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No. 74, 2008, pp. 351 - 359

Teris of Southern Tamil Nadu:

A Saga of Holocene Climate Change


Center for Environment & Development, Trivandrum 695 013 and
Dept. of Environmental Science, & 3Dept. of Geology,
University of Kerala, Kariavttom Campus 695 583

The ubiquitous Teri deposits (extent=500 km2) or red sands of semiarid-southern-
coastal-Tamil Nadu, chiefly noticed to occur in the Kattabomman and Chidambaranar
districts, show unique shades of red ranging from yellowish red (5YR4.5/6) to dark
reddish brown (2.5YR ¾) and dark red (10R 3/6). In aerial photos teris manifest in
various morphological types, among which the commonest forms are sand dunes
(shaped into barchans, barchanoids, and longitudinal dunes), interdune sand sheets,
sandy hummocks and sand sheets. Besides, teris can grouped into ITDs (inland teri
deposits, area= 33.0 km2) and CTDs (coastal teri deposits, area = 437.0 km2).
The teri sand fraction is easily divisible into frame work grains (viz.,
allochthonous detritals like quartz of different types, subordinate feldspar altering
to clay and a suite of heavy minerals) and a matrix of clay and quartz silt. Though
cement, chiefly hematite, poorly manifests on grains due to partial induration, it
appears on the negative relief features on grain surfaces, like cracks, depressions,
corrosion pits etc.
The autochthonous-calcareous-rhizoliths, chiefly noticed in Sattankulam,
Kudiramoli and Sayarpuram teris, dominantly show a discordant relationship with
primary sedimentary structures and morphologies (size, shape and sense of branching)
reminiscent of calcified-roots, need a much warmer climate (like the current climate)
for their formation.
The red colour and matrix of authigenic clays (viz., kaolinite and illite in the
fine fraction), products of pedogenic weathering, do strongly point to a wetter or
humid climate which enables release of red pigment (or now hematite) by the
chemical alteration (intrastratal solution) of iron bearing heavy minerals like the
opaque ilmenite, red almandine-garnet and pyroxenes of the heavy fraction as well
as authigenic formation of clays from feldspar in the frame work grains and matrix.
A 14C date (3680+ or -110 BP) on a sample of rhizolith collected at a depth of
2.5 m, at Sattankulam sets a time line for the transition from a humid climate to
the current semi-arid type when the calcareous rhizoliths originated. Hence, semi-

arid conditions like that of the present day in the Teri land of southern Tamil Nadu,
should have set in at least as early as 3680+/-110y B.P.
Factors like morphology of teris, sediment colour, intra-stratal solution of
metastable mineral particles, clay minerals in the matrix, and presence of authigenic
rhizoliths of suggest a cyclic transition of climate; from semiarid to humid and to
Keywords : Teri deposits, Coastal - Tamil Nadu, Mineralogy, Paleo Climate.

The teris of southern coastal Tamil Nadu (area= ~500 km2), uniquely occurring in
the Kattabomman and Chidambaranr districts, were originally documented and designated
by Foote (1883) as teri - a word Foote borrowed from Tamil language, wherein it meant
a sloping terrain. According to the Munsell soil colour scheme, red color of Teri manifests
in a variety of shades, i.e., yellowish red (5YR/4.5/6) to dark reddish brown (2.5YR ¾)
and dark red (10YR 3/6). Principal occurrences of Teris are in Vadakkankulam, Panakudi,
and Sattankulam in Kattabomman Dist., and Kudiramoli, Sayarpuram, Kulathur and Surankudi
in Chidambaranar Dist. (Joseph, 1996). Menon (1950) after a study of the frame work
mineralogy of the teris of south Travancore (an occurrence in the Kanyakumari Dist of
Tamil Nadu), proposed a bipartite classification, viz., the fixed Teris and the moving Teris,
which is quite apt for the deposits under scrutiny now.
For workers like Zeuber and Allchin (!956), the potential archaeological signature in
the teris was the topic of inquiry. Gradner (1981) on the other hand, examined the teris
from the point of view of origin of colour as well as its causative factors. The AMD(
Atomic Mineral Directorate), Government of India focused on the reserve of monazite and
other heavy minerals of this extensive granular sheets and dunes of red sand and especially
that of the Kudiramoli teri. In fact, comparable poorly indurated sedimentary deposits
(similar to Teris), occurring in the coastal Andhra Pradesh were examined by Rao (1978),
and Pridhviraju et al (1985). Joseph (1996) and Joseph et al., (1997) examined the
various aspects of teris like, morphology and field relations, frame work mineralogy,
geochemistry, clay mineralogy and grain surface textures.


The distinctly coloured red sediments or their indurated equivalents the red beds,
have fostered the classic idea that colour was the result of a “single discrete phenomenon
controlled by a single assemblage of conditions” (Dawson, 1848; Crossby, 1885; and
Barrel, 1908). Krynine (1950) suggested that sediments forming redbeds came off a terrain
rich in older red beds or red soils, implicating the role of source sediments to the colour.
But van Houten (1961) attributed the red colour to the process of diagenesis i.e.,
dehydration (warmer temperatures) of brown or drab ferric hydroxides (dominantly noticed
as goethite, FeO-OH and limonite –amorphous ferric hydroxide) in the parent sediment to
hematite. This dehydration phenomenon is a characteristic of pedogenesis taking place

in the desert environments and alluvial flood plains. This transformation of goethite to
hematite can take place in the absence of water or at elevated temperatures (Berner,
1969)as given below:
FeOOH (goethite) → Fe2O3 (hematite) + H2O
Therefore, the red colour of sediment is a ‘robust’ indicator of climate that prevailed
at the time of diagenetic or pedogenic transformation and temperature and moisture or
precipitation level are the cardinal parameters of climate in the geological context. In
other words, there exists a strong climate -colour couple.
In this paper, the attributes of teris like frame work minerals, mineralogy of matrix,
clay mineralogy, chemical composition of sediment, cutan occurring on the mineral
particles and the aspects of the associated rhizolithic calcrete are assessed to build
indicators of paleo-climate and its progression through time.

Analysis of IMD (Indian Mateorological Department) weather data for 1969 to 1989,
(for stations at Palayamkotta and Tuticorin), indicates that the teri province of Tamil
Nadu enjoys a semi-arid climate, in the scheme of Trevartha (1954). A summary of weather
data shows an annual average rainfall of ~700 mm, and an annual average minimum and
maximum temperatures of 19oC and 41o C (averaged between 1969 and 1989). Averages of
relative humidities range between 75% and 49%.

A picture of the extent, morphology and related features of teris were gathered from
the aerial photos (see Table 1).Teri deposits are noticed to occur at differing elevations.
Conspicuously the ITDs (Inland Teri Deposits), occurring at higher elevations than the
CTDs (Coastal Teri Deposits), extend from the foothills of Kalakkad range (i.e., the east
facing scarp of Sahyadris) to 15 km away from the modern shoreline to the SE and are
leaner in aerial extent (=33 km2). The CTDs, on the other hand, are more detached or
segmented by numerous ephemeral stream channels and consequent wasting due to lateral
erosion and transport. But for the Sattankulam teri, juxtaposed with the modern shoreline,
others are set as far inland as 6-8 km., from the shore, while the intervening area is
covered with modern beach and backshore dune fields and/or sheet sand. From the
airphotos, barchans, barchanoids, transverse dunes with blow outs, and sand sheets have
been mapped in the CTDs, viz., Kudiramoli and Sattankulam teris (Joseph, 1996).
Several irrigation well sections were closely examined to gather a picture of the
lithologic succession in the teriland. Well-wall-logs indicate that in the shoreward
direction, teris either rest on crystalline basement (e.g., Kulathur, N.Lat.9o00’17" & E.Long.
78o11’58" ), or on younger calcareous sandstone (e.g.,Melmandi, N.Lat 9o04’44" &E.Long
78o17’50" ) or on a fossiliferous limestone (e.g., Meyyur, N.Lat. 8o24’ & E.Long. 77o59’17").

Table 1. Aerial extent and elevation of Teris, Southern Coastal Tamil Nadu
(Thrivikramji and Anirudhan, 1993)
Teri Area, km2 Av. Elevation, amsl, m
Inland Teri deposits, ITD
Vadakkankulam 11.0 90
Panakkudi 22.0 135
Coastal Teri deposits, CTD
Sattankulam 313.0 35
Kudiramoli 59.0 40
Sayarpuram 17.0 4.0
Kulathur 7.0 10
Surankudi 75.0 7.0

In the sections, primary sedimentary structures were very difficult to discern, perhaps an
outcome of pedogenesis (i.e., release and redistribution pigment forming goethite and
limonite as well as clay particles originating from the chemical alteration of feldspar),
which transformed the parent sediment to teris. Teris show a variable thickness from
deposit to deposit, or a wide range of thickness. i.e., 1.0 m. at Sattankulam to over 12.0
m. at Ovari (Joseph, 1996),

Framework minerals
In order to get an average picture of mineral proportions in teris, at least 42,300
grains in 143 fractions of medium, fine and very fine sand categories in a set of 28
samples were visited with a microscope. Average mineral assemblage of ITDs is dominated
by quartz (.=55.5%), followed by feldspar (32.7%), opaques (4.84%), sillimanite (2.4%)
and garnet (1.37%). Minerals like zircon, rutile, monazite, pyriboles and biotite are present
only in <1% each (combined ave.=1.21%). Alterite content is 1.87%.
In contrast, the CTDs in general, are enriched with relatively significant content of
opaques and very subordinate amounts feldspar. Mineral assemblage data (i.e., averages
of medium, fine and very fine fractions) show 76.16% quartz, 11.7% opaques, 6.15%
feldspar. Other minerals like zircon, rutile, monazite, and garnet are present under 1%
each. Pyriboles (0.07%) and biotite (0.02) are noticed only in trace amounts.

Matrix clay fraction

All the teris had strong presence of clays in the matrix, but the quantities are variable.
Representative samples (i.e., 10 oriented clay films of teri clay), when subjected to IR,
FTIR and XRD analysis, Kaolinite emerged as the dominant clay phase, followed by illite.

ITDs, showed comparatively large content of Kaolinite (range = 74.5 to 76.5%) and much
lower illite (range = 23.5 to 25.5%). A similar picture with subordinate clay content was
true with the CTDs (Kaolinite = 69.0 to 76.2%; Illite = 23.8 to 31.0%). A closer examination
of the charts pointed to a higher state of crystallinity of clays indicating in situ origin
and lack of transport. IR and FTIR spectral data for a set of seven samples of matrix clay
of Teris showed absorption bands of hematite, the cutan of teri sediment. In some samples,
goethite is indicated (Joseph, 1996).

Cause of Colour
Several sub-samples of heavy fraction (in the fine and very fine sands) of Teris were
scrutinized under the microscope to chart the species variability and abundances, within
and among the teris. The data underscored the scarcity of garnet, its highly corroded
aspect when present, presence of altered pyriboles, and opaques. This aspect of heavy
minerals, especially that of garnet, is highly instructive of the role of intra-stratal solution,
release of cutan and hence the pigmentation of parent sediment of teris. Walker (1967)
and Pye, (1981) argued that intra-stratal origin of red pigment, its rate of formation and
preservation are controlled by the nature and type of Fe-bearing minerals, interstitial
oxidizing environment, moisture content and higher temperature.

A batch of representative samples of teris was analyzed to determine the major oxide
composition to enable further analysis using the empirical indicators of level of chemical
weathering. One such index is CIA (Chemical Index of Alteration) devised by Nesbit and
Young (1982), which is used to rate the level of chemical weathering of sediments and
sedimentary rocks. By definition, CIA is the ratio of [Al2O3 / (Al2O3 + CaO + K2O + Na2O)],
where units are moles per 100 gm and the CaO is the silicate and not carbonate supplied.
Highest value CIA attains is unity (for kaolinite or pyrophyllite);, while the unweathered
crystalline rocks show values <0.5.
The average CIA values shows that the parent sediment of subordinate ITDs like
Panakkudi (CIA=0.3) and Vadakkankulam (CIA=0.5), underwent only a lower degree of
chemical weathering, where as the average of estimated CIA (sample= 19) of 0.62 for
CTDs, suggests a high degree of chemical alteration. In fact chemical alteration is nearly
unfeasible in the present day semi-arid environment of the teri lands of Tamil Nadu.
Further, ITDs show lower total Fe (7.97%) compared to CTDs (av. =12.63%).

The type of calcrete noticed in the teris is the rhizolithic calcrete in the vadose zone
of CTDs (e.g., at Sayarpuram and Sattankulam) placing it apart from the ITDs. Klappa
(1980) defined rhizoliths as “organosedimentary structures produced in roots by
accumulation and /or cementation around, within or replacement of higher plant roots

by mineral matter.” Later, Esteban and Klappa (1983) suggested five categories of rhizoliths,
viz., a. root molds, b. root casts, c. root tubules, d. rhizoconcretions and e. root petrifactions.
In fact, the rhizoliths of CTDs are very much similar to rhizoconcretions,
These are like short sticks, some what crooked or knotted, and roughly tubular to
nearly oval across. As the reddish brown stumps stick out by 2.0 or 3.0 cm. above the
ground nearly vertically and prominently in the exposures, such patches are visible even
from distances of say 10.0 or 15.0 m. Sticks have a fine-gritty-skin coated with reddish
brown clay and a porous core, Sticks do branch downward at tight acute angles into
leaner ones compare to the main. Though rhizolith reminds one of a calcified arenaceous
fill in a mold of plant root, the root anatomy is demonstrably absent as these are later
“cavity fillings” after the plant roots of the past.
Textural and mineralogical studies show that these rhizoliths contain a framework of
notable amounts of acid insoluble detrital sand (essentially quartz and minor opaques)
in a matrix of carbonate - micrite (identified as calcite by XRDA) and subsidiary amounts
of mud (mixture of kaolinite and goethite in XRDA). Petrography reveals that detritals are
embedded in micrite cement manifesting as rim, vein and blocky fabric. Further, floating,
alveolar and clotting textures are also noticed. The carbonate cement was presumably
aggregated from the host, which existed as fragments of calcareous shells and tests of
marine invertebrates common in coastal dunes.
The pedogenesis of host teri sands hade released Ca2+ ions and were later deposited
in the root cavities after death and decay of the tissues of roots. The absence of root
anatomy is a characteristic feature of these rhizoliths. A sample of rhizolith collected at
Sattankulam at a depth of 2.5m. gives a 14C age of 3680,+or-110 years B.P. Hence, semi-
arid conditions of the present day in the Teri tract of southern Tamil Nadu, should have
set in at least as long ago as 3680+/-110y B.P.

Deriving paleo-climate signatures of sediments and sedimentary rocks, though very
exciting, is wrought with hazards. Post depositional transformations, like changes in
pore volume, nature of circulating waters, depth burial and diagentic changes as well as
subaerial weathering on emergence from the basin may alter to varying degrees the acuity
of the signature. However, with respect to geologically younger rocks or sediments, the
task is far easier, in that degree of obliteration of evidences is neither strong nor varied
resulting in retention of or only partial modification of several original characteristics
and attributes. In that respect the teris are no exception.
Several factors of the teris, like the morphology of teris (especially the CTDs), framework
and assemblages of framework and matrix minerals, geochemistry and indicators like CIA
and state of Fe, presence of calcareous rhizoliths and radio carbon age etc need to be
carefully examined, while attempting to reconstruct the paleoclimate of the teri land. c
makeup of are the cardinal aspects that need closer examination before inferences can be
drawn on the pattern of climate shift in the teri land.

The evidences, viz., barchans, barchanoids and inter dune sand sheets, gathered
from photo-geomorphologic studies of teri-land, especially the CTDs,(more than 90% of
the total) strongly indicate a drier and windier climate favouring the landward transport
of granular drier sand from the newly emerged and exposed shelf as a result of lower sea-
level stand in the pre-Holocene.
The sediment colour is largely controlled by the state of oxidation of element Fe,
which exists in the ferromagnesial minerals, garnet, and also in the opaques like ilmenite
and magnetite. Among these ferromagnesians and almandine garnet are evidently less
stable during chemical weathering (as evidenced by pyriboles and corroded garnet) – a
hallmark of humid and warm climate as opposed to the present semi arid-climate of the
regionand so are the the estimated CIA values (up ward of 0.5) of the CTDs.
In addition, the strong presence of rhizolithic calcrete in the CTDs and their age
formation are points that need careful consideration in this context. Formation of calcrete
is favoured only in warm and hot climate. According to Wright (1994) rhizoliths and
other types of calcrete are characteristic of arid and semi arid climates and is generally
found in Quaternary and older sediments. In order to form in situ, calcrete needs a source
of calcium (calcareous shell fragments or shells etc.) in the host sediment, optimal moisture
laden with CO2 to dissolve calcium carbonate and a capillary fringe to enable transport to
new loci (and in the case of rhizoliths of CTDs a decaying or dying root system) and
dryness to enable fast evaporation leading to deposition of micritic calcite. Therefore,
radiometric age of 3680 +/- 110 on sample of rhizolith collected from Sattankulam is an
indicator of dawn of the modern semi-arid climate in the teri land.

The Teris of southern coastal Tamil Nadu, in south India is a unique occurrence of
redsands embedded with signatures of paleo-climate.
a. The initial semi-arid phase: CTDs, moulded into dunes (viz., barchans, barchanoids,,
transverse dunes) and inter-dune sheet sands, call for a set of pre-requisites like, a vast
reservoir of dry sand, a prevailing wind juxtaposed to a sink of vast featureless terrain
sans vegetation. The late Pleistocene (LGM) lower sea level stand at 18,000 YBP and
associated aridity, shall expose a vast reservoir of shelf sand in the SE, and the essential
wind regimen required for the formation of the coastal dune filed – the pro-CTDs.
b. The intervening humid phase: CTDs now show a robust presence of hematite and kaolinite
alongside altered feldspar, corroded almandine garnet and pyriboles, The CIA values,
estimated from the major chemical composition of samples, are upward of 0.6. Such
intrastratal mineral transformations and high CIA values can result only under a humid
and wet climate - clear departure from the initial aridity. However, the hematite of teris
did not perhaps form during the wet humid climate, instead what originated then were
goethite and limonite – the hydrated phases of element iron.

c. The rhizolithic calcrete: Other important attributes of CTDs of Sayarpuram and

Sattankulam are the ubiquitous occurrence of calcareous rhizoliths and the impressive
dark reddish brown (2.5 Y/R ¾) and dark red (10R 3/6) colours, caused by irregular or
non-uniform coating of hematite on frame work grains and the matrix clay or silt, which
are the overarching evidences for the return of semi-aridity in the southern coastal Tamil
Nadu. Only in a hot arid climate most of the goethite and limonite are dehydrated to
hematite. Further, the 14C age of 3680+/-110 YBP for a sample of rhizolithic calcrete
underscores the time line for reappearance of semi-arid climate in this part of India.
Therefore, the CTDs, with varying hues of red, and monotonously extensive (area of
ITDs = 33.0 km2) coverage, in southern coastal Tamil Nadu is a witness to climate transitions
since the late Pleistocene, i.e., from semi-arid to humid and to semiarid. Hence, the semi-
arid climate now enjoyed by the southern coastal Tamil Nadu, is only three and half
millennia old phenomenon.

We (TKP and SA) thank the DST, Government of India, for generously supporting this
project and CSIR for the offer of a PDF (to JS) to continue the investigations on the
rhizolithic calcrete. T. Radhakrishna and Narayanaswamy extended an invitation to
participate in the Trivandrum Symposium (at CESS) in connection with the Golden Jubilee υ
of the Geological Society of India, and for editing an earlier version of this paper.

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