effort, in each of the following: i) A seesaw ii) A common balance iii) A nut cracker iv) Forceps.

(1)Class I Levers Features of C lass One Lever Fulcrum is in between load and effort By adjusting the position of fulcrum towards load the mechanical advantage of the class one lever can be increased Examples: pair of scissors, See Saw, Crowbar ,Water pump, Pliers, Claw hammer


Give two examples of class I lever. __________________________________________________________________________


_________________________________________________________________________ ______ ________________________________________________ Q.2. Class I lever is that in whic h: i) fulcrum is between the load and effort ii) load is between the fulcrum and effort iii) effort is between the load and fulcrum iv) Fulcrum, load and effort are at one point. Ans. Fulcrum is between the load and effort

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Give one example each of a Class I lever whe re mecha nica l a dvantage is (a) more tha n

one, and (b) less than one. Ans. __________________________________________________________________________

____________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Q.4. Give an example of a c lass I lever whic h has mecha nica l advantage equal to 1. How can

the mechanical advantage of this lever be made greater tha n one? Ans. __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________


A pair of sc issor and a pair of plie rs both be long to the same c lass of levers. Na me the Class I, Scissors

class of lever. Which one has the M.A. less than 1? Ans.


Explain why sc issors for cutting c loth may have bla des longer tha n the handles, but Shears, used for cutting the thin metal sheets, have much longer handles as compared to its

shears for c utting metals have short blades and long ha ndles. Ans.

blades. Hence, In a shear, the effort arm is longer than the load arm, the mechanical advantage and the velocity ratio of the lever are greater than 1. Such a lever serves as a force multiplier, i.e., it enables us to overcome a large resistive force (load) by a small effort. However, In a scissor , effort arm is shorter than the load arm, its mechanical advantage and velocity ratio both are less than .Such levers are used to obtain gain in speed because the velocity ratio less than 1 implies i.e., the displacement of load is more as compared to the displacement of effort. The scissors is used to work on loads (cloth, paper, etc) with high speed.


Draw a labelle d diagram of a C lass I lever. Give one example of such a lever.


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(2)Class II Levers Characteristics of Class Two Lever Load is in betwee n e ffort and fulcrum Mechanical advantage is always greater than one, because effort arm is always greater than load arm. Examples: Nut cracker, Wheelbarrow, Bottle opener, Lemon squeezer


Give two examples of class II lever. __________________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Q.2. Explain why the M.A. of a C lass II type of lever is always more tha n one. __________________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Q.3. Draw a labelle d diagram of a C lass II lever. Give one example of suc h a lever. Ans.

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(3)Class III Levers Characteristics of Class Three Lever Effort is between fulcrum a nd loa d Mechanical advantage is always less than one because effort arm is always smaller than loa d arm Examples: Fire tongs, Forceps, Forearm, Fishing rod


Give two examples of class III lever. _________________________________________________________________ _________


_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Q.2. Explain why the M.A. of the class III type of lever is always less than one. By principle of Machines, Effort Effort ARM = load Load ARM


In class-III levers effort E is in between the fulcrum F and Load L In this case, Effort ARM < Load ARM, <1 M. A = M. A < 1 Q.3. Class III levers have mechanical advantage less tha n one. Why are they then use d? With Class III type of levers we do not get gain in force, but we get gain in speed i.e., a


larger displacement of load is obtained by a smaller displacement of effort. For example, the blade of a knife moves longer by a small displacement of its handle.


Draw a labelle d sketch of a Class III lever.

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The lever for whic h the mechanica l a dvantage is less than one has: i) fulcrum at midpoint between load and effort ii) load between effort and fulcrum iii) effort between fulcrum and load iv) Load and effort acting at the same point.


Effort between fulcrum and load.


Levers in human body

M-effort F-Fulcrum R-Load Q.1. Give example of each class of lever in a human body. Ans. i) Class 1: In the action of nodding of the head, the spine acts as the fulcrum, load is at its front part, while effort is at its rear part. Thus this is an example of Class I lever. ii) Class2: The fulcrum is at toes at one end, the load (i.e., weight of the body) is in the middle and effort by muscles at other end. Thus this is an example of Class II lever. iii) Class 3: The elbow joint acts as fulcrum at one end, biceps exerts the effort in the middle and a load on the palm is at other end. Thus this is an example of Class III lever.

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C. Inclined plane
Inclined Plane

i. Q.1.

De finition

What is an inc lined plane? Give two examples whe re it is used to raise a heavy load with An Inclined plane or a ramp is one of the basic machines. It reduces the force necessary to

less effort. Ans.

move a load a certain distance up by providing a path for the load to move at a low angle to the ground. This lessens the needed force but increases the distance involved, so that the amount of work stays the same. Examples are ramps, sloping roads, chise ls, hatchets, a nd we dges.


The force needed to push a load up an incline d pla ne is less tha n the force needed to lift it

directly. Give a reason. Ans. __________________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

ii. Mechanical Advantage


Write an expression for the mecha nica l advanta ge of a n inclined plane in te rms of its __________________________________________________________________________

length / and ve rtical height h. Ans.

_______________________________________________________________________________ Q.2. Steepe r the inc lined plane more is the e ffort nee ded to push a load up the pla ne. Explain it.

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Pulley A pulley is a flat circular disk, having a grooved rim and capable of revolving around a fixed point passing through its centre. Q.1. The e fficiency of a pulley is always less tha n 100%. Why? __________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________


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ii. Single fixed pulley

Fixed Pulleys-Features Single fixed pulley is classified as a lever of class I The fulcrum is at the centre and the load arm and effort arm have the same length It is used to change the direction of force Q.1. What is a fixed pulley? __________________________________________________________________________



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Given one use of a single fixed pulley. _______________________________________________________________________ ___


__________________________________________________________ Q.3. In a single fixed pulley, if the effort moves by a dista nce x downwards, by what height is x the load raised? Ans.

(1)Mechanical advantage Q.4. What is the ideal mechanical advanta ge of a single fixe d pulley? __________________________________________________________________________ Ans.

__________________________________________________________ Q.5. There is no gain in mec hanical advantage in the case of a single fixe d pulley. Explain, why the pulley is then used? Ans. The single fixed pulley inverts the direction of the force. An upward force on the load is

changed to a downward pull. This is very convenient to lift load. So it is used very often. (2)Velocity ratio Q.1. In a single fixed pulley, why is the velocity ratio always more than the mecha nica l __________________________________________________________________________ advantage? Ans. __________________________________________________________

(3)Efficie ncy Q.1. What is the e fficie ncy of the single fixed pulley? Ans. __________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

iii. Single movable pulley

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Features-Single Movable Pulley system

It consists of two pulleys A and B The pulley A is fixed The pulley B is movable The pulley A helps in changing the direction of effort applied Q.1. What is a single movable pulley? What is its mechan ical advantage in the idea l case? __________________________________________________________________________


_______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________ ________________________________ Q.2. Name the type of single pulley that can act as a force multiplie r. Dra w a labe lle d diagram of the pulley mentioned by you. Ans. Q.3. Single moveable pulley

Give two reasons why the effic iency of a single movable pulley system is not 100%. __________________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________ Q.4. In whic h direction the force need be applied, when a single pulley is used with a mechanical advantage greate r than one? Ans. Q.5. __________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ Show how a single pulley can be used to reduce the effort required to overcome a given

load. Draw a diagram of the system. Why is it gene rally more convenient to use two pulley s for this? Ans. __________________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ Q.6. In a single movable pulley, if the effort moves by a distance x upwards, by what height is the load raised? Ans.

(1)Mechanical advantage Q.1. What is the mechanical advantage of a single moveable pulley? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Ans.

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(2)Velocity ratio Q.2. What is the veloc ity ratio of a single moveable pulley? __________________________________________________________________________ Ans.


(3)Efficie ncy Q.3. What is the e fficie ncy of a single moveable pulley? __________________________________________________________________________ Ans.


iv. Combination of bloc k and tac kle pulleys


What is a block and tac kle system of pulleys? __________________________________________________________________________

Ans. Q.5.

__________________________________________________________ Draw a diagram of a bloc k and tac kle system of pulleys having a velocity ratio of 5. In your diagram indicate clearly the points of application a nd the direction of the load and effort. Also mark the te nsion in each stra nd.



______________________________________ ____________________

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In case of a bloc k and tac kle arrangement, the mechanical advantage increases with the

inc rease in the number of pulleys .Explain. Ans. Q.7. __________________________________________________________________________

______________________________ ____________________________ The lower bloc k of a bloc k and tac kle pulley system must be of ne gligible weight. Why? __________________________________________________________________________ Ans.

__________________________________________________________ Q.8. In a bloc k and tackle system consisting of 3 pulleys, a load of 75 kgf is raised with a n

effort of 25 kgf. Find the mec hanical advantage, velocity ratio a nd effic iency. Ans. Q.9. Ans. 3, 3, 100% A bloc k and tackle system has 5 pulleys. If an effort of 1000 N is nee ded to raise a load of

4500 N, calc ulate : i) mechanical advantage, ii) velocity ratio, and iii) Efficiency of the system. Ans. i) 4.5 ii) 5 iii) 90% Q.10. In the diagram, draw a tackle to lift a load by applying the force in a convenient direction. Mark the position of load and effort.

i) If the load is raised by 1 m, through what distance will the effort move? ii) State how many strands of tackle are supporting the load? iii) What is the mechanical advantage of the system? Ans. i) ii) iii)

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v. Numericals
TY PE 1 PROB. 1. A resistance of 1500 N is overcome by a machine of V.R 6 and efficiency 80%. Find i) Mechanical advantage ii) Effort required to overcome resistance. (2mks) Ans. i) = , 6=4.8

M.A.= V.R. = ii) PROB. 2.

. The diagram below shows a lever in use.

i) To which class of lever does it belong? ii) If AB = 1 m, AF = 0.4 m, find its mechanical advantage. iii) Calculate the value of E. Ans. i) Class I ii) 1.5 iii) 10

PROB. 1.

The crowbar is a type of lever as shown below:

A crowbar of length 150 cm has its fulcrum at a distance of 25 cm from the load. Calculate the mechanical advantages of this crowbar. PROB. 2. m/s2 . PROB. 3. A crowbar of length 120 cm has its fulcrum situated at a distance of 20 cm from the load. A cook uses a 'fire tong' of length 28 cm to lift a piece of burning coal of mass 250 g. If he

applies his effort at a distance of 7 cm from the fulcrum, what is the effort in S.I. unit? Take g = 10

Calculate the mechanical advantage of the crowbar. Ans. PROB. 4. 5 A 4 m long rod of negligible weight is to be balanced about a point 125 cm from one end. A

load of 18 kgf is suspended at a point 60 c m from the support on the shorter arm. i) A weight W is placed 250 cm from the support on the longer arm. Find W. ii) If W = 5 kgf, where must it be kept to balance the rod? iii) To which class of lever does it belong? Ans.

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i) 4.32 kgf ii) 2.16 m from support on longer arm iii) Class I. PROB. 5. PROB. 6. A pair of scissors has its blades 15 c m long, while its handles are 7.5 cm long. What is its Ans. 0.5 A force of 5 kgf is required to cut a metal sheet. A shears used for cutting the metal sheet mechanical advantage?

has its blades 5 c m long, while its handle is 10 c m long. What effort is needed to cut the sheet? Ans. 2.5 PROB. 7. A boy has to lift a load of mass 50 kg to a height of 1m. What effort is required if he lifts it

directly? Take g = 10 N kg

. But he can exert a maximu m effort of 250 N, so he uses an inclined plane

to lift the load up. What should be the minimum length of the plank used by him? PROB. 8. A coolie uses a sloping wooden plank of length 2.0 m to push up a drum of mass 100 kg into

the truck at a height 1.0 i) What is the mechanical advantage of the sloping plank? ii) How much effort is needed to push the drum up into the truck? iii) What assumption have you made in arriving at the answer in part (ii) above? i. Ans. (i) 2 (ii) 50

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PROB. 1.

The diagram alongside shows a system of 5 pulleys.

i) Copy the diagram and complete it by drawing a string around the pulleys. Mark the position of load and effort. ii) If the load is raised by 1 m, through what distance will the effort move?

Ans. i) The complete diagram of a string around the pulleys is show n as follows with the marked positions of effort and load. ii) Let the distance moved by the effort = D Distance moved by the load = d = 1 m (given) Let the load = W and the effort applied = E By the principle of machines Therefore,


=5 d = 5 x 1 m

Hence D = D = 5 m

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PROB. 2.

DIAGRAM below gives an arrangement of single moving pulleys. forces exerted by the four strings marked (1) to (4).

i) If the effort applied at the free end of the string is E, show the direction and magnitude of the

ii) what is the load which can be lifted by the effort ? iii) calculate the mechanical advantage of the system of pulleys.



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ii) Suppose the load lifted = L But effort applied = E Let the effort Arm = Then the load Arm = Now, by the principle of machine Load load Arm = Effort Effort Arm i.e Therefore , L = 4E iii) M.A is defined as the ratio of the load lifted by the machine to the effort machine i.e M.A = Hence, M.A = 4 =4 applied on the (given)

PROB. 1.

The diagram below shows a pulley arrangement. In the diagram, mark the direction of the

force due to tension, acting on the pulley A

i) What is the purpose of the pulley B? ii) If the tension is T Newton, deduce the relation between T and E. iii) Calculate the Velocity ratio of the arrangement. iv) Assuming that the efficiency of the system is 100%, w hat is the mechanical v) Calculate the value of E. PROB. 2. A pulley system has a velocity ratio 3 and an efficiency of 80%. Draw a labelled diagram of advantage?

this pulley system. Calculate the mechanical advantage of the system and the value of the effort required to raise a load of 300 N. PROB. 3. In a system of four pulleys, the lower two pulleys are movable and the upper two are fixed. applied. ii) What is the velocity ratio of the system? iii) What is the mechanical advantage of the system? iv) What assumption do you make in arriving at your answer in part (iii)? PROB. 4. i) A block and tackle system has 5 pulleys. If an effort of 1000 N is needed to raise a load of mechanical advantage

i) Draw a string around the pulleys. Also show the place and direction in w hich the effort is

4500 N, calculate: ii) velocity ratio, and

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iii) efficiency of the system. PROB. 5. Draw a diagram of block and tackle system of pulleys having a velocity ratio of 5. In your

diagram indicate clearly the points of application and the direction of the tension in each strand.

E. Mind maps/diagrams/tables/charts

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Objective Questions Q.1. What is the relationship between the mechanical advantage and the velocity ratio for i) an ideal machine, ii) a practical machine. Ans. i) M.A. = V.R. ii) Q.2. M.A. < V.R. Mechanical advantage (M.A.), load (L) and effort (E) are related as: i) M.A. = L E ii) M.A. E = L iii) = M.A. L iv) None of these. Ans. Q.3. M.A. E = L The correct relationship between the velocity ratio (V.R.), distance moved by load and distance

moved by effort is:

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The correct relationship between the mechanical advantage (M.A.), the velocity ratio (V.R.)

and the efficiency ( ) is: i) M.A. = V.R. ii) V.R. = M.A. iii) = M.A. V.R. iv) None of these Ans. Q.4. M.A. = V.R. For an ideal machine, the ratio of mechanical advantage (M.A.) to the velocity ratio (V.R.) is: i) greater than one ii) less than one iii) equal to one iv) Depends on the value of load. Ans. Q.5. equal to one Which of the following statements is not true for a machine: i) It always has efficiency less than 100%. ii) Mechanical advantage can be less than one. iii) It can also be used as a speed multiplier. iv) It can have a mechanical advantage greater than the velocit y ratio. Ans. Q.6. It can have mechanical advantage greater than the velocity ratio To which class of levers do the following belong? i) Wheel barrow ii) Nut cracker iii) Crowbar iv) Fishing rod v) Forearm vi) Fire tongs vii) viii) Physical balance Seesaw

ix) Row ing oar of a boat x) Forceps xi) Opening a door xii) xiii) xiv) Opening a box Motor car foot-brake Knife.


What are the parts of a lever?

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i) effort, fulcrum, load ii) fulcrum, force, load iii) resistance, effort, fulcrum iv) all of the above Q.8. Which of the following are all simple machines? i) ii) iii) iv) Q.9. lever, wedge, inclined plane wheel and axle, screw, wedge pulley, wedge, inclined plane all of the above

An axe is an example of what simple machine? i) ii) iii) iv) inclined plane pulley wedge (correct answer) screw

Q.10. A door is an example of what simple machine? i) ii) iii) iv) inclined plane wedge screw lever (correct answer)

Q.11. A flagpole is an example of what simple machine? i) ii) iii) iv) screw pulley (correct answer) inclined plane lever

Q.12. When using an inclined plane. The work is easier. Simple machines only make work easier and do not do less work. How do inclined planes make up this difference? i) move an object over a longer distance (correct answer) ii) move an object over a shorter distance iii) there is no difference

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Q.13. When do you need less force using a lever? i) ii) iii) iv) when the fulcrum and effort are close together when the fulcrum and force are close together when the load and fulcrum are close together (correct answer) the distance does not make a difference

Q.14. The ramps at the astrodome represent what simple machine? i) ii) iii) iv) pulley inclined plane (correct answer) wheel and axle lever

Q.15. What are the two (2) kinds of pulleys? i) ii) iii) iv) moveable and non- moveable fixed and non- moveable moveable and fixed (correct answer) fixed and hooked

Q.16. A ramp is an example of this type of simple mac hine i) inclined plane ii) pulley iii) lever iv) wedge Q.17. This makes raising a flag up a flagpole much easier i) inclined plane ii) pulley iii) lever iv) fulcrum Q.18. A scre w is actually one of these wra pped aroun d a post One answer only. i) inclined plane ii) pulley iii) lever iv) fulcrum Q.19. Two simple machines found in a pair of scissors i) ii) iii) iv) lever, wedge, sometimes wheel and axle pulley lever fulcrum

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Q.20. For greater efficiency of a block and tackle pulley system: i) the lower block should be of negligible ii) the upper and lower blocks should be of equal weights iii) the lower block should be heavier than the upper block iv) the weight of rope should be equal to the weight of pulleys. Ans. the lower block should be of negligible weight

Q.21. State true or false. i) The velocity ratio of a single movable pulley is always 2. ii) The velocity ratio of a single fixed pulley is always more than 1. iii) The velocity ratio of a block and tackle system is always equal to the number of tackle supporting the load . Ans. i) T ii) F iii) T strands of the

Q.22. State whether the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane is equal to 1, less than 1 or greater than 1? Ans. Greater than 1

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