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TITLE: Recursive Functions and their Uses LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
Students will: 1. Discover the definition and methods of iteration and recursion. 2. Examine functions using algebra, induction, iteration, and recursion. 3. Ascertain a recursive function given the base step and iteration step. 4. Become familiar with the recursive fiscal functions that have a bearing upon everyday life.

1. Pencils 2. Paper

1. Introduce iteration method. 2. Introduce recursion function. 3. Propose problem with base step and iteration step to determine recursive function (show and explain steps). 4. Employ algebra, iteration, and recursion methods. 5. Give students recursion problem apt to their fiscal future. Page 2

1. Determine the recursion function for the sequence where a1 = 2 such that each proceeding term is one less than four times the preceding number. 2. Determine the monthly payment on a student loan of $1,000 with an interest rate of 5% compounded monthly to be repaid in one year.

1. Did the students fully comprehend the definitions for iteration and recursion 2. Were the students able to follow and understand the steps in establishing a recursive function? 3. Did the students see the possible applications for iteration and recursion in their fiscal future? 4. Were the students able to trace the proof leading to question 2, follow the steps in determining the answer to the question, and find it applicable to their fiscal future?

NCTM STANDARDS: 1. Apply assortment of mathematical constructs. 2. Examine a function of one variable. 3. Examine a function of two variables. 4. Achieve ratiocination.

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Recursive Functions and their Uses There are instances in all professions or in everyday life when it may be necessary to explain something in terms of itself. Computer programmers, actuaries, scientists, investors, bankers, linguists and many more occupations use a mathematical concept that finds logical resolutions to large problems by using successive smaller forms of itself. This concept is known as the iterative process and is simply the procedure of deriving solutions by recurring oscillations of variables within a particular function until the desired result is ascertained. Complex problem can be simplified using the iteration method, but in some instances there is no terminating point to the function. For computers to operate, actuaries to make accurate predictions, scientists to theorize correctly, or, more importantly, for a investor to know how much they have made or a borrower to know what they owe, a function must have a termination point and a recursive Page 4 step--repeating designs in a convertible way. This approach is known

as recursion and is a method of iteration which is usually a simpler, if less straight forward operation. Recursion is subdividing a complex problems into smaller, more manageable versions of itself and is very important in mathematical proofs. Basically, recursion requires the computation of all previous terms in order to find the value (www.mathworlds.com., 2008) of the next term. To be recursive and not just iterative, a function must comport two steps: the base step and the recursive step. The base step names a terminating case for the function in question providing a known resolution. The recursive step provides recurrence by defining the problem in smaller and succeeding terms of itself ending with the base case. For example: Find recursive sequence for the first 5 terms if n: n > = 1 such that each proceeding term is one less than four times the preceding Page 5 number. First we must define our function in algebraic terms: x1= 4xn-1 - 1

Next we find our base step for which the sequence terminates: f(x) = 1, or x1 = 1 Now, we must define our recursive step in terms of our algebraic expression: f(x) = x1 = 4x1 - 1 And by substitution, we simplify the original function using recursive steps for each succeeding term of the sequence: f(x1) = 4xn-1 - 1= 1 (base step) f(x2) = 4x2-1 - 1 = 4x1 - 1 = 4(1) - 1 = 3 f(x3) = 4x3-1 - 1 = 4x2 - 1 = 4(3) - 1 = 11 f(x4) = 4x4-1 - 1 = 4x3 - 1 = 4(11) - 1 = 43 f(x5) = 4x5-1 - 1 = 4x4 - 1 = 4(43) - 1 = 171 Note that each succeeding step uses the term from the preceding Page 6 step. Hence, the first five terms of the sequence are 1, 3, 11, 43, and 171. Of course, this problem is a simple exercise is deductive logic.

To apply the recursive method to the existent world, lets say a college student has taken out $10,000 in student loans with an interest rate of 5% compounded monthly, payments due at the end of each month, and the loan be to paid off in one year. Monthly payments are $1,125 and our fiscally responsible student would like to know their balance after the first payment. First we define our terms and place them in algebraic form: P = loan amount i = interest rate x = total number of payments m = monthly payment b = balance b = P{1 + (i /x )} - m Page 7 Next comes the base step which here, of course, is the initial loan with no payment nor interest such that m = 0: P{1 + (i /x )} - m = b 10,000{1 + (0/12)} - 0 = b

10,000(1) = b 10,000 = b After making the first payment, the student can now determine their balance using recursion steps for m = 1125 and i= .05: P{1 + (i /x )} - m = b 10,000{1 + (.12/12)} - 1,125 = b 10,000{1 + (.01)} - 1,125 = b 10,000{1.01)} - 1,125 = b 10,100-1,125 = $8,975 (balance after first payment) The student has made a second payment and wants to know the balance (remember you must use the term from the preceding step Page 8 to compute the next term): P{1 + (i /x )} - m = b 8975{1 + (.12/12)} - 1,125 = b 8975{1 + (.12/12)} - 1,1250= b 8975{1 + (.01)} - 1,125 = b

8975{1.01)} - 1,125 = b 9064.75-1,125 = $7939.75 (balance after second payment) Recursion can be used in a similar fashion to determine balances on car payments, house payment, or to compute balance on annuities and investments. Computer programmers write computer languages such as JavaScript, actuaries forecast probabilities and prognoses, scientists examine ontogenesis and decay, banks calculate loan payments, and, more importantly for all of you, the FAFSA determines financial aid eligibility using recursive methods. Page 9 Recursion is and will be a part of your everyday life so it would be beneficial for you to take a recursion back to this lecture once in awhile.

Page 10 References Simmons, B. (29 July 2008). Recursive Formula. Retrieved 12 October 2008, from http://www.mathwords.com/r/recursive_formula.htm.

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