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Major Philosophers Plato:-seeks social human connections -cannot achieve happiness ourside of society -Needs to be led by someone (king,

government, etc) Aristotle:-people achieve their greatest potential and happiness by being politically involved Thommas Hobbes: -provided secular rationale for dictatorship -People fear anarchy enough to surrender their freedom to an absolute ruler in exchange for peace security and the rule of law (absolutism) John Locke: -humans have certain natural rights such as life, liberty and property -people have the right to rebel if there is a breach in contract with these rights -Removal of king jame II when they revolted against king george III Jean-Jacques Rousseau: -live in a state of innocence before being corrupted by society -Protect rights, liberty, and equality of all -French revolution Montesquieu: -sperate balance of powers in government -helped influence US constitution Adam smith:-people who follow their selfish economic interest benefit society as a whole -for capitalism to work it has to be open market not monoply (capitalism) Karl marx: -bring about equality in society by radical means (socialism)/Communism -Bring people into middle class and not sperate rich from poor so much (classless society)-

Chapter 2 Conservatism: -Conversves traditional values

-strict rules , no free thought, right wing Liberalism: -Accpts state intervention when it results in greater political, econmic and social equality -Accepting of free thought, left wing Authoritarianism: -Strong governmental power -military and the police are used to maintain obedience Left wing authoritarianism: Cuba, North korea state power invested into one political party right wing authoritarianism: chile (grabs power by coup d'etat) Anarchism: -all forms of enforced control and authority are unnecessary and undesired Libertarianism:-max freedom and an absense of government intervention -free to do what they want, as long as it doesnt infinge on the rights of others Communism: Revolutionary communism attempts to bring about equality in society by radical means -strong centralized government with full authority to plan economic growth Socialism:-favour democratic and peaceful means of achieving their goals of redistributing political power and economic power -advocate for socialist and labour parties, trade unions, labour protests, and strikes -lessen the income from rich to poor by providing more social services Democratic Socialism: do not insist on total public ownership of the means of production -mixed economy, respects human rights and freedoms -help lowest economic class Capitalism:-individuals who follow their own selfish economic interest benefit society as a whole, school cafe food , food business gets money, you get moderately priced food facism:-blends autoritarianism, state ownership and capitalism -workers are cared for,free enterprise is allowed, but businessa re controlled

for the good of the state -Supports a hierarchical view of society certain people are better -only allows one political party andthat party uses violence and threat of violence to dispel other parties

Chapter 3 Hinduism: -lays our individual rights and duties and rules governing diet,family, caste (hereditary social class) and politics cosmic order is mirrored in all decisions, include political ones, the doctrine of non-violence -believes in single divinity that is present in everything Confucianism: -act humanely towards subjects, social courtesies and etiquette were important rituals -emphasizing reitual behavious, family loyalty and ren, strive for profection -emperor made a civil service examination system -promote equality, nobility wasn't through birth but earned -moral duties and governmental responibilities Buddhism:-teachings of non-violence, enlightened one must guild, emporer supported and became state religion, new emphasis on text that stressed family loyalty Judaism: cour of rabbis, settled community disputes,shaped educational and charitable institutions, maintain strong sense of cultural identity Catholicism: established denominational schools and discouraged divorce and abortion, encouraged trade unions and issued encyclicals helped collaspse communism in poland -king henry and pope gregory excommunicated 3 days in snow islam: inseparable state and religion, state based on religion,natioanlism less important than religious beliefs, underlines the inner strugggles to be a better muslim not outer struggle against a political or religious enemy Protestantism: -elect group of hard working people go to heave, protestant work ethic, theocracy, rejected hierarchical structure, advocated for teachings of equality between sexes and races and oppose war, seeking the abolition of slavery, prison reform, female suffrage and world peace.

Chapter 4 Nationalism: A feeling of attachment and loyalty to a particular nation, society, or territory and strong support for its interest Nation: Political community/people based on race, language, culture, history, relgion Nation-state: a country view as more than a organization/system homeland Internationalism: a belief in friendly cooperation among nations for mutual benefit Chapter 6 Unitary system: local government with certain power but answer to higher power Chapter 8 Alliance: formal union or agreement to cooperate with other nations for a specific purpose North american treaty organization NATO north american air defense agreement NORAD peacekeeping: keeping warring parties or states from attacking one another by placing a barrier between them such as a multilateral force of peacekeeping soldiers Peacemaking: The proccess involved in negotiating a peaceful settlement between disputing parties often by 3rd party, military force may be used to prevent human suffering or human rights abuses Chapter 11

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