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Electrolyte The electrically conductive salt solution is the electrolyte.

You must make sure that the type of electrolyte you use is that of thesame metal to be etched. Previous experiments in electro-etching used a solution of sodium chloride (common salt), and for thisreason they did not have much success.So remember: you must use a metal salt that matches the metal to be etched: COPPER SULFATE (Cu SO4) for COPPER plates ZINC SULFATE (Zn SO4) for ZINC plates FERROUS SULFATE (Fe SO4) for IRON and STEEL plates CLORETO DE SODIO (NaCl)

These sulfates can be obtained from suppliers of industrial chemicals. I recommend using pure sulfate, free of any impurities thatcan cause unknown waste and undesirable consequences in disposal (see ETCH ZINC, STEEL, ALUMINUM for more informationabout copper sulfate use and safe disposal). If you buy sulfate in garden stores, be very careful that it has not been mixed withother products such as fungicides etc., as the resulting electrolyte may not work.Because the electrolyte solutions are not exhausted with successive bites, and therefore they do not have to be continually renew, Iwould advise using maximum purity sulfates.

The concentration of metal ions in the electrolytic solution will set up the current flow and, consequently, the amount of metal that will be dissolved from the plate you are etching. Low concentrations do slower work but effective etching. Saturated concentrations are faster but require a power supply with more amperage. A high concentration joined with a high voltage can stimulate the generation of oxygen at the anode, forming - if the plate is copper - a thin but solid oxide layer, which is not dangerous but can cause etching to stop as the copper oxide is not electrically conductive. If this happens you must dilute the electrolyte. If the plate is zinc, and the electrolytic solution is fairly concentrated, and used with a high voltage, the solution will slowly begin to change. As the zinc hydroxide is very alkaline it will increase the pH of the solution and thicken it. The earliest attempts at anodic etching were geared to these facts, and it necessitated the use of acids to neutralize the effects. There were etchers who added a small amount of sulfuric acid (0.03% / liter of solution) to their copper sulfate solution to prevent disagreeable oxidations something which works on copper plates; but it is not recommended that sulfuric acid be added to zinc sulfate solutions since the current flow will produce a large quantity of gases. Copper sulfate and zinc sulfate are salts which are usually supplied in the form of crystals, or sometimes crushed into coarse grains. When handling these crystals or powders, you should avoid breathing in the dust or allowing the material to come into direct contact with the skin. Protect yourself with a dust mask and rubber gloves while they are solid salts. Once the salts are diluted in water there is no danger of breathing in the solutions. The solutions are safe because, as explained above, they do not emit harmful gases. However, you should avoid letting the electrolyte solutions touch the skin, and be careful when you are immersing or taking plates out of tanks so as not to cause splashing into the eyes. Use goggles to be extra safe. (See more about Precaution and Safety below.) Electrolytic solutions should be made with neutral pH water, thus the chemistry of the electrolyte will be more balanced. Remember, you must use a wooden stick to dilute the salts in water, never metal. Before you fill the tank, prepare the electrolyte in advance, in a plastic container - you can filter it if necessary. Add one part sulfate salts to the water. Stir gently. Let the mixture stand a few minutes, then add more sulfde. Stir until the crystals are completely diluted. A concentration is measured as the amount of salt per liter of water.

The temperature of the solution is very important. The electrolytic bath should be kept at BELOW 32'C to prevent the electrolyte penetrate between the metal and resist.

Electrolyte solutions that are not being used can be leh in the vertical tank. Cover the tank to avoid the solution getting contaminated or evaporated in warm weather. H you are using small quantities, the solutions can be dored in Plastic bottles whh caos with an information label indicatina the concentration of sulfates date etc.

I have worked with several electrolytic concentrations (amount of salt per liter of water), each of them has given me slightly differentnuances. I recommend you start experimenting with a low concentration in the solution. Later, if you have sufficient amperage ofpower supply, you can increase concentration and continue practicing and researching. Electrolyte to etch COPPER plates: (Azul)

CuSO4 + H2O --> CuSO4 + H2O ---> Cu(OH)2 + H2SO4 deplacement reaction CuSO4 + 5*H2O --> CuSO4.5H2O =Copper (II) Sulfate Penthydrate
Concentration Weak: 160g COPPER SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER Medium: 200g COPPER SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER Strong: 250g COPPER SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER Electrolyte to etch ZINC plates: (Incolor) Concentration Weak: 160g ZINC SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER Medium: 300g ZINC SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER Strong: 500g ZINC SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER Electrolyte to etch STEEL plates: (verde) Concentration Medium: 200g FERROUS SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER Strong: 250g FERROUS SULFATE to 1 liter of WATER

gravura electro
Cobre + gua salgada e eletricidade. = O subproduto o cloreto de cobre Cu + H2O + NaCl = Ao + gua salgada e eletricidade. = Fe + H2O + NaCl = alumnio + gua salgada e eletricidade. = F + H2O + NaCl = titnio + gua salgada e eletricidade. =


produz indiretamente cido clordrico (HCl) por eletrlise de sua soluo aquosa

(processo cloro-lcali). NaCl + H2O = Na+ + ClO sal se dissocia, s isso. No h uma reao, em si.

Formam-se ons de sdio e de cloro, e a soluo torna-se eletroltica (ou seja, permite a passagem de corrente eltrica). Isso no reage no.Voc pode somente expor a uma corrente eltrica que ir separar os ons. soluo de sal. S isso. Sal na gua. Ref. http://pt.scribd.com/doc/38620890/Electro-Etching-Made-Easy

uma reao redox. Fe -> Fe (3 +) + (3e-) 3 (NaCl -> Na (+) + (Cl-)) 3 (Na (+) + (e-) -> Na) Fe + 3NaCl -> 3Na + FeCl3 E Na extremamente reativo, reagindo, mesmo com gua para produzir hidrxido de sdio e oxignio para formar xido de sdio, por isso este como o sal faz o seu ferrugem carro sem deixar para trs sdio metlico.

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