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Key Questions

What makes the Froebelian approach unique and effective? In what way are the Froebel Gifts educational? If you have one thing to thank Friedrich Froebel for, what would it be?

principle- A fixed or predetermined policy or mode of action. pedagogy-1. the function or work of a teacher; teaching 2. the art or method of teaching; pedagogics Interrelated- placed in or came into mutual relationship.

Friedrich Froebels life


Elements of a Froebelian Education for Children from Birth to Seven Years

1) Principles which include

recognition of the uniqueness of each childs capacity and potential an holistic view of each childs development recognition of the importance of play as a central integrating element in a childs development and learning an ecological view of humankind in the natural world recognition of the integrity of childhood in its own right recognition of the child as part of a family and a community

2) A pedagogy which involves

knowledgeable and appropriately qualified early childhood professionals skilled and informed observation of children, to support effective development, learning and teaching awareness that education relates to all capabilities of each child: imaginative, creative, symbolic, linguistic, mathematical, musical, aesthetic, scientific, physical, social, moral, cultural and spiritual parents/carers and educators working in harmony and partnership first hand experience, play, talk and reflection activities and experiences that have sense, purpose and meaning to the child, and involve joy, wonder, concentration, unity and satisfaction an holistic approach to learning which recognizes children as active, feeling and thinking human beings, seeing patterns and making connections encouragement rather than punishment individual and collaborative activity and play an approach to learning which develops childrens autonomy and self confidence

3) An environment which
is physically safe but intellectually challenging, promoting curiosity, enquiry, sensory stimulation and aesthetic awareness demonstrates the unity of indoors and outdoors, of the cultural and the natural allows free access to a rich range of materials that promote open-ended opportunities for play, representation and creativity entails the setting being an integral part of the community it serves, working in close partnership with parents and other skilled adults is educative rather than merely amusing or occupying promotes interdependence as well as independence, community as well as individuality and responsibility as well as freedom.

He produced gifts that were simple and interrelated. They encouraged the child to play, be creative and explore designs that mirrored the unity of the universe.

Gift 1: Yarn Balls

Gift 2: Sphere, Gift 3: The Divided Cube Cylinder and Cube

Gift 4: Rectangular Prisms

Gift 5: Triangular Prisms

Gift 8: Gift Six: Classic Gift 7: Building Blocks The Tablets Sticks & Rings
Gift 6: Classic Building Blocks

Gift 9:The Point

The Curvilinear Gift

Gift 10: The Framework Gift

Women as Educators
The destiny of nations lies far more in the hands of women, the mothers, than in the possessors of power, or those of innovators who for the most part do not understand themselves. We must cultivate women, who are the educators of the human race, else the new generation cannot accomplish its task. He saw womens role as going far beyond the home. The Froebel Web explains: The women who trained as kindergarten teachers gained economic independence and a respected role in the community.

Froebels words
"Children are like tiny flowers; they are varied and need care, but each is beautiful alone and glorious when seen in the community of peers."

froebelgifts.com stateuniversity.com froebel.web thestrengsfoundation.org freeonlinedictionary.com

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