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Historical Analysis of Gnostic Heresy in Islam


We begin this journey by taking a look at the historical backdrop of Europe that influenced and contributed to the religious and political views of the Murabitun and their leader.

Part 1 Traditionalism & Aryan Geopolitics

History of Right/Left politics

Very few people are aware of the development of a European pro-Islamic Right . This was historically always a small but a lively minority, populated with rather obtuse ideologies and important intellectuals. Undoubtedly, it had strong and shared antiJewish feelings.

The historical solidarity of fascism and national socialism with the Muslim world during WW1 and WW2 and the ongoing development of a cold war with shifted allegiances leading to the manifestation in the 1960s and 1970 of Islam seen as a political s and spiritual force, especially in the fight against the same enemies of Capitalism and Bolsihvism. A more obtuse ideology is not easily found!

Islam had a great attraction for certain sectors of the radical Right. In the Western tradition of right wing politics the dichotomy between modernism and the world of tradition is often very stark. They often see in modernism a form of ideological-cultural barbarization of the West.

The orientalists who have studied Islam, especially the German schools, recognized the centrality of the Sharia in the Islamic world an the importance of the primal community, that of the community of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a living community safeguarding traditions and spiritual values.

The traditionalist school

The traditionalists owes a great deal to the evolution of their thinking to the Frenchman, Ren Gunon. Gunon converted to Islam after various stays in Egypt, with the name of Abdal Wahid Yahia and studied Islamic spiritual traditions and esoteric material.

Tradionalist thinker Guenon

Gunon was born in Blois, in November, 1886, and died in 1951, in Cairo, to which he emigrated and made his new home. Numerous other conversions to Islam at the hands of Abdal Wahid followed suit. Gunon is considered one of the most important esoterists of our time, and he lived embodying the prototype of the "integral traditionalist".

Shaykh AbdulWahid/Rene Geunon

Geunon wrote numerous books, and was often hailed by his followers as the most important thinker since Belloc, a genius, and so forth. His book "The Crisis of the Modern World " he theoretically elaborates the critique of the modern Western Civilization, where the loss of the ties with tradition have impeded the approach to transcendence.

Shaykh AbdalWahid/Rene Geunon

Shaykh AbdulWahid
He writes, "The modern civilization appears, in history, as a real anomaly: of all the civilizations we know, it is the only one which has developed in a purely materialistic sense; the only one which is not founded on any principle of superior order " the distain and repulsion that the other peoples above all, the Orientals " feel with regard to the western people comes, to a great extent, from the fact that these latter appear, in general, to be men without tradition or religion The West lives in an age of darkness of the spirit, having lost the ties with the superior states of being ,due to the Western abandonment of tradition which has resulted in its progressive decay and secularization.

Shaykh AbdulWahid
Gunon expounded views that were often opposed to concepts such as progress and democracy, yet remained clear of open attack on politicians. He viewed the development of technique and modern scientific principles extremely badly, denouncing the destructive effect of the modern mentality, which, according to him, has disintegrated the knowledge and values which were handed down through the generations in the Western world, until the Middle Ages. Gunon alternatively also under the name Shaykh AbdulWahid collaborated with various publications, accepting among the many, the invitation of an eminent thinker, the Italian, Julius Evola, to contribute to the "The Fascist Regime", the daily newspaper of Cremona, founded in 1922.

Then also Julius Evola...

Evola, architect of rightist thinking

Julius Evola was born in Rome in 1898 where he died in 1974. Evola, dedicated himself to philosophical studies under the influence of the Nietzsche and Gentile schools of thought, including Junger and Heidegger.

Julius Evola was a fanatical opponent of Capitalism and of its social and political derivations: in his most important work, "Revolt against the Modern World", 1934, he theorizes total refusal of modernity and a return to a traditional society to re-start the human race.

He supported personal rule and the policy of power and subscribed to the theories of Spengler (1) on the "Decline of the West" and on the causes of its moral decadence, due, among other things, to the "Judaic Mercenarism" and to the "Christian Pietism": all of which, after the war, became the principle ideological reference for the traditionalist Right.

Evola was instrumental in some of the development of Aryanism or Aryan geopolitical thinking. However as a complex personality he was often more a traditionalist than a Aryanist though definitely hailed and admired by those who adhere to this policies.

Evola, architect of rightist thinking

Evola represented an anti-system ,"revolutionary" viewpoint, which gave rise to the post war era of the Right of the 1960 and s 1970 s Evoliani followers have professed to be exponents of the "Centre for the Studies of the New Order, which in turn inspired Neo Conservative thinking in the Americas.

Evolas writings contained a call to warlike radicalism: racist and elite, marked by a certain istain for the d common people.

However the right wing movements chiefly targeted and attracted many young people looking to find an answers to the need for a common conscience, an individual security in fighting the he t increase of the loss of guidelines", the loss of traditional values and the disintegration of society.

Shaykh AbdalWahid in the shadows

Rene Geunon never took a foreground place in the rightwing movements openly. This was left for Julius Evola who was politically much more agile Evola borrowed heavily from Geunon ideas about Islamic principles especially that , "the transcendent stimulus of the Islamic world lies in the organizational principle of the social life, regulated by the "Islamic Law, the Sharia. Evola dedicated particular attention to the concept of the jihad, applauding the ajor jihad which according to the m , Geunonian interpretation of the Islamic doctrine, is the interior piritual war, a sacred and obligatory commitment s for all believers.

Shaykh AbdalWahid in the shadows

The major jihad was relegated as an ascetic effort to better oneself and conquer bad habits and weaknesses. Its opposite, the inor jihadis he material m t warand concerns a merely necessary intervention, such as the defence of territory in the case of aggression. These ideas were common with traditionalists who embodied the quietism of Sufic rationale.

Shaykh AbdalWahid in the shadows

Evola differed somewhat with Geunon in expounding that the Islamic principle of ajor jihadis related to m that which in the world of tradition defines the ombativeexperience through which abstinence c and meditation are reached and the action becomes the vehicle for the spiritual transcendence. To clean the world around us, to make the exterior clean, is the greater jihad. Prototypes of this model of piritual elitismare s considered to be formations such as the Romanian "Iron Guard", of Cornelius Codreanu and, above all, the German "SS Waffen".

The Nazi connection

Evola introduces the true Spartan spirit which affected the Fascist/Nazi militias with the sense of honour and of sacrifice pushed to the point of mystical abstention, to the eroic pathetc., h In the formation of the SS, one can trace a strong component of the esoteric-initiation which has, however, diffusely characterized Nazism and the cultural roots of which are steeped in these ancient disciplines, from astrology to alchemy, from occultism to the esoteric. Adolf Hitler was very attracted to these ideas which the scientific thinking of the 15th and 16th centuries and the Enlightenment had obscured.

Arabic Edition of Mein Kampf

Omar Amin von Leers

In Mecklenburg in January, 1902, was born a Armin Von Leers, who later on distinguished himself for his intellectual gifts. Von Leers was an excellent linguist who knew five foreign languages perfectly. A brilliant academic career leads him to the position of Professor at the Jena University; he collaborates with Goebbels at the Ministry of Propaganda, for which he wrote over 30 papers, between 1933 and 1945.

Through his wife, he met Herman Wirth, philologist, anthropologist, researcher of mythology and symbols, scholar of the origins of the Indo-European peoples and of monotheistic faiths" appreciating, in particular, the Nordic occultist neo-paganism which led him to define the Nazi regime as the period of light after the darkness: "from the heights of the original Nordic culture of the Stone Age, we have journeyed the deep valleys of centuries of decadence, to now rise again to new heights under the cross of the great Era of Stone, the ancient and sacred Swastika.

His contribution to the local establishment is mainly in the form of an enormous quantity of writings, all of an anti-Jewish stamp and against the Western powers (3) , besides his declared availability towards anyone committed to the fight "against the world tyranny of Israel and the Zionists". Some scholars attribute the birth of the historic denialism: that is, the anti-Zionist current of thought which denies or re-dimensions the Holocaust, accusing the Jews of constructing a false history to accelerate the creation of the State of Israel.

Omar Amin von Leers

Von Leers shared with Karl Haushofer and Evola the Eurasian vision of a Rome-Berlin-MoscowTokyo axis, founded on the conviction of the existence of a common ordic race In this N . framework, the alliance between the Eurasian continental forces, in particular, Germany and Russia is considered as a bulwark against the Western Powers, Britain and the United States. For this reason, Von Leers did not agree with the Nazi campaign against Russia.

Following the fall of the Reich, he spends more than a year in an American POW camp. He escapes to Italy and finally reaches Argentina. In 1955, he transfers to Egypt (here he makes contact with the Ihwan alMuslimeen and converts to Islam, adopting, in fact, the name of Omar Amin. Thanks to his enthusiastic support of Arab nationalism, he becomes a special advisor to President Nasser, with the responsibility for the anti-Israeli propaganda and becomes a friend and collaborator of the Mufti of Jerusalem.

SS Waffen with tarboushes

On the Christian side of Evolas Influence

Observe carefully how Evola is linked to western right wing rock counter culture. Listen carefully to how Evolas ideas is expounded in the lyrics.

To be continued....

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