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Module 1

Meaning Of Research Methodology

Research refers to a search of knowledge. Research is

an art of scientific investigation. Research is the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis, dissemination (distribution) and use of information for the purpose of improving decision making related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in any field.

Objectives of the research:

The main aim of research is to find out the truth which is hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. Such research is known as exploratory or formulative research studies. To portray accurately the characteristics of particular individual, situation or a group. (Descriptive research studies).

To determine the frequency with which something

occurs or with which it is associated with something else. (Such studies are known as diagnostic research studies) To test a hypothesis of causal relationship between variables. (Such studies are known as hypothesis testing)

Significance of research
Research is important is solving various operational

and planning problems of business and industry. Especially, operations research and marketing research are crucial in taking business decisions. Operations research refers to the application of mathematical, logical and analytical techniques to the solution of optimization problems. (Cost minimization and profit maximization.) Marketing research is the systematic study of the facts relevant to any problem in the field of marketing.

Research provides the basis from nearly all

government policies in our economic system. Research is important for social scientists in studying social relationships and in seeking answers to various social problems.

Different Approaches of research

Types Exploratory E.g. research (ambiguous problem) Absenteeism is increasing, but we dont know why. Would people be interested in our new product idea? Descriptive research Causal research (Aware of partially (Clearly defined problem) deafened problem) What kinds of people are joining trade unions? Did our last years brand image has an impact on our company stock price? Which of the two training program is more effective? Did the last weeks advertisement have an impact on our sales?

Approaches of Research
Quantitative vs. qualitative research: Quantitative research is based on the measurement of quantity or amount. It is applicable to a phenomenon that can be expressed in quantity. Qualitative research, on the other hand, is concerned with qualitative phenomenon that involves quality.

Scientific research: the steps:

Four steps are taken in applying scientific methods: Observation Formulation of hypothesis Prediction of future, Testing hypothesis.

Relation between scientific method and Marketing:

Scientific methods stages


Used during the following marketing research steps Problem definition Situation analysis Informal investigation Formal research Situation analysis Informal investigation Formal research planning. future (action Situation analysis Information investigations Formal research. Formal research.

Formulation of hypothesis

Prediction of implications)


Testing of hypothesis

Characteristics Objectivity of investigator:

Scientific Method the More objective because it attempts to eliminate the preconception or desires of the investigator from the results, making them unbiased.

Non-Scientific Method More subjective because it bases it judgment on preconceived notions authoritative statements or intuition making them more biased.

Systematic procedure: Proceeds in a systematic manner with Is carried out in haphazard manner. predestined steps fro this purpose. Accuracy measurement: of The results are more accurately Results cannot be measured accurately measured with the help of electronic and most of the data are qualitative in measuring devices, which are nature. available for most of the researchers conducted scientifically. Does not consider all the facts with regard to problems at hand. It is not continuous like scientific methods because the results are not scientific and cannot be used for further research.

Continuing and All the facts, which are pertinent to exhaustive nature of the problem in hand, are considered. investigation: Evidence is found to support the existing conclusion.

Methods of analysis A number of statistical techniques are Statistics tools may not be applicable and interpretation applied to analyze the data. because of the sporadic nature of data and its qualitative nature.

Distinction between scientific and non scientific methods:

Research Approach
Historical Studies: The historical method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which historians use historical sources and other evidence to research and then to write history. There are various history guidelines commonly used by historians in their work, under the headings of external criticism, internal criticism, and synthesis. This includes lower criticism and sensual criticism

Experimental Research
In its simplest form it has three characteristics: an

independent variable is manipulated, other variables except the independent variable are held constant (the idea of experimental control), and effect of the manipulation of the independent variable on the dependent variable is observed. You can think of the independent variable as the cause and the dependent variable as the effect. We hypothesize that the value of the dependent variable depends upon, and varies with the value of the independent variable.

For example, to examine the effect of different font size

on reading speed, you might randomly select 30 people and time how long it takes to read a passage of text in 10 point font size, while another group of 30 reads the same passage in 12 point font. You manipulated font size, the independent variable, and measured the effect upon reading speed, the dependent variable.

Case research
It can be carried out in the areas such as survey of

consumer attitudes toward a new product or it may be conducted in a library by the survey of available secondary data. But it is generally used for collecting cases. The collected cases are used to find three features. Features, which are common to all cases in general groups. Features which are not common to all cases, but are common to certain sub groups, and, Features, which are unique to a specific group.

Criteria for a good research

Clear definition of goals
Research process detailed Research design thoroughly planned Limitations to be revealed Conclusions justified Researcher experience

Manager- Researcher Relationship

The relationship between a researcher and manager is

very significant Both share the responsibility of making a project meaningful Research will be a major contributor to knowledge Manager will find knowledge of research methods to be of value in many situations The separation of research user from research conductor can pose problems for data analysis, interpretation, conclusion finding, and using for decision making

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