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Atividade de Lngua Inglesa - Valor: 2,0


Se queremos progredir, no devemos repetir a histria, mas fazer uma histria nova. Gandhi

Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes de nmeros 01 a 04. The Amazon basin is the part of South America drained by the Amazon River and its tributaries. It is located mainly in Brazil, but also stretches into Peru and several other countries. The South American rain forest of the Amazon is the largest in the world, covering about 8,235,430 km2 with dense tropical forest. The Amazon basin has been continuously inhabited for more than 12,000 years, since the first proven arrivals of people in South America. By the 16th century the population was scattered in hundreds of small tribes. Upon the discovery of the Americas, the Portuguese and the Spanish signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, which divided the continents in two, but in 1750 the Treaty of Madrid certified the transfer of most of the Amazon basin to the Portuguese side, greatly contributing to the continental size of what is now Brazil. Intense deforestation began in the second half of the 20th century, with population growth and development plans such as the failed Brazilian Trans-Amazonian Highway. In the late1980s the Brazilian Chico Mendes, who lived in Acre, became internationally famous for his passionate defense of the fore stand its people, especially after he was shot to death by farmers whose interest he harmed. (www.en.wikipedia.org. Adaptado.) 1. Segundo o texto, a bacia amaznica (0,12) (A) foi concedida a Portugal no Tratado de Tordesilhas. (B) a maior do mundo devido sua floresta tropical. (C) foi descoberta e passou a ser habitada no sculo XVI. (D) estende-se por diversos pases, incluindo o Brasil. (E) progrediu no sculo XX, devido construo da Transamaznica. 2. O possessivo it, que aparece na primeira frase do texto na expresso its tributaries, refere-se a (0,12) (A) South America. (B) Amazon River. (C) rain forest. (D) Brazil. (E) Amazon basin. 3. A palavra most, em certified the transfer of most of the Amazon basin to the Portuguese side (no segundo pargrafo), poderia ser corretamente substituda por: (0,12) (A) any part. (B) the large part. (C) some part. (D) the longest part. (E) the greatest part. 4. De acordo com o texto, Chico Mendes (0,12) (A) contribuiu para os problemas da Rodovia Transamaznica.

Atividade de Lngua Inglesa - 2 ano - Profa. Martina Emille

(B) promoveu o desflorestamento na dcada de 80 do sculo XX. (C) foi assassinado por se opor aos interesses de fazendeiros da Amaznia. (D) ficou famoso por viver no Acre, mas se interessar pela Amaznia como um todo. (E) foi esfaqueado por ordem de um grupo de fazendeiros

5. "Is it still raining there?" Yes, it _______ here __________ ten days. (0,12) (A) is raining / since (B) has been rained / since (C) has being raining / for (D) has been raining / for (E) has raining / for 6. _________ the young boys this month? (0,12) (A) Did you see (B) Has you seen (C) Had you seen (D) Do you see (E) Have you seen

7. Complete as frases abaixo com Present perfect: (0,8) a) (work) I _______________________________________________________ a lot. b) (sign) You _______________________________________________________ the reports. c) (mail) He _______________________________________________________ the goods. d) (cook) She ____________________________________________________ a delicious meal. e) (rain) It _______________________________________________________ a lot. f) (finish) We_______________________________________________________ the exercises. g) (arrest) They ______________________________________________________ the criminal. h) (study) My ____________________________________________________ friend Japanese. 8. But what has been so frustrating about the market reactions in recent months is that despite the surging economy, inflation has not been rising. It has remained flat, at around 3 percent, and yet Wall Street, certain that the shadow it sees is the ghost of higher inflation come to haunt the trading floors, has been clamoring to the Federal Reserve for higher rates.
The New York Times Magazine. May 22, 1994.

O que determinou a utilizao do Present Perfect Tense no pargrafo acima foi: (0,12) a) o estilo do autor. b) a referncia a um tempo passado no explicitado no texto. c) a referncia a acontecimentos e/ou sentimentos desencadeados no passado e que continuam no presente. d) a atribuio de maior nfase ao que se pretende dizer. e) a referncia a sentimentos e/ou acontecimentos que ocorrem no presente. 9. Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase: I _________ a new car. (0,12)

Atividade de Lngua Inglesa - 2 ano - Profa. Martina Emille

a) bought b) did buy c) have bought d) buy e) had bought 10. Marque a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase: They ______________ here for 10 years. (0,12) a) work b) working c) has worked d) have worked e) have work 11.

In "... BECAUSE there weren't any malls, SO everyone was depressed", the ideas expressed by the capital words are respectively: (0,12) a) comparison result b) reason addition c) contrast result d) consequence condition e) reason consequence


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