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4 JUN 23-24, 2012ISSUE 26

Welcome to Good Shepherd Chapel

The Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Scripture I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth. (Isaiah 49:6) Truly you have formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mothers womb. (Psalm 139:13) Behold, one is coming after me (Acts 13:25) What, then, will this child be? For surely the hand of the Lord was with him. (Luke 1:66) Reflection How did John the Baptist fulfill his calling? God formed you to be unique in all the world have you found how you are to serve God in this world? How will living your life by sharing your gifts with Gods creation change your world; your being? Believing in the dream of heaven on earth, we live with the confidence that heaven is not only at the end of the journey but accompanies us along the way. At some time or another we have all glimpsed the new creation. Our response? Praise wells up within us. Praise assures us that we live daily in the radiance of God; it gives us a strength to choose a freedom, a greater sense of giftedness, and an awareness of our bond with humanity and creation. Our willingness to sing and dance an alleluia this is the sign of life in the Spirit! This is our ongoing prayer as it was for Francis. 1

Parish Staff
Pastor: Fr. Joseph Lea (267) 243-5861 NCOIC: SSG. Clarence Slaughter (706) 791-4308 Deacon: - Rev. Mr. David Kriegel deacondave@saintmichaelparishfg.org - Rev. Mr. Kelley Culver deaconkelley@saintmichaelparishfg.org PLC: Lola Rivera (706) 791-2945 plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org RE Coordinator: Sherry Wodicka recoordinator@saintmichaelparishfg.org RCIA: Kelley Culver (706) 855-9893 rcia@saintmichaelparishfg.org Music Director: Sonia Rivera music@saintmichaelparishfg.org MCCW: Kim Besel, (706) 855-9275 mccw@saintmichaelparishfg.org Knights of Columbus: Tim McCarthy

Wayne Simsic, Living the Wisdom of St Francis, Paulist Press; Mahwah NJ 2001, p. 101 Retrieved from ParishVision Llc 2012, www.ParishVision.org.

A message from Deacon Kelley

My family and I would like to say "Thank You" to St. Michael Parish for your support during my diaconate formation, for the wonderful reception and gifts I have received. Thank you also for your prayers and cards of encouragement as I recover from total knee replacement. I look forward to being back with you soon.

Rally for Religious Freedom Wednesday, June 27th at 7:30pm

on the Front Steps of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church on Telfair St. across from the Federal Courthouse. Learn more about this nationwide campaign and pray the Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty on page 6.

Youth Ministry: Laura Pizzi cym@saintmichaelparishfg.org EME: Judy Kriegel, (706) 869-9781 Altar Servers: Alex Besel altarservers@saintmichaelparishfg.org Lectors: Tom Dean, (706) 860-6946 lectors@saintmichaelparishfg.org Ushers/Greeters: Ron Shannon ushers@saintmichaelparishfg.org Flowers Ministry: Fran Simpson flowers@saintmichaelparishfg.org Welcome Sunday: Gilda Fontimayor


There will be a designated offering on July 7-8, 2012 for the Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW) at Fort Gordon. Please know that this offering is directed by the office of the Chief of Chaplains. Parish Council Financial Advisor, Aldo Calvi financialadvisor@saitnmichaelparishfg.org

Webmaster: Judy Culver webmaster@saintmichaelparishfg.org Liturgical Schedule: Brian Musha lemuschedule@saintmichaelparishfg.org Editor: Lola Rivera bulletin@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Monday & Wednesday: 11:30am Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:30am and 10:00am RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00pm-4:45pm Sunday: 7:45am-and 9:30am

Deacon Kelley

In this issue



Saint Michaels Catholic Community is a group of Catholic Christians associated with the Armed Forces under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Archdioceses for the Military Services served by the pastoral leadership of our priest(s), deacon(s), and religious. The community is dedicated to exemplifying Christian community by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ through worship, service, and witness to the people of Fort Gordon and surrounding communities.

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Would you like to Donate Flowers for a Special Intention? Military Council of Catholic Women (MCCW)
Call to Conference!
Get ready for the MCCW Worldwide Conference to be held in St. Louis, Missouri October 4-8, 2012. The keynote speaker will be Mark Shea--a premier Catholic apologist, author, and speaker. We will gather at the beautiful Millennium Hotel, which is located in the heart of downtown St. Louis adjacent to the world-famous Gateway Arch and just one block from the Old Cathedral. Our parish is able to send ten women, so sign up now! We require a $100.00 refundable deposit. The deposit is refundable upon attendance. Any cancellations after registration has been sent are non refundable and the money will be deposited into the MCCW account. Registration forms are available at the mccw-worldwide.org under the conferences tab. Please print and return ASAP. We want to get the early registration discount. We are aiming at double occupancy $395 per person so please choose a roommate. We need a volunteer to be the organizer for this event. The organizer will handle all deposits, organize attendees when we are given our task for conference, keep attendees up to date on all conference info, arrange for meeting/departure to and from conference. Please contact Kim Besel at mccw@saintmichaelparishfg.org for more information.

You can donate flowers for a special intention, such as, in memory of the death of a loved one, or in celebration of your wedding anniversary, or birthday. Please, contact the Flowers Ministry Coordinator Fran Simpson for more information at flowersministry@saintmichaelparishfg.org or 706-651-1738.

28 July 2012, from 11:302pm

At 3352 Milledgeville Road, Augusta GA 30909

Knights of Columbus
Monthly Meeting Please know that our next meeting will be on Tuesday July 10, 2012 in Bldg. 13 at 1830. Social and the meeting starts at 1900 hours. Contact the Grand Knight Tim McCarthy if you have any questions at: knightsofcolumbus@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Food Drive for Those in Need Help us collect TONS of food by donating food this month for those individuals and families less fortunate in the Augusta area! The Knights of Columbus are collecting non-perishable food items this month to donate to the Catholic Social Services. Please, place your donations in the collection box located in the social room. Contact the Grand Knight Tim McCarthy if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and charity!

Great Food and Great Company!

Rehearsal Information
Choir Practice is on Thursdays in Building 13, located in the Religious Education Complex. Children and Adults: 7:00 pm. Singers and musicians are welcomed! Contact Sonia Rivera at (706) 627-0637 or send her an email at

Attention EME, Lectors and Ushers

Mr. Brian Musha is the Liturgical Schedule Coordinator. He will coordinate periodically the schedule for the Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist, and Ushers. Please, contact him if you have any questions, concerns, or need to make any changes to your service preferences. lemuschedule@saintmichaelparihsfg.org

Altar Servers Training!!!

A new Altar Servers training session will be scheduled soon. Please check the bulletin for upcoming information. Please contact the Altar Servers Coordinator, Alex Besel at (706) 855-9275, altarservers@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Families Wanted
Our Parish is looking for families who would like to bring up the gifts at each mass. Please contact the Ushers Coordinator, Ron Shannon.

Confirmation & First Communion Certificates

Confirmation and First Communion certificates are ready to pick up at the Parish office Mon-Thurs from 8am-2pm. Please, contact the Parish Life Coordinator, Lola Rivera if you have any questions at plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Thank you.


We have started a complete SEVEN YEAR audit of all of our sacramental records. We need your help to re-verify every Catholic Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage that took place here on post, whether in Good Shepherd Chapel or another facility on post, from 2005 up to 2012. It does not matter who performed the sacrament whether the Archbishop, Bishops, former priests, visiting priests or deacons. Please, contact Lola Rivera, preferable by email plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org, if you, or a family member have received any sacrament in this time period. Provide us with four points of information: full name of the person who received the sacrament, which sacrament this person received, who performed the sacrament, and the date. Also, if you are in contact with former parishioners that have received sacraments during this time period and they have moved. Please ask them to contact us as soon as possible. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you.

Newly Elected Knights of Columbus!!

The Knights of Columbus for Council 14773, St. Michael the Archangel at Ft. Gordon celebrated their elections for the new officers last Tuesday June 12, 2012 in building 13th. The newly elected members are: Grand Knight: Timothy McCarthy Deputy Knight: Dennis Leanhart Chancellor Knight: Dave Besel Financial Secretary: Lucky Simpson Recorder: Richard Capozzoli Congratulations to new officers! Thank you for saying yes and serving this great ministry! We would like to thank the past Grand Knight Allen Larson and his wife Barbara Larson for their great ministry, and support to the Priest and our parish. Thank you for everything.


Youth Conference Info
Hundreds of youth from around the Atlanta area will gather in the Gwinnett Center in Duluth for the Steubenville Atlanta Conference, to be held July 13 to 15. The weekend is centered around Jesus Christ, present in the Eucharist at Mass and in adoration, and his Holy Spirit, speaking through God's Word in Scripture and the magisterial teaching of the Church to bring the life and love of the Father to every human heart. If you are interested please contact Laura Pizzi as soon as possible @ cym@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Only a few spaces are still available. Go to http://lifeteen.com/events/life-teen-steubenville-atlanta/schedule/ for more information.

CYM Upcoming Events

. Carowinds Trip has been postponed until further notice. July 13-15, Steubenville Youth Conference

June 24th, 2012 at 10 AM Mass.
Youth are encouraged to do the readings, serve as ushers, sing in the choir, and present the gifts during Mass. Please contact the Youth Ministry Coordinator if you are interested in participating. We have choir practice on Thursdays at 7:00pm. Contact us if you have any questions at cym@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Knights of Columbus Installation Ceremony 14 JULY 2012 After 5pm Mass. All are invited Join us to welcome and congratulate the new selected officers

Chaperones Needed!!
We are always in need of adults to chaperon for youth activities. Please contact Laura Pizzi if you can assist as a chaperone for any of these events cym@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Lighthouse Catholic Media Free downloads!

Lighthouse Catholic Media has partnered with the Archdiocese for the Military Services to offer 9 free downloads (1 per month). The Military Download of the Month offers a monthly talk about the Catholic faith. Several of the downloads have welcome messages from Archbishop Broglio. Sign up now to listen, pray and grow in faith. Through the generosity of donors these free audio downloads are available to Military personnel, Veterans, A family member of Military personnel, Parent, child or sibling of any fallen Military member. Follow this link to https://www.lighthousecatholicmedia.org/military for this free service to receive these audio downloads and grow in faith.

We ask military active duty and retirees to wear their uniforms if possible. Thank you.

Volunteers Workshop Day! August 11th, 2012 from 11-3pm At Good Shepherd Chapel

Welcome Sunday
We will celebrate Welcome Sunday on July 29 at 10am. Join us for breakfast as we welcome the new families and single soldiers. Please, contact the Welcome Sunday Coordinator Gilda Fontimayor for more information, at welcomesunday@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Catholic Divorce Ministry at St. Teresa of Avila

Are you a divorced or separated Catholic and wondering "Where do I go from here"? St. Teresa of Avila Divorce ministry meets weekly on Sunday afternoons from 1:45-3:45 in the Parish Conference Room, 4921 Columbia Rd., Grovetown. A series of DVD presentations from "The Catholics Divorce Survival" by Rose Sweet addresses such important issues as Finding the Right Direction, Getting Through your Anger, Learing to Forgive, Dealing with Family, The church's teaching on Annulment, (It's not a Catholic Divorce), Handling Money Wisely and more. The DVD presentations are given by noted Catholic professionals and clergy. The healing power of Christ through His Church and the Sacraments will relate to your heartache and lead you to hope. This is not a therapy group, but is guided by trained peer facilitators who have similar life experiences and are willing to share their time and talent to help others. The Catholic Church welcomes you with open loving arms. All Divorced and Separated Catholics are cordially invited to join for dinner on Sunday June 24th at Pho Bac Vietnamese Restaurant at 4:30 p.m. located at 4300 Towne Centre Rd., Evans. Ga. On July 22nd we will meet at Augsburg Haus, 4460 Liberty Square Shopping Center, across from the Evans Walmart at 4:30 pm. For more information please contact Sharon at smparr@gmail.com, 706-860-2977 or Karea at karealn@hotmail.com, 706-836-4406

Dave and Judy Kriegel

44th Wedding Anniversary, June 29th

Happy Anniversary!!
Send us an email if you are celebrating your wedding anniversary at bulletin@saintmichaelparishfg.org

PLCs Office Hours

The Parish Life Coordinator is available to assist you the following days: Monday thru Thursday: 10am to 2pm. After hours assistance only by appointment at (443) 223-1125

Pastoral Visitations
There is simply no place more appropriate than the home for pastors to interact with their parishioners in a personal manner. And this holds true whether such interaction is for the purpose of leading a person to Christ, reclaiming a lost soul, or offering support and guidance. For this reason, our Pastor, Father Joseph would like to start Pastoral Visitations to give parishioners the opportunity of meeting and knowing him. He would like to visit parishioners homes twice a week, so if you are interested in receiving the special visit of our Pastor, please contact the PLC Lola Rivera to schedule a Pastoral visitation @ (706) 791-2945, or plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Father Joseph is looking forward to visit your home, talk and pray with you and your family in earnestness and humility.

Private confessions at St. Michaels are available for you before Mass on Saturdays 4pm and Sundays at 8am in the confessional box located in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, but also face-to-face and by appointment at your convenience. Confessions are available in Spanish when Father Joseph celebrates mass.

Arrangements for marriage preparation should be made at least six months in advance of the proposed date. If there has been a prior marriage that has not been annulled by the Catholic Church, more time may be required. Participation in a marriage preparation workshop/program is required. Initially, all requests of information should be directed to the Catholic Pastor at (267) 243-5861.

New to our Parish?

Please take a minute and fill out our registration form. You can find these forms in the counter located in the social room. You may give the form to the Parish Life Coordinator, or to the chaplain assistant on duty. You can also download the form from our website if this is more convenient for you, and send it to plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Welcome!

In order to receive Baptism, parent(s) must be registered and attending Mass. Dates and times of Baptism can ONLY be set after registering for Pre-Baptism class, and talking with a Priest. Baptism and preparation for Baptism must be arranged 30 days in advance. Contact the PLC if you need assistance.

Adoration on Wednesday
Join us for adoration this coming Wednesday at 6:30pm. We meet every week to spend and dedicate an hour in Eucharistic Adoration. This is a great way to increase your faith and help you with your prayer life.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

The RCIA program is the process through which interested adults and older children are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic doctrine and way of life. Contact Kelley Culver if you need assistance at rcia@saintmichaelparishfg.org .

Pastoral Counseling
Anyone wishing to see the Catholic Pastor for religious counseling issues may contact our Pastor. All requests of information should be directed
to Father Joseph at (267) 243-5861.

Anointing of the Sick

If you are in need of this sacrament, or if you are going to be hospitalized, please contact Father Joseph (267) 243-5861

Wedding Anniversary & Marriage Vow Renewal

Send us an email if you are celebrating your wedding anniversary next month, lolarivera@ymail.com. We also encourage you to let us know if you would like to renew your marriage vows at Mass, at least two weeks in advance. Requests can be submitted at: plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org Writing Checks: When writing checks for our weekend collections, please make sure you write the check to CTOF (Chapel Tithes and Offering Fund) Also remember , if you write a check $250 or above, you may ask for a receipt from the chaplain assistant.

Parish Council Meeting

St. Michaels Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday June 27th, 2012. The meeting will be at Good Shepherd Chapel (GSC), social room at 5:30 pm.

Change of Address or Moving?

Please advise the Parish Life Coordinator when you have any change of address or telephone number, or if you are moving away.

Mass Intentions

Pastoral Council
(COL) JEFF LEPAK, PRESIDENT president@saintmichaelparishfg.org HERMAN GONZALEZ, VICE-P vicepresident@saintmichaelparishfg.org LOREN SIMPSON, SECRETARY secretary@saintmichaelparishfg.org ALDO CALVI, FINANCIAL ADVISOR financialadvisor@saintmichaelparishfg.org

If you would like to offer a Mass for the repose of the soul of a loved one, or any other intention, you are encouraged to use one of our Mass cards from the bulletin board located in the hallway next to the Sacristy. You can also send it to the PLC via email at plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org.

Be sure that you first preach by the way you live. If you do not, people will notice that you say one thing, but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and a derisive shake of the head. St. Charles Borromeo

Spiritual Warfare Put on the Sword of the Spirit . Written by Jamie Rae
How to Wield the Sword and Win the Battle

Page 5

In terms of offensive weapons necessary for the spiritual battle, the Sword of the Spirit is by far a Christian's most valuable. Combined with fasting, prayer, praise and worship, the Sword of the Spirit has the power to thwart all the plans of the enemy, and to turn what appears to be a losing battle into a major victory for the Kingdom of God. According to Ephesians 6:10:17, the sword of the Spirit is the word of God. This is confirmed many times in the Bible, including 2 Timothy 3:16 that says, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." In fact, the New International Version of the Bible says that Scripture is 'God-breathed,' which means it is from the mouth of the creator. And there is no doubt that when God speaks, things happen. What many Christian do not understand when it comes to spiritual warfare is that they must wield the Sword of the Spirit to win each battle. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word 'wield these ways: To deal successfully with: manage To handle (as a tool) especially effectively To exert one's authority by means of influence or to have at one's command or disposal With these three defining statements, it is easy to see that that the sword of the Spirit must be managed and handled properly in order for it to be effective. In addition, a Christian must exert their authority and have the sword of the Spirit available at their command. Like other Christian principles, Jesus is the best model for wielding the sword of the Spirit when resisting temptation and thwarting the plans of the enemy. The story in Matthew 4:1-11 describes exactly how Jesus responded to temptation when he was alone with Satan in the wilderness. Each time Satan tempted him, Jesus responded with the written word of God. - Verse 4: "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'" - Verse 7: "It is written again, 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God.'" - Verse 10: "Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.'" In verse 11, the devil leaves, realizing that Jesus was not about to give in to his temptation. And it says that immediately, angels came and ministered to him. In other words, Jesus fought a spiritual battle while he was fully man. It took its toll, but Jesus resisted the devil and thwarted evil plans. This is the model for all Christians. In order to wield the sword of the Spirit, Christians must know the word, they should get revelation and rhema, and they should be able to quote Scriptures when the battle gets tough. With daily Bible reading and putting on the whole Armor of God as described in Ephesians 6:10-18, believers will resist temptation, thwart the plans of the enemy and win a victory. Best of all, the devil will leave a loser. Retrieved from http://www.sharefaith.com

Recruiting New Volunteers There are many ways to help your community within the parish. Demostrate Gods love by volunteering some of your time. The following are some of the many volunteer opportunities for you. Contact the Parish Life Coordinator if you have questions or need further information. plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org.
St. Michaels Day Coordinator Our parish is looking for a volunteer to coordinate and organize our annual event in honor of our patron saint, St. Michael the Archangel. The planning for this event is done in consultation with the Pastor, Parish Life Coordinator, and might be approved by Parish Council. St. Michaels event will be celebrated on September 30th. If you are interested in coordinating St. Michaels day this year, please contact the PLC as soon as possible at plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org

POSITION DESCRIPTION (THIS IS A VOLUNTEER POSITION.) The Special Events Coordinator will oversee all aspects of events based on food service for approximately 4-8 events a year, including our annual event St. Michaels Day. QUALIFICATIONS Good communication skills. Enjoy working with a variety of people. Ability to organize volunteers for decoration and food preparation. Good with details. Enjoy being a host/hostess at events. Ability to adjust plans and redirect volunteers under pressure. GIFTS PREFERRED: Helps and Hospitality; Administration is a plus. RESPONSIBILITIES: Organize the preparation and serving of meals, and fellowship for the Membership class 3-4 times each year. These events are held on weekends. Oversee the preparation and serving of food at 3-4 visitor receptions each year. The planning for these events is done with the Parish Life Coordinator, and might be approved by the Pastor and Parish Council. Confirm date of event and time with the Parish Council. Plan meal and decoration within given budget and under Parish Council approval. Recruit additional volunteers. The Special Events Coordinator is required to brief the Parish Council. Questions? Please contact the PLC, plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Care Ministry Coordinator

We are looking for a volunteer to coordinate the Care Ministry. This ministry assists parishioners who are sick at home or hospital. The ministry coordinator is responsible for coordinating visits in consultation with the senior pastor and PLC. The coordinator will be willing to visit parishioners who request this assistance, share the Word of God and prayer with them, and offer Holy Communion at the time of visit. If this is your call, or you need further information, please contact us at plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Volunteer Coordinator Needed Volunteers are the back bone of our parish, and most important, they help us to spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are looking for a person who would like to be St. Michaels Volunteer Coordinator. Please, contact the PLC and ask her for a copy of the job description to learn about its requirements and responsibilities. plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org Adult Altar Servers Wanted We are looking for adult altar servers to assist at Mass, especially at Saturday 5pm and Sunday 8:30am masses. Please, contact Alex Besel if you are interested in becoming an altar server. This is a great opportunity to serve our Lord. altarservers@saintmichaelparishfg.org Evangelization Coordinator We are looking for volunteers to coordinate the Evangelization ministry. Please, contact Lola Rivera if you are interested in coordinating this ministry, or if you need more information at plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty

O God our Creator, Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us this great land will always be "one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Movie Review
Rock of Ages
By John Muldering Catholic News Service
NEW YORK (CNS) -- Shameless sentimentality and cheerful, consequence-free debauchery make for an unsettling mix in the heavy-metal musical romance "Rock of Ages" (Warner Bros.). Such lighthearted self-deprecation may help to redeem the picture's glaring aesthetic defects -- an obvious plot arc and stick-figure characters prominent among them. But it does nothing to mitigate the skewed sexual morality or faith-averse attitude implicit in the story. The point of it all, it seems, is to string together big-hair band standards that some viewers, at least, will remember with warm nostalgia, while also embodying some of their lyrics. A case in point of the latter motif: our heroine, Sherrie Christian (Julianne Hough). She's an aspiring singer whose opening-scene cultural hegira from the Midwest to Los Angeles makes her the embodiment of the "small-town girl" celebrated by Journey in their power ballad, "Don't Stop Believin'." The first person Sherrie encounters in Tinsel Town mugs her. The second -- literally -- comes to the now-distressed newcomer's rescue by getting her a job as a waitress at the Bourbon Room, the legendary headbangers' nightclub where he toils as a junior bartender. This good-hearted Angelino is one Drew Boley (Diego Boneta), a lad with show biz ambitions of his own. As the Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney of the Def Leppard set fall for each other -- and, as we're shown, albeit briefly and nongraphically, tumble joyously into bed together -- plot complications unfold around them. Dennis Dupree (Alec Baldwin), the Bourbon Room's happy-go-lucky owner, is struggling to keep the place open. His chances of doing so largely depend on a headlining appearance by debauched megastar Stacee Jaxx (Tom Cruise). But Jaxx, who travels with cases of Jack Daniels, an aggressive pet monkey and a stable of scantily clad groupies, has an increasingly distant relationship with reality, a fact that's being exploited by his unscrupulous manager Paul Gill . The notion of a red state-style pressure group successfully manipulating the electorate of Los Angeles is, of course, absurd. So too is the sight of Whitmore and her uptight, exclusively female followers stomping their way through Pat Benatar's "Hit Me With Your Best Shot," sung to a portrait of Jaxx. They do this routine, however, in the setting of a church that is unmistakably Catholic, while two of the figures at the barricades with Whitmore are traditionally dressed nuns. So no amount of campy ridiculousness can disguise the underlying message: As the hidden behavior of Whitmore and her husband eventually make clear, religiously motivated moral conservatives are all repressed hypocrites. The film contains a negative treatment of religion, misguided values -- including a frivolous view of homosexuality, acceptance of premarital sex and a comic portrayal of aberrant sexual behavior -- rear and partial nudity, a couple of uses of profanity, and some crude and crass language. The Catholic News Service classification is O -morally offensive. Retrieved from http://www.catholicnews.com/

The fourteen days from June 21the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More to July 4, Independence Day, are dedicated to this fortnight for freedoma great hymn of prayer for our country. This campaign celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political powerSt. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. This special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action will emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty. Find more resources and prayers at the http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/religiousliberty/fortnight-for-freedom/

Ministry Leaders are required to follow the following Parish Financial guideline to submit Purchase Order (PO) requests. NO EXCEPTIONS. PO request forms can be found for your convenience in the first bulletin board located in the hallway. You may deposit your PO request in the PLC mailbox at anytime. - POs need to be submitted by the 15th of each month (for the following month) to ensure the Fund Manager processes requests and get them approved. - Ministry Heads or Committee Coordinators are responsible for pricing and submitting the required information to either the Parish Financial Advisor or the PLC. Add a few days to this process. - Ensure the required information is completed to avoid delay in the PO request process. - Name of Point of Contact and valid phone number (Ex. Ministry Head or Committee Coordinator). - Name of the store, point of contact, address and phone number. - Include Activity name in the Program Description box (Ex. St. Michaels Day, MCCW Monthly Meeting Social, etc.) - Date the items are needed (date of the event. Ex. 12DEC11) - Item Description (specify name, brand, code, color, size, and many other details that makes easy to identify the item. Ex. Levis Jeans, black, size 34 waist, 31 length), and quantity of the items. (Ex. 3, 2-Liters Diet Coke) - Price per unit. (Round prices. Do not be afraid to inflate the price a little bit. Ex. $7.50, you can write $10), - The requester of the purchase is responsible to make arrangements to do the purchases. If this person cannot accompany the cardholder, he/she must coordinate with another person within his/her group to do it. Note: The cardholder, PLC, or Financial Advisor are not required to do the purchase. Please, submit your PO requests to Aldo Calvi, financialadvisor@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Thank you.

ST MICHAELS FOR LIFE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Rachels Vineyard Ministry
Every New Year brings with it the promise of hope and change. So if you have feelings of grief, anxiety, guilt, depression, emotional or spiritual problems due to a past abortion know that you are not alone. The Rachels Vineyard Ministry is here to help with professional counseling, Post Abortion Healing Retreats and emotional support. For additional information, please contact Stephanie May 912-201-4059 scmay@diosav.org. Complete confidentiality will be honored at all times. Why not make 2012 your year? There is help, hope, and healing waiting for you.

Pro-Life Mass & Rosary

For your information, there is a Mass the first Saturday of each month at Saint Mary on the Hill, 9:15 am followed by a Pro-Life Rosary at Preferred Health Center right after (approximately 10:15am). This activity is not organized by our parish, but you are invited to participate to support the Right to Life.

Abortion Alternatives
Birthright of Augusta (706) 733-LOVE Birthright national (1-800) 550-4900 Augusta Care Pregnancy Center (706) 724-3733

Visit us at http://www.saintmichaelparishfg.org

Page 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RELIGIOUS EDUCATION

ADULTS PROGRAMS Coffee and Theology
Coffee and Theology is a religious education for adults that meet on Sundays at 11:30am at the RSO Bld. 29601. Contact Tom Dean (706) 860-6946 if you have any question.

Bible Study
St. Michaels Bible Study is on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the activity room. We are studying a Bible Study on the Books of Hebrews. Contact Tom Dean.

Catechists Needed Upcoming Training
RE will have a Teachers Training on May 19 from 9-3pm in Bldg 13 for current and prospective teachers teaching CCD next year. The training will provide you with teaching techniques, and information on teachers certification, and other important information to make your teaching experience a successful one!.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host by the Divine Power of God thrust into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

CCD will be back in August!!

We are recruiting catechists for the new CCD year. If you are interested in teaching religious education, please contact us. Experience is not required. We will provide you with the training and teaching resources that you need. We need teachers and substitute teachers for grades PreK through High School. Contact Sherry Wodicka @ (706) 592-6478 or recoordinator@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Religious Education Coordinator Office Hours

The Religious Education Coordinator is available to meet with parents for enrolling their children at the Religious Education Complex, building 7 the following days: Mon Wed- Fri : 9am to 12pm. After hours assistance only by appointment at recoordinator@saintmichaelparishfg.org or (706) 592-6478.

Weekend Masses Saturday 17:00 Sunday 08:30 & 10:00 Daily Mass Mon & Wed 11:30 Mon-Friday DDEAMC 11:45 Reconciliation Saturday 16:00 Sunday 08:00 Rosary Saturday 16:30 Sunday 08:00 Communion (Sick/ Homebound): Father Joseph Lea Weddings Contact PLC Baptisms Contact PLC Liturgy Contact PLC Adoration Wednesday 18:30 Religious Education (RE) Sunday 11:30 (adults) (RSO)


Please remember in your prayers all those who are deployed, their families and friends during their deployments. If your loved one is one of them, or you know any deployed military personnel send us his or her name, so we can include it in our daily prayers. Send your prayer request to prayerrequest@saintmichaelparishfg.org PVT Seth Tilton SFC Nathan Varner CW3 James Omer Cote Major John Curry CPT Bontea SrA James Varner CPO Ronnie Amaya


Please pray for our expectant mothers and their babies. If you are a member of St. Michaels Parish and expecting a baby, or have a friend or relative who is a expecting a baby, please send us her name to add it to our list @ prayerrequest@saintmichaelparishfg.org Kim Besel Gabriela Baron-Medina Betsy Joy Pizzi Norelynn Riggins Maybeth Francone Aileen Cadiente Jessica Burris


Please pray for our sick and their families. If you know of any parishioner who is sick or is hospitalized, please send us the name to add it to our list @ prayerrequest@saintmichaelparishfg.org

DNC Kelley Culver Mark Francone Andrew Priddy Mildred Mills Noel Ivan Guereni Angela Blancos Susan Brown Jose M. Megias-Gonzalez

Bulletin Announcements
Please know that all weekend announcements should be sent Sunday by 5pm to bulletin@saintmichaelparishfg.org. Announcements received after the deadline might not be announced.

Catholic Radio
You can listen live Catholic programs that will be featured on Saint Paul Radio by going to their website: saintpaulradio.org.

Pulpit Announcements
Please know that all weekend announcements should be sent by Friday noon to plc@saintmichaelparishfg.org

Attendance: 369 Offering: $1,770.21


June 2012






2 Deacon Culvers Celebration at 6:30pm

3 Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am

4 Daily Mass, 11:30am

5 Parish Council Meeting, 5:30pm Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

6 Daily Mass, 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

7 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm CYM Trip to Carowinds Amusement Park

9 Parish Picnic and Volunteer Appreciation Day, 12pm. Mass at the Chapel at 5pm is cancelled. Mass will be celebrated at the Picnic place.

10 CORPUS CHRISTI Corpus Christi Mass and Procession at 9am. ONLY THIS MASS ON SUNDAY Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am

11 Daily Mass, 11:30am

12 KofC Meeting,6:30pm Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

13 Adoration, 6:30pm

14 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm



17 FATHERS DAY Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am

18 Daily Mass, 11:30am

19 Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

20 Daily Mass, 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

21 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm



24 Youth Mass 10am Coffee and Theology @ 11:30am

25 Daily Mass, 11:30am

26 Study of the Gospels @7:30pm

27 Daily Mass, 11:30am Adoration, 6:30pm

28 Choir Rehearsal @ 7pm



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