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My intent here is not to antagonize Pro-RH people, but to enlighten- Open your minds to the real truth Wide

use of contraceptives leads to the destruction of families, and other great social evils. Will the greater availability of contraception improve the conditions of families? Wide contraceptive use leads to more premarital sex, more fatherless children, more single mothers, more poverty, more abortions; and also a decline of marriage, less domesticated men, more crimes, more social pathology and poverty, according to the studies of Nobel prize winner, George Akerlof.
Many other studies reached the same conclusion.

The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that the Philippines is overpopulated. I agree. I, myself, have observed that the Philippine is NOT overpopulated. In fact, if you use your common sense and think about it, you will realize a few things: 1. We are not overpopulated! Look at the mountains, the jungles, the caves and the ocean floor. There are no people there! 2. If we were really overpopulated, we would have trouble travelling. But if you go to EDSA, theres no traffic. When you ride the MRT, its not packed with people. 3. Students in public schools are well educated because the teacher to student ratio is very low. In fact, because of our low population the government can basically guarantee that all public school students are provided books, notebooks and other school supplies.

The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that contraceptives are good for mankind and women. 1. I agree, the RH Bill is not good for women because it might draw a woman away from her one, true, universal purpose the uninterrupted production of healthy babies. 2. Furthermore, the role of women in society and the universe is to make babies. Thats why God made women. Thats their sole purpose in life. Theyre not good for anything else. Ever wonder why there are no women in the clergy? Because theyre not good enough.

3. Contraceptives would allow women to enjoy the benefits of physical intimacy while maintaining a successful and productive career, if she so chooses. That is so wrong. Only men should be able to enjoy that privilege. 4. Women should get pregnant every single time they have sex and only immoral women enjoy sex without the possibility of conception. In fact, a better alternative would be for women, in general, to follow the example made by Mother Mary to learn how to conceive without having sex.

The RH bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction! 1. I agree. If we pass the RH bill, we will become extinct, like dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are all dead. If we dont want to be extinct, we should not pass the RH Bill. I mean, do you really want to be a dinosaur? 2. In my opinion, it wouldnt even be far-fetched to speculate that the most probable reason the dinosaurs became extinct was because they used contraceptives. 3. Population decline is just bad for nations. Just look at the countries which have a declining population Italy, Japan and Singapore. Theyre in such a bad shape. The Philippines obviously has a better economy and has a higher literacy rate than these countries. In fact, many Italians, Japanese, and Singaporeans go to the Philippines for work. That only goes to show that a decline in population is bad for the economy.

Our population is our biggest asset! 1. In my opinion, people should make as many babies as they can because the population is not a problem. In fact, the more babies a person has, the more assets he has. Forget real estate properties, stock investments, or Jollibee franchises. The real secret to increased wealth is babies. 2. If you have 15 babies, youre practically wealthy because babies are assets: 2.1 If you need money, you can sell them. 2.2 If you can keep them alive until they can walk, they can one day beg for money in the streets theyre going to have to anyway because theres no way in hell youll be able to provide for all of them on your own.

3. If ever a person is not able to feed the 15 babies he made, its the governments fault, because its the governments sole responsibility to make sure that every Filipino baby is fed. 4. The best way a person can contribute to his country is to contribute to its population.

The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that reproductive education and contraceptives will effectively reduce cases of abortion. 1. Reproductive/contraceptive education will have no effect on the number of abortion cases. In my opinion, these abortion cases will not lessen because women will continue to have abortions regardless of whether they are pregnant or not. 2. Abortions cannot be prevented. Its just something that women naturally do. Like shopping, for example.

The RH Bill is wrong because it will make people participate in extra-marital and pre-marital sex. 1. By approving the RH Bill, we as a nation, are practically encouraging our people to engage in immoral activities. 2. We must protect our moral values and reject the RH Bill. Because, currently, not a single Filipino engages in pre-marital sex or extra-marital sex. As soon as this bill is approved, Filipino people will run the streets naked and start a national orgy! 3. The root cause of extra-marital and pre-marital sex is ones exposure to contraceptives. There is just something in contraceptives that people find very arousing. 4. In Western countries, men lure strange women into bed by showing them condoms. 5. If we ban condoms, absolutely no one would engage in pre-marital or extra-marital sex.

The RH Bill is wrong because it assumes that parents dont teach their children about sex. 1. The truth is that parents talk to their children about sex all the time. Its so not awkward. The dad usually tells his children how he takes off all his clothes, does a sexy Tiger growl and makes sweet, sweet music with their mothers body.

2. Also, a father usually advises his daughter that if shes going to have sex with her boyfriend, she should use a condom. Sometimes the father even drives the daughter to the boyfriends house and waits for the couple to finish. 3. Filipino daughters dont have sex without the fathers permission. Unwanted pregnancies or teen pregnancies never happen to Filipino girls. Thats why we do not need the RH Bill.

The RH Bill is a conspiracy. 1. Its lies, all lies!

The RH Bill is wrong because the priest said so, and priests are never wrong. The biggest reason why we should not pass the RH Bill is because the priests told us that we shouldnt. As anyone should know, priests, men of the clergy, should be the authority on sexual and reproductive matters because they have the most knowledge and experience with sex and reproduction. They are true sexperts legendary masters of erotic affairs. If you are a real Catholic, you would do everything they say, because theyre always right.
This bill will only create another ZTE-ish scandal of a miraculous government condom purchase in the future. If there's anything I'm against about the RH bill it is that it would only give license for more graft and corruption.

This is really dangerous thinking. A child is not just another mouth to feed. You said it yourself, poverty is caused by a lot of factors. If there is a direct link between poverty and population, then explain this: 1. Japan has almost 50% more people, and a higher population density, than the Philippines. Yet, their per capita income is more than 8 times than that of the Philippines. 2. The US has 3 times the population of the Philippines. Yet, their per capita income is more than 11 times than that of the Philippines. 3. China has a population of 1.3 billion, more than 13 times than that of the Philippines. Yet China is growing at a rate of 9-10% per annum in recent years and per capita income is almost 2 times than that of the Philippines. I think providing opportunities for people to support their families through education, capital, a level playing field is a better use of the government's time and effort, rather than try to control population. Free will? Freedom is not being able to do whatever you want. It's being able to do what is right.

You wouldn't be exercising your freedom when you choose to just follow your urges. That is what separates us from animals.
My point is simple. If people arguing for the RH Bill are saying the Philippines is poor because it is overpopulated, and therefore it should control population, then how come there are countries who have even larger populations than ours, but are better off than us? Isnt the conclusion therefore having a large population is not a hindrance to a countrys progress. Yun lang. So who is to say the Philippines is overpopulated, you? You are saying that we cant compare the US, Japan and China to us. Well, why not? Because they are developed way ahead of us? That is precisely my point my dear!!! Ano ba ginawa nila na hindi natin magawa at di tayo maka usad? Sabi mo nga, figure out what works and what doesnt. We should focus our efforts on that. If youre saying its because they allow the use of contraceptives and already know how to control their population, then I say hah ano!? E mas marami nga tao dun e. E ang Japan nga mas maliit sa atin then mas madami pa tao dun. So the point is, why waste time and effort on something that you would know will not work or isnt broke? As seen from US, Japan and China, population is not the problem. I would even go to say a nations people is its wealth. Its a source of labor and markets, hence US, Japan and China. The problem is how to generate income and wealth, and distributing it equitably. Yes its hard, it will probably take a lifetime, but its more sustainable and better to start ASAP than wasting resources on trying to fix something that isnt broke. As regards freedom, its being able to do what is good. You are not free to do what is not good, that would be anarchy, and that is why it precisely has consequences, as you say. You can use whatever means you see fit, therein lies your freedom, but it should always be the good. So, you are not free to kill. Im sure deep down you know this, cause its written in your conscience. You really didn't get the point. Again, I will try to simplify through syllogisms. This is the position of those for the RH Bill: Premise 1: Countries with large populations are poor because there are more mouths to feed of there are more people. Premise 2: The Philippines has a large population. Conclusion: Therefore, the Philippines is poor because it has a large population. I am challenging Premise 1 by showing you that not all countries with large populations are poor (i.e. so I cite the US, Japan and China). Therefore, as seen from my examples, a large population is not a hindrance to a country's progress. I did not say that all countries with large populations are progressive. Those are two different things. So the cases of Thailand and India are irrelevant to the argument. I hope you follow. So, I say, instead of focusing on trying to control the population, focus on the other stuff. Let's find out what enabled those other countries to progress. If you say its because they control their population, I'll say - but they have larger populations than we do, so it's irrelevant. And so I disagree. Let's not blame our having a large population for our country's situation. And we do have the same economic systems as they do, its called a capitalist/ free market economy. If you say they are doing it right, then I say - what is it that they are doing right? Let's emulate those things, rather than try to control population.

Yes it is not a" religious" issue, but it is a moral one. Regardless of religion, studying the facts will lead one's conscience to oppose the RH Bill. There is such a thing as natural laws, moral laws, which positive laws (i.e. those made by Congress for instance) must adhere to. Laws that are immoral, should not be followed, and are in essence, illegal. The RH Bill has actually a lot of notable principles being espoused, but it is flawed. Particularly the use of contraceptives to control population in the guise of giving "freedom of choice." Note that they are not saying that all are abortifacients. Nonetheless, there are abortifacients such as pills, IUD, etc. While the intended effect is to prevent the fertilization of the egg by the sperm, it is not so all the time. It acts to prevent the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus, thus aborting the pregnancy. A fertilized egg already has life. It is already a human person. This is a medical fact. As for condoms, many would argue that you are preventing the potential of life. Nakikialam ka sa possibility of life, thus in a sense "aborting" life. Anyhow, the first argument should be sufficient to justify not passing the RH Bill on its own, as it can lead to the killing of the unborn. What if that happened to you with no one fighting for your right to live? poverty is a multi-faceted problem that demands a multi-faceted solution. But, obviously, we have to start somewhere.

The first half of the lecture was headed by Dr. Montes, who focused on what she purports to be the medical dangers of contraception, and the bills supposed synonymity with enforced population reduction. The key points she raised were as follows (text in quotation marks were transcribed verbatim):

The main objective of the bill is to control the populationin the guise of promoting health. Contraceptives remove the barriers of premarital and extramarital sex. Contraceptives will destroy the Filipino value of life. Newspapers over-dramatize the number of abortions that occur in the country. Contraceptives, which arent 100% foolproof, give people a false sense of security, and when these people end up getting pregnant, the next step theyll end up taking is abortion. Separating sex from procreation develops in the person an anti-life mentality. Contraceptives lead to sex-on-demand, which in turn will lead to the abuse of women. (while showing graphs displaying the population growth rates of various countries, including the Philippines, Italy, and Japan, wherein the majority of the Filipino population continued to be composed of very young children through the years, while the other countries demographics were more evenly spread age-wise) We are lucky to have far more young people than old people, because it means there are enough Filipinos of working age who can support those who cannot or can no longer work. In Japans case, where the elderly outnumber the young, it would be possible for those who are pro-choice to actually subscribe to the idea of killing off these elderly should matters get too desperate, since being pro-choice apparently means being anti-life. (while showing the population growth rates of Japan) Ayokong isipin pero hindi ko ma-help i-connect yung disaster sa Japan doon sa facts na ang tagal-tagal na nilang nagaabortion at may policy on population control. (I dont want to think about it,

but I cant help connecting the disaster in Japan with the fact that the Japanese have long been purveyors of abortion and population control.) Dr. Montess tsunami = come-uppance bit was very harrowing to hear. Another disconcerting part of her lecture was when she voiced her relief regarding the delay tactics against RH Billrelated proceedings at the Batasang Pambansa, which basically meant that she condoned certain government officials outright wasting of time and tax money for their own selfish interests. The broken air-con issue was also thrown in for extra crazy:

Thanks to the vigilance of the pro-life people, every time the RH Bill is about to be put to a vote in the Batasan, the pro-lifers go to the Batasan to protest, in effect delaying the said voting. That time when the Bills sessions were delayed because the Batasans airconditioning went kaput was actually a good thing. The anti-RH will be holding another demonstration at Batasan on May 9, when the Bills sessions resume.

Then, to end her half of the lecture, Dr. Montes opted for scare tactics and played a short propaganda video by the American Life League that demonized birth control advocate Margaret Sangera surreal and unfounded attempt to link our RH Bill issue with racism and eugenics. Up next was Dr. Montess daughter Atty. Cristina Montes, who focused this time on certain legal issues regarding the Bill.
The disadvantage of the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines is the undue focus being given to reproductive health and population and development, when many more urgent and important health problems need to be addressed in the country, those that cause a significant number of deaths across the country such as cardiovascular diseases and infections. Financial resources allotted by foreign donors to assist the Philippine government programs could actually be better spent towards pursuing health programs targeting communicable diseases than purchasing artificial contraceptives.

World Population: (source: About.com)

China - 1,341,335,000 India - 1,224,614,000 United States - 310,384,000 Indonesia - 239,781,000 Brazil - 194,946,000 Pakistan - 173,593,000 Nigeria - 158,423,000 Bangladesh - 148,692,000 Russia - 142,958,000 Japan - 126,536,000 Mexico - 113,423,000

Philippines - 93,261,000 Vietnam - 87,848,000 Ethiopia - 82,950,000 Germany - 82,302,000

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