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Explanation Text Form


 To tell or explain how things work or how

they came to be.

 To give an account of some phenomenon.

 An explanation is an oral or written text that

seeks to explain how things come to be the
way they are, or to analyze how things work.
Write what is going to be explained.

Explanation Sequence
 Use time words and connectives to
describe or explain a process. You can
include diagrams or flowcharts, which
you will need to comment on.
Types of Explanations

Explanations seem to fall into 2 main types:

1. Those that explain how things are

(ex. How a kite works)

2. Those that explain why things are

(ex. Why Volcanoes Erupt)
**Some explanations may combine how and why
Here’s Some Examples…

Explanations may be in the form of essays,

handbooks, science, health and social
studies texts. Take a look…
Health Explain the process of
Science Explain how electricity is
Social Studies Explain why soil erosion

Each Part of the Explanation is at least 1


The framework looks something like this…

1. Explanations begin with a definition or statement
about the phenomena. (Explain what you will be
talking about)
2. A description of components or parts comes next
3. The next stage is the operation which outlines in a
logical order how or why it works.
4. There may also be a description of the Application
that tells when or where it works or is applied.
5. Special Features or Evaluation is a way to sum it all up. You
may want to include interesting comments about what you have
explained. (Concluding statement)
Now let’s look at an example…
How a Kite Works

A kite is a flying object that is heavier than air. (definition)

A kite consists of a frame, a skin covering the frame and a
long string that is held by the user. (Components/Parts).

A kite becomes airborne when the wind pressure between the

kite and the ground lifts the structure into the air. The tilt of
the plane surface of the kite causes a lesser air pressure to
occur behind the kite’s upper surface than the wind on the
under-surface. (Operations – How it works; Why it works;
Cause and effect)

Kites have been used as signals, experimental instruments in

atmospheric measurement and as play objects dating back
many thousands of years. (Interesting comments, Special
Features, Evaluation)

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