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Human cloning

It is understood that using forms of genetic manipulations has great potential, if the usage is based on the idea that it will be used to improve agricultural production, medicine technology, and the like. To use cloning as a coping device for those who mourn loved ones, or simply cannot deal with nature's life and death process, however, is simply wrong. It is not only idealistically wrong, but ethically, morally, and even lawfully unjust. If cloning human beings becomes a reality, it will be the process that will slowly deteriorate the diversity of the world, and the ability for people to deal with negative occurrences in their life.

Ethically and politically cloning seems to be breaking all the rules, already. Supporters of cloning are pushing for a reform of any law or constitutional right, banning cloning, to be changed. Cloning is currently backing an ethical uproar around religious communities, due to its new explosion of advancements. Contemplations of a new race, and its laws, are already in the making.Despite the hoards of people who are anxiously gathering to ban it, scientists are continuing to push forward with experimentations.Some of them believe that no matter if a person, or group, likes cloning or not, they better learn to deal with it because it will not be stopped.It is hard to say whether or not the growing populations who are against cloning will be able to do anything to prevent it as a whole, or even partially.Regardless of how the U.S. chooses to deal with this issue, each country has their own plans and opinions.There are many variations on the new cloning policies, and the outcome of this new technology will be very interesting to see. A concern with cloning in general is that it may not only change the conditions of our human existence, but the essential characteristics as well). However, the concern is not only religously oriented, it holds true that when a child is man-made, consequently, it lacks that personal relationship gained through the pregnancy and birth. Many religious communities all around the world are outraged by the idea of cloning.It upsets them not only because man is trying to play God, but because of the amount of fetuses that must die in order for one to survive.There is also a problem with the diseases and disabilities clones will face such as agerelated problems.Religious activist also question the ability of a clone to have a soul.If the child is created, it will not have the heavenly gifts that are provided by God.Therefore, it will lack a soul and many good morals that normal humans have.

Every country has its own separate outlook and regulations on cloning.Some are strictly against it because they feel it completely deviates the moral and ideological standing of that particular country.Other countries are overlooking the ethical issues of cloning and only considering their ability to use it as a source for economic growth.As of February 2000 almost every industrialized country had already banned germline manipulation and cloning, except for the U.S. (Hayes par 38).This is because germline manipulation is seen as potentially dangerous and very questionable considering it's effects

will be permanent for a heredity line.

.Along side the American companies, are many multinational companies who are readily awaiting the opportunity to invest in cloning.By treating cloning as a stock, the multinational companies are enabling themselves to grow very powerful."Global pharmaceutical companies

The potential side affects of using techniques after being tested in this manner would be deformed children, cancerous infants and other incurable diseases, which are unimaginable (which is actually ironic considering man is cloning children to perfect God's work).Another unforgettable side effect is that other animals that have been cloned were found to be missing certain internal organs, or systems such as the immune system, which they cannot live without.This is why a major argument against this procedure should be that just because certain techniques have proven to apply on other species, it does not mean they will necessarily apply to humans. The after affects of cloning will result in a great change of appearance, morals, and attitude of the American society (and any other society who wishes to progress in this technology).First, and foremost, it is likely that cloning will form an outburst of discrimination, socially, politically, and economically."Employers and insurers who have genetic information about individuals [will be] able to discriminate based only on genetic factor" (Knoppers 42).This could cause a person to be illegible for further employment or insurance for the rest of their life. Because the technologies of cloning are advancing so quickly, new laws, bills, and court cases are beginning to appear daily. All applications of cloning are not necessarily bad.Scientist have found ways to genetically modify food which can produce healthier, and larger, fruits and vegetables.By doing so humans would not have to worry about crop shortage ever again.Another advantage is that nuclear transfer could be used to grow body parts commonly used for transplants.Cloning could also serve as a research method for scientist to learn more about the reproductive system and patterns of growth cycles (Harley par 8).Finally, cloning could help expand the population of any species that is endangered.As long as scientist are not trying to build people just for the sake of being able to do it, cloning will be more widely accepted.To genetically alter and create people, however, is ethically, morally, and lawfully wrong, and often will not be accepted or allowed.

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