Criado por Bob Brunette


SETTING THE U.S. FREE FROM THE INFLUENCE OF THE ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA!!! ~ Demagoguery: The exploitation of the masses by a political leader who upon first glance targets his audience with calculated appeals at arresting either legitimate or perceived to be legitimate injustices, only then to exploit such a political backing while in the backdrop of his seemingly true concerns brings to bear his own personal agenda; which ultimately proves to be, typically injurious and dangerous to the masses. (oxymoron) ~ “Just at that time some Pharisees approached, saying to Him (Jesus), "Go away, leave here, for Herod wants to kill You." And He said to them, "Go and tell that FOX, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I reach My goal.'” ~ Luke 13:31,32 ~ Biblical definition of a FOX = Barak Hussein Obama ~ Our present day Fox – Barak Hussein Obama has fulfilled to a ‘T’ what the definition of what a demagogue represents, and that to its most negative possible typecast. After having been successful in deceiving the American public into occupying the highest and most powerful office of the land, has followed through with opening up every door possible for the expansionism of Islam throughout every fabric of the American culture. Even to be so bold in his agenda to exploit his position as Commander-in-Chief status to promulgate his stealth like islamization of America throughout the U.S. Military by using his military leaders (puppets) within the Pentagon to promote his demagoguery influence amidst an institution (the U.S. Military) where he can wield an un-obstructive or free hand in forcing through his hidden agenda of the islamization of the United States of America and that without opposition. So effective has he been in accomplishing this strategy that he has even broadcast throughout the U.S. Military chain of command that we should have a greater fear and respect of the false god allah/islam than we do for the one and only True God – Jesus the Christ! Fostering a baseless fear that unless we hold a greater respect or fear for allah/islam within our very own borders than it will only compromise our national security! I was once in the U.S. Army – active duty 30 months – National Guard duty – 6 yrs. I know how the U.S. Military works it is not a democratic institution, whenever any American signs the dotted line upon entering the U.S. Military you legally become a GI – a Government Issue, no longer having the legal privileges that are afforded one as an American citizen, but rather subject to an entirely separate form of government – better known as the Uniform Code of Military Justice - UCMJ. You do what you are ordered to do or you are immediately disciplined right wrong or indifferent. No longer able to exercise the freedoms that are afforded a U.S. Citizen, as well documented in one signing on the dotted line - that’s a contractual agreement and obligation. Barak Hussein Obama knows this very well and is taking advantage of this major American institution in his exploits. Any U.S. military officer whether they be a 5 star General or 5 star admiral knows this all to well, if they disagree with the Commander-in-Chief, whether their disagreement be legitimate or not they are immediately removed from office as well as subject to facing UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) legal action - unlike the rights of a non-military law abiding U.S. citizen, but rather a GI – Government Issue. In effect the Obama administration is fostering the erroneous fear that unless we compromise our inalienable right of Free Religious expression specifically referencing Jesus Christ as the only true God, then we as a nation will suffer internationally and domestically, even to the extent of compromising national security. To include the rationalized argument that if we as True Bible Believing Christians express our most fundamental convictions namely that there is but one God - Jesus Christ the only true Savior of not only the U.S. but so to of the entire world, than we become enemies of the state! And with this rationalization comes the false accusation that those who hold these Christ centered convictions are not only enemies of the State but are additionally actually causing the deaths of our American troops abroad, where we presently have U.S. military operations underway. Can you see where all of this is leading??? President Barak Hussein Obama couldn’t fit the typecast of what it means to be a demagogue, in the most negative light any more than what he is already promoting. Can you see the seemingly harmless but yet ever so treacherous path that we as a nation have embarked upon with Barak Hussein Obama as President of the United States of America… For in continuing to bury our heads in the sand by ignoring this type of demagoguery we are in effect actually fostering such an anti-christ political agenda. In not standing up and being counted against such an anti-christ like spirited political leadership we are in effect aiding and abetting the spirit of anti-christ that is presently driving our sitting President? Can you see the persecution of True Bible believing followers of Christ that is already well in motion, only to increase with the passing of time… how much more do we as True Followers of Christ tolerate… such demagoguery. For in so ignoring such threats and rather taking refuge in the comfort of our self-centered American Dream come true lifestyle we do nothing more than actually encourage this spirit of anti-christ agenda. You can plainly see that True Christian apathy and indifference comes with an expensive price tag. The more we choose to remain in denial the stronger the import will be… it will cost you to stand with Christ centered convictions… let there be no doubt about it, but what other choice do we have??? Think about the impact upon our children? Better to stand now while there is yet some semblance of True Christian momentum in our nation rather than to wait it out… for certainly the cost of holding those True Christian convictions will only become more expensive with the simple passing of time… and Oh how rapid is this passing of time as we know it…!!! Can you see the fork in the road that is before all True Followers of Christ… Where fair-weather Christians will part paths with those who truly adhere and espouse True Bible Believing convictions… Jesus said if you Love Me, than you will Obey Me… empty Evangelical Rhetoric will no longer work. Can you see the Divine Sovereign Plan of God Himself in testing those who claim allegiance to Him in empty words, but now of necessity with require true faith in the form of action or deeds that will now come with a price tag in so holding such Christ Centered convictions…? The Lord is testing the hearts of His people, similar to what He did to the children of Israel in leading them out of Egyptian bondage. He could physically lead them out of Egypt, but He couldn’t take Egypt out of their hearts. It required the testing of His very own people, being in the wilderness where He could get at their hearts and there try their hearts by trial and tribulation to get them to respond to Him not in empty words (or Evangelical Rhetoric or sacrifices) but by simply tried and true tested faith whether they would obey Him or not. And that would be where the rubber met the road in determining His peoples true convictions or faith, whether or not His people would trust Him above and beyond any circumstance they would face! For in so doing He would then be able to determine out of all His people, those who’s faithfulness and love and respect were indeed true or not! I welcome your comments and questions… In His Mercy, Bob Brunette ~