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Departmentof Justice Officeof Information Policy

Suite 11050 I425 Ncw YorkAvenue, Nl|/ Ilashington,DC 20530-000 I
Telephone: (202) 5 I 1-3642

0 MAYI 2012

Mr. Erik Larson


Appeal AP-2012-00985 No. Request Nos.I l-OIG-203 CAS:CDW

Dear Mr. Larson: You appealed from the action of the Office of the InspectorGeneral(OIG) on your requestfor copiesof two OIG complaintsfiled by SpecialAgent Robert Wright. The Freedomof Information Act providesfor disclosureof many agencyrecords. At the sametime, Congress includedin the FOIA nine exemptionsfrom disclosurethat provide protectionfor important interestssuchas personalprivacy, privileged communicitions, and certainlaw enforcement activities. After carefully consideringyour appeal,I am affirming OIG's action on your request. OIG properly withheld this information in full because is protectedfrom disclosure it underthe FOIA pursuantto: 5 U.S.C. $ 552(bX6),which concerns materialthe release which would of constitute a clearly unwarrantedinvasion of the personalprivacy of third parties; and 5 U.S.C. $ 552(bX7)(C),which concerns recordsor information compiled for law enforcement purposes release which could reasonably expected the of be to constitutean unwuranted invasionof the personalprivacy of third parties. Pleasebc advisedthat this Office's decisionwas made only after a full review of this matter. Your appeal was assignedto an attorney with this Office who thoroughly reviewed and analyzedyour appeal,your underlying request,and the actions of OIG in responseto your request. If you are dissatisfied with my action on your appeal,the FOIA permits you to file a lawsuit in federaldistrict court in accordance with 5 u.s.c. g 552(a)(4)(B). For your information,the Office of GovemmentInformation Services(OGIS) offers mediationservicesto resolvedisputesbetweenFOIA requesters Federalagencies a nonand as exclusivealternativeto litigation. Using OGIS servicesdoesnot affect your right to pursue

-2litigation. Thecontact information OGISis asfollows: Officeof Government for Information Services, NationalArchives Records and Administration, Room2510,8601 AdelphiRoad, College Park, Maryland20740-6001; e-mail ogis@nara.gov; at telephone 301-837-1996; at toll freeat l-877-684-6448: facsimile 301-837-0348. or at
Sincerely, JaniceGalli Mcleod AssociateDirector

SeanR. O'Neill Administrative Appeals Staff

U.S.Department Justice of Officeof Information Policy

Suite I1050 1425New YorkAvenue,NW Ll/ashington, DC 20530-000I

Telephone: (202) 5 I 4-3612

0 MAYI2012
Re: Appeal AP-20 2-00986 No. I RequestNos. l2-OIG-30 CAS:CDW

Mr. Erik Larson

Dear Mr. Larson: You appealedfrom the action of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) on your requestfor all records concerningtwo OIG complaints filed by Special Agent Robert Wright. The Freedomof Information Act providesfor disclosureof many agencyrecords. At the sametime, Congress includedin the FOIA nine exemptionsfrom disclosurethat provide protection for important interestssuch as personalprivacy, privileged communications, and certain law enforcementactivities. After carefully considering your appeal,I am affirming OIG's action on your request. OIG properly withheld this information in full because is protectedfrom disclosure it under the FOIA pursuantto: 5 U.S.C. $ 552(bX6),which concerns materialthe release which would of constitute a clearly unwarrantedinvasion of the personalprivacy of third parties and 5 U.S.C. $ 552(bX7)(C),which concerns recordsor information compiled for law purposes release which could reasonably expectedto enforcement the of be constitute an unwarrantedinvasion of the personalprivacy of third parties. Pleasebe advisedthat this Office's decisionwas made only after a full review of this matter. Your appealwas assignedto an attorney with this Office who thoroughly reviewed and analyzedyour appeal,your underlying request,and the actionvof OIG in responseto your request. If you are dissatisfiedwith my action on your appeal,the FOIA permits you to f,rlea lawsuit in federaldistrict court in accordance with 5 U.S.C. g 552(a)(a)@). For your information, the Office of Government Information Services(OGIS) offers mediationservices resolvedisputesbetweenFOIA requesters Federalagencies a nonto and as exclusivealternativeto litigation. Using OGIS servicesdoesnot affect your right to pursue

-2litigation. The contactinformationfor OGISis asfollows: Office of Government Information ArchivesandRecords Administration, Services, National Room2510,8601 AdelphiRoad, College Park, Maryland20740-6001; e-mail ogis@nara.gov; at telephone 301-837-1996; at toll freeat 1-877-684-6448:facsimile 301-837-0348. or at


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