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33 Adjective Total

40 78

80% 78%

10 22

20% 22%

Refering to the table above, the writer tried to see which suffix is the easiest mastered and which one is most mastered by the third year Students of SMP Katolik Santo Mikail Balikpapan in 2008-2009 academic year. These can be inferred from the percentage of the average corect and incorrect answer for each type of the English Derivational Suffixes as show in the table of the result of the test item analysis in order to get comprehensive understanding. It is better to see the table of the distribution of average correct and incorect answer for each type of the English Derivational Suffixes below. Table 5.4 Distribution of the Average Correct and Incorrect Answer for Each Type English Derivational Suffixes No. Type of english derivational suffixes -er -or -ence -ment -ship -ist -ance -ion Average correct answer 81% 84% 46% 81% 79% 62% 84% 79% Average incorrect answer 19% 16% 54% 19% 21% 38 16% 21%

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

-ness -ian -hood -ing -ize -en -ify -ic -able -al -ous -y -ent -ful -ive -less -ly

67% 71% 76% 80% 62% 50% 50% 68% 57% 91% 87% 71% 68% 47% 66% 81% 78%

33% 29% 24% 20% 38% 50% 42% 32% 43% 9% 13% 29% 32% 53% 34% 19% 22%

5.4 interpretation of the data after analyzing the data taken horn the test, the writer found out that english derivational mastery possessed by the third year student of smp katolik santo mikail balikpapan in 2008-2009 academic year is good. This was indicated by the students mean score of 73.28 (between 66-79). Besides, based on the criteria of the qulitative and quntitative score of absolute distribution,there are 60 or 20% of the students got excellent score (scores between 80-100), 25 or 50% of


The students got good scores (score between 66-79), 9 or 18% of the students got fair score, 6 or 12% of the students got poor scores and there are no students got flullure score (score between0-39). And from the second question, which english derivational suffixes are the easiest and the most difficult for students to understand. The easiest suffix is at and the most difficult one is ence.



CLOSING REMARKS 6.1 conclusion Based on the previous description and the data analysis conducted, the researcher comes to the conclusion as follows: a. The third year students ability in smp katolik santo mikail ralikpapan to do the derivational suffixes test is good in category that is 73.28 of the mean score. b. The analysis quantitative and qulitative distribution shows that there are 1 0 or 20% of the students who got excellent scores, 25 or 50% of the students got good scores 9 or 18% them got fair scores and the rest, 6 or 12% of them got poor scores. c. The easiest suffix for students to understand is the suffix -ai. d. The most form of suffix that difficult for students to understand is the suffix-ence.the high percentage in incorrect answer and has the first rank from difficult items in 54%.


6.2 Suggestions

alot of other important areas of the language have been neglected. One such area is vocabulary. So, the researcher would like to give some suggestions concerning the research findings how to improve vocabulary target by the concept of derivational suffixes. By knowing the concept, the students or learners in english language can increase word forming by adding suffixes at the end of the word. This ways is challenge for learners to build their english vocabulary. To do the concept of derivational suffixes, we can dosome experiments like: a. to search for a word in dictionary and find the word froms or class word and other forming in the same word. b. To read books or newspaper in english language and have some adding in suffixes in the word. After that check the word and classify the word forming or word class. Find the meaning in dictionary is also good action to do the next action. c. Other ways to improve vocabulary can be done by learners or students memories by some experiments or games related to derivational suffixes as follows: 1. Using vocabulary task, 2. Writing with many variation themes, 3. Browsing website English Languange in internet, and 4. Challenging puzzle


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Chose the best answer of the complete following sentences! 1. In villages girls at the age of 16 or 17 have entered . a. mothership b. motherhood c. motherness d. motherment

2. An ... person carries out his duties to the best of his ability. a. honours b. honourable c. honouring d. honoured

3. This chapter explores the ... between economic development a. links b. linkage c. linked d. linking

4. Take this letter to the post oflce and remember to put i stamps. You will find all the necessary ... information in th a. posts b. posted c. postal d. posting

5. The ... of document presented a difficult puzzle to the police a. disappears b. disappearing c. disappearance d. disappearence


6. We will not go on a picnic today. It is

a. cloduy b. clouds have full c. cloudies d. cloudying

7. Alexandra is veryconfident. She will pass her exarninatior in her examination and I
a. confidence b. confidenced c. confident d. confidenty

8. He will read the letter later in the of his own room. .

a. privacy b. privavancy c. private d. privant

9. If you want to have a nice piece of the bread, you have to.. your knife before you cut
the bread with it. a. sharpened b. sharpent c. sharpening d. sharpen

10.I love kicking a ball around the garden. I gave such a good yesterday that it went
through. a. kicks b. kickes c. kicking d. kicker

11.All of us believe that this ... valley will always attract tourist.
a. Lovery b. Loving c. Lovely d. Loves


12.Our dog is always .... it lets us know when strongers come.

a. watches b. watcher c. watchful d. wacthfully

13.All the Christians are going to church to ... the God.

a. glories b. glorifize c. glorify d. glorifies

14.She learned to be independent early in her girl when she lost both parents.
a. girly b. girlhood c. girlness d. girlment

15. Everywhere we went we saw the ... the war had caused. a. destructive b. destruction c. destructy d. destructively

16. Afler the proclamation of independence, the IndonesIan gv him first... of east Kalimantan. a. governer b. governess c. governar d. governor

17.The ... of certain English verbs makes it difficult for foreign students to study
English. a. destructive b. destruction c. destructy d. destructively


18. They want more modern house, so they ... their house by using Europe style on decoration a. modernitive b. modernize 19. joys are the promise of every religion. a. heaven b. heaveness 20. The ... of the meeting is made today. a. announcing b. announcely c. announceness d. announcement c. heavenly d. heaventy c. moderning d. modernly

21. Christian Ronaldo is such a famous football play... that worki knows him. a. playing c. plays b. played d. player 22. The old man needs a lot of rest because of his. a. sickness c. sickly b. sickment d. sicken 23. A person who directs the affairs of a campany is a. a. directer b. director c. directly d. directy

24. The student should read. Kinds of books to increase their knowledge. a. varieties b. varietive c. various d. varient


25. Her article is a ... of the methods used in research. a. discussive b. discusstion 26. The lamp is bright enough to light... big room. a. lighten b. lighting c. discussness d. discussion

c. lightning d. lighter

27. Speech is the Listest method of... among people. a. communicates c. communicating b. communicativ d. communication 28. What is the ... of the Lake Toba? a. depth b. deepth

c. deeper d. deepest

29. Commuters were heading ... at the end of the day. a. homeward c. homely b. homeness d. homesick 30. My parents lent me the money. ... I couldnt have afforded the trip. a. otherly c. otherness b. otherwise d. otherment 31. I shall have everything in ready... before we leave. a. readiness c. readying b. readiness d. readily


32. It is difficult to fly a kite when the weather is very a. windly b. windness 33. We wonder if we shell have.... a. agrees b. agreed 34. My parents are selebrating 25 years of.... a. marries b. married c. marrying d. marriage c. agreeing d. agreeable c. windy d. windi

35. Paul is not ... enough in doing the job as a manager. a. professional b. professions c. professionative d. professionable

36. The cultural plural... of a reagion often presents serious problems. a. plurally b. pluralness 37. What is the ... of studying English? a. importance b. importence c. importer d. importing c. plurality d. pluralment

38. Fatal road accidents have decreased in ... over recent years. a. frequent b. frequens c. frequenty d. frequency


39. Ill make up the. a. differ b. differenties c. difierenty d. difference

40. They will take at least one week to finish the job. If you want to. It, you must have more men. a. quicks b. quicken c. quickly d. quicking

41. There can be no friend... if people do not trust one mother. a. friendly b. friends 42. The people who is speaking called. a. speaks b. speaker 43. An umbrella is very ... during the wet season. a. useful b. usefully 44. Most of the women like to ... theirselves. a. beautify b. beauty c. beautiful d. beautifully c. useage d. using c. speakor d. speaking c. friendship d. friendness

45. One of the main purpose of this organitation is to promote among its members. a. brothers b. brotherness c. brotheren d. brotherhood


46. He is a depend... person, you can come to him anytime for either help or advice. a. depending b. dependily 47. UFO is an ... of unidentified flying object. a. abbreviatiy b. abbreviaties 48. My national... is Indonesian. a. nationalies b. nationalisme c. nationality d. nationally c. abbecviating d. abbreviation c. dependity d. dependable

49. The English teacher asks the students to ... the English text into one paragraph only. a. summarty b. summarly 50. His ... manner impressed me deeply. a. statety b. stalely 51. They made an ... to stop fighting. a. Agreeness b. Agreement 52. The birth of their son seems to bring them a. happiness b. happyment c. happily d. happies c. Agreely d. Agreeing c. statement d. stateness c. summarize d. summaries


53. Tora Sudiro is a professional.... a. actor b. actress c. active d. actives

54. I was not sure that the money had been taken but I had my suspicion. I was very a. suspicy b. suspicies 55. The ... in her eyes told me something was wrong. a. expressed b. expressive 56. The roach concert was quite an ... for my parents. a. educates b. educative 57. This room is twice the ... of the kitchen. a. longer b. longest 58. There are too many ... people in this region. a. backward b. backness 59. You should turn your key a. clockward b. clockwise 60. After the fight the came home with a nose. a. bloods b. bloodness c. bloody d. bloodly c. clockly d. clocks c. backment d. backy c. longth d. lengtly c. education d. educating c. expressing d. cxpression c. suspiciously d. suspicious

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