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ALTA 1109 - Part Two

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This report prepared from the continuous data stream initially started for 709 and kept running across the building tension to release language shift on October 7th employing 86.16 million reads. The recent processing included 29.648 million reads from the 1109 data gathering.

Posted January 17, 2009

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Meta Data - The FAR look....
The longer view forward that is obtained by packing modelspace with longer term value sets (in this case from the 709, and 909 ALTA series) shows that some very interesting temporal echoes will emerge from this [summer 2009], also known (here at HPH) as the Summer of Hell. The first of these echoes is a direct tie from the early Summer month of June to August. The activities which go to form the emotional tone of those 2/two months are indicated to return with real strength over the course of 2014 and 2015. The dominant meta data layers for this period globally are [duality], [revolution], [encounters with scarcity], [restrictions on movement], and [economic distress (a'la the death of the dollar)]. While these areas are all represented in the next peak of the temporal sine wave that carries them now, their distribution (so far) for 2014 2015 suggests that [revolution] dominates then, with [duality] a minor player at best. This is the reciprocal of the situation at the moment, where the overall interpretation of modelspace suggests that this [summer 2009] will have the most [blatant] and [egregious] examples of the [cult of the rich and famous] in which the [duality] meta data layer is *THE* primary support as the [gap] between the [rich/power elite] and the [rest of global populace] comes into very starkly [illuminated] relief over [summer]. Sub sets of these longer term value sets indicate that minor sub themes, such as the [reformation (of the) press/media] will also have their echoes forward into 2014 and beyond, and they also will have significant [reformation] ahead.



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At the meta data layers within the longer term value sets have the dominant position shift from [duality] through [revolution] to [reformation] over these next 9/nine years. At the peak of the [revolution] meta data layer emotional tone dominance, which is to say, 2014 (here in USofA) and 2015 (globally), the beginnings of the [global social contract] will initially become [visible], and the [reform/reforming/reformation] of pretty much *all* [global systems] will be underway. This [reformation] meta data layer peaks in 2018 {ed note: in current data} and continues to [clean up loose ends] until about 2024. The [reformation] of the [official] part of the [global social contract] actually begins with the [dissolution] of the various [national social contracts/orders] in the Summer 2009. The data sets are indicating that all through 2009, but especially from Summer onward, the [revolution] meta data layer builds emotional strength from the rising [visibility] of [duality]. The imagery coming up from the detail sets are of [luxurious settings], and [glamorous/magical personalities] being [pimped/promoted] by the [captive media] *just* as the largest ever [wave of poverty inducing economic collapse] rolls around the planet. The data sets further indicate that unlike previous [economic depressions] wherein the [escape from reality] included [envy of the rich and famous], with the underlying propaganda from TPTB that [you too, can achieve this], the current, developing [depression] will have a distinctly [harsher] view as [duality] between [few rich], and [everyone else] is continually exposed. The data sets for the [summer of hell, 2009] are indicating that the sub text/propaganda themes of the TPTB will *not* be accepted in this [depression], and further that the [pimping/promoting] of the spurious message of [class climbing] will become something of a society wide [insider's joke]. Ultimately the [rejection] meme comes up in the form of the [rejection (by all) of the USofA dollar], and within its larger context, the [rejection] meme brings along a [society wide rejection] of the [once hidden messages] in [mainstream media]. The indications for this [rejection of the cult of personality/power elite] have been showing up in our data sets for over 3/three years, and the accretion patterns for the longer term values (and the shorter term sets from 1109) are indicating that [2/two incidents] or examples of the meme will present themselves for the amusement of the well tuned aware observer over the summer months of July, and August of 2009. These [incidents] are indicated to involve ThePowersThatBe as they [attempt, but fail] to sell a particular and [poorly disguised] message within a [photo essay] and a [publicity (for film?) tour/campaign]. In both cases the [hidden/occult] messages will be so [egregiously blatant] as to be perceived as [falling/leaking out] of the [photographs]. These incidents are indicated to actually [prompt] or [propel] a good sized [awakening] within the [populace/usofa] as they are [pimped/promoted] throughout [main stream media]. The incidents are further able to be used by the aware observer of the [first turning] of the [beast] of [mob rule].



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The chart below provides a look at 2009 as emotional tension waves. Those that rise up or are flattish are the building emotional tension periods, and those line segments which are downward pointing (left to right), are release of emotional tension periods. We think of the building emotional tension periods as being the times where humans will 'grit their teeth' and 'get on with things in spite of problems', whereas the emotional tension release periods are those times when humans 'need to voice' their fears and concerns. Or, as the media would have it, building emotional tension is what happens when the characters are threatened by the monster du jour, and release periods are those points immediately after 1/one of the characters has been snatched up by the monster. Make sense? Only it is a collective thing, and thus the populace as a whole tends to live through a flattened version of the emotional tension cycle.

It will become obvious from the chart above that there are 3/three steps in our emotional tension journey in 2009. It will also be noticed that the steps this year are seemingly to be bound by the equinox and solstices. This *may* be influenced by the many Terra intrusion, and the whole [paradigm destruction] meme which is intimately related to the idea of [continuity] of [previous earth climate behavior]. The idea being here that if there were [no spring] in the northern hemisphere then the emotional tension values being expressed by the populace of that region *would* be in sync with the seasons, or rather their former, astronomic markers, e.g. the equinox/solstice cycles. As the boundary of Winter/Spring is passed on March 21, *if* there were to be [no spring], then



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the next eagerly anticipated marker would be the upcoming June 21 solstice and thus humanity may end up briefly aligning its collective emotional state to the astronomic seasonal markers. Please note that all charts are derived from active data processing and *will* change with each run and the newly processed data accretions. So these are not 'cast in stone' projections, rather are more toward snapshots of the current state of the processing.

Populace/USofA - Times Disease

The [government] sub set, including both [officialdom], and those sets referencing the [political elite] and other [petty people (such as lobbyists)] are, as the Populace/USofA entity is progressed along with modelspace into Summer, shifting from dominating aspects of [restrained energies] and [receptive/awaiting developments] which are in place through the last of Winter, and all through Spring to [cutting loose/separating], where this aspect/attribute set is supported by [separation (from policies/ideas) of the past (in a) forceful/direct manner]. Noting that politicians *rarely* act in a [direct way], this area takes on a curious emotional tone as it is moved across the end of June and into July. At that point the supporting sets go to the idea of a [give up] or [surrender to reality] language sets appearing within the [ranks] which [fill government]. This is a reference to the [lower than manager level civil servants]. The [surrender to reality] language has aspects/attribute sets supporting the idea of [contraction] with support in turn from [employment], to [chaos (of unregulated) trade)]. This last is supported by the idea that [barter] will so endemic as to create [problems] for the [civil service] even while they are [participating]. These sets appear temporally in mid Summer, and grow through the rest of 2009. For about 3/three lunar months prior, say from mid March through to mid June, the [default] language sets relative to the [shocking totality] of [government debt] appear in supporting layers that are then replaced by the [barter economy] language. Along with the many, diverse, and growing number of problems for the Populace/USofA entity, and also including directly the GlobalPop entity, are sets which indicate that following the [paradigm shift/collapse] which is directly related to the [acceptance/visibility] of the [earth changes] in Summer, the [populace/usofa], and the [global populace] go a little [crazy]. The [little crazies] will exhibit in a lot of ways in the society, including the advent of the [muckers] or [people running amok due to severe cognitive dissonance and extreme emotional states (with or without drug augmentation)].



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The [drug augmentation] is a noted part of this area as there are indication that the [global pharmaceutical delivery system] will begin to have [visible failures] at large levels starting this Summer. Hmmmm. Half the population of the USofA is on some form of mood altering drug which affect serotonin levels, and now this Summer we collectively are cut off? That can't be good. The [little crazies] language includes other examples of [don't give a damn behavior] including [public behavior] of [drug taking], and [authority dissing], and [sexual acts] among thousands of other forms of [bizarre acting out]. Please note, this is by adults as well as children. The data sets indicate that at first the [law enforcement/security dragoons] will [attempt to cope], but the [behavior changes] will be so pervasive as to be demonstrated by pretty much everyone to some degree and thus within only a few months, less in some localities, all bizarre behavior other than attacks on persons will be mostly tolerated as a [symptom of the times]. Note: this [acting out behavior] is indicated to be affecting the whole of the planetary populace, though obviously not to the same degree everywhere. Differing cultures will have their own flavor of the [little crazies]. Note that the longer term values which are in support of the [little crazies] contain aspect/attributes indicative of what is *now* called [psychic powers/extra-sensory abilities]. These sub sets are appearing in late Summer 2009, and are directly supported by [global/planet wide expressions of trauma and mental shock]. The detail aspect/attributes have imagery that reads like modern grade-B science fiction movies with people suddenly able to [manifestly affect reality through extreme mental/psychic energy]. Hmmm. While Igor instantly jumps to the conclusion that 'pies can be created perfect from thin air' which is close to his idea of heaven in Igor's "pies ist alles" religion, the supporting sets are not so favorably inclined. The [extreme mental energies] are also supported by language about [blowing out (one's brains)] and [sudden, fatal rigidity of circulation system (while altering reality with your brain energies)]....so on the whole, probably *not* a good kind of psychic power. This area is also extensively cross linked back over to the ThePowersThatBe entity, and the [officialdom] sub sets within the [populace/usofa-bilderberger] which is the specific sub set representing that part of the [populace/usofa] which acts in support, knowingly or not, of the [bilderberger agenda]. These areas are also extensively cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where a substantial minority terminate in the [2/two thieves/liberators] and the [space alien/ancient artifact/machine] which they have [removed] from its [officialdom drawer] {ed note: indicated as the [4th/fourth drawer] down in the [black metal cabinet] in the [dark room] off to the [left] of the [vault]. The SpaceGoatFarts entity cross links indicate that this [ancient technology/space alien artifact] will be surfacing to [visibility] during the latter half of 2009, though not in a general sense, that is to say, likely *not* within the global mediastream, but rather



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within a [restricted] level of [conversations/visibility] across the internet. The more general [visibility] of the [2/two travelers/liberators of space alien hardware] are indicated to have a rising [visibility] within the [global mediastream] over Fall and into Winter 2009/2010. This thread within SpaceGoatFarts entity moves almost totally over to the Populace/USofA entity through 2010 and into 2011 where it merges into the more general [contact] and [space aliens wars] memes. However we need to note that the accretion patterns for the [2/two liberators/reevers] who are currently [fleeing] from TPTB with the [stolen/appropriated space alien or ancient technology] continue to build support under at least [2/two] incidents of [exposure] of the [device(s)] in [public] over late Spring and through Summer of this year. The data would *seem* to indicate that 1/one of these [exposures] will come in a [very large] or [huge] or [gigantic] crowd in [india]. The [technology] is indicated to [produce], as a [side effect or unintended consequence] of a [mishandling/accidental use], a [reaction] or [change] within the [near by] [humans] and [animals/insects] within this [extreme crowd]. The TPTB entity also has areas of support continuing to grow for their [effort to 'clean up'] the [knowledge] and [effects] of this [accidental usage] of the [ancient technology]. Further, the data suggests that TPTB will *not* succeed in these [efforts to contain] the [exposure]. Both the GlobalPop entity and the Populace/USofA entity have a common data set which accrues following the [accidental usage] of the [ancient technology] under the description of [stretched thin man/human]. The [stretched thin man/human] is specifically supported by [male] in the aspect/attribute sets and is seemingly describing a [man] who develops the capacity to [extend] his [physical body/mental constructions] into [other regions] in a [willful manner]. This idea of this person being able to [stretch himself] into [other dimensions] is further reinforced with language indicating that [he brings back] many useable, and instantly applicable [ideas/concepts/technologies] when he [snaps back] to this plane of reality. This area *is* all bound up within the [summer of hell], but has a very long thread line that extends out through into early 2012. This area is extensively cross linked over to the TPTB entity where many of the termination points are in [fear] and at [very high levels]. Apparently the idea is that the [stretched thin man] will be 'no big deal' to the [officialdom/civil service] and other [minion classes] of ThePowersThatBe, but will [scare] the [shit] out of the [very high cadre].

Terra - Diaspora, Shift Happens, Climate Confusion

Of great concern to all of us coastal dwelling humans is the forecast [global coastal event] which has been renamed to [global coastal event/process] due to the data set of recent runs indicating that the [event] word may have been wrongly chosen these last years in our discussion of this [phenomena]. The data



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sets of these last few ALTA series have been painting a picture of a [process] rather than an event per se. Rather the detail layers of aspect/attribute sets indicate that the [greater part] of the [event/process] will take place over the course of slightly more than [5/five lunar months]. This itself is misleading in that it appears that the [global coastal event or process] is already underway, and that the [5/five month duration] is really more about some form of [media/press and public focus of attention] rather than the actual, underlying processes involved. Make sense? Clear as Mississippi River mud at midnight on a moonless night? Well the basic idea is that within the multiple decadal journey of our planet Terra/earth through to the alignment with the Galactic center in 2012, the [global coastal event or process] is actually spanning several years, and its main [visibility] sum, in 2009, will take over [5/five lunar months] to 'peak'. The concept appears that within these multiple decades of solar system truck-about into regions of new energies, and amidst the [global climate change] coursing through those decades will be a [5/five month] period, in this year, in which the [focus] of the [visibility] for [global climate change] will be the [coasts] and the impacts of the [changes] manifesting on the [global, coastal dwelling populace]. The [focus of attention to oceanic distress and impacts on coastal dwelling populace] *is* likely due to a series of [events] which will [demonstrate] the [ocean problems] and [power over human affairs]. These [events] of [water intrusion] into [coastal areas] *is* indicated to be related to [ocean levels] and the [poles]. Specifically we find that focus within the data sets within the Terra entity are returning to [antarctica]. The interpretation of the accretion patterns tends to favor the idea that some form of [changes] within [antarctic ice masses] over [spring, 2009], will come into rising levels of [visibility] within the global mediastream beginning sometime in May, and continue to generate [consternation/alarm] within the [global populace] over the next [5/five lunar months]. Thereafter it is *not* as though the [concern/alarm] has necessarily stopped, but rather some level of [accommodation] is made for the [manifesting circumstances] and *other* issues rise to replace the [global coastal event or process] as *the* dominating item of discussion. Please note that we work from linguistics, not some form of actual insight into events themselves, rather merely the language that will show up following the event. So an alternative interpretation is that we are totally wrong in this idea, and that this is a self fulfilling forecast in which it is our error which creates the [visibility] in May, and that for the next [5/five months] the [media] is full of the details of our trial and convictions in the courts of both public opinion, *and* the legal system. The reason that this example is structured this way is that we have a very large, extremely disproportionate share of longer term values involved within the [global coastal phenomena] sub set that seemingly indicate at least a [4/four generation (84/eighty-four years approximately)]



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impact on the [human infrastructure]. Also note that the data sets continue to accrue for the [global coastal phenomena] sub set, and that while we can certainly be wrong about any given inception date, the data accretion patterns argue that we are likely *not* wrong about the impact on humans. Further we note that pesky and annoying reality is intruding into our fictions in that the [strange, damaging, local waves] continue to show up in the global media stream, and further are definitely increasing in frequency of occurrence even with only a dozen or so incidents so far. Also the pesky reality intrusions are providing further evidence that *something* is happening here as [officialdom] starts to direct more and more resources toward contexts associated with the [oceans levels] and [ice levels]. Also note that the [global coastal phenomena] does not describe the cause of the impact on humans, and thus the process may actually begin not with [inland flooding], but rather something akin to a [draw down] of the [tides] such that the current [coastal boundaries] are [extended] out further. How could this be? How is it possible for the [oceans] to [shrink], and thus increase the [coastal regions] of the planet? Well....a *possible* explanation, which *would* be supported within the existing levels of the linguistics would be for a [channel] to open between the [new rift in Africa] {ed note: threatening to split that continent apart}, and the [red sea] such that the [red sea] would drain into this new [channel] forming a new [sea/ocean]. The subsequent impacts on the total [spread] of the [oceans] would be expected to produce a [global coastal phenomena] in which the [waters] would [retreat] from their existing [boundaries] and not return. The impacts of such could be expected to be as severe as if the opposite condition occurred and waters [flooded] out the global coastal regions with [intruding tides]. Note that the linguistic structures in support of the [global coastal phenomena] could be interpreted to either occurrence.



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ED NOTE: Good place to stop for a bit of pie and a nap. Trust us on this. As we had packed the modelspace with the longer term values, it occurred that a look at the Terra entity, long term values only, might be helpful. We were wrong. Oh, yes, there were plenty of linguistic structures to examine, but doing so did not provide any conflicting data that may have put the [global coastal phenomena] into a reduced state. As of this point, and bearing in mind that longer term data is very very very unreliable on its own and has far fewer data points from which to work, the modelspace confirms that the [global coastal phenomena] is likely a [decade long process], and that it *may*, which is to say, just *might* reach its peak in the next [4/four to 5/five years]. Further the peak of the [global coastal phenomena] does read a whole lot like a [geographic polar crustal shift], also known as a [pole shift]. Given the unreliable levels from the longer term values, and the sparse number of linguistic elements within these sets within the time frames of 2012, it is a 'loose', or inexact forecast at best. However, what we do have in the data sets is distinctly, and unsettling, self-consistent, with valid referential integrity tests. In other words, even though there are far fewer data points than are routinely used within our forecasting, and even though the lack of volume makes the interpretations incredibly prone to mistakes, the data that is there is self-referentially consistent within each of the sets. Again, just to muddy the waters, pun intended, the data sets out around 2012 and beyond show a consistency in the whole of the Terra entity with the idea of a [pole shift]. The sub sets in support of other areas of the



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Terra entity, when filled with longer term value sets, include a 'view' which can be interpreted as a 'logical consequence' of a [pole shift] having occurred. Examples of such data include cross links over to the very much smaller [global populace] sub set which has the *whole* of the [populace] being in [diaspora] or [out-and-about] in [wander mode]. The data sets also contain cross linked areas from Terra entity over to the smaller [global populace] entity which suggest a [planet wide/large scale] effort to [live by scavenging]. Such sets *would* be a logical consequence of a [pole shift]. These areas of the [global populace] entity form the core of the FuturePop entity that comes into dominance in 2018 and beyond. Please note that as the data sets are examined for 2013 and beyond, there is *no* [populace/USofA] core around which to form a separate entity from GlobalPop. This could be caused by any number of factors including lack of data density through to [common collective focus] which *does* exist in the data sets. The [common collective purpose] sub set could be indicating that the conditions are such that [populace/USofA] loses the [mental separation] that has been [imposed] by TPTB over these last 200/two hundred years, and thereafter considers itself as merely part of the larger [omni humanity on earth] aka [global populace] in the more grim and gritty species fight for survival. The numeric's involved, as UNRELIABLE as they are likely to be, would seem to be indicating that some 60/sixty or greater per cent of the [planetary populace] would perish in the first 11/eleven lunar months following the onset of the [pole shift]. Please note this projection is created entirely from the longer range data sets which have the lowest levels of data density AND are the most difficult to interpret especially on timing and numbers. As the modelspace was progressed from early 2009 through to early 2019, the granularity on the longer term sets drops from 1/one point per pixel to less than 1/one point in 5/five thousand pixels. Thus the hesitation on forecasting from such sparse data. However, we considered it to be worth the effort involved, if only to specifically validate our new internal referential integrity tests/checks. The data sets, and the modelspace came through the complete set of tests, which is probably *not* a good omen for humans and other life here on terra. However, the consistency of the referential integrity provides support for the forecasts, even allowing for sparse data sets. Sooooo....basically what we have as a looooong term forecast is not good for humans. The data sets continue to build the [global coastal phenomena] *after* it peaks here in 2009 with supporting sets that eventually, in early 2012, become dominated by various sub sets built around [energy], including the [unknown energies from space]. *Just* as the [energies] sub sets begin to build rapidly in early to mid 2012, the rising to dominance supporting sets include several flavors of [catastrophe] as primary aspect/attribute values. Within those sets



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which are cross linked over to the [populace/global], and within the directly held values in the Terra entity at that point, are dominating sets for [diaspora] with supporting sets indicating that [roving] and [scavenging] will be the [occupations/activities] of the day. The data sets in support of the cross linked areas into the [populace/global] have specific references to [holding up in a cave] and [emerging from (the) caves (of refuge)]. Hmmm. Probably NOT good. Certainly never heard of cave pies....so cannot be a pleasant experience. There are other, perhaps even more ominous aspect/attributes in support which include curious references to [hiding out *with* your enemies (in) caves]. Again....probably not a good set of words.... Along with those not so good words, we have aspect/attributes which include [misery], [degrade (to the) lowest level], [not reaching/obtaining (the old) norms], [normal (forms/formats) abandoned]. Other supporting sets include [restrained/constrained strengths shuddering], [heaping/giant clouds (of) rainwaters], and [lessening/restraint (of) giant/huge masses of clouds/rainwaters]. The [sudden lack of], and then the [sudden appearance of] the [erratic winds], and [scouring rains] are also augmented by [mud slides] and [ruptures] that will create conditions that are [not good] for humans. Not only are the linguistics pointing toward [rivers of rainwater] and [massive floodings], but these are further reinforced by linked areas from the [populace/global] sub sets where the [populace/people/tribes] who presumably will come through all of these effects as being named, by future generations, as the [scarred ones/peoples] due to the [dominating/overwhelming presence of scars] on the [bodies] of the [people] who will be the future ancestors of the [future pop]. Returning our rickety 'time machine' back to the present {ed note: imagine a wonky version of the Tardis/Dr Who vehicle, a phone box}, we note from the immediacy values and the shorter term value sets that the [global coastal phenomena] starts to rise in [visibility] coincident to the rise of [activity] or [motion] which are supporting sets for [under (the) mountains], and [magma]. These sets in their turn are supported by [crust broken open], and [celestial influences]. This last set is very extensively cross linked to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where the links terminate in the [unknown energies (officially denied) from space]. An interesting linguistic set in support of the [officially denied energies from space] is an aspect/attribute set labeled [tiger stripes]. Within this is a further reference to [tiger] in the form of [bright tiger/illuminated tiger]. This may be an astronomic reference. These [bright tiger] reference are cross linked directly over to the [damaging earthquakes] sub sets of the Terra entity, with specific focus on this coming [summer 2009] and then in through [fall 2009].



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The supporting sets for the [damaging earthquakes] is also heavily cross linked over to the populace entities, with many indications for [death], and [destruction of past edifices]. Further the whole of the data sets are getting emotional support from [collection of small (planet) changes]. This aspect/attribute set of [accumulated small planetary changes] includes many and repeated references to [flooding] and [floods], and [torrents], and [tidal intrusions], and [saturated grounds], and [flash floods]. These [flood] references are further internally cross linked back over to the [active movement under the mountains] where it terminates in a supporting sub set of [noise (from) explosions (above) the mountain] which *probably* means that a [volcano] will go blooey and [blow its top] with some [visibility] later in 2009. Basically the linguistics are suggesting that the [main stream media] as a sub set of the [global mediastream] will be using the term [earth changes] in a hasoccurred manner. These bespoke [earth changes] linguistics are indicated to be [symptomatic] of the [mind set shift], or [paradigm destruction and recreation]. These sets are further in support via internal cross links back over to the [global coastal phenomena] where they are terminating in aspect/attribute sets including some of those which are themselves cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where they are terminating in the [officially denied or unknown energies from space]. These are tending to be interpreted as a [standing wave] the [harmonics] of which are specifically supported by the aspect/attributes as providing [distillation] or [fundamental change]. This [inner change] at a [core/fundamental level] will such that the [unknown/officially denied energies from space] will take up more space in the global media stream in 2009 as the planet is undergoing the [shift] in its [patterns] which will coincide with [shifts in paradigm] for the [global populace] as a whole. And of course, the [financial system] will be [splintering] while all these Terra intrusions are also underway. Again, the more recent processing of the immediacy and shorter term value sets continue to support the [flooding] meme as a *really really big* problem for humans this year. These [floods] are shown as definitely associated with [waters] and/or [energies from space]. These are further constrained and supported by [flooding] that is so [severe] as to [create totally new] places for [streams] and [rivers]. These are further supported by [new] and [steep] types of [ravines] which will apparently be formed by the [vast rainwaters] which are NOT yet seen. These values indicate that much of the [flooding] will be a late [spring] time beginning that will grow over the rest of 2009. These [floods] will be such that [sea waters] are to be [augmented] or [swollen] by the [rainwater] which is further supported by aspect/attribute sets that go to the idea of [incredible/unbelievable/not understood] levels of [evaporation] and then further [rainwaters] on the [continent].



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Conclusion: ALTA 1109 - Part Two :- The FAR look review...

The crude graphic above is offered as a meme tracker covering the slightly-over 10/ten years from January of 2009 through December of 2019. Each of the horizontal lines above the time line indicate the approximate span of that meme in the longer term data sets. Note that the planetary populace movement/revolution meme has 2/two lines under it. The bottom of which indicates the totality of the span, with the top showing the greatest span of the [intensity] and [impact] sums. The global coastal phenomena line is split, and the gap is indicating a period of quiescence which follows the first active phase, and precedes the [settling down echo] period. These areas of the [planetary populace movement/revolution] and [global coastal phenomena] are heavily participatory in the formation of the FuturePop entity and apparently these 2/two memes will provide the platform for the evolution of the [aquatic tribes] as well as the [new electrics]. Also note that the [aquatic tribes] and the [new electrics] share common sets indicating that [hyperdimensional harmonics] will provide the [support/fundamentals] for the [new technologies] which will [propel] the [future populace] on this planet...and presumably.. off it as well. As we engage in this work, we find ourselves changed by the results of each of



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the series that we produce. While the meme of the [pole shift] has appeared in past runs {ed note: not a good sign as the longer the data sets grow, the more impacting the manifesting circumstances will be when they emerge}, it has never been as fully fleshed out as it now appears. This is even with the smallest of data sets from which to work. Further impacting our mental state here at HPH are the numerous and interlocking sub sets which would be expected to exist *should* a [geographic pole shift] occur in reality. These form a layer within the many referential integrity checks built into these reports. While noting that we always are working with the most extreme of linguistics as a limitation of our approach, it is nonetheless of interest that the various data sets, and their supporting linguistics are 'lining up' behind manifesting reality. The manifesting reality evidence for a [pole shift] is increasing daily with such information as the increase in volcanic and earthquake activity and strange ocean related phenomena. Our mental states suffer temblors as the evidence mounts for the forecasts of such planet altering conditions as a [pole shift]. Further indications of the accuracy of the [unknown energies from space] do not tend to calm our moods here, especially as the shield of the solar system, the heliosphere, has recently shrunk and continues to shrink. That the ThePowersThatBe are behaving extremely out of character at this time also contributes to our overall disquiet. As does the continuing collapse of the [financial system] globally. A 'hell of a year' already, and we are barely into the first month. Of course that is a side effect of working with future projections. As accuracy improves, the tendency is to a mind set of 'have already lived through it' when the actual events unfold. A lot of the surprise factor of universe, at least in the small scale here-on-earth levels, is dampened. Big surprises though, like the geographic pole shift, are still chock full of surprises. In examining the potential for a [geographic polar displacement event] and given the peculiar conditions of this particular time in that the solar system is dropping through the galactic ecliptic from 1942 through 2031 with the center of the passage being in 2012, and given the changes already evident since the milestones of 2000 have been passed {ed note: 2000 includes the solar pole flip, the passage of the outer planetary orbits into the galactic ecliptic plane} and given the continuing shrinkage of the heliosphere, and given the continuing climate strangeness on *all* the planets in the solar system, it would seem that the potential probability for geographic polar displacement is greater than zero and may actually be approaching near certainty. Hmmm. Not at all good. A real burnt pie bummer in fact. Sooo....given the shocking view of a more or less immediate future which includes the idea of such a discontinuity event as a geographic pole shift, what is the irrational human to do? Well, at a base level, any other intelligent species



ALTA 1109 - Part Two

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might have prepared at a species or planet wide basis with the construction of specialized survival structures designed to withstand all of the expected forces involved. Such an intelligent species might well have packed their members into these survival vessels placed strategically around the planet and come through the event relatively unscathed. Unfortunately, humans here on earth do not appear to be intelligent. Though there are a few examples of the TPTB being clever, such as the creation of the Seed Vault above the arctic circle (note how quickly that was created), there is no indication that the human species here on earth will act other than it has in the past, which is to say, basically short sighted and dim witted. That is, of course, at the species level. There are certainly to be individual humans who will react intelligently. And there are likely effective strategies for preparation which can be accomplished in the few years remaining, even with the degrading conditions economic and energetic. Such strategic planning as may be undertaken needs to be accomplished simultaneously with the implementation of the plans as time is so short, *and* the general conditions will soon be so degraded by other, more petty crisis. Inventories of resources for preparation, and current assets need to be quickly developed, and plugged into the strategic planning. Future reports in this series will include strategic planning notes derived from linguistic hints of what comes *after* 2012. For now we note that a very large linguistic set for the years 2013 through 2017 are built around a set labeled as [effective mobility]. Much of this set derives from [aquatic] references. A large sub set of the FuturePop entity in its primary supporting descriptors derives from [water based tribes], and [water life]. Apparently many of the [internal values] of the new [populace consensus] of FuturePop will be based on [experiences as a collective aquatic culture]. The data sets indicate that by late in 2019 the FuturePop entity will be dominant and thriving. It is just a matter of getting from here (2009) to there (2019). ###### Part Three is expected to be posted by late on Saturday, January 24th.



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