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Kal Korff

ObamaCare: A Universal Solution Becomes Swiss Cheese

by Kal K. Korff
Internationally Syndicated Copyright 2012 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The Supreme Court is a vital institution in any democracy. Its purpose is to interpret the validity of laws to make sure that they are consistent with a countrys constitution instead of trying to usurp it. In a historic ruling which now has most Americans understandably angry, the US Supreme Court has upheld the validity sort of of what is known as ObamaCare, the signature piece of universal healthcare legislation that has so far defined Obamas controversy laden term in office. In a decision which surprised everyone, the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS) upheld key portions of the law, while ruling that other vital parts are illegal. The result is now pure chaos, leaving Americans more polarized and divided than ever. Here is how this debacle happened. When Barack Obama ran for president on a platform promising what he called hope and change and to change the way that Washington works, American voters fell for these simplistic slogans and incredibly, actually believed them. I was one of the few journalists who went on record on my former radio show and elsewhere, warning people that Obama would never do any such thing. Although Obama was a Senator, he had a remarkably undistinguished record. He championed not a single, major piece of legislation and often voted present instead of taking a stand. Obama even admitted he was bored being a Senator. When Obama won the presidency, expectations were airy-fairy high. Americans bought into the hype, while in reality Obama was not capable of delivering the promised goods. During his first year in office, Obama blazed no new trails, despite his party controlling both houses of Congress. His first annual State of the Union address was

empty theatre, he even bemoaned the fact that a whole year had gone by and he had nothing long promised to show for it. Then ObamaCare ended up becoming law in his second year in power, despite the inconvenient truth that most voters hated it, and still do. While the majority of Americans absolutely do want universal healthcare, they do not want ObamaCare, and the Obama administration could care less. One of Obamas campaign promises was that he would stop the influence of large corporations and their lobbyists in Congress. He said he would end the revolving door of vested interests and make sure that any major piece of legislation was first vetted by the American people for five days by posting it on the Internet before signing it into law. Obama even promised that the debates over major legislation, especially ObamaCare, would be televised live on CSPAN TV. In reality, Obama deliberately broke these promises, just as I predicted years ago he would. ObamaCare was not only a back door deal negotiated with the largest pharmaceutical companies, Obama even allowed them to actually write key parts of this legislation! There were no broadcasts on CSPAN, and many members of Congress admitted that they did not even know what was in the law, but were going to vote on it anyway. Obama not only slept in the same bed with Big Pharma, he also blocked legislation that would have lowered the cost of drugs and allowed the importation of cheaper medicines made overseas in countries such as India in exchange for Big Pharmas backing of ObamaCare. If this is not the definition of a quid pro quo sell out, nothing is. Hope and change indeed. The result was a draconian mess, rightfully rejected by most Americans, and now the SCOTUS has turned it into Swiss cheese. At the heart of the Courts ruling is what is called the Individual Mandate. For years I have argued, even with former teachers of mine, that this part of ObamaCare is illegal. Under ObamaCare, if you do not buy insurance, you will be fined. Not only will the Internal Revenue Service come after you, one can even be sent to prison. In the USA, as the Supreme Court upheld once again, the government cannot compel citizens to buy a product. Proponents of ObamaCare have cited the Interstate Commerce Clause, arguing that auto insurance is mandatory in all states, therefore it

Copyright 2012 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

has the right to also make ObamaCare mandatory. This argument is a bogus CONparison, not a valid comparison. There is no Federal law requiring auto insurance. Instead, there are State laws, which is an entirely different matter. Obama lost this part of the SCOTUS ruling. It declared that while the Individual Mandate was indeed illegal, it upheld ObamaCare overall. How is this possible where one can seemingly have it both ways? The answer was in the SCOTUSs decision that ObamaCare is a tax. Since Congress has the right to pass new taxes, it is therefore legal! For years now, Obama and the Democrats have falsely claimed that ObamaCare is NOT a tax. They have said this lie because no president wants to be declared Taxer-InChief. Now that Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts has ruled that ObamaCare is indeed a tax, the Republicans (who hate taxes) have now scheduled a vote in the House of Representatives (which they control) to repeal ObamaCare. The Democrats, who control the Senate, will then promptly kill the move, resulting in yet another do nothing, accomplish nothing session of government. Each side will then blame the other, as usual. 87 percent of all Americans remain disgusted with Congress ever since Obama took office, its approval rating has never been lower. Shamefully, while the economy in the USA continues to tank, because the 500,000 new jobs created a month duly promised by the Obama administration were always fantasy, ObamaCare has now moved to the front of the hotly contested presidential contest between Romney and Obama. So where does this now leave the average American? Worse off is the short answer, but then it depends on what state a voter lives in. The SCOTUS also ruled that the government cannot now penalize states who refuse to expand the Medicaid program to accommodate ObamaCare. Many states do not want ObamaCare because it transfers the billions of dollars in costs to their coffers. When ObamaCare was passed into law, 26 states promptly sued the government over its validity.

Copyright 2012 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

This means that what Obama claims is universal healthcare really isnt its now Swiss Cheese: full of holes. Already several states have said they wont go along. Had ObamaCare been done right, it could have been made part of already existing programs such as Social Security or even Medicare. This would have been logical, it would have brought real hope and change. Leave it to Obama and the Democrats to try to push a rope up a hill. Kal K. Korff is an officially accredited internationally known author, columnist and investigative journalist.

Copyright 2012 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

Copyright 2012 by Kal K. Korff - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this content may be reproduced in any form nor by any means without the express, written consent of Kal Korff. Fair use, does NOT apply. By reading this document, you willingly agree to be legally bound by its terms and conditions. Violators of this policy will have a felony DMCA Copyright infringement notice filed against them with law enforcement. First time offenders may be fined up to $500,000, imprisoned for five years, or both. For repeat offenders, the maximum penalty increases to a fine of $1,000,000, imprisonment for up to ten years, or both. This is a DMCA protected document, illegal copying and/or reproduction of its contents are tracked on the Internet and reported to law enforcement for felony prosecution.

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