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SUBJECT : English

DATE/ DAY : 8 April 2013/ Monday

TIME : 9.15 am – 10.15 am
CLASS : Year 5 Cengal
ENROLLMENT : 31 students
LEVEL : Mixed ability students
THEME : World of Knowledge
TOPIC : Bountiful Harvest
Learning Outcomes Specifications

1.5: Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to main 1.5.2: Listen to simple descriptions, recounts and factual texts
ideas, specific details and sequence. and give the main ideas.

4.3: Complete texts with the missing word, phrase or sentence. 4.3.2: Complete simple instructions, recipes, descriptions,
rhymes with the missing words and simple phrases. (With

LESSON OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1) match the functions with different modal verbs correctly.
2) listen to an audio and categorise the flash cards correctly under the three puzzles solved.
3) write simple descriptions based on one chosen place/ puzzle by using the modal verbs and
the main points that they have learnt during the pre-listening and while-listening stage.
LANGUAGE CONTENT: 1) Grammar (Modal verbs)
- must, have to, may, will, can


a) Thinking skills: Ability to match the functions with the modal verbs.
b) Multiple intelligences: Visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal
MORAL VALUES: Teamwork & cooperation. The students learn the importance of teamwork and cooperation through
solving the puzzles.
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Pupils had been exposed to this kind of writing before because it is one of the formats in their
ANTICIPATED PROBLEM: Pupils may not able to listen to the audios clearly due to background noise.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Teacher has to replay the audios or use her teacher’s voice to read the audios aloud.
TEACHING AIDS/ RESOURCES : Audios, word cards, phrase cards, flash cards, puzzles, posters.

Stage/Time Content Teaching-Learning Activity Rationale Remarks

Set Induction Question: 1) Teacher asks pupils on a) To arouse pupils' -
(3 minutes) * May I go to the toilet? how they ask for interest and
permission when they want motivation to learn.
to go to toilet. b) To arouse pupils’
2) Teacher explains to curiosity to learn more
pupils that they have to use about modal verbs.
modal verbs to ask for c) To engage pupils
permission in a proper way. actively in the
teaching and learning
d) To introduce the
topic of the day.
Stage 1: Modal verbs with 1) Teacher pastes all the a) To learn in a fun - Word cards
Presentation functions: modal verbs that she is and meaningful way. - Phrase cards
(20 minutes) 1) must going to introduce as well b) To develop pupils’ - Audio
- to show strong certainty/ as the phrase cards that gross motor skills.
belief describe the functions of c) To develop pupils’
2) have to modal verbs. thinking skills.
- to show certainty/ belief 2) A few pupils are selected d) To engage pupils
3) may randomly to come in front actively in the
- to express possibility and match the functions teaching-learning
- to ask for permission with the modal verbs. process.
4) will 3) Teacher explains about e) To check on pupils’
- to predict/ assume the modal verbs as well as understanding.
- to promise their functions with a few
5) can examples.
- to express ability 4) Pupils are required to
- to ask for permission give some examples that
contain modal verbs.
5) Teacher plays an audio
and pupils are required to
list down the modal verbs
in the audio.
Stage 2: Three puzzles: 1) Teacher divides pupils a) To cater to pupils’ - Puzzles
Practice 1) Vegetable farm into three groups. Each different learning - Flash cards
(20 minutes)  S. S. Lee Vegetable group will be given three styles. - Posters
Farm puzzles and a set of flash b) To learn in a fun
 Variety of greens cards. Pupils are required and meaningful way.
 Handpicked to solve the three puzzles c) To enhance pupils’
 Cooking dishes and in groups. teamwork and
soups; bunches or 2) By listening to the audio, cooperation skills.
bundles. pupils are required to d) To learn in context
 Wet markets and categorise the flash cards
supermarkets. under the three pictures.
2) Tea Plantation 3) Teacher plays the audio
 Cameron Best Tea for the second time for the
pupils to check their
 Tea plants answers.
 Handpicked 4) Teacher checks the
 Making drinks; answers together with the
packets or tea bags pupils through posters.
 Grocery shops and
3) Flower nursery
 Happy Sweet
 Variety of flowers
and ferns
 Handpicked
 Decoration; baskets
and bouquets
 Flower shops and
Stage 3: Write simple descriptions on 1) By choosing one place/ a) To enhance pupils’ - Posters
Production why they choose the puzzle, pupils are required understanding on
(15 minutes) place/puzzle by using to write simple descriptions modal verbs.
modal verbs and main on why they choose that b) To learn in context.
points that they have learnt place by using the modal c) To guide pupils in
earlier. verbs as well as main their writing.
points that they have learnt c) To put learning into
earlier. the real-life context.
2) But before that, teacher
provides guidance and a
few examples to guide
pupils in their
understanding and writing.
3) Pupils are required to
finish their work at home
hand it in the next day for
the teacher to mark.
Closure Summary of the lesson: 1) Teacher asks questions a) To consolidate what -
(2 minutes) e.g.: regarding the lesson to pupils have learnt.
a) What are the modal summarise the whole
verbs that you have learnt lesson.
today? - The modal verbs
b) What are the functions of - examples
those modal verbs?
c) Can you give me any
sentence that contains
modal verb?

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