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President Barack Obama's re-election depends on you!

Stay fired up the way you are now, and the Democrat party will be ready to go come November. Continue to follow these important guidelines to ensure an Obama victory at the polls: If Mitt Romney was not your favored pick for president, and he becomes the official RNC nominee, do not vote for him. Remind yourself continually why you don't like him. Do not put a Romney sticker on your car. Do not put a Romney sign in your yard. Do not under any circumstance mention to even one soul that Romney is preferable to Obama. Your non-vote for Romney is as good as a vote for Obama and is much appreciated. If any Obama campaign staffer, for example, White House admin, most media, most Hollywood celebrities, or various shadowy special interest groups, speaks or writes a bold faced lie about the Republican nominee, be sure to complain loudly on Twitter and other social networks. Then let the frustration die down. A new rumor will surface shortly thereafter, and since it's more exciting to discuss new stuff and the other rumor's damage is already done, you can spend more time running around from lie to lie. This takes away the temptation to actually learn about the Republican candidate's record and spend time campaigning for him. In the same sense, if anyone shines the light on a significant, damning, revelation concerning President Obama, don't waste your time pushing it. The mainstream media isn't going to actually dig for more information, and you'll just grow bored waiting. Either way, it's a double reward for the Obama campaign. Keep it up! Do spend your money on buses, lots and lots of buses. Have a million little rallies that cost millions of dollars for the Republican base, and do not spend money or time on ground level information dissemination. The mainstream media has the press wrapped up, so as long as you don't actually work for the Republican nominee's campaign, you can be assured that the average citizen will never hear about all of the president's failures. Don't worry, a few Romney TV ads with ominous voiceovers won't be that effective. Hollywood will make sure President Obama's advertisements are better, and the non-stop flow of money (from God only knows where) will keep them running around the clock for tired Americans who won't do the fact checking themselves. Just don't knock, call, or hand out literature for the Romney campaign, and we're good. Do convince yourself that President Obama's newly found values, mentioned in recent speeches, of less regulation, veterans' care, and an all inclusive energy approach are signs that he really does want the best for America. Most likely, he has been following this plan all along, and you didn't recognize the superior leadership. As the old saying goes, the darkness seems to get lighter the longer you stay in it. Pay no attention that President Obama's actions have never represented these views, as sometime closer to November, a few

carefully coordinated gestures will make it appear so. Hope and Change, also known at DNC headquarters as Bait and Switch, has never been easier. Heck, you might just go to the polls and vote FOUR MORE YEARS! Thank you for your adherence to these guidelines. Your assistance will move America FORWARD to where you never thought it could go.

"You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." ~ John Quincy Adams

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