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Morality Exam Review

Definition of Morality The set of values and principles that guide someones choices about what kind of person he or she is becoming. Good behavior and attitudes. All the values and principles that shape who a person is becoming. Stages of Life moral development: The Morality of Childhood: Children obey their parents because they fear punishment, or because they want to please the ones they depend on for love and support. Do what your parents tell you to do so that they will be pleased with you. Children are not yet capable of making independent decisions about right and wrong. Rules and laws are outside themselves; theyre someone elses rules for living, and just follow along them. The Morality of Adolescence: As young people attempt to move from parent pleasing behavior and external rules to making choices that come from within themselves, they find an array of peer values to choose from. Many of them are reinforced by the mass media. To be well liked, teenagers may uncritically adopt the values of a peer group. This offers security and a sense of being somebody. Define themselves exclusively through belonging to a peer group and being accepted by their peers. The Morality of Adulthood: Unlike the morality of childhood, mature adults morality requires judgment based on values that agree within he person, not imposed from without. Values are often those that they grew up with. However, now these values are taken as their own. Persons have made the values and principles a part of themselves. What kind of person am I becoming? What kind of person do I want to become? Plant an act, reap a habit Plant a habit, reap a virtue or vice Plant a virtue or vice, reap a character Plant a character, reap a destiny. Definition of Good Morally good actions are those that are in harmony with being a fully human person. Youre good when you act in a way that is truly human; in your relationships with yourself, with other persons, with the earth, and with God. Values promoted in our society: 1. Materialism 2. Quick Fix 3. Violence 4. Maturity is a process of realizing that I make mistakes, and that I need to listen to be corrected. Why is healthy self esteem crucial to moral development? If we feel at peace with who we are and not tied up with anxieties about how we are coming across to others, we will be freer to make decisions based on our own values and the needs of the situation, not on our fears and insecurities.

Jesus: Model of full humanness and living a morally good life. Great Commandment: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and will all your mind, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Lesson of the Creation Story: It tells us who we are, that we are made in the image of God, and that we are made with freedom, power, and responsibility. Sin: missing the mark; hardness of heart Original: Inherited sin. It is part of the human condition: we experience ourselves as estranged from one another and from who we really are through feelings of powerlessness, brokenness, and insecurity. Basically, its the sin were born with. Personal: When individuals knowingly and willingly do something that hurts their relationship with God, self, neighbor, or nature. Omission: Neglecting to do something, such as helping a homeless guy who someone ran over. Commission: Doing an act of wrong, such as running over a homeless guy.

As humans, we have the freedom to choose As humans, we have the power to act Therefore, we bear the responsibility for our actions. Moral Virtue: HONESTY. Pull this out of your ass. Sources of support on our moral journey 1. Relationship with God 2. Network of relationships (friends, church, etc.) 3. Basic moral principles/civil laws (do good, avoid evil) 4. Teachings of Jesus, Scriptures, and Church Magisterium All the religious leaders, the official teaching choice of the Church. USCCB Purpose; United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letters Papal Encyclicals Statements of Vatican Commissions Catechism: A judgment of reason by which the human person recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act. Documents of Vatican II

Unitive/Procreative dimensions of human sexuality: Sex should be both unitive and procreative. If it is not both, then it is not ok in the eyes of the church. LISTEN Process:

L Listen For The Facts: Figure out what the real situation is. I Imagine Possibilities: Consider consequences, creative approaches, options. S Seek Insight Beyond Your Own: Look for help from family, religion, wise persons, and moral

T Turn Inward: Examine your own feelings, insights from experience, motives, and values. E Expect Gods Help: Believe that God is present in your life, especially in your honest attempt to
seek the truth.

N Name Your Decision: Even if it is simply to say you are postponing a decision, say so.

Conscience: Lax Conscience When a person habitually sins in a certain way, actions that once seemed wrong begin to seem less wrong, or not wrong at all. Example: The lax bro who crushes Nattys while telling his bitch to make him a sandwich.

Misinformed Conscience When someone, through no fault of their own, is given information or assumptions about right and wrong and are mistaken. Example: When slavery was deemed alright, the children who were taught that had a misinformed conscience. Think Huck Finn. Legalistic Conscience When someone is so caught up in obeying rules that they cant see the real needs of a situation. Example: Theres a person dying on the side of the road, so you pull over to save them. But then you notice the No Parking sign, and drive away. You wouldnt want to break the law. Virtue for Human Life means the ability to hold human life as sacred and to treat it as a gift from god. Consistent ethic of life life is sacred from womb to tomb The Gospel of Life: John Paul II Only the respect for life can be the foundation and guarantee of the omst precious and essential good of society such as democracy and peace. What is the dilemma of technology? example? How we control and limit. (Too far! Too advanced! Playing god) ; just because we can, should we? Churchs view on beginning of life issues: It involves playing god, and is not okay. However, doing things for the good of the child or the mother is alright, as long as it doesnt go against the Church

Churchs view on end of life issues. Life should be painless at all costs; killing yourself is not okay, but if the pros outweigh the cons, and all life (biological, mental, spiritual) has ended, then its alright. What does the church say about using proportionate treatment in illness? By all means, ease the pain! Just dont abuse your treatment. The Seamless Garment There is no beginning, middle or end. There is a consistent ethic of life life is always sacred. Churchs view on between lifes edges issues: Killing others is not okay unless war has a purpose, and does more good than evil. Bioethical Issues: Ethics at the Edge of Life: 7 Key Principles 1. Sanctity of Human Life 2. Stewardship 3. Totality 4. Direct/Indirect 5. Creative Tension 6. Suffering 7. Cooperation Advanced Directives: Living will, proxy document, and combo. These directives are things that should be done (or people to be contacted/questioned) when the patient cannot make decisions for themselves. Informed Consent obligation to give patient full information to make in informed decision, with pros/cons, outcomes, diseases, etc. Benefits and Burdens of a treatment decision do the benefits outweigh the burdens? Will it save my life? How long? Cost? Pain/suffering? Stay in hospital? Work? Home? Disabilities? Is it worth it? Yes do it, No dont.

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