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Cell Division



The stages of mitotic cell division in an animal cell: G2 phase; prophase; prometaphase

The stages of mitotic cell division in an animal cell: metaphase; anaphase; telophase and cytokinesis

Mitosis is complete : Two new cells are formed.

Mother cell 2n = 4 1 chromosome has 1 chromatid

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 2 chromatid

2 Daughter cell 2n = 4 1 chromosome has 1 chromatid

1. mother cell give 2 daughter cells 2. Each daughter cell have : : The same number of chromosome equal to mother cell : Set of chromosome equal to mother cell 5 : Genetic material as the same as mother cell

. 1. Describe events associated with meiosis 2. Distinguish the phases of meiosis on permanent slides Plants : slides Lilium anther and Lilium ovary Animal : Grasshopper's testis, Crayfish's testis and frog's testis 4. Stain and examine chromosomes squashes in Chinese chive's flower 2n = 4
( Diploid)


1. Reduction of number chromosome 2. Reduction of set chromosome


Key Haploid (n) Diploid (2n)

Haploid gametes (n = 23) Egg (n = 23 )

Location for meiosis division

For Plant; Male : occur in cone or anther Female : occur in cone or ovule





Testis Diploid zygote (2n = 46)

Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46)

Male cones

Female cones

Location for meiosis division

For Animal; Male : occur in testis Female : occur in ovary

Location for meiosis division

For Human; Male : occur in testis Female : occur in ovary

Male Female

Male Female

Meiosis involves two divisions

Meiosis (Meiotic cell division)

Leptotene Zygotene Pachytene Diplotene Diakinesis

Meiosis I : is a reductional division : produces two haploid cells

Meiosis II : is a mitotis-like : produces two haploid cells

Meiosis I

Prophase I Metaphase I Anaphase I Telophase I Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II

Meiosis II
Diploid cell Haploid cell

Similar to those of mitosis but occur in sex organ Interphase is composed of
: G1 (gap phase 1) time of cell growth : S phase synthesis of DNA (DNA replication) 2 sister chromatids are produced : G2 (gap phase 2) growth and preparation for meiosis



S , G2

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 1 chromatid

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 2 chromatids


Prophase I
Differs from prophase of mitosis
due to



Homologous chromosomes come to lie side by side in a pairing process called synapsis. nucleolus


Each pair of synapsed chromosomes is called a bivalent (two chromosomes) or a tetrad (four chromatids) chromatin : Genetic material dispersed in the nucleus as long strands of chromatin : Thin chromatin strands commonly appear as amorphous granular material : Presence of nuclear membrane and nucleolus

The events of prophase I can be subdivided into five stages 1. Leptotene 2. Zygotene 3. Pachytene 4. Diplotene 5. Diakinesis

Prophase I
1.1 Leptotene or Leptonema (slender ribbon)


Long, thin chromosomes start to condense Nucleolus presence

1.2 Zygotene or Zygonema (paring)

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 2 chromatids

1.3 Pachytene (thick ribbon)


bivalent tetrad

: Chromosomes condense : Homologous chromosomes come to lie side by side in a pairing process called synapsis : Each pair of synapsed chromosomes is called a bivalent (two chromosomes) or a tetrad (four chromatids)

: Chromosomes more condense : Nonsister chromatids of a tetrad crossover, called this phenomena crossing over resulting in an exchange of genetic material called genetic recombinant : The point of exchange appears as a cross-shaped figure called a chiasma

1.4 Diplotene or Diplonema (double)

1.5 Diakinesis (moving apart)

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 2 chromatids

: The paired of homologous chromosomes separate : The chromosomes themselves uncoil a bit : The homologous chromosomes of each bivalent remain tightly bound at chiasmata

: The final stage of the first prophase of meiosis : The chromosomes reach their maximal condensation at this stage : The nucleoli and nuclear membrane disappear : The spindle fiber reform

Metaphase I

Mitosis : Metaphase

Meiosis I : Metaphase I

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 2 chromatids

The bivalents orient at random on the equatorial plane

2n = 4 1 chromosome has 2 chromatids

Metaphase I

Anaphase I
haploid, n

Mitosis: Anaphase

Meiosis I : Anaphase I

: The homologous pairs of chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles : The centromeres do not separate, but continue hold sister chromatids together ,so each chromosomes consists of two sister chromatids : This stage reduces the chromosome number from the diploid (2n) to the haploid (n) state.

4n = 8
1 Chromosome has 1 Chromatids

2n = 4
1 Chromosome has 2 Chromatids


*** Note ***

Meiosis I

Anaphase I

Telophase I


Metaphase I


Anaphase I

: Chromosomes have reached their polar destinations : Nuclear membrane and nucleolus reforms : Cytokinesis occurs

After finish Telophase I

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 2 chromatids

After Mitosis

After Meiosis I

2n = 4

2n = 4

1 chromosome has 2 chromatids

1. Mother cell

give 2 haploid daughter cells 2. Each haploid daughter cell have : : The number of chromosomes reduced by half of mother cell : Each chromosome has two chromatid ( diad chromosome ) : Set of chromosome reduced by half of mother cell : Genetic material may be or may not be uniformly

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 1 chromatids

2n = 4



1 chromosome has 2 chromatids ( Diad chromosome )

After finish Telophase I Each haploid daughter cell

Go into Mitosis II

Meiosis II : similar to those of Mitosis

Prophase II
1 chromosome has 2 chromatids ( Diad chromosome )

Short Interkinesis
: Chromosomes may uncoil and return to an interphase-like condition with reformation of a nuclear membrane : No DNA synthesis occurs during interkinesis.

No short Interkinesis

: Immediately go into Prophase II

: The chromosomes recondense. : Nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappear : Spindle fiber reform : Each chromosome has 2 chromatids ( Diad chromosome)

Metaphase II
Prophase II Metaphase II
Metaphase II

Anaphase II
Anaphase II

1 chromosome has 2 chromatids ( Diad chromosome )

2n = 4
1 chromosome has 1 chromatids ( Monad chromosome

: Chromosome more condense : The individual chromosomes have lined up on the equatorial plane

: The centromeres of each chromosome separate : Spindle fiber separate sister chromatids to be pulled apart (now, referred to again as chromosomes)

Telophase II
Anaphase II Telophase II

After finish Telophase II Begin with each haploid daughter cell n=2
1 chromosome has 2 chromatids ( Diad chromosome )

: Chromosomes begin to uncoil : Nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappears in each new nucleus : Spindle fiber degenerate
1 chromosome has 1 chromatids ( Monad chromosome )

Each haploid daughter cell give two haploid progeny cells

Compare between Telophase I and Telophase II

Telophase I Telophase II

Conclution : Meiosis

1 chromosome has 2 chromatids ( Diad chromosome )

1 chromosome has 1 chromatids ( Monad chromosome )

: From 1 diploid mother cell gives four haploid progeny cells : The number of chromosomes reduced by half of mother cell : Set of chromosome reduced by half of mother cell : Genetic material may not be uniformly of either maternal or paternal origin

Why meiosis division have to reduce set of chromosome and number of chromosome

To produce gamete : egg or sperm



Why meiosis division have to reduce set of chromosome and number of chromosome

Why meiosis division have to reduce set of chromosome and number of chromosome

To maintain the same species

Equal to parent

To maintain the same species

46 46

Haploid sperm

Diploid dad


2n = 6
46 Diploid zygote


2n = 6
Haploid egg

Diploid mom

Equal to parent

2n = 6

After fertilization

Genetic variation


The independent assortment of homologous chromosomes in metaphase I

Possibility 1 Two equally probable arrangements of chromosomes at metaphase I Possibility 2

Result of Independent assortment

Metaphase II

Dad's posssible gametes

(2n) 22 = 4

Mom's posssible gametes

(2n) 22 = 4

Daughter cells Combination 1 Combination 2 Combination 3 Combination 4

N = Number of chromosome pairs

Human posssible gametes from independent assortment Egg Sperm


223 = 8,388,608 223 = 8,388,608


Testis Ovary

Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46)


Crossing over in prophase I


Genetic diversity lead to selection

Global warming

Genetic variation

Global warming


No genetic variation

1. Study meiosis in the anther of Chinese chive's flower by Squash technique

Squash technique 1
HCl 10 min

Tease the tissue apart with dissecting needles

Bring the anther part of Chinese chive's flower on a clean slide. Add a drop of 5% HCl and leave for 5-10 min.to causing cell wall to be softed and easily for squashing

Cover with a coverslip

2 6
Break up the tissue with a dissecting needle

6 stamens, a single slender style
Add a drop of aceto-orcein stain the tissue for 3-5 min.

Spread the cells out by gently pressing down on the coverslip with your finger or a pencil eraser

Gently pass the slide over a flame , then use microscope focus on low power, and then switch to medium or high power to find meiosis I and meiosis II

2. Distinguish the phases of meiosis in Lilium anther on permanent slides

3. Distinguish the phases of meiosis in animal testis on permanent slides

Grasshopper testis Frog testis Crayfish testis

Plants Slides Lilium anther

4. Distinguish the phases of meiosis in Lilium ovary on permanent slides


Plants : Slides Lilium ovary

1. Study meiosis in the anther of Chinese chive's flower

Study meiosis in the anther of Chinese chive's flower by Squash technique

Finish meiosis I : Diad microspore

After finish Meiosis II produce 4 Microspore


Finish meiosis II : Tetrad microspore

2.Study meiosis in the Lilium anther on permanent slide

3. Distinguish the phases of meiosis in animal testis on permanent slides

Grasshopper testis

Frog testis

Crayfish testis

Grasshopper's testis
Several lobes of the grasshopper's testis

Early primary spermatocyte

Prophase I, substage Pachytene.

Prophase I, substage Diplotene.

Prophase I, substage Diakinesis.




heads tails

Further elongate

Mature sperm

Metaphase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Metaphase I Telophase I Telophase I Metaphase I

Spermatid differentiate into sperm ( spermatozoa )

Frog testis

Seminiferous tubule

Sperm ( Spermatozoa )

Prophase II

Prophase I

4. Distinguish the phases of meiosis in Lilium ovary on permanent slides

Megaspore mother cell (2n)

Lilium sp.

4 nucleate 2(n) + 2(3n)


2 ( 3n )

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