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What would happen if you threw a very sharp spear weighing several pounds at a
man’s heart? I think you will agree that it would penetrate his heart and almost
certainly kill him immediately.

Now what would happen if you took the same spear and fashioned the spear point
into round surface a foot in diameter? That same spear would do little or no

For a good while, I have been concerned about what many are doing to the spear
point aimed at DCFS. This is an attempt to explain in a commonsense way how many
of us who are working for the same cause of protecting families and seeing that
their rights are secured, have very effectively hurt that cause.

In fact, I have said that Satan the Devil, who is most certainly forwarding the
deception, could not have come up with a better way to thwart that cause.

If someone were to approach you and tell you that some one you loved did something
illegal and showed you indisputable facts. Most Americans would more or less
reluctantly be useful in the prosecution of even a loved one.

But if that accuser brought up a lot of other things to proffer his argument
against your loved one and you knew logically and factually that those things
could not likely be true, all of a sudden, you would become an enemy to the

Likewise, when the many groups of advocates for families and children have amongst
them people who blame the government and various officials of many different
conspiracies, they blunt the spear and make enemies where there need not be any.


You write the President or another entity about your case and in the same letter
you or an organization to which you refers; accuse him of corruption of some sort.

Right now, some of the popular ones include:

1. The Us Government sponsored 911

2. The Vice President is a war criminal
3. Most government officials are getting paid to take the children
4. We are getting rid of the dollar for the Amero

5. Jews are behind all evils

Now understand this, even if every one of those things above were true, when it
comes to removing the insidiousness in the Child protection arena, a mixed
advocacy of these along with the message against DCFS ONLY serves to defeat us and
make enemies unnecessarily. The first thought from those that could be of help
will be that they will be dealing with nut cases.

This is and will continue to be true for the same reason that you would turn
against the investigators accusing your loved one, in the example above. You only
successfully blunt the spear so that it cannot penetrate.

This is one of the reasons that most of these dispared groups cannot work
I know that I refused to be associated publicly with many.


It takes extraordinary discipline to stick just to that which is provable to

nearly all minds and leave off other things. This is particularly true for a
family who has seen this evil happen to their child. Yes, it is pure evil that
makes me want to knock holes through walls when I interact with families suffering
through it.

On the other hand, just listening to the talking heads on TV should convince the
logical mind that most are true believers in the System and the inclination is
only to give it more strength, “for the sake of the Children.”

The choices in the minds of most Americans are: Believe this organization set
there by their representatives, which seems have nothing against any individual.
An organization of supposed professionals associated with professional. Or to
believe an accused child abuser when they say nothing bad happened.

Add to that the individuals seems to be conspiracy theorists and pathologically

so. NO ONE will wants to even talk to you.

When a person has seen this injustice, it makes them more likely to believe that
all of government and it's officials are currupt. It is not the case. It will do
you not good. You only multiply your enemies.


Americans truly believes in the principles on which this country was founded

1. One of things the very learned founders of our country understood from history
was that you cannot trust people in authority to always do right, so they sought
for a set of balances and competing interests in different branches of government.

Their thought was that Rights come from God and Governments were established only
to help secure those rights.
(A) Therefore a person was innocent until enough evidence showed to their
neighbors that they were most likely guilty.

(B) If the accuser is also the Judge, you cannot win

(C) Having a jury of your peers is further protection because the judge is still
goverment, even if from another branch.

2. The truth be told, we have set up a system where DCFS is the default Judge.

(A) The Judge counts on DCFS as the finder of fact. Most parents have run
into this. Nothing they say and no facts that they show matters if DCFS challenges
their statements or documented evidence.

So, in effect they are accuser, Judge and jury, effectively ridding the system of
the protections set forth by the founding fathers.

Their so-called facts are generally the end all for Representatives and reporters
alike. When you complain, they ask the Foxes tearing up the chickens, if they are
doing wrong and then accept their answer. They will have a great lying answer.
None of these professionals will risk being on the side of a potential child

We could act these things out in our protests. We could compare this way to what
would happen in civil lawsuits where the Judge is a partner with the person suing.

This is power no government entity should have.

There is almost NO ONE who cannot understand these points. A sharp edge it truly
has along with the support of 99% of Americans.

3. Secrecy: The founders knew what was done during the inquisition. In fact that
strange evil done in the name of religion along with that controlling mentality
was one of the reasons so many people came to America.

During the inquisition, you could be accused or only said to be by someone that
you would never know and who would never have the guts to accuse you to your face.

Worst case scenarios from this would be faked evidence that you had NO WAY to
prove was false. Child Protective Services are proven Liars. There is
documentation proving that they have even said a neighbor said something that
later the neighbor said under oath, they didn’t say. No matter dcfs’ statement
stands without admonishment in most cases.

There are many documented cases of falsified documentation and even threats to
parents and others presenting this documentation.

All people get this. A mighty fine pointed edge that every official would not want
to be caught speaking against, if framed properly.

4. Now tie the above to the money. Not just the money going to DCFS but to a
Child protection industry.

All through History men have understood that the person setting as Judge CANNOT be
trusted to have a vested interest in a certain outcome when they sit in judgment,
yet the Default Judge in child protection cases (DCFS) has all sorts of monetary
interest. In his book “Warning: The Truth about Child Protective Services and The
Staggering Impact on Society”, my friend Don Lyons, documents 5 different ways
they can get paid. Also Many Judges’ retirement is tied to the number of cases
where DCFS is deemed to be benefactor for the children or they actually sit on
boards for the operators of Foster homes.

This money also eventually ends up into the hands of your appointed attorney, your
child’s attorney (ad litem) Casa workers, Doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists,
Foster care entities, case workers, Drug Companies and State coffers.

Any attempts to lessen the corrupting effects of these monies will bring the wrath
of all these so-called professionals down on your head and the head of
Representatives and attorneys, so let’s stick to those things that allows the
point to stay sharp and un-blunted.

We should argue to keep the money and turn it to Title IV moneys that pay more to
keep kids and families together.

In the spring of 2008 the Supreme Court issued guidelines for Judges in which it
states that no judge should have a vested interest in any outcome of any cases,
directly or indirectly, in which they personally benefit.

This is a Sharpened point that also EVERYONE understands and supports. Almost
anyone would fear to speak against reform of this sort if presented correctly.

In Conclusion

Let’s argue that process is not important if is does not dispense justice. Many
appeals are turned down because the normalized crooked process has been carried
out. Parents find out too late that a superior court won’t even care to look into

Let’s Act these very sharp points out in front of people. Let’s write about these
points to our Senators, Representatives and news reporters and papers,
organizations and Churches.

These things cannot be successfully argued against. Neither would any one want to.

So the next step would be by everyone, not if, but change it now to the original
wise intent of the founders so our families can rest in the justice of America
once again.

Americans will believe the saying, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely!”

I know people who have tried it the other way for 30 years and people only thought
it was a few bad cases here and there. With these things exposed in their faces
with documentation, there will be no hiding place for ignorance and there will be
no will to contend against us.

Let’s do it!

By Bill Sullivan

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