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Advanced Seismic Prediction Via Solar

Wind Velocity:
My theory on seismic prediction data revolves around the basis of an unseen
element in seismology seeking to explain the vast relationships to schumann
Resonances, and seismic prediction. By measuring magnetic polarities in wave
format on the Earths Flux Magnetic fields. I hope to achieve the end result of the
leading production, of an earthquake prediction platform. One that will lead to the
future of seismic studies, and the mitigation of losses during seismic events.
I believe that shifting solar wind velocities contain magnetic discharge, which
travels from the solar lens to the earths axis; These solar wind fields contain a vast
amount of elements, which act as harbingers towards seismic events here on earth.
The principal forces I see taking place are magnetic, electric, and ionizing materials.

It should be addressed that:

In June of 2015 Scientists using the Murchison Widefield Array in the Western Australian desert have

confirmed the existence of tubular plasma structures between the plasmasphere and ionosphere of our
planet, approximately 370 miles (600 km) above the ground.

Observers at the Australian array witnessed a striking pattern in the sky where stripes of high-density
plasma neatly alternated with stripes of low-density plasma, said team member Shyeh Tjing Loi from the
University of Sydney and the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics, Australia.
This pattern drifted slowly and aligned beautifully with the Earths magnetic field lines, like aurorae.
The Earths magnetosphere is filled with plasma that is created by the atmosphere being ionized by
The innermost layer of the magnetosphere is the ionosphere, and above that is the plasmasphere. They
are embedded with a variety of strangely shaped plasma structures including, as has now been revealed,
the tubes.
For over 60 years, scientists believed these structures existed but by imaging them for the first time,
weve provided visual evidence that they are really there, Ms Loi said.
According to the scientists, the structures are strikingly organized, appearing as regularly spaced,
alternating tubes of overdensities and underdensities strongly aligned with the Earths magnetic field.
We measured their position to be about 370 miles (600 km) above the ground, in the upper ionosphere,
and they appear to be continuing upwards into the plasmasphere, Ms Loi said.

This is around where the neutral atmosphere ends, and we are transitioning to the plasma of outer
Dr Tara Murphy, also from the University of Sydney and the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky
Astrophysics, added: when they first saw the data, many of her senior collaborators thought the results
were literally too good to be true and that the observation process had somehow corrupted the findings,
but over the next few months, Ms Loi managed to convince them that they were both real and
scientifically interesting.
The findings are reported in a paper published online by the journal Geophysical Research Letters on
May 25, 2015.

The theory I am introducing to the seismological community today is what

Ive named Trumpet Theory. (What I would call string theory had it not
been taken).

The basis of my theory revolves upon the earths fault lines, reacting to
specific solar velocity pulses. Each faultline having a specific probability
and reaction to the impacts presented by solar winds.

(Much like a piano key creates an impact to signify an exact sound).

In these example . We can see how the solar wind acting as a hammer on the
earths plasma tubes.

The main force enacting upon the plasma tubes is likely a mixture of electric
energy, and inverse magnetic fields which create a shock wave within the earths
plasma waves.

I would assess that the two opposing forces then create a wave ripple that could be
captured by the austrailan array. However I am also wondering if this very process is
what leads to the creation of schumann resonances which are actively being
recorded in the earths atmosphere at this time

By studying the constant seismic faults activated at different patterns of force
velocity; Physicists may be able to unlock the key to seismic event predictions via
solar wind sources. As well as explaining the existing relationship of the Schumann
Resonances. The various ionic materials that decay in the upper atmosphere, during
these incidents may also shed light on the earthquake lights, and orbs which are
documented in the earths largest seismic events.
If a ripple effect can be documented in the result of a future incident, this may
further aide scientists on their pursuit of an earthquake prediction application.
Greatly reducing the damages, and loss of life; Attributed during these events:

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