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This is my fax and email blast I send to cops, sheriffs and business every where!

I AM SORRY ABOUT THIS INTERRUPTION, IT IS A NEEDED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE 5pg WHY AM I FORCED TO BEG FOR FREEDOM & JUSTICE? Look, After 5 full years, I just got out of prison for a crime against a fiction of the state, It has destroyed my life, Family, health,business, and career. I filed briefs but THEY judge it, AND PROFIT? I am seeking your help in A donation to help fund this mission for REAL justice. I will fill MY FAX up for evidence for the military. The only way to win is expose them and your HELP is needed. I seek a A DONATION AS I AM LIVING ON NOTHING AND ALL BUT HOMELESS. I AM IN THIS UNTIL THIS NATION SAVED. I WOULD NOT NEED TO DO THIS IF PEOPLE WOULD DO THEIR JOBS, AND YOU WOULD HOLD THEM TO IT. I CAN NOT AFFORD A PROFESSIONAL WRITER OR TOOLS FOR THIS. BUT IT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU TO. This is your country and some people are STEALING IT. Keep reading, You are my jury and my only chance for justice. Ed Curtis 924 5th st s. Fargo, ND 58103. I am NOT a beggar, I have never collected anything from gov. or begged until forced to. I will not support TERRORISM. I owe this to my grand kids, A future of freedom, common law, and real education. View Your State Corruption Risk Report Card: http://www.stateintegrity.org/your_state THE NORTH DAKOTA GRADE IS AN "F" AND I AM FORCED TO PAY??? THIS WILL GO OUT UNTIL JUSTICE IS SERVED & I AM PAID.THEY STOLE 5 YEARS OF MY LIFE FOR THEIR CRIMES. Just as every husband needs a wife, every child needs a parent, and every teacher needs a pupil, so every crime needs a victim. Not a potential victim or possible victim or a supposed victim, but an actual victim. The law is for our protection, not for profit for the few. There are a myriad of federal, state, and local laws on an incalculable number of subjects. The result of this is that the United States the land of the free has one of the highest per-ca-pita prison populations in the world. With less than 5 percent of the world's population, the United States has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners. Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another. Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons or property. Unless this clear distinction between vices and crimes be made and recognized by the laws, there can be on earth no such thing as individual right, liberty, or property no such things as the right of one man to the control of his own person and property, and the corresponding and coequal rights of another man to the control of his own person and property. To be a crime, there must exist criminal intent to invade the person or property of another. But vices are not engaged in with criminal intent. THE ONLY LEGITIMATE REASON AND PURPOSE FOR LAW AND GOVERNMENT IS TO PROTECT YOU FROM ME AND ME FROM YOU, ANYTHING ELSE IS THEFT OF BOTH OUR MONEY. It puts a fiction over the value of life. It has turned law into a weapon of mass destruction. It supports a human predatory class that feeds off our ignorance, health, wealth, freedoms, Safety and happiness, The same class that we declared independence from 200 years ago. THEY ARE PAID TO KNOW THE LAW, Not use it for profit & control. YOU are with US OR THEM. Truth has no fear, only ignorance does. That is why we are where we are today. No one will stop their machine of mass destruction. WE HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO ACCEPT IT. Their was no victim BUT me, and you who paid to keep me in prison in ignorance or with a goal While the Judges, Lawyers and system profits. See People before lawyers IT IS EVERY ONES MORAL , LEGAL & HUMAN DUTY TO STOP THIS. I AM SEEKING TO COLLECT ON A DEBT FOR THE RE EDUCATION OF N.D. Education = freedom. IT WOULD END ALL SOCIAL ILLS FROM wars & MOST CRIMES TO POVERTY, RACISM AND ADDICTIONS, ALSO 3/4 OF THIS GOV THAT EATS OUR HEALTH, WEALTH AND SECURITY. THIS IS WORTH YOUR STUDY! Paying to have others destroyed for NO

CRIME, is a crime, It has led to MASSIVE human destruction. IF YOU WILL NOT STAND ON AND UP FOR REAL LAW & JUSTICE,When will you stand? WE ALL WILL PAY. YOU, YOUR FAMILY, OUR FUTURE, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR WORLD. WE ARE NOW THE MOST REGULATED, ROBBED, USED AND ABUSED PEOPLE IN ALL HUMAN HISTORY AND NO ONE EVEN KNOWS OR WILL SEE THIS? I CHALLENGE EVERYONE TO PROVE THIS WRONG. WE WERE THE RICHEST, FREEST AND MOST PRODUCTIVE PEOPLE IN HUMAN HISTORY, WHAT HAPPENED? ....YOUR IGNORANCE! NOW YOU WILL HAVE NO EXCUSE! Your car,home, kids & life, all pledged for their GOV., debt. just key in; Who owns your car? The more you study, the more you will see, This is a very needed action for YOUR future. WHEN THE STATE IS A VICTIM, WE ALL ARE. THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE, JUST PASS THIS ON TO ALL & help me so I can. I sent the below to every official and contact in my state I could find thinking one would wake up to what they were doing. It is their nature to feed on those who earn their way. That is what they do. YOU LET THEM. -- THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, and every member of this State who paid for this, why? If we can not stand on the law, WHERE CAN WE STAND? I have been terrorized, assaulted, kidnapped, jailed, lied to, robbed, extorted from & I have mountains of proof OF EVERYTHING I CLAIM. THINK, What are we really free to do without paying them? This system manufactures crime & criminals for profit, not protection. Ed Curtis, STATES FOR THE RECORD. The State of North Dakota IS NOW A CRIMINAL EXTORTION RING OF TERRORISTS! I SEEK PROTECTION FROM EVERY GOV OFFICIAL FROM BLATANT TERRORISM & TREASON. Ignorance of the law is no excuse,They take pay for knowing the law, it is no longer your excuse either. My family has been destroyed in IGNORANCE. They make, enforce and profit while we Apay, & pay, & pay. THIS IS A DEMAND FOR INJUNCTORY RELIEF, NULLIFICATION OF ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEASURES PURSUANT TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE VII COURTS IN WITCH ALL officials, Judges, police, cops, Sheriffs, Clerks & Legislators ALL ARE GUILTY OF<> TREASON <> THEY WAR ON THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THEM. This is WAR CRIMES on the people for profit for the system. THEY ARE OUR GREATEST THREAT. IF THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT BROUGHT TO JUSTICE, LAW MEANS NOTHING. INTERVENTION IS DEMANDED, I HAVE NO ONE TO REPORT THIS TO but you. They can not do it in the light of honesty, I SEEK TO EXPOSE THEM ALL, Word games only they can use, we are slaves, A CRIME TAKES A HUMAN VICTIM OR LAW IS OVER US, not for our protection but profit. ALL N.D. officials received one like this over 5 years ago. I was kidnapped and sent to prison for standing on the law? My brother, and his son, Almost murdered. It is time for ALL, to know the truth, For the good of us all. I make my War crimes case and present 25 years of hard research in my book I wrote in prison. THE GUILTY NEED TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE, NOT ONE official STOOD TO PROTECT ANY OF US, OUR RIGHTS, THE CONSTITUTION OR ANY OF THE "LAW" ALL swore to PROTECT, IT IS A CRIME AGAINST ALL, NOTHING LESS. The law is now for their protection and profit and it is our fault for letting them. ONLY IGNORANCE BRINGS FEAR, YOU PAID OVER 1/2 MILLION DOLLARS TO DO THIS TO ME. Do We need the Military to liberate us from our PAID public servants? YES, If this fax doesn't work OR YOU FAIL TO STUDY THIS and take action or help me continue my quest for justice. The facts will speak for themselves. I stand on the law, they don't. This is a demand of oath of office protections from all officers of the courts as said oaths require, and WE THE PEOPLE should demand. Since all courts require either a valid contract or a damaged victim or both for a court to have lawful jurisdiction, It is now motioned that a contract or victim be placed into evidence or said jurisdiction is challenged and void for lack of evidence. Proceeding was treason, Silence is conspiracy. SERIOUS Crimes are recorded & reported here. It is further motioned that the officers of the courts are under oath and attest

that they are in fact members of the judicial branch of OUR LAWFUL government and not under a foreign jurisdiction of Congress of the UNITED STATES. They have failed to remain in their office & remained silent & or conspired against us, Our rights and their lawful duties they collect pay for. They HAVE WARRED ON MY FAMILY. Now comes; Defendant ; Ed, Dan, Shane and Justin Curtis. We all move this court, pursuant to said oaths taken by all officers of the court and ALL public servants with express interest in this matter to acknowledge the following. Every one of you TAKE pay for. I did warn them, 5-7 YEARS AGO. THEY STILL USED THE LAW AS A WEAPON OF DESTRUCTION, THEY KNEW, they all knew and destroyed us for telling them & TRYING to hold them to it. Our time is not free, We only have so many hours of life. We billed each and every officer of the courts at a rate of $350 per hour for time and $10,000 per violation of my Constitutional rights violated or ignored. I seek full prosecution of the guilty for breach of contract and WAR CRIMES, what else is it? THEY VIOLATED EVERY RIGHT, but have an army living in the house. This is no less than TERRORISM, and a crime against humanity. They have turned traitors to us all. A. The claim of Constitutional rights can not be converted to a crime Miller VS U.S. B. The Constitution is a written instrument, it does not change in meaning. U.S. VS Kruikshank. C. Silence can only be equated to fraud when their is a moral and legal duty to speak. D. A contract made in fraud is null and void in a lawful court of law. 3. All officers swear to abide by oaths to the Constitution of the United States Article VI clause 2& of the US CONSTITUTION. But we go to them to decide if they violated their duty? 4. That it is THEIR DUTY; To provide full due process of law pursuant to Amendments; 1,4,5,6,7,9,&14 of the US Constitution and other relevant amendments of your job descriptions with the North Dakota Constitution as required FOR THEIR PAY AND DUTY. 5. All officers swear to provide equal protection of the law with no exceptions. 6. DO THEY NOT COLLECT PAY, To respect, protect and defend each and every right of this plaintiff, An American citizen in this matter Guaranteed by all oaths of all officers of all my lawful Government. It is The SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND THEY VIOLATE, in your silence or ignorance? Only when you face this will you understand how important this really is. 7. DO NOT; All officers swear to uphold the Constitution as the Supreme law of this land and agree to help fully prosecute and bring to justice ALL actors working under color of law, with no jurisdiction thus violating all concepts of law and justice for this Sovereign citizen? IS THIS NOT THE ONLY VALID REASON FOR LAW AND GOVERNMENT? IS THIS NOT THE ESSENCE OF REAL LAW? WE THE PEOPLE are 100% responsible for THEIR actions, Letting them manufacture crime for profits is a war on us all. My bill has been running for 6-7 years now and I DO PLAN TO COLLECT. Terrorism, treason, Crimes against Humanity and out right acts of Genocide are hard to defend from, When you study it. I went to all for a fair and impartial hearing. the jury was tampered with, Our rights treated like WE were the terrorists, they destroyed our lives and businesses & to call this law is is proof, their propaganda works. In all reality they all are the traitors and terrorists to the human race. TO THE STATE BAR & GOVERNMENT OF NORTH DAKOTA To all attorneys serving in the NORTH DAKOTA or Federal legislatures, and to any and all members of this legal system, I, ED CURTIS will wager $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS) that you cannot produce FIVE (5) practicing attorneys, media, enforcement or judges who can successfully argue in a one-hour public debate, that they are both: 1) Honorable men and women; and 2) Proud members of the BAR, enforcement, or media. ED CURTIS will produce five opponents who will debate the contrary. The listeners will determine the outcome of the debate. To win, all five must convince the public they are each honorable persons and proud to be membersif the public votes against just one of their five

on the issues, they lose the debate and wager. If that seems like a difficult condition, bear in mind that there are over 250,000 members of the Bar alone who are all professionally trained to debate and argue issues in public forums. If there were any personal honor in this government, at least 1 member per 5,000 should be able to argue the issues successfully. The losers of the debate will donate $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS) to the winners charity of choice. We will schedule the debate to occur On a movie production Lawless America. Frankly, I doubt that the entire government could find five (5) members who have nerve enough to stand up in public and argue for their Honor. The strength The Bar has is in a court where no one watches but a judge and another attorney. Let us see what they can do in the Court of Public Opinion! Let us see what they can do in the open, without their 16 million laws, judges, guns & jails to protect them or the ignorance that conceals them. Let us see what they can do when the issue isnt the law, but the lawyers, cops, Media and judges who have stolen, robbed and enslaved this nation. COLD BLOODILY, They enforce their frauds, and destroyed this nation, THEY ARE WAR CRIMINALS in my mind AND in the law. WE DEMAND arrests and compensation. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, YOU CAN NOT BE FREE & IGNORANT. OUR COUNTRY AND KIDS FUTURE WILL BE LOST BECAUSE OF LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. THIS IS REAL. YOUR IGNORANCE THREATENS MY LIFE. AMERICA NEEDS YOUR HELP GETTING THIS KNOWLEDGE TO EVERYONE! IT IS TIME TO LOOK AROUND. OUR COUNTRY IS IN DEEP TROUBLE AND WILL BE LOST IN IGNORANCE. Send this to any Sheriff, cop, judge, media or lawyer, and everyone you know! KNOWLEDGE IS THE MOST VALUABLE TOOL FOR YOUR FUTURE. EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THIS! REPORT ME OR THEM TO ALL! IGNORANCE IS OUR # 1 ENEMY! YOU HAVE NO MORE EXCUSE. THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE! DO NOT FEAR THE TRUTH, STUDY EVERYTHING! I put a lot on here! key in: http://phpromo.weebly.com SHOWS AND READS EVERYONE NEEDS!! IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE FREE UNTIL EVERYONE IS AWAKE! I WANT TO BE FREE, DO YOU? THEN DO SOMETHING! YOUR IN- actions & silence is why we ALL are here. THE TRUTH WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING,YOU Can claim ignorance once, your once is over. Do YOU not care for OUR country, kids and future? KEY IN: The US Constitution READ IT! It WAS OUR protection FROM this. It is their job description and the reason they collect pay. KEY IN; STAGES OF GENOCIDE,Crimes against humanity, Terrorism & treason. These are BY FAR, The most dangerous people in all history, They are the guilty. key in; OFFICE OF "PERSON"> This is a stage of genocide. They have made us all animals & fictions, in the eyes of "THE STATE" They all hide behind. The mental, emotional and physical damage we have suffered is only called "law" in ignorance. The Media is their propaganda tool. YOUR IGNORANCE DID THIS! Help fix it or live with it, BUT DO NOT FORCE ME TO. key in: , J.A.I.L. (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law) & www.lawlessamerica.com, who Is seeking victims & perps for this Nation wide production exposing the Judaical systems of America! watch; The Money Masters OR > FROM FREEDOM TO FASCISM, The $ and tax fraud EXPOSED, 'The Awakening' by Max Igan IS A NEW WAY TO LOOK AT THE WORLD for a future. CONTACT ME FOR MORE! NDPOW32417@GMAIL.COM, IF YOU REALLY CARE, YOU WILL STUDY & PASS THIS TO ALL, bringing evil to light is our only chance for justice. THESE PEOPLE YOU SUPPORT , ARE 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MASS DESTRUCTION OF THIS ENTIRE NATION, MY FAMILY, CAREER, Business & LIFE. WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE WE PAY FOR IT. When they; TAKE, TERRORIZE, THREATEN AND EXTORT, WHAT I EARN, it is NO LAW I WILL PAY FOR. LOOK AT THE WORLD! WE ALL ARE THE GUILTY AND WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, OR THEIR VICTIM. The choice is yours. YOU are with the law or with them. The law applies to all or it is simply a tool to take what I earn. Why can you join

Government and rob, Kill and destroy others and it not be a crime? THEY TAKE THEIR PAY TO PROTECT US FROM PEOPLE WHO DO IT, But law is now, nothing but a criminal org., YOU SUPPORT. To do it is still a crime. They have TAKEN 3+ BILLION from the people OF N.D. for their state Coffers. Gov. is NOT for profit! They can spend it to take more from YOU or you can help expose them and use this money for REAL education that will make it impossible for ANY OF them to EVER DO THIS AGAIN. You can aid, abet & support terrorism, or shine the light of truth, Honesty, law and justice on the terrorists. If you think this is not real, make a chart of the numbers! Use the years: 1900 , 1930, 1960, 2000, 2010 and now. Study; the costs of food, gas, taxes, The # of gov. employees, Prison, crime rates> violent and victimless. Health care, schooling, The value of a dollar, and chart the steady decline yourself! Did you know, Gold & silver is our ONLY lawful money? printed & weighed by Congress, DID YOU KNOW, The Federal reserve is a private, for profit foreign Corp. who prints unbaked $ then charges us interest THEY NEVER PRINT! key in; "Could You Have Passed The 8th Grade in 1895?" & "Their is no such thing as a lawyers license?" Law is a common law right and they renounced their citizenship to be one. They are foreign agents! also, key in: "SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS", YOUR IGNORANCE IS KILLING YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND MINE. It is a planned destruction of this country. STAND NOW, or be with them, until they eat you to. THINK, what else can they do? NOW YOU KNOW, YOU ARE GUILTY OR INNOCENT, YOUR actions and in actions will tell. IT IS YOUR COUNTRY YOU NEED TO DEFEND! LAWLESS AMERICA IS SEEKING VICTIMS AND OFFICIALS IN ALL 50 STATES FOR THIS NATION WIDE PRODUCTION, CONTACT ME AND I WILL HELP YOU HAVE A VOICE THAT WILL CHANGE THIS WHOLE NATION FOR THE BETTER, FOR A CHANGE. These people think totally different than the working class, they think how to take what we earn and most produce nothing. TO EVERY GOV. EMPLOYEE, If you refuse to take your oaths, Duty and position serious, AS A CITIZEN OR OFFICIAL, WALK AWAY! Soon, you will have no where to hide, No excuse, and no defense. YOU will 100% deserve everything justice brings to YOU. YOU NEED TO: ARREST OR BE ARRESTED FOR WAR CRIMES. Our judges & lawyers have no excuse for their crimes. Be an American hero or traitor to the human race. Now, Their is no excuse, They should be CONVICTED AS A WAR CRIMINALS. REPORT ME BY FAXING THIS HERE > 701-241-5838 < OR DEMAND ARRESTS HERE > 701-241-5805 < MAKE HIM DO HIS JOB for a change! EVERYTHING HITLER'S PEOPLE DID WAS LEGAL & RIGHT WHEN THEY DID IT, THEN JUSTICE BECAME REAL AND THEY FACED IT. WATCH; "In Lies We Trust" THIS IS NOT MADE UP. Our police have not been trained to know law, but take pay for it? To just to enforce it is no excuse, until YOU OR ME inform them, they are ignorant. I went from running LUXURY High rises, Condo's and resorts to a popper/ beggar/ ex convict/ freedom fighter because I care for our kids and future. My book is my full case, it is free and everyone needs this knowledge or we will leave a nightmare to our kids. KEY; Alex Jones , www.alphapub.com & MY BOOK, JUST GIVING IT AWAY WILL GIVE US ALL A FIGHTING CHANCE TO FIX ALL OUR PROBLEMS. It is NEEDED re-education TO SPOT, CONFRONT & EXPOSE EVIL FOR ALL.

IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO UNDERSTAND THE REAL DANGERS WE FACE, YOU ARE THE BIGGEST PART OF ALL OUR PROBLEMS! YOU need to help spread the cures of ignorance or help me so I can. I need the tools, editors, contacts or your donations to do this, Truth, LAW & JUSTICE has no fear! Only THE GUILTY needs to fear it. ONLY THE EDUCATED ARE FREE, WE ALL HAVE BEEN DUMBED DOWN AND OUR LAWS HAVE LOST THEIR GOALS, MEANINGS AND WAY. We are all 2nd class citizens & Person in their laws. It states in the Constitution that no attorney can hold public office? LOOK,THINK,ACT & HELP!

We only all have one life and to be a slave is NOT AN OPTION, I will live with or leave .

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