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Gallery of Alien art from 2001 A Space Odyssey

by Robert Bauman & friends

In 2001 Odyssey ,in the last chapter of the movie,astronaut Bowman,ending his life in material body, enters an artificially created room. Room is created by alien inteligence. For the first time ever we are presenting unknown gallery of art in this room. This appears to be most complex scene in the history of the motion picture. The general idea came from Jupiter Five , short SF story by Arthur C. Clarke The setting of the room follows the pattern of a chess board. The room is divided into white and black half. Those paintings sough outrageous disguising attempts, to show them as soposed paintings of rococo painter Antoine Watteau ,during last 45 years after movie premiere. Jet, developement of informatics,even on amateur level,enabled people to take a closer look on this unknown,unbeleavable masterpieces of modern art. We present you gallery for the first time in recognisable form,unknow author,made for the movie,obviously influenced by ideas of Arthur C. Clarke.

Just for orientation on fiew next screen captures we will see the room setting. Astronaut Bowman starts by standing at the door to the right. On this picture to the left of the door is most important picture for deciphering entire room,thus Kubrick starts it there. Picture is designated White1.White because statuetes below are white and representing unity,love,good and knowledge.This is also described on painting itself(description later).Watch them please.

Room has only one door.On this picture to the left of the door is picture White 1. Right to the door on this picture is picture we call Black 1. Why? Please look at sets of statuetes below the pictures.Left are white statuetes,right are black statuetes.Clear sign of author. Left center in room is normal human bed.

On this picture to the left are door(not seen).Right to door you see Black 1 picture.In the center,on a small closed cabin, oposite to human bed,behind the space capsule is sculpture of reptile (enhanced picture there,creature has no even head ). To the right we see wall that is oposite to door, where under angle are in distance Black 2 picture and close to us is White 2 picture.

On this picture we see wall opposite to the door.To the left on wall is Black 2painting,and to the right is White 2painting. In center left to wall observe again closed cabin with non-human statuete on it ,we call it reptile(check our logic later).To the right is human bed. Count squares on iluminated floor from left to right, its 8..chess no doubt.

First we will analyse White side of the gallery, than we will analyse Black side.

White(bright) side

Painting White 1

The Ambassador
(Alien Mona Lisa)

Please read short story Jupiter Five By Arthur C. Clarke(1953)

This picture is true masterpiece. As all pictures in gallery totaly unknown for the public,and even to the historians of the art,that means to science.Why?How? Picture shows finding of an alien artifact.Painter has made outstanding effort to portrait the Alien sculpture called The Ambassadorfrom Arthur Clarkes Jupiter Five. The details are showing that artistic idea, in detail, was description of alien statue from Jupiter Five.It even has second pair of hands below,holding adeviceof unknown purpose. The picture has bright conotation,love,discovery, revealing of the finding. Relationship of finding with the water is clear,the Ambassador has clear reflection in the water. I called this painting Alien Mona Lisa. If this masterpeice will ever be found,it deserves its place amongs greatest paintings of all time.

Painting White 2 A Space Fountain of the Contact Consequence of painting White 1.

In this picture we see humanish alien near the pool or fountain. Observe alien sitting.Its not human in red coat sitting near the lady! He has no legs,onlysomething like a single trunk with..like fish tail. Also alien has 2 pairs of upper extremities,one pair (lower) is like in a crab..description again from Jupiter Five.Alien sits near pool that leads to ascending fountain,I call it Fountain of Contact,or Space fountain,maybee in this pool is circle shape also,representing doorway of contact. The Alien is friendly,gives hand to a woman that represents humanity. In the back there is like gothic cathedral from Jupiter Five. A temple of art,glorifying this.It is a sign of public display of the finding of alien relic which becames heritage of humanity. Look between pilars of the temple of art there is artistic notation of sculpture ofThe Ambassadoron display. Also linked to White 1 picture,there is representation of device of unknown purposethat was found at alien statue.Statue was holding it in his second pair of hands.In the Jupiter Five there is no obvious porpose of device,but it represents advanced alien technology. In picture this device we believe is on the left,looks like operational,that means practical technology given by Alien culture to humans. Happy ,glorious,end and sense of freedom of humankind .

Black (dark)side

Painting Black 1

Most desturbing thing ever painted.

Most desturbing discovery . Our analysis shown, after first misconceptions,as this is unbeleveable,that this picture is a picture of torture of humans,by a reptilian predator being. We analysed many times this picture and our conclusion is that this picture shows a 2 human beings of them at lest one(to the right) caught(enveloped) by a snake-like reptilian being.The relationship of left human is not clear is he victim to or assistant.we need better resolution. This picture seems do not point on emediate killing act of predator. It seems this shows an act of catching the prey in the meaning of servitude and the being shows like sign of superiority ,victory over its prey.. This picture,more than any other requires expert analysis. So much effort has been made by someone to make just a concept of this pictures, and than to paint such things... This picture has been least visible in movie,with reason..still can be reconstructed. Also,the statuetes below picture are dark, and woman and man are separated by some-thing.This is sign of sorrow,separation,lack of unity,diabolic situation,and deprivation of everything,from love to information.Like a humakind, man is separated ,deprived from its true being,its true meaning and value.

From different angle

Painting Black 2

Slavery Consequence of Painting Black 1

It is difficult to say what are all two black paintings saying,still this one is again not bright. It seems a man on the tree is turning his head from the something..truth?Is he suffering? He is holding to tree,why? His right hand is linked with womans hand like something is drained from him..? Look the kid next to a woman,it is not human kid, it is on the ground and below torso is covered with red coat or blanket..because this is reptilian being and his tail is not wanted to be seen. So man in its ignorance or due to being slave is feeding reptilans.Is this the message? In the water bottom left is some trail or rectangular shape of the object in water,and near the tree on the sky ismonolyth In the movie, Bowman eats hislast meal at the table below this picture,and even drops and breaks glass on the floor.,and than becames 100 year old man and dies(becames star-child).

My general comment is that it is sad circumstance, and fact that for 45 years this masterpiece of art has not been noted by any historian of the art,actualy by nowone for that matters,and what is even more sad and destrubing is fact that some have claimed those are paintings by reinassance painter. For a momment I feel like a man on that tree from last painting.

Newertheless historians of art and experts in art are called upon to analyse and begin quest for this lost gallery of paintings.
Maybee those paintings have even more to say .

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