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Date: Thursday, June 28, 2012

To: The Honorable Members of Dallas City Council
Subject: Trinity Parkway and Pegasus Project-TX DOT responses
Last month, given there were some data inconsistencies regarding transportation projections that a few
city council members were quoting, I posed a list of questions to TX DOT relating to the Trinity Parkway
and the Pegasus Project. We needed the correct data to answer a key question for Dallas citizens:
"Should the City of Dallas focus its efforts on building elements of the Pegasus Project rather than the
Trinity Parkway because of better increased capacity in a more cost efficient manner?" I asked TX
DOT these questions because it is the agency responsible for the state's transportation system, and
given it was the agency's data people were quoting, it's important we had the correct information and
make sure they clarified any miscommunication or misunderstanding.
Attached is TX DOT's answer to those questions. Its management endorsed this information and has
provided me all the materials at their disposal.
An important note: I asked them to only verify existing data and not to develop any new information on
any ideas that had not already been considered.
Key Facts:
*Trinity Parkway completed separately would allow new capacity for 132,000 vehicles per day and cost
a total $1.47 Billion ($167M per mile).
*Pegasus Project completed separately would allow new capacity for 93,300 vehicles and cost a total
$1.2 Billion ($184M per mile) not including any cost for reliever roads that have not been estimated.
(NOTE: the Horseshoe portion of the Pegasus Project is already underway and is a separate cost.)
I wanted to make sure I read this information correctly and double checked on the Pegasus
capacity. In an email from Bill Hale of TX DOT, he wrote:
"Mayor Rawlings: This is to advise that the maximum added capacity for the Pegasus is 93,300
vehicles per day. That is with or without the Trinity Parkway built."
Key Insights:
1. We need both the Trinity Parkway and the Pegasus Project if we are going to meet the goal we
have established of relieving downtown traffic congestion by increasing capacity to 250,000 vehicles
per day.
2. The Trinity Parkway is a more cost effective project compared to the Pegasus Project. It
increases capacity more than Pegasus and at a lower cost per mile.
3. While neither project is funded yet, the Trinity Parkway is more feasible because it is more likely
to receive funding, given the fact that the Trinity Parkway would be a tolled roadway and Pegasus
would not.
In short, my answer to the question that has been raised "Is Pegasus 'better' in the short term than the
Parkway?" is simply, no.
We already believe the levees are safe and will support a Parkway. We are moving quickly on trails,
lakes and other amenities. We now are sure that the Parkway is the most cost efficient option as
well. Now that TX DOT has been tremendously clear on the capacity issue I believe it is obvious what
must be done. We must move in haste to build our Trinity Parkway.
Thank you to the agency's leadership and to all individuals working on this project for taking these
questions very seriously and completing the work in a timely matter. Also I want to thank the supporters
of the Trinity Project and my colleagues on council who have been patient while I participated in
this critical exercise to gain clarity around these important questions; I appreciate their patience and
Now we can move ahead with certainty on how we are going to address the important traffic issues we
cc: Mary Suhm, City Manager
~ *
I Texas Department of Transportation
P.O. BOX 133067 DALLAS. TEXAS 75313-3067' (214) 320-6100
The Honorable Mike Rawlings
City of Dallas
1500 Marilla Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
Dear Mayor Rawlings:
June 20, 2012
Attached is the technical information regarding the Trinity Parkway and Project Pegasus
that you requested on May 28, 2012. Included is (1) the Matrix with pertinent data
provided in a side-by-side format, (2) three maps depicting the information from the
Matrix, and (3) an appendix with the engineer's report and a CD-ROM containing the
documents used for the matrix. Please note the scope of this effort did not include new
traffic modeling; all information came from existing studies.
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has collaborated with the North
Texas Tollway Authority (NITA) and North Central Texas Council of Governments
(NCTCOG) in developing this response. We trust this is helpful.
Thank you for contacting the Dallas District on this matter and please do not hesitate to
call me if you have any questions or comments.
William L. Hale, P.E.
Dallas District Engineer
An Equal Opportunity Employer
June 20, 2012
All of the traffic forecasts and capacity data provided come from information already
available from previously completed studies and traffic model runs.
All of the traffic forecasts and capacity data provided assume the complete Pegasus
system is in place; breaking the Pegasus system apart will make the forecasts and
data invalid. For example, full capacity improvements for Lowest Stemmons (IH30 to
DNT) cannot be attained unless Upper Stemmons (DNT to SH 183) is also improved.
2020 Capacity Goal of TxDOT's Major Transportation Investment Study (MTIS) for
the Trinity River Corridor is 250,000 additional daily person trips.
Daily person trips, as opposed to vehicle trips, were used in the MTIS because
roadway and non-roadway widening strategies are used to attain the capacity goal.
o DART rail, employee work trip reduction strategies, improved bicycle facilities, etc. - 6%
(15,000 person trips)
o Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge/Woodall Rodgers Extension - 4% (10,000 person trips)
o Combined Trinity Parkway and Pegasus projects - 90% (225,000 person trips)
225,000 person trips equates to 205,000 vehicle trips (vpd).
o Average occupancy rate is 1.1 persons per vehicle
Trinity Parkway provides 132,000 additional vpd and Pegasus provides 93,300
additional vpd.
Both the Trinity Parkway and Pegasus are needed to meet the goal.
The Trinity Parkway has a significant funding source (toll revenue) to help support
the project.
Trinity Parkway will provide an alternate route to help mitigate Canyon construction
related congestion.
Construction costs associated with the Canyon will increase if the Trinity Parkway is
not available as an alternate route during construction. This cost increase has not
been identified.
TxDOT MTIS Goal for the Trinity River Corridor: Provide additional capacity with the combined Trinity Parkway and Pegasus projects for
205,000+ vehicles trips per day throughout the corridor to help manage congestion.
June 20, 2012
existing CapIICIty 223,800 vpd (AVG) 223_ vpd (AVO) G.
Added Clipedty 225,300 vpd (AVG) 13.-vpd (AVO)
132. __
Teal Cost (2012) ... $3.49 Billion $2.G28111on ... 1.47 ...... (All 3C)
(19.8 miles)
(11 .... '
(U .... )
eo.t ...... , .. $176 Million per mile $114111111on ........... '117 .. ilion ..... mile
Perce ..... of CongeetIon 98 percent 102 per1lent .........
(2030 Avenge Dally 1i
Added to Oownliown Spe.m 2 to 4 General Purpose Lanes 2 to 4 o.n..I Purpau ..... : . Tolled lAMe (71
6 Tolled La.nes
Number of IIaMged l.MM 2 Managed Lanes ... ....... du...
--- --- ----- -- -- -----
... a-... --)
Notes: 1) Both the Trinity Parkway and Pegasus are needed to meet the goal of 205,000+ additional vehicle trips per day
throughout the Tri nity River Corridor.
2) The Trinity Parkway will be a tolled facilllty, and hence has a Significant funding source to help support the project.
3) In addition to providing needed capacity throughout the Trinity River Corridor, constructing the Trinity Parkway in
advance of the Canyon improvements will provide an alternate route for motorists during the Canyon construction,
thus helping to mitigate construction related delays and costs.
4) The Lowest Stemmons (IH 30 to Dallas North Tollway (DNT and Upper Stemmons (DNT to SH 183) improvements are part of a system,
and full capacity from the Lowest Stem mons Improvements cannot cannot be attained unless both are improved.
5) The Horseshoe component of Pegasus is already funded ($818 Million) and is estimated to start construction
in early 2013 as part of TxDOT's Horseshoe Design-Build Project.
6) Cost estimates have been adjusted to 2012 dollars.
7) Only four 'anes of the ultimate six lane Trinity Parkway buildout are initially planned to be built south of Contlnenta' Avenue;
these four lanes will be expanded to six lanes when traffic volumes warrant the need for the additional capacity.
8) Recent review of the original Pegasus design has determined that carrying the managed lanes through downtown
is not feasible because of the limited access to downtown they provide; the current plan is to transition the
managed lanes into general use lanes prior to reaching downtown in order to improve access.
Mlxmamr(1) Lower Stemmons Lowest Stemmon, (2)
(Ho,...,.hoe Project) (IH 30 to SH 183) (IH 30 to Dallas North Tollway)
Averag& Traffic (Pally)
114,000 vpd (IH 30)
185,000 vpd 191,000 vpd (IH 35E) 230,000 vpd 239,500 vpd :MeI,OOO vpcI (AVO)
Project Traffic
215,000 " pd 236,500 vpd 220,000 vpd 22O,000vpd m ...... (AVO) ...
(existing Capac!ity)
305,000 vpd 353,300 vpd 313,800 vpd 358,000 vpd lU,000 .. (AVO) 114,1""
Project Traffic
297,000 vpd 357,500 vpd 297,000 vpd 297,000 vpd 117.000 vpcI (AVO) 132. .....
(Proposed Capacity) ,
Added CapacItY ' 82,000 vpd 121,000 vpd 77,000 vpd 77,000 vpd IJ._ vptI (AVO) 112. .....
Cost of Road ConstnActlon
$248 Million $700 MilHon snO Million $262 Million '1.n 811lIoII .1.0 .........
Coat of R .... ver Project NJA (6) NJA (6) NJA (6) NJA (6) MIA", MIA",
To ... coat (2012) (II1 !'1 $293 Million sa' 8 Milli on $908 MilHon $309 Million $2.01 8IIIIon $1A1"11011
(1.7 miles) (4,3 miles) (5,0 miles) (1 ,7 mile.) (11.0"'"-, tu ...... ,
Costper mlie $172 Mfli lOn $190 Million $182 Million $1 82 Million I'M lllliion (AVO)
"11 MIllIon
La.,.. Added to
1 General Purpose Lane

Sy.tem lOt
2 to 4 General Purpose l anes 2 General Purpose Lanes 2 General Purpose lanes
& 4 Collector...oistributof Lanes (10) ( 10) (AVGI
Number of Manqed I,.anea II) 2 Managed Lanes 2 Managed Lanes 2 Managed Lanes (10) 2 Managed Lanes (10j
L ___
-- --- ....
DeftntUoM: vpd = vehldlH! per day: AVG = Average value of Pegasus components
Notes: 1) The Mlxmaster component of tho Pegasus project Ia already funded ($818 MINion) and Is estimated to start construction In early 2013 a8 part of TxOOrs Honoa.hoe Ooslgn.flulld Project
2) The Lowest Stemmona Is a subset of The Lower Stemmons
Pegasus Projecllnformatlon consieta of Canyon, Mlxmaater (Horseshoe Project) and Lower Stammons.
AU of these components are part of an avenll! .yetem, and full capacity for one component cannot be attained unless all components are also improved.
4) Values based on Implementation of Trinity Parkway A1ternaUye 3C (Ioaal expensive optlon); there are four (4) build altomatlyes under consideration. The preferred Trinity Pm-y altematiYe has nol been delermlned,
5) COBb are adjusted to 2012 from aarller CGlt ... timates for consistency.
6) NlA Not AYallable
7) Total Coal. Include Roadway Cornotructlon, RJghl of Way, Utllltte., Trame Managemon\, Engineering, etc,
8) Includea General Purposo LanM and CoHactor Olatributor Roadl
9) .. anaged Lanes ara lanes that Include Toll Rates for High Occupancy Vehicles conSisting of two or more occupanl vehicles, van pools, and single occupanl vehicle.,
10) Number of Lanes Varies. Assume an averege of 2 General Purpose and 2 Managed Lanes added throughout the entire segmenl
11) Only four Ian .. of tho ultimate six Isne Trinity Parkway bulklout are Inlttally planned to be built south of Continental Avenue
thes_ four lanes will be expanded to six Ian when traffic volume. wafT8nl the need for additional capacity.
[f!} ,

Irving Blvd.
',' -'5
Lower Stemmons
Total Cost (2012): $908 Million
length: 5.0 Miles
Proj ect Traffic (Proposed Capacity):
Projected Average Traffic (2030): 313,800
lanes Added: 2 General Purpose Lanes
and Z Managed lanes
I-", , !, .', < ('
Total Cost (2012): $1.47 Billion (Alt 3C)
Length: 8.8 Miles
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity):
Projected Average Traffic (2030):
Lanes Added: 6 Ultimate Tolled Lanes
and 0 Managed Lanes
Singleton Blvd
Lowest Stem mons
Total Cost (2012): $309 Million
length: 1.7 Miles
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity): 297,000 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2030): 358,000 vpd
Lanes Added: 2 General Purpose lanes and 2
Managed lanes
The "Horseshoe"
Total Cost (2012) : $818 Million
length: 4.3 Miles
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity)' 357,500 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2030): 353,300 vpd
lanes Added: 1 General Purpose Lane & 4
Collector Distributor lanes and 2 Managed lanes
The "Canyon"
Total Cost (2012): $293 Million
Length: 1.7 Miles
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity): 297,OOOvpd
Projected Average Traffic (2030): 305,000 vpd
lanes Added: 2 to 4 General Purpose Lanes and
2 Managed lanes
Trimly Parkway (NTTA Lead)
Corridor Study Area
" c?'
NTTA System (Open to Traffic)
i CJ Existing Main Lane Toll Gantry
Interstate Highway
U,S, and State Highway
I ' ,I..
\ Toll df/li/lIs nor 10
' ...... ."'"- """" ,. "" ". _. .. , " ... , .."" . " ..
Mav t . 2012 )
'" , ... .
2 '

Green:: Projected Traffic (2030) Below Capacity
Red:: Projected Traffic (2030) Exceeds Capacity
"" ''',<,
' r;7Sl " "
' .... ,' ..
Trinity Parkway and Project Pegasus
Segment Costs and Added Capacities
Build Both

"\" ...... .
. . "

Irving Blvd.
. t;.
Trinity Parkway
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity):
Projected Average Traffic (2035):
Trinity Parkway (NTTA Lead)
Corridor Study Area
Lower Stemmons
(From IH 30 to SH 183)
Existing (No Build) Capacity: 220,000 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2035): 255,000
Singleton Blvd

i .
NnA System (Open Lo Traffic)
Existing Main Lane Toll Gantry
Interstate Highway
Dii i
U.S. and State Highway
1"ligil!all dP;)r;
' . .
f '
l 0
._ ...... ,,_ ... . 2 :'.=

To/I project de/ails I10f /0 scale
.. .. ..2)
Green = Projected Traffic (2035) Below Capacity
Red = Projected Traffic (2035) Exceeds Capacity
Lowest Stem mons
(From IH 30 to ONT)
Existing (No Build) Capacity: 220,000 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2035) : 255,000 vpd
<" '"
The "Horseshoe"
Project Traffic (Built Capacity) 357500 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2035): 288,000 vpd
The "Canyon"
Existing (No Build) Capacity: 215,000 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2035) : 219,000 vpd
. :/ .. r,JS4 .....
Project Map
Trinity Parkway and Project Pegasus
Build Trinity Parkway Only
Projected 2035 Traffic Volumes
. &:) ..


Blvd. .
. '-.' '.'
Trinity Parkway
No Build Capacity: 0 vpd
Lower Stemmons
(From IH 30 to SH 183)
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity):
297,000 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2030):

"" '-
Singleton Blvd.

Lowest Stem mons
(From IH 30 to DNT)
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity): 297,000 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2030): 375,500 vpd

.... ..
Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity): 357,500 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2030): 422,200 vpd

Project Traffic (Proposed Capacity): 297,000 vpd
Projected Average Traffic (2030): 333,000 vpd
Trinity Parkway (NITA Lead)
Corridor Study Area

NITA Syslem (Open 10 Trafflc)
Existing Main Lane Toll Gantry
Interstate Highway
U.S. and State Highway
\_r.oIJ __ . __ .... __
o Miles
Green = Projected Traffic (2030) Below Capacity
Red = Projected Traffic (2030) Exceeds Capacity
' f17S4
.. ...oil
Project Map
Trinity Parkway and Project Pegasus
Build Project Pegasus Only
Projected 2030 Traffic Volumes
June 20, 2012
Appendix A
TxDOT Dallas District
Table of Contents
Trinity Parkway Project and Project Pegasus
Responses to City of Dallas Information Request
June 20, 2012
Reference Documents ................................................................................................................................... 1
Documents Requested .................................................................................................................................. 1
Responses to Questions ................................................................................................................................ 3
Traffic Performance Tables ........................................................................................................................... 5
Attachment 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 11
TxDOT Dallas District
June 20, 2012
A CD-ROM containing reference documents is attached. The table of contents is listed in detail in
Attachment 1, at the end of this appendix. The CD-ROM contains items specifically listed in the May 28
request from the Mayor's office, as identified below. In addition, the CD-ROM contains complete copies
of the 1998 MTIS for the Trinity Parkway Corridor, the 2003 Environmental Assessment for Project
Pegasus, the 2009 SDEIS for Trinity Parkway, and the 2012 LSS for Trinity Parkway, as well as the related
schematic plans.
The May 28 workbook from Mayor Rawlings' office included specific requests for documents as follows:
1. August 2003 Interstate Access Justification Report with all appendices
The IAJ Report for Project Pegasus is provided on the previously mentioned CD-ROM.
2. Any 2010 study on Pegasus area with revised traffic forecast numbers.
Traffic count maps for 2010 (from field surveys) in the project area are provided on the CD-
ROM. No revised traffic forecasts were produced for the Pegasus area in 2010.
3. Documents showing connection between IH-35 and Trinity Tollroad with traffic forecast:
Proposed connections between IH-35E (South RL Thornton Freeway) and Trinity Parkway are
shown on the project schematics for the four Parkway build alternatives. Schematics are
provided in Trinity Parkway LSS Chapter 2 on Plates 2-2A, 2-2B, 2-3A, 2-3B, 2-4A, 2-4B, 2-5A and
2-5B (provided on the CD-ROM). The two Riverfront Boulevard Alternatives, 2A and 2B, do not
provide a connection to South RL Thornton Freeway. The two Floodway Alternatives, 3C and 4B,
provide connections to South RL Thornton via the Houston and Jefferson St. Bridges, and
Colorado Blvd. The traffic forecast (for 2030) for Trinity Parkway is shown in the Trinity Parkway
SDEIS on Figures 2-26 through 2-28 (provided on the CD-ROM).
As an alternative to the connection via Colorado Blvd. as described above, a revised and more
direct connection to IH-35E is discussed in LSS Section 5.4.2 as an avoidance measure related to
potential ramp connection impacts to the historic Houston St. Bridge. The more direct
connection, named the "Jefferson-Memorial Bridge," is a proposed TxDOT Dallas District project
(provided on the CD-ROM).
4. Documents showing connection between IH-30 and Trinity Tollroad with traffic forecast
There are no proposed ramp connections between IH-30 and Trinity Parkway. The idea of a
connection between the Parkway and IH-30 was explored at the time of the MTIS when multiple
possible connections were considered. The study found the highest use linkages to the Parkway
were from IH-35EjSH 183, Woodall Rodgers Freeway, and US 175. The linkages are discussed in
MTIS Section 4.3 (provided on the CD-ROM). The connection to IH-30 was dropped in the study
process for the MTIS in consultation with the stakeholder groups involved.
Page 1
TxDOT Dallas District
June 20, 2012
5. Documents showing cost comparison for construction and detour route for the following
projects: Central Expressway, High Five, LB}, and /-45 Houston project discussed w/Bill Hale
Available documents for Central Expressway, High Five, LBJ and IH-45 Houston have been
included on the CD-ROM. Project information is summarized below:
Central Expressway from Woodall Rodgers Freeway to LBJ
o Construction Cost: $447 million
o Detour Route Cost: None
o Completion Date: 1999
Note: For Central Expressway, the City of Dallas implemented alternate route improvements to
increase capacity on parallel arterial routes such as Greenville Ave./Ross Ave., Skillman St./Live
Oak St., and Abrams Rd./Columbia Ave./Main St.
Dallas High Five Project
o Construction Cost: $288 million
o Detour Route Cost: None
o Completion Date: 2006
LBJ Freeway Reconstruction (from IH-35E to US 75)
o Construction Cost: $1.379 billion
o Detour Route Cost: None
o Completion Date (Estimated): 2015
Note: As part of the Dallas Area Congestion Management! Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ)
program the TxDOT and the City of Dallas implemented intersection improvements to increase
capacity on parallel arterial routes such as Forest Ln., Alpha Rd., Spring Valley Rd., and Belt Line
Rd. Additionally, the President George Bush Turnpike is providing an alternative route.
IH 45 - Houston (The Pierce Elevated Reconstruction from Dowling Street to Dallas Avenue)
o Construction Costs: $28.1 million
o Detour Route Costs: None
o Completion Date: 1997
Note: The Houston job was set up with 95 days for each direction. It consisted of only replacing
bridge slab, beams, and bent caps as opposed to a full freeway reconstruction. It was
completed 31 days ahead of schedule (total for both directions). NB IH-45 was closed on
12/5/1996 and it was opened in late Feb/early March 1997. Then SB IH-45 was closed in April
1997 and it was opened on 6/13/1997. Construction was less than three months for each
Page 2
TxDOT Dallas District
June 20, 2012
0#1: How many cars will the Trinity Toll Road carry as a reliever route for Lower Stemmons during
Project Pegasus construction?
ANSWER: There is no analysis that shows the number of cars that would use the Trinity Parkway as a
reliever route during Project Pegasus construction. In keeping with the scope of the matrix effort, no
traffic modeling was performed that would answer this request. However, according to traffic and
revenue studies in the 1998 MTIS for the Trinity Parkway Corridor (provided on the CD-ROM in Appendix
E, titled Estimated Trinity Parkway Toll Revenue), traffic forecasts on the Parkway were expected to rise
to peak levels during years when Project Pegasus was under construction. In the years after Pegasus
construction was completed, traffic on the Trinity Parkway was projected to fall 30 percent. please note
that modeling for the interim effects of construction operations has not been performed at this stage of
the planning and project development process. This activity, if performed, would be done as part of the
development of the construction traffic management plan, which does not generally occur until the
project design has been sufficiently advanced to be able to analyze detailed construction phasing.
0#2: What route will Southbound Lower Stemmons drivers and Northbound Lower Stemmons drivers
take when utilizing the Trinity Toll Road as a "reliever route" during Project Pegasus construction?
(Please provide map with car counts along each route.)
ANSWER: Alternate route selection by drivers during construction would be dependent on their origin
and destination. For example, southbound Lower Stemmons motorists would be able to use the Trinity
Parkway beginning at the current IH-35E/SH 183 split. Motorists could use access points from the
Parkway such as Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Houston-Jefferson viaducts and/or Corinth St./Riverfront
Blvd. Northbound Lower Stemmons motorists could enter/exit the Trinity Parkway at these same access
locations. Please note that modeling for the interim effects of construction operations has not been
performed at this stage of the planning and project development process. This activity, if performed,
would be done as part of the development of the construction traffic management plan, which does not
generally occur until the project design has been sufficiently advanced to be able to analyze detailed
construction phasing.
Q#3: How many cars will the Trinity Toll Road carry as a reliever route for the Canyon during Project
Pegasus construction?
ANSWER: There is no analysis that shows the number of cars that would use the Trinity Parkway as a
reliever route during Project Pegasus construction. In keeping with the scope of the matrix effort, no
traffic modeling was performed that would answer this request. However, according to traffic and
revenue studies in the 1998 MTIS for the Trinity Parkway Corridor (provided on the CD-ROM in Appendix
E, titled Estimated Trinity Parkway Toll Revenue), traffic forecasts on the Parkway were expected to rise
to peak levels during years when Project Pegasus was under construction. In the years after Pegasus
construction was completed, traffic on the Trinity Parkway was projected to fall 30 percent. Please note
that modeling for the interim effects of construction operations has not been performed at this stage of
the planning and project development process. This activity, if performed, would be done as part of the
development of the construction traffic management plan, which does not generally occur until the
project design has been sufficiently advanced to be able to analyze detailed construction phasing.
Page 3
TxDOT Dallas District
June 20, 2012
Q#4: What route will Eastbound Canyon drivers and Westbound Canyon drivers take when utilizing the
Trinity Toll Road as a "reliever route" during Project Pegasus construction? (Please provide map with car
counts along each route.)
ANSWER: Route selection by drivers during construction would be dependent on their origin and
destination. Drivers originating from the southeast could avoid taking the westbound Canyon by
diverting to the Trinity Parkway via US 175 or IH 45. These motorists could access downtown via Corinth
Street/Riverfront Boulevard, the Houston/Jefferson Viaducts, or they could bypass downtown
altogether and continue north to a Lower Stemmons destination, SH 183 or northbound IH 35E.
Depending on their origination, motorists with a southeast Dallas destination could avoid the eastbound
Canyon by accessing the Trinity Parkway at the southbound SH 183/IH 35E merge, or from the Lower
Stem mons area at Inwood Road/Hampton Road or Wycliff Avenue/Sylvan Avenue. From downtown,
motorists could access the Trinity Parkway via the Houston/Jefferson Viaducts.
Please note that modeling for the interim effects of construction operations has not been performed at
this stage of the planning and project development process. This activity, if performed, would be done
as part of the development of the construction traffic management plan, which does not generally occur
until the project design has been sufficiently advanced to be able to analyze detailed construction
Q#5: Provide the ADT/LOS for LB} just prior to its current construction and during construction.
ANSWER: In 2010, traffic volumes on LBJ were between 245,000 to 275,000 at LOS F. Since
construction started, LBJ Infrastructure Group has stated that traffic volumes on IH-635 have decreased
about 10 percent.
Page 4
TxDOT Dallas District
June 20, 2012
The following pages show traffic performance tables requested in the May 28 workbook from the
Mayor's office. Available information is input in the tables by the agencies. For items marked "N/A," the
information is not available from agency records.
In the following tables, to calculate the roadway capacity in the matrix, tollway lanes and freeway
general purpose lanes are both assumed to carry 22,000 vehicles per day (vpd). This is a rough estimate
of how much traffic each lane would practically carry in a 24-hour weekday period, assuming an urban
travel pattern (i.e., lane-full traffic over several hours in AM and PM peaks and reduced traffic in other
hours). Managed lanes, ramps and collector-distributor lanes are assumed to have a capacity of 16,500
vpd, accounting for the more restricted driving environment on these types of roadways. Service roads
are estimated at 7,500 vpd capacity. Collector-distributor roadways do increase capacity for short
section of roadways to help improve traffic operations of the main lanes. Service roads are not counted
in the through movement calculation because they help manage local access and are not used for
through traffic except during incidents.
Table 1 shows current conditions (2010) with Regional Population of 6.4 million
Table 2 shows future conditions (2030) with No Build of any of the projects and thus no traffic
information is displayed.
Table 3 shows future conditions (2030) with Both the Trinity Parkway and Project Pegasus built with
estimated population projected at 9.1 million.
Table 4 shows future conditions (2030) with Only the Trinity Parkway built with estimated
population projected at 9.1 million.
Table 5 shows future conditions (2030) with Only the Project Pegasus built and with estimated
population projected at 9.1 million.
Page 5
TxDOT Dallas District
Table # 1: Current Conditions (2010)
(Regional Population: 6.4 million)
June 20, 2012
Horseshoe canyon
Traffic Utilization 2
114,000 (IH-30) & 191,000 (IH-35E) 185,000 230,000
(Average Daily Traffic)
Level of Service4
Congestion Delay 3 IH-35E North 8,931 9,653 2,594
(Vehicle Hours per day)
IH-35E South 2,964
IH-30 East 9,653
IH-30 West 2,594
Daily VMT 3 IH-35E North: 1,442,286
(Vehide Miles Traveled per day)
IH-35E South: 981,905
IH-30 East: 1,465,43
1,465,439 1,442,286
IH-30 West: 1,204,234
N/A(5) N/A(5) N/A(5) N/A(5)
(Vehide Hours Traveled)
Average Speed 3 IH-35E North: 42.4
IH-35E South: 51.0
42.7 42.4
IH-30 East: 42.7
IH-30 West: 50.5
Lane Miles at LOS F
N/A(5) N/A(5) N/A(5) N/A(5)
Total Lanes (Main Lanes +
14 12 16
HOV/Managed Lanes+ Access Roads)
Main Lanes
10 6 10
HOVlManaged Lanes
1 0 0
Collector -Distributor Lanes
0 4/6 0
Access Road Lanes
3 0 6
1. The original table from the City (May 28) asked for information on "Lowest Stem mons," meaning the IH-35E segment between the
Mixmaster and Dallas North Tollway. The Project Pegasus data shows "Lower Stemmons" which extends from the Mixmaster to
the SH 183 split. Data is not available for Lowest Stemmons.
2. TxDOT 2010 Traffic for mainlanes only.
3. Information from 100 Most Congested Roadway Segments in Texas. Portions of #7: IH-35E from IH-30 to SH 183; #11 IH-30 from
Jefferson Viaduct to SH 12 East; #33 IH-35E from US 67 to Jefferson Viaduct; and #77 IH-30 from SH 12 West to Jefferson
Viaduct. http://apps.dot.state.tx.us/apps/top 1001
4. Level of service (LOS) is a term used to qualitatively describe the operating conditions of a roadway based on factors such as
speed, travel time, maneuverability, delay, and safety.
5. N/A = Not Available
Page 6
TxDOT Dallas District
Table # 2: Future Conditions 2030 - No Build
(Estimated 2030 Regional Population: 9.1 million)
June 20, 2012
Future travel demand projections for year 2030 are not available for both the Trinity Parkway and Project Pegasus not built. Once
the Trinity Parkway Major Transportation Investment Study was completed in 1998, each of the seven elements identified in the Plan
of Action were induded in subsequent planning studies and transportation plans.
Traffic Utilization
(Predicted) 1
I (AveraQe Daily Traffic)
Level of Service 1
Traffic Utilization
(Maximum ADT at 2010
Congestion Delay 2
(Vehicle Hours)
Daily VMT 2
(Vehicle Miles Traveled)
(Vehide Hours
Average Speed 2 (mph)
Table # 3: Future Conditions 2030 - Both Built (Parkway and Pegasus)
(Estimated 2030 Regional Population: 9.1 million)
2A 28 3C 48 Horseshoe canyon
If 2A12B = 363,500 If 2A12B = 310,400
If 3C = 353,300 If 3C = 305,000
If 4B = 365,600 If 4B = 311 ,400
If 2Al2B = D-F If 2A12B = E-F
D-F 7 D-F 7 C-F 7 C-F 7 If 3C = C-F If 3C = E-F
If4B = C-F If 4B = E-F
132,000 132,000 132,000 132,000 357,500 297,000
If 2A12B = 41 ,097
If 3C = 41,679
If 4B = 41 ,167
If 2Al2B = 10,466,507
If 3C = 10,499,887
If4B = 10,447,530
If 2A12B = 288,936
If 3C = 291,131
If 4B = 289,344
If 2Al2B = 36.22
If 3C = 36.07
If 4B = 36.11
TxDOT Dallas District
Lower Stemmons 13
If 2A12B = 304,500
If 3C = 313,800
If 4B = 306,500
If 2A12B = D-F
If 3C = D-F
If 4B = D-F
Page 7
June 20, 2012
4B Horseshoe Canvon
lower Sternmons 13
Lane Miles at LOS F 2 If 2AJ2B = 42.69 3
(Percent) If 3C = 43.08 3
If 4B = 42.31 3
Total lanes
(Main Lanes +
6 12
6 6 20
1o 18 10,14
HOV/Managed Lanes
+ Access Roads)
Main lanes 6 6 6 6
11 10
1O 12 10,14
HOVlManaged Lanes 0 0 0 0 3
1O 2 10,14
Collector-Distributor 0 0 0 0 4
10 0 10,14
Access Road Lanes 0 6
0 0 2
1O 610 4 10,14
Total Build Cost 4 $2.44 $1.93 $1.47 $1.50
$818 Million $293 Million $908 Million
(2012 Dollars) Billion Billion Billion Billion
Cost of Construction 4 $1.44 $1.10 $1.04 $1.10
$700 Million $248 Million $770 Million
Billion Billion Billion Billion
Cost of Detour Routes N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Financing Sources TBD5 TBD5 TBD5 TBD5 Federal = $540.5 million
(Indicate amounts from (Proposition 12 and 14,
each source) Categories 6 and 10)
State = $156.3 million
(Proposition 12 and 14, TBD5 TBD5
Categories 6 and 10)
Regional = $21.5 million
(Regional Toll Revenue
from SH 121)
Length of Construction 4.5 3.5 3.25 3.5 years11
4 years N/A N/A
Staged Lane Closures years
length of Construction N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
"Bite the BUllet" 12
1. 2030 Data from SDEIS Table 4-14. Level of service (LOS) is a term used to qualitatively describe the operating conditions of a
roadway based on factors such as speed, travel time, maneuverability, delay, and safety.
2. 2030 Data from SDEIS Table 4-15 for the Trinity Parkway Study Area Roadway Network
3. At LOS D, E or F.
4. Costs are adjusted to 2012 from earlier cost estimates for consistency. See Preliminary Cost Development Spreadsheet
(Folder # 8 in CD-ROM).
5. TBD = To Be Determined
6. Averaged segment ADT's for entire project corridor length
7. Operational LOS range for entire project corridor length
8. Access roads would be constructed for Altemative 2B to replace free travel lane capacity lost on Irving and Riverfront
9. Daily capacities are estimated at 22,000 vpd per lane for mainlanes, and 16,500 vpd per lane for CD roads and managed
10. Source: Project Pegasus approved schematic, 2005. http://www.projectpegasus.org/information.htm
11. Tables 4-4, 4-12, 4-20, and 4-27 from the Trinity Parkway LSS. These time periods exclude ROW acquisition and utility
relocation times.
12. The "Bite the Bullet" scenario is a complete shutdown of Lower Stemmons or the Canyon as needed to expedite construction.
13. The original table from the City (May 28) asked for information on "Lowest Stemmons," meaning the IH-35E segment between
the Mixmaster and Dallas North Tollway. The Project Pegasus data shows "Lower Stemmons" which extends from the
Mixmaster to the SH 183 split. Data is not available for Lowest Stemmons. 14. Number of lanes varies. Assume an average of
2 general purpose and 2 managed lanes added throughout the entire segment.
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TxDOT Dallas District
Table # 4: Future Conditions 2030 - Trinity Parkway Only
(Estimated 2030 Regional Population: 9.1 million)
June 20, 2012
Horseshoe canyon
Traffic Utilization (Predicted)
N/A ~ ~ ~
(Average Daily Traffic)
Level of Service N/A MIA NIA MIA
Congestion Delay
(Vehicle Hours)
N/A ~ ~ NIA
N/A ~ NIA ~
(Vehicle Miles Traveled in millions)
(Vehicle Hours Traveled)
Average Speed
N/A ~ NIA ~
Lane Miles at LOS F
N/A 'A 'A ~
Horseshoe canyon
Traffic Utilization (Predicted)
100,000 to 142,000 288,000 219,000 255,000
(Average DailyTraffic)
Level of Service 6 Dto E F F F
Congestion Delay
(Vehicle Hours)
DailyVMT 8,814,627
(Vehicle Miles Traveled in millions)
DailyVHT 275,042
. (Vehicle Hours Traveled)
Average Speed 29.76
Lane Miles at LOS F 4 49%
1. Modeling for the interim effects of construction operations has not been performed at this stage of the planning and project
development process.
2. Data shown is for 2035 per the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) - Mobility 2035.
3. The original table from the City (May 28) asked for information on "Lowest Stemmons: meaning the IH-35E segment between
the Mixmaster and Dallas North Tollway. The Project Pegasus data shows "Lower Stemmons" which extends from the
Mixmaster to the SH 183 split. Data is not available for Lowest Stemmons.
4. At LOS D,E, or F.
5. Values based on implementation of Trinity Parkway Altemative 3C (least expensive option); there are four build altematives
under consideration. The preferred Trinity Parkway alternative has not been determined.
6. Level of service (LOS) is a term used to qualitatively describe the operating conditions of a roadway based on factors such as
speed, travel time, maneuverability, delay, and safety.
Page 9
TxDOT Dallas District
Table # 5: Future Conditions 2030 - Project Pegasus Only
(Estimated 2030 Regional Population: 9.1 million)
June 20, 2012
1. Modeling for the interim effects of construction operations has not been performed at this stage of the planning and project
development process.
2.2030 Data from SDEIS Table 4-14. Level of service (LOS) is a term used to qualitatively describe the operating conditions of a
roadway based on factors such as speed, travel time, maneuverability, delay, and safety.
3.2030 Data from SDEIS Table 4-15 for the Trinity Parkway Study Area Network Roadway
4. At LOS D, E or F.
5. The original table from the City (May 28) asked for information on "Lowest Stemmons," meaning the IH-35E segment between the
Mixmaster and Dallas North Tollway. The Project Pegasus data shows "Lower Stemmons" which extends from the Mixmaster to the
SH 183 split. Data is not available for Lowest Stem mons.
Page 10
TxDOT Dallas District
June 20, 2012
The following is the Table of Contents for the attached CD-ROM:
01 - City Requested Documents
01 Project Pegasus IAJR 2003.pdf
02 Project Pegasus IAJR 2003 Appendix A - Methodology.pdf
03 Project Pegasus IAJR 2003 Appendix B - Ramp LOS Results.pdf
04 Project Pegasus IAJR 2003 Appendix C - Freeway LOS Results.pdf
052010 Dallas District Traffic Map.pdf
06 Trinity Parkway LSS Schematic Plan Plates. pdf
07 Trinity Parkway LSS Appendix E Excerpt - New Jefferson Bridge.pdf
08 JM PLOT Os-31-12.pdf (Jefferson Memorial Concept Exhibit)
09 Jefferson Memorial Connector Year 2030 Daily.pdf (2030 COG Model)
10 Jefferson Memorial Connector Year 2030 No Build Daily.pdf (2030 COG Model)
11 MTIS Trinity Parkway Corridor page IV-7 on IH 30 access. pdf (Excerpt)
12 Trinity Parkway MTIS - Third Series Public Meeting slides re 30-3sE access. pdf (Excerpt
from Public Meeting Presentation)
02 - Reference Materials from Other TxDOT Projects
01 Central Expressway Project City Responsibility cost. pdf (US 75 Cost Estimate)
02 LBJ PrelmCost Estimates.pdf (LBJ Cost Estimate)
03 US 75 Email-WmcClure.pdf (Email from Wes McClure, TxDOT on Thu 5/31/2012)
04 HighFive Email-TFriggle.pdf (Email from Tracy Friggle Logan, TxDOT on Thu 5/31/2012)
05 IH 45 Email-CHalvorsen.pdf (Email from Clifford Halvorsen, TxDOT on Fri 6/1/2012)
03 - 1998 Trinity Parkway Major Transportation Investment Study
MTIS-Study Report March 1998.pdf (Complete)
04 - 2003 Project Pegasus Environmental Assessment
01 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 -Table of Contents_web.pdf
02 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Chapter l_web.pdf
03 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Chapter 2_web.pdf
04 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Chapter 3_web.pdf
05 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Chapter 4_web.pdf
06 Pegasus EA - Final Section4f MayOs.pdf
07 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Appendix B_web.pdf
08 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Appendix D_web.pdf
09 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Appendix E_web.pdf
10 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Appendix F _web.pdf
11 Pegasus EA - Jan 2005 Appendix G_web.pdf
TxDOT Dallas District
Page 11
June 20, 2012
05 - 2009 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Trinity Parkway
01 TrinitLParkwaLSDEIS_-_Volume_1 -Partl.pdf
02 TrinitLParkwaLSDEIS_-_Volume_I-Part2.pdf
03 TrinitLParkwaLSDEIS_-_Volume_1 -Part3.pdf
04 TrinitLParkwaLSDEIS_-_VolumeJ -Part4.pdf
05 TrinitLParkway_SDEIS_ Volume_II-Partl.pdf
06 Trinity_ParkwaLSDEIS_Volume_"-Part2.pdf
07 TrinitLParkwaLSDEIS_Volume_"-Part3.pdf
06 - 2012 limited Scope Supplemental to the SDEIS for Trinity Parkway
01 LSSTrinityParkwayMarch2012Partl.pdf
02 LSSTrinityParkwayMarch2012Part2.pdf
03 LSSTrinityParkwayMarch2012Part3.pdf
04 LSSTrinityParkwayMarch2012Part4.pdf
05 Trinity Parkway NTTA Project Location Map.pdf
07 - Project Horseshoe Documents
01 Horseshoe.pdf (TxDOT Horseshoe Project Sheet)
02 Horseshoe Tabloid Document 091911l.pdf (TxDOT Horseshoe Summary Sheet)
03 Top 100.pdf (TxDOT Report on Top 100 Congested Corridors in Texas)
08 - 2012 Preliminary Cost Development
Preliminary Cost Development Spreadsheet
Page 12
TxDOT Dallas District

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