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Apres le dferrement de Martial Yavo : Le COJEP dnonce un rglement de compte

Le Congrs panafricain des jeunes et des patriotes (COJEP) a dnonc hier dimanche 8 juillet, les arrestations massives en son sein et surtout le dferrement, aprs 23 jours de dtention, de Martial Yavo, le prsident par intrim du mouvement panafricain. Dans une dclaration dont nous avons reu copie, Mark Bl Sp, le 1er Vice-prsident du mouvement cr par Charles Bl Goud, a accus le pouvoir en place en Cte d`Ivoire de vouloir touffer le COJEP. Le COJEP exprime son indignation face ce rglement de compte politique auquel le pouvoir tente vainement de donner une forme juridique. Il dnonce lacharnement et la traque particulire contre ses responsables et ses militants, affirme son soutien au Camarade Yavo Martial et exige sa libration sans condition , a crit Bl Sp, demandant aux responsables et aux militants du COJEP de faire preuve de srnit face la stratgie du pouvoir de faire disparatre notre mouvement en empchant l`organisation de son congrs . Ce congrs avait t annonc pour se tenir les 3 et 4 aot 2012 Yopougon. Sur la question, Mark Bl Sp a appel les militants et sympathisants du mouvement de jeunes quil dirige dsormais, la vigilance. De mme, il a invit les organisations de dfense des droits de l`homme, lONUCI et la Commission dialogue, vrit et rconciliation (CDVR), plus de responsabilit afin de faire cesser cette justice relents de rglement de compte politique contre tous ceux qui pensent autrement que le pouvoir . Par ailleurs, le COJEP a tenu informer lopinion nationale et internationale que la tourne quil a organise Abidjan et lintrieur du pays, visait prparer le congrs quil organise bientt. A len croire, une copie du programme dtaill de la tourne avait mme t prsent au ministre de lIntrieur, incarn par Hamed Bakayoko. Pour Mark Bl Sp, cette tourne et les activits du COJEP ne sont nullement lies des actes de subversion. Le COJEP nest associ aucune tentative de dstabilisation de la mre patrie , a indiqu le 1er vice-prsident dudit mouvement. Celui-ci est revenu sur les conditions de larrestation et de dtention du leader du COJEP. A le lire, Martial Yavo a t gard pendant 23 jours au camp gnie dAdjam par les hommes de Kon Zakaria, en dehors de toute rgle lmentaire en matire de dtention. Le vendredi 06 juillet 2012, cest visiblement affaibli que le camarade Yavo Martial a t enfin prsent un juge du Parquet d`Abidjan. Le Parquet a inculp Yavo Martial pour atteinte la sret de lEtat et trouble lordre public. Ainsi, le camarade Yavo Martial a t conduit la Maison darrt et de correction dAbidjan (MACA) , a rvl Bl Sp. Herv KPODION SOURCE : http://news.abidjan.net/h/436888.html


After the surrender of Martial YAVO : The COJEP denounces a settling of score
The Pan-African Youth Congress and patriots (COJEP) yesterday denounced Sunday, July 8th , mass arrests among its members and especially the surrender, after 23 days of detention, Martial Yavo, the acting chairman of the Pan-African movement.In a statement we received a copy, Mark Bl Sp, the first Vice-President of the movement created by Charles Ble Goude, accused the ruling power in Ivory Coast to try to stifle COJEP. "The COJEP expresses its outrage at this policy reckoning to which the government is trying in vain to give a legal form. It denounces the relentless stalking and particular against its leaders and its activists, affirms its support for Comrade Yavo Martial and demanded his unconditional release, "wrote Bl Sp, asking leaders and activists of COJEP to show serenity in the face "the strategy of the power to remove our movement by preventing the` organization of its congress. " This conference was announced to be held on 3 and 4 August 2012 in Yopougon. On the question, Mark Bl Sp called militants and sympathizers of the youth movement he heads now, to be vigilant. Similarly, he invited organizations rights of man, UNOCI and the dialogue, truth and reconciliation Commission (CDVR), for more responsibility "to stop this justice with this reeks of political score-settling against all those who think differently from the authorities. " Moreover, the COJEP wished to inform the national and international opinion that the tour it organized in Abidjan and the interior, was to prepare the conference it organized soon. According to him, a copy of the detailed program of the tour had even been presented to the Interior Ministry, played by Hamed Bakayoko. For Mark Bl Sp, this tour and the activities of COJEP are in no way linked to acts of subversion. "The COJEP is not associated with any attempt at destabilization of the motherland," said the first Vice President of that movement. To read it, Martial Yavo was kept for 23 days at Camp genius Adjam by the men of Kone Zakaria, without any elementary rule on detention. "On Friday, July 6th , 2012, is visibly weakened that Comrade Yavo Martial was finally brought before a judge of the prosecution of Abidjan. The prosecution has charged Yavo Martial for violation of state security and disturbing public order. Thus, the comrade Yavo Martial was taken to the Remand Prison and Correction d'Abidjan (MACA), "revealed Bl Sp. Herv KPODION

SOURCE : http://news.abidjan.net/h/436888.html

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