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1)Sexul Sex 2)Care este ultima forma de invatamant absolvita? What is your degree? 3)Practicati turismul in general?

In general,do you practice tourism? 4)Unde ati fost in ultimele 6luni in scop turistic? Where have u been in last 6 months as a tourist? 5)Ce tip de turism practicati? What kind of tourism do you practice? 6)De ce ati ales acest tip de turism? Why did you choose this type of tourism? 7)Cunoasteti vreun obiectiv turistic natural din aceasta statiune? Do you know any natural tourist attraction in this resort? 8)Cunoasteti vreun obiectiv turistic antropic din aceasta statiune? Do you know any man-made tourist attraction in this resort? 9)Cunoasteti bisericile/manastirile din aceasta statiune? Do you know churches / monasteries in this resort? 10) Ati vizitat bisericile/manastirile din aceasta statiune? Have you visited churches / monasteries in this resort? 11) Cate obiective religioase din aceasta statiune ati vizitat? How many religious objectives have you visited? 12)Cunoasteti vreun obiectiv istoric? Do you know any historical objectives? 13)Cate obiective istorice ati vizitat in aceasta statiune? How many historical objectives have you visited in this resort?

14)Ati beneficiat de amenajarile turistice din aceasta statiune? Have you benefitted of the visitor facilities in this resort? 15)Ce obiective turistice v-au impresionat? Which landmarks touched your heart? 16)Considerati ca obiectivele turistice constituie mijloace de pastrare a valorilor culturale? Do you consider that the sights are means of keeping the cultural values? 17)Cum vi se par costurile? How do you find the costs? 18)Ce mijloace de transport ati folosit pentru a ajunge in aceasta statiune? What means of transportation you used to reach this resort? 19)Considerati oportuna dezvoltarea turismului? Do you consider appropriate the tourism development? 20)Sunteti dispus sa investiti in turism? Are you willing to invest in tourism? 21)Sunteti dispusi sa participati la conferinte pe tema turismului? Are you willing to participate in conferences on tourism? 22)Ce impact credeti ca ar avea dezvoltarea turismului asupra economiei nationale? What impact do you think would have the development of tourism on the national economy? 23)Care este starea infrastructurii acestei statiuni? What is the state of the infrastructure of this resort? 24)Considerati necesara implicarea localnicilor in dezvoltarea turismului? Do you consider necessary to involve local people in tourism development? 25)Este practicat turismul in orasul dumneavoastra? Is the tourism practiced in your city? 26)Imi puteti spune cateva obiective turistice din orasul dumneavoastra? Can you name some landmarks in your city? 27)Considerati necesara o investitie masiva in sectorul turismului?

Do you think is necessary a massive investment in tourism sector? 28)Ce credeti ca ii nemultumeste pe turistii care vin in aceasta statiune? What makes unhappy the tourists in this resort? 29)Care este perioada in care calatoriti cel mai des? When do you travel most often? 30)Care este durata medie a sejururilor dumneavoastra? What is the average length of your stays?

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