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Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Isaac Newton
(1642 1727)
Published Principia 1687 At age 45

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Newtons First law (Law of inertia)

In the absence of a net external force, an object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion continues in motion with constant velocity (i.e., constant speed and direction).
A body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain in the same state of motion unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. That is: force causes acceleration.

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Newtons Second Law Second Law:

Fon object = m aof object

where Fnet is the vector sum of all external

forces on the object considered

m = (inertial) mass

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

2nd Law of Motion: Implications

The Newton [N] is the unit of force in SI units. [F] = [m] [ a ] [N] = [kg] [m/s/s]

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

are interactions between two objects (i.e., a push or pull of one object on another) can be broadly categorized as contact or noncontact forces have a direction and a magnitude -- vectors can be used to predict and explain the motion of objects described by Newtons Laws of Motion

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Pushing table
contact, magnitude, motion

Magnets on document camera


Pulling heavy object with two ropes

force is vector

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Types of forces
Contact forces

Non-contact forces gravitational electric magnetic

normal (?) frictional tension spring

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Objek dalam kota adalah objek yang ditindak oleh gaya. Gaya yang bertindak itu pula berasal daripada agent luar daripada kotak itu.

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Oleh kerana gaya bersifat vektor, dua gaya yang bertindak secara simultaneously (F1,F2) setara dengan daya bersih R (dan vice versa)


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Penjabaran komponen-kompenen gaya


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

a1 = F/m1

a2 = F/m2

a3 = F/(m1+m2)

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Common forces 1. Weight

Gravitational force (weight)
Universal force of attraction between 2 massive bodies For object near earths surface directed downward with magnitude mg Notation: FG

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Gaya Karena Adanya Gravitasi: Berat

Gaya yang paling umum adl gaya tarikan gravitasi bumi atau dinamakan berat (w). Benda dipercepat ke bumi dengan percepatan 9,81 m/s2. Dari hukum kedua newton merumuskan bahwa Fg = m.a atau w = m.g


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

2nd Law of Motion: Implications

When a sheet of paper and a book are dropped at the same time, what will happen?

Will (1) the book accelerate faster that the sheet; (2) vice versa or (3) will they each accelerate at the same rate?
Why do you think so?

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Common forces 2. Normal forces

Two objects A, B touch
exert a force at 90 to surface of contact Notation: nB on A is normal force on A due to B


Gaya Normal
Tegak lurus bidang kontak.
N W sin N W cos W N=W W

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

N = W cos

Fy F N = W - Fy Fx


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

3. Tension forces
contact force when a string or rope pulls on an object exerted on an object

exerted in direction of string or rope


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

4. Friction forces
Kinetic friction appears when object slides across surface points in direction opposite to velocity Static friction keeps an object stuck on surface (prevents motion) points in direction opposite to velocity

Gaya Gesek

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

W cos
W sin

Sifat-sifat : Berlawanan dengan arah gerak atau kearah mana benda akan bergerak. Makin kasar makin besar gaya geseknya.


Gaya Gesek

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Gaya gesek statis : gaya gesek yang bekerja pada dua permukaan benda yang bersinggungan yang masih dalam keadaan diam relatip satu dengan lainnya fs = s N Gaya gesek kinetis : gaya gesek yang bekerja pada dua permukaan benda yang saling bergerak relatip fk = k N

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Kinetic Friction
The kinetic friction force is proportional to the magnitude of the normal force.

where the proportionality constant k is called the coefficient of kinetic friction.

PHY211 Fall 2010 Lecture 6-2

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Static Friction
The box is in static equilibrium, so the static friction must exactly balance the pushing force:


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Newtons 3rd Law


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Action-Reaction Examples, 2
The normal force (table on monitor) is the reaction of the force the monitor exerts on the table
Normal means perpendicular, in this case

The action (Fg, Earth on monitor) force is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the reaction force, the force the monitor exerts on the Earth


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Free Body Diagram

In a free body diagram, you want the forces acting on a particular object The normal force and the force of gravity are the forces that act on the monitor



Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Dalam gerak melingkar ada percepatan sentripetal, sehingga berdasarkan hukum Newton II, maka besarnya gaya sentripetal adalah :

v F m r


GAYA Fiktif

Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Jika kita sedang duduk di Kereta Api (KA), kemudian KA bergerak maju maka kita akan merasa ada yang mendorong ke belakang bagian atas badan kita. Gaya demikian ini disebut gaya fiktif.


Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering



Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering

Hal.116, No.10 Hal.117, No.14 Hal.117, No.26


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