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Johanna Bekas US II Per. 2 Mr.

Hanson Chapter 24 Marathon:


1. p 736: Geography Skillbuilder Questions 1,2 a. Francisco Franco of Spain, Benito Mussolini of Italy, Adolf Hitler of Germany, Hideki Tojo of Japan, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union came were authoritative leaders who came to power at this time. b. The surrounding islands in proximity to Japan, along with its closeness to China, may have urged it to seek expansion. 2. p 738: Geography Skillbuilder Questions 1,2 a. At this time, Japan and Italy were aggressive nations. b. Both nations invaded larger and more compact countries which were mainland. 3. p 740: Analyzing Political Cartoons Questions 1-3 a. By turning his back on Europe, Uncle Sam, in the cartoon, reflects the idea commonly held by Americans that muddling in the affairs of foreign nations was not a good endeavor. b. The cartoon implies the nations foreign policy, specifically those that favored isolationism such as the Neutrality Acts. c. In the late 1930s, the oceans seemed to shrink because the conflicts of Europe were transcending the safety which the Atlantic Ocean once provided, as what effected European nations also threatened to effect the United States. 4. p 744: Geography Skillbuilder Questions 1,2 a. Germany invaded Norway, France, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Poland, Finland, and Romania, and threatened the Soviet Union with its near presence. b. Germanys location was an advantage because it was in the middle of Europe with allowed for subsequent branching out. Additionally, it is not a land locked country, so its access to the sea helped it too. 5. p 750: Describe the details you see in the mural. To what issue is muralist Ben Shahn drawing attention? a. In this painting, the migration of Jewish refugees during World War II is depicted. The Jews seem to flood off the ship, lead by Albert Einstein, a known Jew, who had exceptional brilliance, unlike the average Jew. This picture symbolizes the fear of Americans who were cautious in the idea that Jews could take jobs away from Americans and put the state of the nation at stake. 6. p 751: Skillbuilder Interpreting Charts: What was the approximate percentage of the Jewish European population killed during the Holocaust? a. About 66%.

7. p 757: Analyzing Political Cartoons Skillbuilder Questions 1,2 a. The Axis leaders are greedily gobbling up the believed lesser powers that they feel the desire to dominate. b. By showing Hitler as the carver of this feast, the artist is portraying him as the leader of the pack, the man who is truly providing a driven force to the Axiss efforts. 8. p 758: Point/Counterpoint Thinking Critically Question 1 a. Personally, I feel that it is necessary for America to become involved in foreign wars as a means of protecting ourselves from the threats around us. There are no borders or boundaries in this world, the affairs of one nation are very often muddled in the affairs of another. The safety of one nation from another could eventually come to prevent the invasion of the United States. For example, if France was invaded by Spain, and Spain continued to invade the rest of Europe, and we did nothing to stop them, there is nothing to say that a cluster of nations so powerful could not strike against the U.S. Additionally, prolonged foreign war effects our economy and where our finances are at risk, we as a nation should act to protect them. 9. p 762: Geography Skillbuilder Questions 1,2 a. By this time, Japan had invaded Thailand, and China and one of its provinces. b. Perhaps it would have been to the United States benefit to scatter the placement of its ships in Peal Harbor. This way, it would be more difficult for ships to be bombed. Additionally, nesting the ships in nooks would prevent this as well. 10. p 763: Section 4 Assessment Main Idea Question 2(refer to 5 events/dates pp 757-760)Critical Thinking Questions 3-5 a. 1940May. U.S Stops Trade With Japan..Sep. Tripartite Agreement.1941Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor.. March. The Lend-Lease.1941 Oil Embargo.. 11. p 764: Chapter 24 Assessment Main Ideas: Questions 1-8 a. Stalins goals were to create a model communist state, which he attempted to do by making both agricultural and industrial growth the prime economic goals of the Soviet Union, and by abolishing private owned farms, replaced by government run farms. Stalin wanted to transform the Soviet Union into a great industrial power, and attempted this by placing all economic activity under state power. To achieve his goals, Stalin established a totalitarian government from which he ruled. b. As a result of Italy and Germans involvement in the Spanish civil war, Francisco Franco was established as a fascist dictator. c. The blitzkrieg technique was highly effective as it surprised opposition and quickly crushed enemies, thus putting an end to major fighting in a swift manner favorable to the Germans. d. Hitlers terms were that the Germans would occupy the northern part of France, and a Nazi controlled puppet government would be set in Southern France. In response to this, Charles de Gaulle fled to England where he set up a government in exile, as he proclaimed that while France may have lost the battle, they would not lose the war.

e. Nazis believed that Jews, gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah Witnesses, homosexuals, mentally deficient, and incurably ill people were not sufficient to be part of the Master Race. f. Some Europeans showed their resistance to the persecution of Jews by publishing and distributing underground newspapers, setting up schools to teach Jewish children, taking in Jews eventually, and by organizing resistance groups that helped to save Jewish lives. g. The Lend Lease Plan paved the way for U.S involvement in World War II, which was passed in March of 1941. h. The U.S entered the war because Nazis were sinking supply ships being sent to the Allies, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor without any warning, and because Hitler was dominating all of Europe. 12. p 765: Standardized Test Practice Questions 1-3 a. D. b. H. c. A.

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