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PowerPath Migration Enabler for Windows Environment V5.

Prerequisites for Windows MSCS hosts
1) Make sure target disk is initialized and accessible from all nodes. 2) select the node that remains active during the migration (only one node with access to the source and target can remain active). 3) Move all failover groups to active node. 4) Shutdown the remaining nodes in the cluster. Note: PowerPath must be installed and properly configures on all nodes in the cluster.

Migration Enabler Installation and Licensing

1) For windows 2003 and 2008 operating systems, administrator must choose custom or complete installation.

Migration Procedure Steps:

1) To view the PowerPath devices before doing migration, for pairing purpose powermt display dev=all 2) Ensure the underlying technology, and then set up the migration using source and target devices. powermig setup -src <source name> -tgt <target name> -techtype hostcopy We need to save the handle number that was displayed after setup command 3) Optionally, you can set a throttle value of 0 through 9 in the setup state. powermig throttle -handle <no.> -throttle value 0 4) To verify all the session pairs powermig info -all 5) Using the handle number which is output at setup command, starts sync the sessions one by one. powermig sync -hd <handle no.> 6) Optionally we can pause the migration during peak I/O times. When you resume the migration, it continues from where it is left off. powermig pause -hd <handle no.> powermig resume -hd <handle no.> 7) Verify all the session pairs are in sync state powermig info -all 8) In order to check the status powermig query -handle <handle no.>

9) Once synchronized, the migration automatically goes into the source selected state. 10) In order to verify status Powermig info -all 11) Designate the target logical unit as the recipient of all I/O read requests: powermig selecttarget -hd <handle no.> 12) Verify all the session pairs powermig info -all 13) Enter the following to commit the migration to designate the target as the recipient of all I/O request powermig commit -handle <handle no.> 14) Clean up the migration. powermig cleanup -handle <handle no.> 15) To check the clean up Powermig info all 16) After clean up check the PowerPath devices there it shows the number will be swapped. 17) Now before unmasking remove the devices from host. First we need to remove PowerPath device and then from system. Then need to san disk devices.

If necessary

Post Migration Steps:

1) For all windows hosts to claim the space on the target Enter: diskpart <diskpart> list volume <diskpart> select volume <no.> <diskpart> extend

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