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An aging cell is the end product of awareness that has forgotten how to remain new There is no objective world

independent of observer Flow of intelligence is PRANA

Wherever thought goes, a chemical goes with it

Intention is the active partner of attention

I want to improve in energy and rigor every day Every cell in your body is totally aware of how you think and feel about yourself

Nurture knowledge that the world is YOU MEDIATATION- classic technique to master awareness in timelessness

Experience is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you

If you want to change your body, change your awareness first, everything that happens to you is a result of how you see yourself Reestablishing the memory of your connection with the quantum field will awaken the memory of renewal in your body

Im the witness, the interpreter, the self beyond self image. This self is ageless and timeless Whatever is flexible and flowing will tend to grow Life is awareness in action

Health lifestyle- increases 30 years delay to aging Without negative influences the organs, and tissues lasts for 115- 130 years

Satisfying long term relationship Job satisfaction Feeling personal happiness Regular daily routine

Regular work routine

Adaptability- FREEDOM from conditioned responses

2. 3.

5. 6.

Responding creatively to change Freedom from anxiety Continued ability to create and innovate High levels of adaptive energy A capacity to integrate new things into ones existence Wanting to stay alive

The activity of exercising, represents conscious willed behavior

Awareness precedes function, function precedes structure

Through practice and dedication, you can heal any imbalance in the mind-body system through awareness, once the appropriate technique of relaxation, release and insight are LEARNED..

Paying attention to your body Focused intention Trigger for transformation Intentions and the field

Every cell in your body is seeking fulfillment through joy, beauty, love and appreciation

it is normal to have all desires be fulfilled, if your awareness is open and clear An intention is a signal sent from you to the field, and the result you get back from the field is the highest fulfillment that can be delivered to your particular nervous system

Gaining clarity about the mechanics of intention is the most important step in achieving anything

Today I intend to 1. More energy 2. More alertness 3. More youthful enthusiasm 4. More creativity 5. Continuous improvement in physical and mental capacity at all levels

My internal cues are my best feedback, and the more I respond to them, the more I will amplify the force of my intentions to get the outcome I want Intelligence ~ creative power

If the bodys intelligence is at full strength, disorder and chaos do not attack a cell Influence a cells intelligence DIRECTLY


7-8 hrs sleep a night Eating breakfast almost everyday Not eating between meals Maintain normal weight Regular physical activity No smoking Moderate drinkings

What seems to pay off is sheer REGULARITYthe kind of diet or physical activity being followed was not taken into consideration Respect gives trust and confidence

Restful alertness
Hypo metabolic wakefulness

I am spirit This moment is as it should be Unity is part of the overall order of things Change is infused with non-change Entropy holds no threat, because it is under the control of infinite organizing power

I carry the consciousness of immortality in the midst of mortality

My desires of part of this moment, and what I need is provided here and now
I embrace the here and now, because it allows me to see new aspects of myself Im getting to know the absolute by playing here in the relation

I am perfect as I am. Everything in my life is looking toward my ultimate good. I an loved and I am love

Pain in present expressed as lust Pain in past remembered as anger Pain in the future perceived as anxiety

Unexpressed anger = guilt = depression

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

7. 8.


Listen to your bodys wisdom Live in the present Take time to be silent, to meditate, to quiet the internal dialogue Relinquish your need for external approval Realize that youre only struggling with your self Know that the world out there reflects your reality in here the goal is self knowledge Shed the burden of judgment Dont contaminate your body Replace fear motivated behavior with love motivated behavior Understand that physical world is just a mirror of a deeper intelligence

Living in balance and purity is the highest good for you and the earth

Diet, exercise, breathing, behavior, emotions FRESHNESS = PRANA

Timeless awareness

Internal goals (happiness, self acceptance, creativity, satisfaction that one is doing ones best at all times)
Freedom from time pressure

Little thought of self image; action focused on present moment

Reliance on intuition and leaps of imagination

Detach from change and turmoil; no fear of death

Positive experience of being

Selflessness; altruism; sense of shared humanity ( Typical motivation of can I help!)

Sense of personal immortality Nothing makes people age faster than FEAR Expand your effort on MEDIATATION, YOGA, CREATIVE VISUALIZATION- to faster discovery of THE SELF Only you ca open and close you HEART

Think about love Talk about love Seek out love Encourage love Yesterday is todays memory, tomorrow is todays dream

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