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Hilton Tabba

‘The Death Sciences’- an excerpt

So close to the border am I, right under their watching eyes – and yet I’m free!
Samir thought quite satisfied. It was a strange feeling no doubt. After all he
might have been put behind bars, if he had been caught and arrested just a few
thousand meters from the spot he was right now, at the hotel's elegant restroom in
front of the broad mirror, rinsing his face with cold water and combing his dark
hair. Back at the lobby he sat in one of the armchairs next to their luggage,
waiting for Leila to return and join him.
‘Don't you find it an error?’ He asked before she managed to sit beside him. ‘A
careless mistake letting us to know Taher's true identity, plus all his personal
She was the expert in that sensitive field, or was supposed to be between the two
of them, without him being aware to it; while he on the other hand obtained his
scarce knowledge out of foreign thrillers, spy movies and through vast number of
doubtful magazines.
But Leila wished he would have chosen a more trivial subject, whether the fact he
mentioned it was correct or not. These were not subjects she was eager to give her
mind to. She looked around before answering him. The lobby was practically empty,
a guest or two of them, a solitary waiter crossed its floor during long intervals;
and when such activity took place it was usually far from their corner, out of
possible earshot.
‘You're quite right in a way.’ She said at last with a nonchalant smile, as if the
whole matter was not worth mentioning at all. ‘You may refer to it principally, as
to a professional error.’ She added calmly. ‘There're times and cases in which a
rule or two have, or even must be ignored; according to the relevant
circumstances, particularly when the prospects of success are certain. Our own
operation, in which one of its objectives was as you know, rescuing you, serves us
as a model for such circumstances. Think of it, there's hardly any possible chance
of your meeting again with Taher in the near future. You won't remember the few
details you’ve learned about him. You are not supposed to cross the border back,
in the next month or in the next year... And neither do I.’ She summed the
question up in a short and content laugh. For although she did not wish to touch
the matter at all, it had brought forward her ample understanding in that special
field, and accentuated the deep gap between her as an almost real "pro", and his
lack of experience. On the other hand she could imagine herself that Taher and his
cab was recruited at week’s notice, or who knows some three four days earlier; and
who would have thought of turning a cab driver into a secret agent in such a short
time? It was wise of her not to bring those details forth; she thought watching
Samir’s face, hoping he would change the subject or simply shut his mouth.

Well it was his out of place question that caused it, after all. He could have
reached the same conclusions himself. If he had just tried to get down to it
seriously, or maybe the mental stresses to which he stood up so successfully had
exhausted him? She thought right on the next instant changing her mind, forgiving
his thoughtless remark. While watching his face, she realized how shocked he must
have been, by her sudden and obvious revelations. It seemed to her that he was not
exactly aware to the long years of exile, which were laying ahead of them; and she
hastened to ease, in what way she could, his sorrow: ‘I share the same fate as you
do, and as of many of our comrades, almost everyone of them as a matter of fact.
I've no intention to return home, neither in the next month nor in the next
decade! If by some unexpected chance an extreme change would take place, such as
a retreat of the Zionist occupying forces; or a forced international political
settlement, which shall enact as an outcome, our independence – only then I'll
rush back home. But that's not and can't be the situation, and let's not cherish
futile illusions!’ She made a short pause and watched Samir’s downcast face with
‘We'd better get back to your question.’ She went on changing her mind again.
‘Now, as I've already mentioned, you won't remember these particular details,
which as a matter of fact you don't need to remember; for how long do you think
you're going to use that name? It’s not supposed to serve you in the future, and
that certain episode is over and behind us. Its most hazardous stage at any case –
isn't going to be a part of your life story or your cover story as we do usually
call it, so don't waste a single thought over it.’ That should cool him off, cut
off his arguments for the time being at least. She assumed quite justly. ‘Do order
us some cool drinks.’ She asked him smiling sweetly. ‘Before we’ll have our lunch,
I'm still hungry, you know.’
A man was approaching their table, while Samir was still engulfed in his thoughts,
with his eyes fixed upon Leila's face. Samir has not noticed the approaching man
yet. The stranger was a lean middle aged man of medium height, attired in a summer
suit as befits the last fashion of a light beige color and a pink shirt, which
made a fine contrast with his dark complexion; a flimsy dark line of hair adorned
his upper lip, and the top of his head glistened with oily brilliance. He came to
offer them a sight seeing tour deal, he said – right after having introduced
himself. He was the hotel's touring office manager. Having been invited to join
their company he sat down next to their table and without waiting to any reaction
or comment of theirs; he said he had an available car for them to rent, but could
not offer them the services of a chauffeur. That all he could offer them right
now, he said. They will have to drive the car themselves and they may leave the
car at the Cairo company's office – on having arrived there.
At first Samir did not grasp the significance of that “coincidental” meeting, and
he had no intention to rack his brains for the whole thing. But wished to postpone
the matter, have lunch first and decide later. There was enough time for such a
matter yet. But one look on Leila's stern face, her pursed lips, made Samir
realize the very bare truth. It was their contact man and his offer was one more
piece in the puzzle of his escape route! His message was simple and very obvious:
They could have their lunch and leave straight afterwards for Cairo!
‘By the way’ wondered Samir aloud. ‘Isn't the driver who picked us at the border,
your man?’
‘Of course he's, but he isn't dispensable, I can't do without him as a matter of
fact. His duty is to serve the hotel guests exclusively, and within the hotel's
periphery not beyond it!’ Explained the touring manager patiently.
Although the comparatively feeling of safety returned to him gradually Samir would
have rather driven on without delay. The Israelis vindictive long arm was
notorious, and if they did by that time solve the murder case his stay in Tabba on
Egyptian soil, would not stop them from catching up with him. The threatening
faces of those two huskies at the border, was a very fresh reminder of that long
and ruthless arm. On the other hand even if Leila was a good and experienced
driver, nobody can expect him to sit idle at her side – while she will be
driving... But if that contact man would recommend them to leave right away, would
it be wise at all? If anything happens, if some car failure would stop them, in
the middle of the desert, without a mechanic, or at least a skilled driver. No!
We'd better stay at the hotel, and wait for the services of a skilled driver, or
hire a team of two; a driver and a skilled mechanic, to escort us. That was his
decision and he declared their intentions to the polite stranger. Another glance
at Leila's face assured him that he made the right one.
Their contact man did not express any unusual comments, but reminded them that
their demand would be met only in twenty four hours time.
‘It isn't a bad idea to start your vacation right at this luxurious hotel.’ He
added with a warm and friendly smile. ‘And I do recommend to you the hotel's
restaurant with all my heart. It’s simply superb, I am sure you will enjoy it!
You'll find many more advantages, that this modern complex has to offer you –
especially now after we got rid of all the remnants of the Jewish personnel...
Allah be praised!’ He raised his face upwards thankfully, expressing his deep
satisfaction. ‘Tomorrow I'll have several drivers available.’ He continued
undisturbed. ‘By the way have you by any chance heard their latest broadcast in
Arabic?’ He asked pointing his thumb towards the border. ‘An Israeli professor was
murdered this very morning in El-Kuds (Jerusalem); a researcher of international
renown they say – and they as usual, are raising hell!’ He remarked with a short
content laugh.
‘What has exactly happened?’ Asked him Leila with an apparent innocent curiosity.
‘Well, he crossed on foot some deserted grove on his way, and there his slain
corpse was found. Some kind of a doctor Jekyll and mister Hide I dare say!’ He
added scornfully. ‘Nobody knows whatever were his deeds, while he was on his own,
in short they're lost in thick fog. As it’s not clear yet whether it was a common
criminal act, or whether we did the job? But though it might surprise you, it
doesn't hinder our business down here, it won't stop the Israelis rush to Sinai.
They kept coming right after the "Ras-Burka" massacre. Well they're a nation of
sheep bound for slaughter, that’s what they really are. But first of all we'll
empty their pockets and when the right time arrives, in no more than two more
decades "inshalla" (with God’s will) – we'll uproot that alien plant, and shake
the earth off its short roots! “Taieb” (good) see you at my office tomorrow
morning at eight thirty, I'll have my best driver at your service – and do enjoy
yourselves as much as you can meanwhile.’ He advised them with a warm smile, and
getting up left their pleasant company
They watched him leave in silence, allowing him to gain the short distance to his
office and disappear in it. They were supposed to discuss his offer between
themselves, that's should be their natural reaction after all, in that case. But
being amidst their brothers, their Egyptian kin, here on Egyptian soil – in the
hotel's lobby at last, such an obliging need of sticking to the rules, was not
necessary at all. Thus they kept sitting on silently, each one of them absorbed in
his thoughts. Samir was increasingly aware to his growing dependence on Leila, and
being forced to limit his own initiative in almost every matter frustrated and
angered him. He could not ignore though, her many merits – such as wisdom,
intelligence, and her experience. Her supremacy over him in clandestine matters
became obvious even to him. He was not ready of course to accept it yet. He did
not expect his mute partner up to this stage, the so called: "the just wed bride
of his" to become his hidden operator and chief. Though it was just a matter of a
few more days, and if they were on their way to Cairo already – he would have
parted with her the day after tomorrow.
Someone was loafing around not too far from them; Samir realized his proximity
with a sudden sense of danger. It happened to be a lone cleaner wearing the
hotel's uniform, moving from table to table – emptying the ashtrays into a
moveable dustbin, which he pushed before him.
Without delay Samir raised his arm and summoned him with a short decisive order
‘Ta’al hon ya zalame!’ (come over here, man!).
The sudden unexpected call surprised both Leila and the cleaner, who came running
to their table straight away.
‘Are there yet any available rooms at the hotel?’ Asked him Samir as soon as the
cleaner reported humbly before them.
‘Yes sir, there are very few guests at this time of year, sir!’
‘Fine!’ Said Samir, enjoying immensely the strange new status he managed to reach
over night.
‘I want you to send us the barman first of all – than hop to the restaurant and
inform them that we wish to have our lunch in ten minutes’ time – now your last
task...’ He added sneaking a glance at Leila, ‘…is to notify the reception to
prepare us a suite for tonight.’
‘Very well sir, at your service sir!’ Declared excitedly the cleaner and rushed
away, to execute Samir's orders.
‘Do I have your approval?’ He asked Leila politely. ‘I gather an ordinary double
bedroom won't answer our needs.’ He added jokingly, doing his best to drive away
her apprehensions – and avoid thus any objection to his spontaneous decisions. His
cunning, his efforts to calm her by that tactical direct approach of his, amused
her for just a friction of a second no more. In a second thought her doubts and
suspicions were enhanced – and the insinuations in his last sentence, simply
frightened her. She forced her self to smile back to him, and quickly afterwards
covered her mouth with her palm, as if she'd to strangle a yawn – while in fact
she was hiding a sudden nervous tick, which appeared momentarily at her mouth
The arrival of a waiter, ready to take their orders, brandishing a pencil and an
open notebook; the blessed moment he reached their table, brought her the break
she so desperately needed. Thus she managed to brace herself somehow at the last
Samir on the other hand, was aware to the amount of embarrassment his audacity
must have caused his "just wed bride" But he ordered their drinks without
consulting her, and without any hesitations – as befits an Arab head of a
Within a quarter of an hour they entered the hotel's restaurant, their table was
ready and prepared for them, although the late hour and the fact everyone else had
already dined. They were the only pair of guests present at the restaurant at that
But rumors spread incredibly fast. Samir's impressive behavior, the particular
attention paid to him and to Leila by one of the hotel's senior functionaries, was
immediately noted. Thus a group of half a dozen men were expecting them, ready to
serve them with much eagerness. Two waiters were there to serve their food and
drinks, a headwaiter was there to supervise them; and several more lounged against
the wall empty handed watching them curiously. Waiting in vain to their turn to be
realized, as if they were expecting some miracle to take place.
The three who were there to serve them, were fretting around them from the moment
they had crossed the restaurant's threshold; offering them the restaurant's menu,
looking after their comfort, suggesting dishes and drinks – without a pause
almost. The rather tumultuous attention that was paid to them did not embarrass
Samir at all. On the contrary, it flattered and delighted him very much. In a slow
and cautious procedure he consulted the waiters, asked Leila's consent for every
chosen course – as it was his first time ever to eat in a European style, and to
cross the threshold of a plush restaurant. Whether he had a natural knack for
conducting such a life style, he could not know and did not probe his mind about
it while sitting there. All he did know or care, was the immense joy he had out of
it; and the fact he liked so much that new role of his. Being busy with himself,
with his own needs, and virtually with nothing else at those precious moments –
was no doubt a most delightful experience.
Having managed these small affairs successfully, he raised his eyes to Leila,
seeking her approval time and again. He needed her support and much of the words
and the gestures, in which he expressed himself – sitting opposite her, were
employed by him to gain her admiration.
Another matter that kept bothering him was his wish to discuss with her their next
steps – the very near future. The idea that she was groping in the dark just as he
was, did not seem likely at all to him. He simply could not believe that she did
not know the next stages to come. What was waiting for them, what was bound to
happen? How their operation is supposed to end?
But the din round their table never stopped, the waiters that went and came back
rather quickly, almost at a run; while that pompous head waiter did not abandon
his position for a single moment, and was alas too close to them.
Leila on the other hand, sat opposite him but too far away, thus serious talk was
impossible, and whispering was of course out of the question.
But that problem did not bother Samir alone as he soon learned. Exchanging a warm
smile with Leila he sat down to eat, allowing her with a quick look of consent, to
satisfy her appetite.

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