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Changing Lives Uganda in

Academy'sYouthTeamsupportthe work of international charityproject

In the summer 2008,Lsa WarngandAmy of Mccregor,the Academy's two YouthTeam were introduced Louise staff members, to Chicot,the founderof 'AgapaoInternational', a charilyorganisatonin Uganda. Loulsesei up the charityafrera ho idayto the country She becomeso captivatedby Ugandaand ts peopiethat felt she wou d ike to suppod a communitycloseto whereshe had stayed,nearto the town of J nla. Her charty,AgapaoInternationanow a ms to , help communties deveop skillsthat will enhancetheir own qua ty of lifeand the lives of thosearoundthem. Louisedeveloped the charty usingthe motto 'Learna skill,use a skil and sharea sk l'. She hireda teafirfrom the oca cornmun in Jinjato work with her, ty helpng them io acquiresk s and knowedge' wh ch they could then shareacrossthe wider communty. Loulseexp ainedto Lsa and Amy that ihere was stilla greatdea of work to do in the area. For example,she had purchased pieceof a loca landand was in the processof raising fundsto completethe bu ld ng work of a \ocd io,ld ,enr'e Hed'_9dbo-t wtsat Lourse had a readyachieved and what st I neededto lr6y wa^red be dole. Lsa a^d A-! decided
t^ ^at nv^,arl rnd vi.il tha 116r

know edge and helpng all about increasing peopleto he p themselves." " A r r y n d d e c i d e d6 d l\ e \ , d _ L e d i o v i 5 r l d Ugandaand g ve our supportto the work of Agapao,wth the aim of takinga sma I groL-rp of our Cadetsover laterin 2009.' Aftermany meetngs with Louise,t was agreedthat Amy and Lsa shoud both go to llganda to carryoLrta lul rsk assessnnent, beforepanningthe Cadet'svisit. tse aJdwo.( bagdnds lFe) -pedpd o.aF. I 12,000 in total to pay for the trip. Theywere awardeda f'1,000 grantthroughthe Skillsfor Heath Charitable TrustFundand ra sed the rest by holdng as manyfundraising eventsas they could, inc ud ng car lloot sales,bag pack ng days and cake saes. The ten day trip was bookedfor Frday 24th October2008.Theyarrivedat the a rport at 4am and finaly reachedEntebbeairpod at B.30pm.Theyspentthe n ght in a hotelbefore settingoff on a fve hourjourneyby roadto St Mosesorphanage nearJinja,wherethey would be stayng for the next ninedays. On the frst SundayLsa and Amy were invlted to atlend a localchurchserviceand were takenup on to the altarand introduced the to congregaton. Theyalso spentthe afternoon playng wth the children and havng a barbequeand campfire. Duringthe r stay they were aso giventhe Lhdnce visir local ro Lhe -d- Ldnd childrens hospitas, clinics, schoosand ocalv ages, and spoke to both professionals students and

workrngwlthinthe healthsector proud of The hospitalstafi were exiremely as thelrfac tiesand sLrrroundings, athough, the pholographaboveshows,the hospta s rn
Llganda .r. .on d fa . r i or rHoco in UL/

Amy said: 'Lsa anclI were so rnovedat how we cornewe were madeto fee by the people of Jinja.Theirwarmthand k ndnesswas ovefwhern ng. We are committedto our continuing supportlor Agapaoby rasing moneyto fund thesevita communty projects. Lsa said: Visting tlgandahasbeena life changingexperence.Louse has been a real nspiration us. The work that she and many to realy othersdo throughAgapaoInternational does make such a difference people's ves. to 'lt was such a worthwhile vlsit,full of both highsand ows, but fee it would benefit anyonewishingto visitin the future.You need to be emoionaly, as weli as physca ly, p'epdradbefo e er-bd (ing o- a 'rip of lhis kind.We're rea y lookingforwardto returning to the areawith a smallgroup oi Academy Cadetsand we're surethat the tr p will changethe r livestoo. "So heregoes,back to the fundraising. This trip w I cost n the regionof C1000per person, if youfeelyouwouldlke to heLp so pleaseget n touch." lf would likemore informaton,pleasecontact: LisaWarng on 07909 886543 or Amy McGregor 07701515985 on

Lsa saidr""Healthis a majorconcernin J nla and everyday is a flght for survlval, due to ladria Lyphod.hoera and tllv Proje/ tq fundedby the charitysuch as the bu dlng of the centre,installation standpipes, running of motherand baby groups,and teaching agricuturalski s to peoplein the villages are

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