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09/10/2011 13:37:00

FHS 329: Youth Psychopathology in Context Spring 2012 4 credits graded CRN: 37169

Instructor: Dr. Shoshana D. Kerewsky Office: 359 HEDCO Office Phone: 541-346-2429 Email: kerewsky@uoregon.edu Instructors Office Hours: As posted and by appointment

GTF: Katie Ravitch GTFs Office: HEDCO 365 GTFs Phone: 541-357-8026 GTFs Email: nravitch@uoregon.edu GTFs Office Hours: As posted and by appointment

Course Hours: Web + study group (recommended) + 5 hours external work

Texts, Readings, and Other Materials Additional materials may be added in response to feedback, questions, and during course development. Required Texts Wicks-Nelson, R., & Israel, A. C. (2009). Abnormal child and adolescent psychology (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Required Excerpts Posted on Blackboard (Sources)

Alda, A. (2005). Never have your dog stuffed: And other things I've learned. New York, NY: Random House. Brown, L. (2000). Sex slaves: The trafficking of women in Asia. London, England: Virago. Burroughs, A. (2002). Running with scissors: A memoir. New York, NY: Picador. Collins, P. (2004). Not even wrong: A fathers journey into the long history of autism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury. Crimmins, C. (2000). Where is the mango princess? New York, NY: Knopf. Dully H., & Fleming, C. (2007). My lobotomy: A memoir. New York, NY: Random House. El-Hai, J. (2005). The lobotomist: A maverick medical genius and his tragic quest to rid the world of mental illness. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Jamison, K. R. (1997). An unquiet mind: A memoir of moods and madness. New York, NY: Vintage. Kessler, L. (1993). Stubborn twig: Three generations in the life of a Japanese American family. New York, NY: Random House. Knapp, C. (2003). Appetites: Why women want. New York, NY: Counterpoint. Levine, N. (2003). Dharma punx: A memoir. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Love, L. (2004). You ain't got no Easter clothes: A memoir. New York, NY: Hyperion. Nazeer, K. (2006). Send in the idiots: Stories from the other side of autism. New York, NY: Bloomsbury. Shachtman, T. (2007).Rumspringa: To be or not to be Amish. New York, NY: North Point Press. Steele, K., & Berman, C. (2001). The day the voices stopped: A memoir of madness and hope. New York, NY: Basic. Styron, W. (1990). Darkness visible: A memoir of madness. New York, NY: Vintage. Ung, L. (2005). Lucky child: A daughter of Cambodia reunites with the sister she left behind. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Walls, J. (2005). The glass castle. New York, NY: Scribner. Williams, D. (1994). Nobody nowhere: The extraordinary autobiography of an autistic. New York, NY: Harper. Wurtzel, E. (1994). Prozac nation: Young and depressed in America. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin.

Required Websites APA Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services to Ethnic, Linguistic, and Culturally Diverse Populations http://www.apa.org/pi/oema/resources/policy/provider-guidelines.aspx Bipolar Disorder and the Miami Airport Incident http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/35593.php Children First for Oregon 2011 Progress Report http://www.cffo.org/site/download/progress_reports Darfur: Genocide in Slow Motion http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/flash_point/darfur/? campaign=pbshomefeatures_1_frontlineworldbrdarfur_2008-01-06 Dying to be Thin (click Watch the Program Here) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/thin/ Frontline: Inside the Teenage Brain http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/teenbrain/ Frontline: Kip Kinkel http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kinkel/ http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/kinkel/etc/synopsis.html Human Brain Development http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1376391023990365282&q=brain+development&total=449&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plin dex=1 LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! [Chris Crocker] http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=kHmvkRoEowc&feature=PlayList&p=A2C58CDFF32FA25C&index=0&playnext=1 Mental Disorders are Not Diseases http://www.szasz.com/usatoday.html

My Lobotomy [general site] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5014080 The Myth of the Reliability of DSM http://www.academyanalyticarts.org/kirk&kutchins.htm Obesity http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/obesity.html Remembering Masturbatory Insanity http://www.szasz.com/iol8.html ReMorse: The 14 Stories of Eric Morse http://www.soundportraits.org/on-air/remorse/ This "ReMorse" audio link requires a RealAudio Player. Alternately, go to http://www.prx.org and register for a free account. Activate the account, log in, and search for "remorse." You should be able to hear the program as streaming audio. The Secret Life of the Brain: The Babys Brain http://www.pbs.org/wnet/brain/episode1/index.html Optional Readings Beah, I. (2007). A long way gone: Memoirs of a boy soldier. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kerewsky, S. D. (2007). Steps to an ecology of treatment: A handout for clients with diabetes. In D. Linville & K. M. Hertlein, (Eds.), The therapists notebook for family healthcare: Homework, handouts, and activities for individuals, couples, and families coping with illness, loss, and disability. Binghamton, NY: Haworth. Swofford, A. (2002). Jarhead: A marine's chronicle of the Gulf War and other battles. New York, NY: Scribner. Additional optional readings added by student request appear in the Course Documents folder.

Course Description This course presents child and adolescent psychopathology and problems within a diagnostic framework. Topics address psychosocial issues for youth in family and cultural contexts. This course provides an overview of many common developmental, psychological, and physical disorders and concerns first present in early and late childhood and adolescence. The course will focus on identification, general diagnostic criteria, course, prevention, and general intervention considerations for a variety of childhood problems, including some that persist in adulthood. Throughout, we will examine family and microsystemic factors that may lead to, improve, or worsen the conditions under investigation. Discussion of contextual and systemic factors, such as culture, diagnosis, poverty, discrimination, and access to services will be incorporated into our discussion. Although the course focuses on U.S. populations, material from other countries and cultures is incorporated to underscore similarities and differences between and within groups. Course Structure This is a web-based course that includes a 5 hour outside assignment. Forming a study/discussion group is highly recommended. FHS Competencies Addressed in this Course Lifespan Development Ecological Model Diversity in Human Services Assessment Interpersonal Skills Community Development (minor focus) Ethics (minor focus) Technology Specific Course Requirements and Evaluation Criteria A copy of your Disability Services accommodations letter must be provided to the instructor within the first week of the term. You must provide a copy of this letter even if you have already given the instructor a copy for a previous class. You also must notify the instructor of your documented exam accommodations at least a week before any test to receive a password for an accommodation version.

Please save or print a copy of this syllabus. Units are posted in the Course Documents folder. They include the required readings other than the textbook and web resources. Notice that the vast majority of these readings are first person or close third-person accounts, which should be easy and interesting to read. Previous cohorts have requested more readings of this type. These documents are in PDF format. If a website referenced in the units does not include a URL, check the list of required websites on this syllabus. Please review the syllabus and allow adequate time to read or print these documents each week, especially if you do not have your own computer. If you have trouble printing directly from Blackboard, try 1) saving the document to your computer; or 2) copying the document using CONTROL+A, CONTROL+C, then pasting it using CONTROL+V into a Word document. Electronic communications You must use your UO e-mail account. No other e-mails will be opened and you will not receive a grade on any attached materials. You must run anti-virus software on any attachment before submitting it. When you e-mail me or the course GTF, please give your full name and the class number. This is very important since we work with several classes and hundreds of students. E-mail with an instructor or GTF is a professional communication. Please be clear and courteous, and use the writing style you would use in an informal paper. Written documents/attachments If you are not using MS Word for Windows, we are unlikely to be able to open any documents you e-mail. Please convert them to Rich Text Format before sending them. We accept documents in MS Word for Windows and RTF formats only. No .docx documents will be accepted because the application is too unsecured. No .pdf documents will be accepted. Please be sure that your name and the course number are on any paper you send, not just in your e-mail. You are expected to participate actively when requested and complete required assignments, checks, exams, and readings on time. Complete 3-4 quizzes (30%). Take a comprehensive exam (40%). Complete a paper (15%). Complete and document a 5-hour outside activity (15%).

Work is due as assigned. Late individual work will be accepted; however, the calculated grade ceiling will be reduced 5% for each day late (i.e., your grade will be calculated, then multiplied by .95 on the first day late, .90 on the second, etc.). This includes weekend and holiday days. There are no extra credit or make-up assignments. Grading

100 - 94% = A 89 - 87% = B+ 79 - 77% = C+ 86 - 84% = B 76 - 74% = C

93 - 90% = A83 - 80% = B73 - 70% = C-

Below 70% = individual meeting with GTF and/or instructor required

Major Assignments Quizzes Quizzes cover all material since the previous quiz, and assume that you have retained basic material (such as the ecological model or the major features of a disorder) from previous units. Quizzes will be available on Blackboard for a designated time span. This is an open-book, open-note exam but you must complete it on your own. Collaboration on exams and quizzes is a serious violation of the Student Conduct policy and may result in consequences including termination from the program. It is your responsibility to confirm that your grade has appeared on Blackboard. You must notify the instructor immediately of any discrepancy or problem. There are no exceptions except hospitalization or similarly serious issues, with a doctors note stating that at no time during the week were you able to complete the activity. A missed quiz is graded 0. Do not wait until the last minute to take the quiz. The instructor will not reset your exam or deal with computer disasters closer than 24 hours to the due date for the quiz. Under these circumstances, unless you have a note as described above, you will earn the grade that appears on Blackboard. I will review any Blackboard freezes during this period. At the instructors discretion, a 4th quiz may be added to the schedule. This will happen only if overall exam performance is low or student engagement in the class drops off toward the end of the term. Comprehensive Exam The Blackboard-administered exam may include all material presented or assigned up to that day. There is no study guide because all materials remain available to you for your study. However, the GTF may offer non-required study/discussion sessions. Please strongly consider forming a study group with some classmates. You should use your study group as a place to discuss the course material and provide comprehension feedback to each other. However, you must take all quizzes and the exam without collaborating with others. Paper The instructions are posted in the Assignments folder. 5-hour Outside Activity The instructions are posted in the Assignments folder.

FHS 329: Youth Psychopathology in Context * Spring 2012 * 4 credits graded * CRN: 37169 Subject to change at instructors discretion. This schedule is a part of the course syllabus. Complete 2-3 units a week. Due dates are listed in the rightmost column.


General topics

Textbook and readings/ web materials (see each unit folder on Blackboard for additional required and optional readings)

Major assignment deadlines (see syllabus and unit folders)

Introduction and course overview

Look at the textbooks organization, table of contents, index, etc. to become familiar with its structure Look at the genogram and ecological model materials as review

Print or save, and review, the syllabus Create a study group with classmates

Context; intake issues

Chapters 1, 2 For each unit, open the folder and follow instructions for additional readings and activities

Intervention theories; assessment and observation; Normalcy; DSM-IV-TR

Chapters 3, 5 Skim Chapter 4

Development, risk, & resiliency; cultural factors; childrens brain development

Chapter 15

Quiz A opens at 8:00 AM on 4/12

Topics in child and adolescent development

Chapter 6

Quiz A closes at 8:00 AM on 4/17

Depression and anxiety

Chapter 7

Coercion theory and disorders of conduct

Chapter 8

Paper due by 5:00 PM on 4/24

Bipolar spectrum disorders

Chapter 7

9 10

Death, grief, and loss Schizophrenic spectrum disorders; differential diagnostic considerations in complex cases

No chapter; see unit folder Chapter 12 Quiz B opens at 8:00 AM on 5/3


Ethics and child/ family issues: What will shame us 20 years from now?

No chapter; see unit folder

Quiz B closes at 8:00 AM on 5/8


Effects of war on children

No chapter; see unit folder


Comprehensive exam

Review materials to date The exam is in the Unit 13 folder

Exam opens at 8:00 AM on Monday, 5/14


Seriously and chronically mentally ill parents

No chapter; see unit folder

Exam closes at 8:00 AM on Friday, 5/18


Autism spectrum disorders

Chapter 12 (pp. 335-352-356, 367)


Eating disorders

Chapter 13

Quiz C opens at 8:00 AM on 5/24


Prenatal and pediatric HIV

No chapter; see unit folder

Quiz C closes at 8:00 AM on 5/29


Adolescent HIV; is sexual behavior a problem or a developmental issue?

No chapter; see unit folder

5-hour outside activity due by 5:00 PM on 5/31


Chronic illness; Diabetes and asthma

Chapter 14


Odds and ends, course wrap-up

Unit will be posted after Exam is graded

Quiz D may happen here

No work will be accepted after the end of Week 10 except by pre-arrangement with the instructor.

General Course Information Student Supports If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make an appointment with the instructor during the first week of term. Please speak with the Accessible Education Center (AEC) (formerly Disability Services). If you have a letter, please present and discuss it with the instructor. Disabilities may include (but are not limited to) neurological impairment; orthopedic impairment; traumatic brain injury; visual impairment, chronic medical conditions; emotional/psychological disabilities; hearing impairment; and learning disabilities. For more information on Disability Services see http://ds.uoregon.edu/ Ethics and Academic Standards This course may involve small group interactions and other opportunities for self-disclosure. It is possible that a student colleague may say something personally important and private in your discussions. It is an expectation, as well as sound professional practice, that you maintain that person's privacy and trust. Further, all information shared in supervision is to be treated as private. However, please keep in mind the legal limits to privacy, and refer to your ethics code. If you feel that a breach of ethics or the law has occurred, discuss this with your instructor immediately. Please be aware that your supervisors and other faculty members are mandated reporters. Participation in this class does not confer confidentiality. Diversity and Respect for Others Course content, class discussions, projects and activities, and assignments for this class and program rest on an assumption that human diversity is normative and is an appropriate focus of attention. The course requires and expects critical thinking about, and sensitivity to, the impact of diversity (culture, religion/faith, gender, ethnicity, race, socioeconomics, physical and cognitive ability, sexual orientation, and other considerations) both in relation to the populations we serve, and in the classroom. Students are encouraged to develop and expand their respect for and understanding of diverse identities and experiences. Student Conduct

UO Student Conduct Code is contained in each term's schedule of classes. All College of Education students are subject to the regulations stipulated in this code. The College of Education's Academic Policies and Procedures may be found in its entirety on the web at http://education.uoregon.edu/feature.htm?id=376. Students should review these policies periodically to see the most recent version. Student Dismissal: Please read the most recent version at http://education.uoregon.edu/feature.htm?id=397. Student Grievance: Please read the most recent version at http://education.uoregon.edu/feature.htm?id=399. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty may be reflected in your grade, or you may be dropped from the course. As a professional in training, you are responsible for conducting yourself in accordance with the guidelines and regulations required by any agencies for which you provide services, the standards of your field study or other placement, and state and national ethical guidelines and laws. It is your responsibility to learn and adhere to these standards. NOHS ethics are found at:http://nationalhumanservices.org/ethics.html.

Southeast Asia Group 6

Basic Info *Southeast Asia is comprised of the areas south of China, east of India, west of New Guinea, and north of Australia. *There are two geographic regions - the first, Indochina, is comprised of Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, and Peninsular Malaysia. The second, Maritime Southeast Asia, is comprised of Brunei, East Malaysia, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, Christmas Island, and Singapore. *There are many different religions in this region, but the two dominant ones are Buddhism and Islam. *Most countries in the region enjoy national autonomy. Democratic forms of government and the recognition of human rights are taking root. ASEAN provides a framework for the integration of commerce. *The culture in Southeast Asia is very diverse, on mainland Southeast Asia, the culture is a real mix of Indian and Chinese, in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore, the culture is a mix of Arab, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Indian and the indigenous Malay culture. Immigration Info *Filipinos have been in the territories that would become the United States since the 16th century. *There were thousands of Southeast Asians in Hawaii when it was annexed to the United States in 1898, and they all gained full US citizenship at that time. *After World War II legislation was passed, and judicial rulings gradually increased the ability of Asian Americans to immigrate and become naturalized citizens Book: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down

*The struggles of a Hmong refugee family from Sainyabuli Province, Laos, the Lees, and their interactions with the health care system in Merced, California. *The family's second youngest and favored daughter, Lia Lee, is diagnosed with severe epilepsy, and there are many culture conflicts that obstruct her treatment. *Through miscommunications about medical dosages and parental refusal to give certain medicines due to mistrust and misunderstandings, and the inability of the doctors to have more empathy toward the traditional Hmong lifestyle or try to learn more about the Hmong culture, Lia's condition worsens.


____________ is the primary DSM diagnostic category for depression in youngsters.

Answer xxxxx

Major Depressive Disorder Primary Depressive Disorder Major Depressive Episode Child and Adolescent Depressive Disorder

Kay Redfield Jamisons first symptom of her first manic-depressive episode was
Answer xxxxxxx

[racing] about like a crazed weasel. feeling the universe explode inside my skull. "[lying] motionless, face-down, for hours at a time. "a sense of impending doom.

When talking about the person in a family who is being pointed to as being or having the problem, the preferred term is

Index Person Index Patient Identified Parent Identified Patient

Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment refers to the infant's


lack of a consistent strategy to organize his/her behavior u situations ability to seek caregiver reassurance lack of performative bio-cognitive strategies ability to be soothed when distressed

Schizophrenia is


differentiated from autism by giving the child the QSORT another name for split personalities an example of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder an example of a psychotic disorder

A 13-year old exhibits symptoms of irritable mood, poor appetite, disturbed sleep, low energy, difficulty concentrating, and low selfesteem. These symptoms are not very severe but have been present for about three months. They are interfering with her functioning at school and with her peers. She would most likely receive a DSM diagnosis of

Major Depressive Episode Immature Depression Dystonic Disorder of Adolescence Bipolar Disorder

The DSM is a multiaxial diagnostic system. Contextual factors (microsystemic and exosystemic) that affect the child's diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment are indicated on

Axis IV Axis I Axis M Axis VII

Bipolar disorder occurs in ______ of community samples of adolescents.


about 3% less than 1% more than 20% about 10%

Which type of anxiety disorder is most diagnosed in infancy, childhood, and adolescence?


specific phobia separation anxiety disorder social phobia panic disorder

Mental health and poverty over view/importancedefinition poverty due to personal dificiancy? achievement moyivation? low morals, mental illness (intrinsic ?) genetic? underdeveloped ego psychosexuzal developemeny froyd

in yhe uniyed syates millions are living in poverty and the number is only increasing who is mpst at risk? why Mental health plays a huge role in poverty. so many different types of mentl health children long term poverty effects of children

stigma being made fun of by kids for the way they dress effects of child harassment due to poverty as an adult creates mental health issue? why do people with mental health problems have a lower income? their families take time off taking care of them loss of income medical bills accociated with mental health psyciatric meds/counselors unable tohold satble jobs long term isolation

how to fix prob lem better employement opportunities education/aweareness

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