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Paralanguage & Proxemics

(Group Members:- Chandan, Viplav, Shahid,
Shitanshu, Sandeep, Anshu, Sonam, Abhinav, Harpreet)


Paralanguage: Non verbal Communication

People are more frightened of being lonely than of being hungry, or being deprived of sleep, or of having their sexual needs unfulfilled (Frieda Fromm Reichmann).

Paralanguage includes
Facial expressions Tones of voice Gestures Eye contact Spatial arrangements Patterns of touch Expressive movements Silence

Paralanguage may be:



It is non verbal because it does not involve use of words. But is like verbal communication because it is related to the way words are spoken. 1.Voice- voice can be clear or unclear, pleasant or unpleasant, cultivated or musical and so on.

2.Speaking speed- A speaker may speak at different occasions or during different parts of his speech.

3.Pitch variation- speaking at length on the same level of pitch variation in pitch are made during a speech. These variations in pitch are helpful in catching the attention of the listen and in maintaining his interest in the speech.

4. Volume Variation- it means loudness of the makes the speech monotonous or boring. Therefore, wide speech. volume variation puts life into our speech.

Advantages of paralanguage
No oral communication is complete without Paralanguage. A speaker's educational background can be judged from his way of speaking. Knowledge of a person's Para language is helpful in dealing with him. One can improve his Paralanguage by listening to good speaker.


Proxemics - an individuals perception & use of space. Proxemic cues, including the treatment of space and territory inflUence interaction and help define the communication experience. Edward Hall says there are four different distances that we keep between ourselves and other people: intimate distance-0 to 18 inches; personal distance-18 inches to 4 feet; social distance-4 to 12 feet; and public distance-12 feet to the limit of sight.

Zones of interactions

Zones of interaction
1st Zone: Intimate Distance From physical contact(touching) to about 18 inches(45cm) Adults usually do not use this zone unless they are in a crowded elevator, bus or similar situation. 2nd Zone: Personal Distance From 18 inches to 4 feet(45cm to 120cm) This distance is used at parties when two or three people are talking together. If they want to talk about something more personal they will move closer together.

3rd Zone: Social Distance From 4 feet to 12 feet(120cm to 4m) This distance is often used for doing business and for talking with strangers. 4th Zone: Public Distance From 12 feet to the limit of our voice and hearing(4m to....) This distance is rarely used by most people. Generally only used by people such as teachers, ministers,politicians,public speakers etc.

Proxemics & Culture

Of course, these codes depend on culture and history. In north American culture over the last hundred years, there has been both a decrease in the size of the intimate and personal proxeme and an expansion in the social and personal proxeme. In other words, in many cases people demand much more space between themselves and non- intimates while simultaneously requiring less distance between friends, family members, and other intimates.

Touch is another feature of proxemic analysis. In Western culture touch is kept at a minimum in public places. Mothers tend to touch their sons more on their chest and shoulders, their daughters on the arms and head. In Japanese culture there is a great deal of tactile communication in childhood but little after adolescence.

You be the expert!

What proxemic codes govern:
A handshake between a man and woman? Between a man and a man? A party at an undergraduates apartment? A party at our grandparents? A first meeting with a prospective employer?

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