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Educational Development and Sustainability of Human Resources in FELDA

Education is an important aspect contributing to the nation. In the education FELDA also provide aids and loans to qualified students who excelled in their education. Various aids are provided as incentives to help them achieve the highest qualification. Educational factor is the most important element in the development of human resources. Educational development in FELDA aims to produce human resources with potential among the second generation who are knowledgeable, responsible and competitive. Education development in FELDA (Federal Land Development Authority) is consistent with the educational program by the Ministry of Education Malaysia's effort to produce competent human resources. The development of education, the goal is to raise standards so that the second generation of FELDA their educational attainment is not different compared with other groups outside the schemes. Based on the case (Ali, Zakaria & Abdullah 2010) there are many challenges, problems and solutions that can be known. The target groups for educational programs FELDA were school students and parents. In the analysis, there are many challenges that exist in the development of education through financial allocation through educational activities organized (motivational learning techniques, workshop examination answering techniques and prepare for exams) by the Family Welfare Movement (GKK), teachers and parents for student excellence. Besides that, establishment of the Family Literacy Center (CSR) by FELDA in collaboration with the Ministry of Women, Family and Community aims to provide early exposure of children aged 3-5 years and the interest in reading. But also, the FELDA are challenges in enhancing

student excellence in education through several programs of which are doing Tertiary Education program of school leavers program for less than excellent students to specialize in technical fields at various public and private institutions such as Training Center FELDA's rural setting and 48 Private Training Centre in addition to the prestigious colleges such as University College LKW, Unitar, Twintech and others. The education development program undertaken by the agency showed FELDA is committed to helping its settlers, particularly the second generation. According of analysis, there are also problems in education involves the development of lack of young people in FELDA has left some negative implications for the economy and the community is quite FELDA. The most significant effect is the aging of the FELDA settlers. Most of the settlers of old age and no longer have the physical ability to work the farm. Other problems also arise where it involves age and gender imbalance due to the outflow of the second generation. In addition, for community activities, although there are facilities such as community halls and playing fields are provided, but not fully leveraged. A social activity is difficult to be implemented because there are not many young people moving potential. However, there are various issues arising from educational attainment schemes. Among the educational development is not accompanied by the provision of employment opportunities in FELDA, especially in nonagricultural sector. This limit does not interest young people interested in living in the agricultural sector schemes. Various efforts made by the FELDA and government to resolve the problem. The among them are covers efforts to attract young people involved in agriculture-based sectors so as to reside in the schemes. Efforts are the establishment of housing provision Feldajaya oriented and technical education to young people FELDA. SAWARI Program (an industry in one region)

is a departure from us ah FELDA economic diversification and human resource development, rooted in technology and entrepreneurship. FELDA is an example of a development model that leads to transformational changes and remote rural communities to modern settlements. It also raised the standard of living, particularly areas involving education among the children of settlers. Present the results of the second generation many successes in rural areas and so this development was continued by the next generation. CAREER SELECTION CONTINUING EFFORT AMONG MALAYS IN THE FELDA YOUTH DISTRICT JERANTUT, PAHANG. Increasingly serious social problems such as drug abuse, illegal racing, stealing, etc. are problems that occur today among young people in the land FELDA. Efforts in finding suitable employment became an issue which has arisen because the youth among the unemployed and FELDA still working poor. Thus, this analysis of more focuses on identifying the implementation efforts of career choice among Malay youths in the District of FELDA Jerantut, Pahang. FELDA role continues to grow in 1961, where he was given responsibility to manage and implement their own land and development rancanganrancanganpembangunan placement in Malaysia (Felda, 2007).

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