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Perception in Interpersonal Communication

Unit: 6

We dont see things as they are; we see things as we are. Anais Nin Take the maple leaf

To a maple tree, it is a source of life.

To a photographer, it is a still life.

To Adam and Eve, it was underwear.

To a street cleaner its rubbish.

To a Canadian its a symbol.

To an insect, its a meal.

1. List & explain five stages of perception & factors influencing each stage. 2. List & define 7 factors influencing perception process. 3. List & explain at least 4 methods for increasing the accuracy of your perceptions.

Perception is

the process of becoming aware of objects and events through the senses.

I. Stages of Perception

The way we Sense Organize InterpretEvaluate information


A. Stimulation 1. take in stimuli through the 5 senses 2. we are selective in the stimuli we choose to perceive

a. selective attention = attend to things that you anticipate will fulfill your needs b. selective exposure = expose yourself to things that will confirm your beliefs

B. Organization
1. proximity = things close together in physical distance are seen as one unit

Separate but together


What do you see?


D. Memory = stored perceptions and their interpretationsevaluations for later recall

E. Recall = is reconstructive not reproductive

II. Physiological, social, & psychological factors affecting perception:

Physiological Differences Cultural Differences Social Roles Occupational Roles Previous Experiences Self Esteem Expectations/Wishes Tunnel Vision Intense Feelings & Attitudes Stereotyping Group Pressure

See how quickly you can find the dogs in the picture.* Read the text below before looking at the picture. Typical comments by people taking the test:
"I couldn't see dogs. I stared at the picture for 10 minutes." "I think it is one of those pictures where you have to stare at a certain spot and then everything comes into focus, but it never happened to me. I'll give it another try later." "I almost didn't find the dogs at all!" "There is a dog in this picture? Where?" "This must be a joke; there are no dogs in this picture.

Visual Perception Challenge: FIND THE DOGS

Men seem to do better at this than women. Average times : Women - 12.46 minutes Men - 1.23 seconds *Hint: The dogs appear to be white with black spots. 19

Can you see the Dalmatian?




Who are these people?

What perception factors misled you?


What do you see?


Read the sign out loud.

A bird in the the bush
What causes the misperception?

III. Perceptual Process

A. Implicit Personality Theory = your own unscientific theory based on certain characteristics belonging with others

B. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy = strongly influence situations based on how we view and label things

(There are 4 Steps)


The 4 Steps are:

1. Make a prediction. 2. Act as if the prediction is true. 3. Because you act as if true, it becomes true. 4. Prediction is confirmed.

C. Perceptual Accentuation = process that leads you to see what you expect to see and what you want to see


Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe and the biran fguiers it out aynawy.

D. Primacy-Recency 1. Primacy-Effect = what comes first is the most influential 2. Recency- Effect = what comes last is the most influential


E. Consistency = tendency to maintain balance among perceptions or attitudes




F. Stereotyping = is a fixed impression of a group of people



Increasing Accuracy of Perception

A. Analyze your perceptions. 1. Recognize your own role. 2. Avoid early conclusions. 3. Avoid mind reading.


Increasing Accuracy, cont.

B. Check your perceptions.
1. Describe what you believe you see/hear. 2. Ask for confirmation.

B. Reduce your uncertainty.

1. Cultural uncertainty avoidance 2. Observe, ask, interact

B. Increase your cultural sensitivity.

1. Observe customs 2. Avoid sterotyping
Perception Checking Activity


The End
Unless you want to see some optical illusions.


Do you see triangles that arent there?


Which monster is larger?


What do you see?


Do you see a face or liar?


Are the letters straight or tilted?


What animal do you see?


What do you see?



Never Ending Steps


Spiral or Concentric Circles?


What do you see?


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