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Thank you Phei-Ying. My name is Sanita and I am also representing Dow Chemical Company.

I will be talking about implementing Phei Yings recommendation and later concluding our presentation. We believe that the best way to implement a code of conduct is through educational programs. This could be achieved through providing induction courses for new employees. Through this course employees may be able to better understand the guideline and strive to ensure it is always being observed. Furthermore existing employees could be made to participate in such courses on a regular basis, for example annually. I will now begin concluding our presentation. Principle 9 of the Global compact is about new and sustainable technologies. To reiterate our first recommendation presented by Lien in compliance with this principle: we believe companies should consider employing the Life Cycle Assessment. This technique is used to assess the environmental impact of a product through each stage of its development. The benefits of this include sustainable and higher quality products, savings in long term production costs and an improvement in the companys public image.

This would enable the codes to be well remembered by employees and allow for any new changes to be noted. In addition, we believe the code should be upheld by a regulatory body either internally or externally, this could be committees, boards or even just concerned groups from the public.

Our second recommendation, as stated by Nick, to suit this principle is the adoption of the Responsible Care Initiative. This program has four main goals, what we term as the 4 ss. The 4 ss include: stakeholders (working to continually aim higher in order to benefit stakeholders), safer products (working to produce safer products), striving (for zero accidents and hence lower environmental risk) and strengthening (the communication between the company and its stakeholders). The implementation of this program would include business expos, public events, internet promotion and etc. Hence, the benefits of this program would include a significant amount of good publicity and the generation of a socially responsible company image.

Our third and final recommendation is in regards to principle 7 of the Global Compact. This principle is about the need to exercise precaution when facing environmental challenges. The recommendation suggested by Phei Ying was to produce a guideline about environmental risk and suitable and sustainable actions. We believe the company focus should be on prevention rather than cure. Using Phei Yings example of the BP oil spill and the negative media it attracted, one benefit that can be seen due to a guideline is a good public image. Through producing a guideline, the actions of organisations and their employees may be more organised. Also this creates accountability and encourages public trust.

Another benefit of a guideline is the financial cost in damages it can potentially prevent when followed properly. We hope youll consider our recommendations and thank you for listening.

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