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Monday, January 10, 2011

Controls are needed to eliminate alternate explanations of experimental results. Negative control

Positive control
Testing against a known phenomena

Independent variable variable representing the value being manipulated or changed Dependent variable the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.

You perform a study where you are trying to determine if Vitamin C consumption determines cold length. You choose three groups of individuals and give each of them set doses of Vitamin C supplements. What is your dependent variable? What is your independent variable? What could you use as a control?

What is the purpose of TT? What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable?

In statistical hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis (H0) describes some aspect of the statistical behavior of a set of data. This description is treated as valid unless the experimental data contradicts this assumption. The null hypothesis is contrasted against another hypothesis.

Lets say you have some rather exciting ideas about why you seem to lose socks at an astonishing rate. Maybe, you hypothesize, aliens are beaming down to steal one sock out of every pair you own.
Hypothesis: the loss of my socks is due to alien burglary.

How do you know that the results of your experiment were statistically relevant? You must prove your null hypothesis incorrect. What is your null hypothesis?

Null Hypothesis: the loss of my socks has nothing to do with alien burglary

What is the hypothesis of the PLoS Genetics Paper?

Phospho-Tau levels influence rate of decline in

Alzheimers Disease

What is the null hypothesis?

Phospho-Tau levels do not influence rate of

decline tin Alzheimers Disease

P value Standard Deviation Standard Error

The p value represents the probability of your results occurring randomly. In order to reject the null the p value must be .05 or less
This implies that we are 95% certain our null

hypothesis is incorrect

Based on the P value do you accept or reject the null hypothesis? What can you conclude then?

Based on the above P values do you accept or reject your null hypothesis? What conclusion can you derive?

A measure of variance. How far from the average is each data set?

Standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size Standard error is a type of Standard Deviation that takes into account the population. The larger your sample size the more statistically relevant SEM is.
This allows you to extrapolate your data to an

entire population

An experiment was conducted to measure the rate of transmembrane movement of a specific type of phospholipid (phosphatidylserine) in lymphoma cells in the presence or absence of R5421, an inhibitor of the membrane enzyme known as scramblase. The results of the experiment are shown in the table below (pmol lipid transferred/s). In a separate experiment, the activity of scramblase in the presence of R5421 was measured, and the drug reduced the activity to 5% of that in the absence. What is the hypothesis?


+ R5421

Mean 17.6

SD 4.6

n 9

mean 8.3

SD 6.1

n 9

Scramblase is involved in phosphatidylserine movement.

An experiment was conducted to measure the rate of transmembrane movement of a specific type of phospholipid (phosphatidylserine) in lymphoma cells in the presence or absence of R5421, an inhibitor of the membrane enzyme known as scramblase. The results of the experiment are shown in the table below (pmol lipid transferred/s). In a separate experiment, the activity of scramblase in the presence of R5421 was measured, and the drug reduced the activity to 5% of that in the absence. What is the null hypothesis?


+ R5421

Mean 17.6

SD 4.6

n 9

mean 8.3

SD 6.1

n 9

Scramblase has no effect on phosphatidylserine movement.

An experiment was conducted to measure the rate of transmembrane movement of a specific type of phospholipid (phosphatidylserine) in lymphoma cells in the presence or absence of R5421, an inhibitor of the membrane enzyme known as scramblase. The results of the experiment are shown in the table below (pmol lipid transferred/s). In a separate experiment, the activity of scramblase in the presence of R5421 was measured, and the drug reduced the activity to 5% of that in the absence. What are the independent and dependent variables?


+ R5421

Mean 17.6

SD 4.6

n 9

mean 8.3

SD 6.1

n 9

Independent: the presence or absence of R5421 Dependent: the rate of phosphatidylserine movement

An experiment was conducted to measure the rate of transmembrane movement of a specific type of phospholipid (phosphatidylserine) in lymphoma cells in the presence or absence of R5421, an inhibitor of the membrane enzyme known as scramblase. The results of the experiment are shown in the table below (pmol lipid transferred/s). In a separate experiment, the activity of scramblase in the presence of R5421 was measured, and the drug reduced the activity to 5% of that in the absence. What can you conclude?


+ R5421

Mean 17.6

SD 4.6

n 9

mean 8.3

SD 6.1

n 9

An experiment was conducted to measure the rate of transmembrane movement of a specific type of phospholipid (phosphatidylserine) in lymphoma cells in the presence or absence of R5421, an inhibitor of the membrane enzyme known as scramblase. The results of the experiment are shown in the table below (pmol lipid transferred/s). In a separate experiment, the activity of scramblase in the presence of R5421 was measured, and the drug reduced the activity to 5% of that in the absence. What can you conclude? Converting the SD to SEM shows that 2 the errors do not overlap; reject null hypothesis: scramblase is involved in phosphatidylserine transfer.

R5421 Mean SEM 17.6 1.5

n 9

+ R5421 mean SEM n 8.3 2.0 9

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