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Ohio County Local Coordinating Committee Citizens for a Drug Free Community February 13, 2012 Attendees: Deborah

h Thomason, Regina Crouch, Janie Eldridge, Shannon Franklin, Carmen Story, Gayla Kaibel, Debra Marsh-Niccum, Steve Patz, Elissa Pogue, Laura Rolf, Sarah Slayback, Donita Valentine Deborah Thomason called the meeting to order. Minutes A motion was made by Regina Crouch to approve the minutes from January, 2012 with the following correction. The motion to amend Article 6 Section 3 of the Bylaws was to allow for grant reopening of unspent money in March of each year to other grantees who meet all criteria. (Those who have received grants during the original grant cycle are not eligible.) (The minutes read unspent money to other agencies and current grantees. Current grantees was not suppose to be part of the motion). The motion to approve minutes with the amendment noted was seconded by Elissa Pogue. Motion carried. Treasurers Report The treasurer was unable to attend todays meeting due to illness. However, the balance as of December 31, 2011 was $20,120.59. President Thomason did contact the Auditors office and no claims were submitted in January and $405 was received into the account. Total balance through January 31 is $20,525.59. A motion was made by Gayla Kaibel to approve the Treasurers report. Shannon Franklin seconded the motion. Motion carried. . Youth Report Steve Patz stated the Monte Stiles will be presenting to the Middle School and High School students on Tuesday, February 21st. Debbie Thomason also announced the Monte Stiles would be presenting a program that evening for the public at the Senior Citizen Building at 7:00 p.m. Thomason encouraged everyone to attend and ask their family and neighbors to come. Amy Beckett stated that letters had been sent to all churches asking them to help promote the evening. Thomason had written a news article that was sent to both Ohio and Dearborn County papers. Old Business By Laws 2nd reading of Change of ByLaws Amendement #1 Article 4 Section 3 First reading January 9, 2012

If during the regular grant process funds are not granted, the Citizens for a Drug Free Council can reopen the grant process on unspent money in March of each year to other grantees who meet all criteria. (Those who have received grants during the original grant cycle are not eligible.) A motion was made by Janie Eldridge to amend the By-Laws Article 4 Section 3. The motion was seconded by Steve Patz. Motion carried. Grants Debbie Thomason stated that an additional request had been presented to the County for a $4,000 additional appropriation for the Drug Free Councils budget to cover grant requests. Debbie will be meeting with council the last Monday of February for formal approval. Once the additional request is approved by Council and also by the State then checks can be cut. Announcements Laura Rolfe Big Brothers Big Sisters Annual fundraiser is Bowl for Kids Sake which will be held on March 11th. BBBS is currently selling $10 raffle tickets for the benefit the raffle is for a Kindle Fire. Also Laura is in need of additional sponsors. Youth Worker Caf is scheduled on March 20th at 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. at the Lawrenceburg Library. BAAAD BAAAD Drug Free Campaign meeting to be held on March 11th Legal Consequences with David Hewitt, Rising Sun Police Chief as the guest speaker. The meeting is at 6:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. BAAAD planning meeting will be held on February 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the First Baptist Church. United Way Clearing House The United Way Clearing House is offering free tax preparation at Ivy Tech Community College in Lawrenceburg, Indiana. ASAP Center has free workshops available.check out their website for upcoming workshops. Adjournment A motion was made by Steve Patz to adjourn. Motion seconded by Gayla Kaibel. Motion carried. Ohio County Website www.ohiocountydrugfree.com

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