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The Artists Guide to Career Administration

Download this presentation at: http://www.scribd.com/sylvie_fortin/docu ments



Do you feel that you are constantly juggling creative production time and the business side of being an artist?
This workshop will run through the basics of project and career administration while providing you with a practical guide. In this SeminArt you will learn how to:-Document your work-Increase your online presence-Find your audience and help them find you-Research opportunities and make them reality-Manage your time and budget-Develop personal relationships with art professionals

Document your work

Invest in good documentation: find (and pay) a good photographer; videographer Choose the documentation that suits your work: text, blog, journal, drawings, photo, sound, podcast, video (appropriate format and level of publicness/privacy) Document the process (if appropriate) Without documentation, you cannot generate opportunities and support.

Increase your online presence

Website are almost obsolete but Think of your website as an archive Website and search optimization tailor your website to your practice and stage in your career - emerging artist: - mid-career, video work: - established artists: http://www.lynnemarsh.net/ http://www.stankievech.net/ www.lozano-hemmer.com www.superflex.net/ www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Douglas

when relevant, produce project website (www.popularunrest.org) Social media profile: facebook, twitter, YouTube/Vimeo, scribd, Goodreads, academia.edu

Find your audience, help them find and remember you

Monthly newsletter: remind them without hassling them, set a tone that keeps your work on their mind: 2 examples: www.ressler.net brendanfernandes.ca Engage people on facebook and twitter: the right voice/tone Reach out to the people you admire, and explain why their work matters to you. Find mentors. Make your own: audiences and networks dont pre-exist, you make them. Use your network to expand your opportunities and audience.

Research opportunities and make them a reality

Mobilize your network: tell your friends and professional acquaintances what you are up to.

All-inclusive (grants, jobs, teaching, opportunities):

Grants: start with local, regional grants

www.e-artnow.org www.nyfa.org

Exhibition opportunities: http://rcaaq.org/html/en/liens.php http://npnweb.org/artists/ http://npnweb.org/van/ http://www.warholfoundation.org/grant/initiative.html Residencies: www.resartis.com www.residencyunlimited.org www.artistcommunities.org www.transartists.org www.collegeart.org www.jobtarget.com/c/search_results.cfm?site_id=8712 www.collegeart.org www.nyfa.org http://www.stephaniediamond.com/listings_cc.html https://ourgoods.org/

Teaching: Employment (art-related):

Trade & barter / studios

Set up Google alerts: let them do the work for you.

Manage your time

The basics Get help: interns and assistants Cloud-based calendars: Google calendar Have everything ready, accessible, and sharable: Dropbox Constantly track opportunities (running lists) The breakdown (find your own model) 1. General research & community involvement/networking: attend exhibitions, lectures and conferences, keep up with magazines, theory/reading, the specifics of your field of research: 1 day/week i.e. 8-10 hours or 2+ hours/day 2. Project-based research, management, and production: 3 days/week or 5 hours day 3. Opportunities: identify, track, apply or generate your own: 1 day/week i.e. 8-10 hours 4 .PR and correspondence: 1 hour/day 5. Financial management: 1 hour/week Stay on top of it: ongoing learning: www.creativecapital.org webinars and professional development workshops Upcoming session in Miami: Miami Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs: October 26-28, 2012

Free (or low-cost), cloud-based bookkeeping, estimating, expense tracking, Invoicing and timetracking (for individuals and teams): freshbooks.com
When is the right time to become a LLC or incorporate? Ask a lawyer.

Big tax year ahead? Plan for the donation of works

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