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:: media studies ::

lecture #03 twitter: @wowoxarc kuntoadi@gmail.com or kuntoadi@unpad.ac.id

class and ideology


ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.

class and ideology


class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it (Marx, German Ideology)

society assumption

media assumptions

media owned by bourgeois class Media operated in their class interest Media promote working-class false consciousness Media access denied to political opposition

media assumption

media are seen as part of an ideological arena in which various class views are fought out, although within the context of the dominance of certain classes ultimate control is increasingly concentrated in monopoly capital media professionals, while enjoying the illusion of autonomy, are socialized into and internalize the norms of the dominant culture

media assumption

media taken as a whole, relay interpretive frameworks consonant with the interests of the dominant classes and media audiences, while sometimes negotiating and contesting these frameworks, lack ready access to alternative meaning systems that would enable them to reject the definitions offered by the media

pluralist vs marxist

Pluralist Societal: competing interest and groups Media: many and independent each other Production: creative, free, original Content: diverse and competing, responsive to audience demand

Marxist Societal: ruling class or elite Uniform and under concentrated ownership Standardized, routinized, controlled Selective and decided from above

pluralist vs marxist

Pluralist Professionals: independence and autonomous Audience: fragmented, selective, reactive & active Effects: numerous without consistency or predictability of direction, but often no effect Keywords: democracy, liberalism

Marxist illusion of autonomy, socialized into and internalize the norms of the dominant culture Dependent, passive, organized on large scale, lack of access Strong and confirmative of established social order Keywords: domination


ketidakadilan dari kapitalisme harus dirubah dan dunia seharusnya menjadi tempat yang lebih baik jika kita dapat merubahnya(Fiske, 1994)

karakteristik perspektif marxis


sebagai alat produksi


menyebarkan ide dan pandangan kelas berkuasa serta menolak atau menjinakkan ide-ide alternatif berfungsi memproduksi kesadaran palsu kelas pekerja. memproduksi ekspresi tunggal yg mengabaikan kemungkinan pembacaan oposisional dari audiens

karakteristik perspektif marxis


ideologis merupakan fungsi posisi kelas, dan ideologi dominan di masyarakat adalah ideologi dari kelas yg dominan kesadaran palsu bagi kelas marjinal

karakteristik perspektif marxis




media terkunci di dalam struktur kekuasaan media bertindak sebagai tandem dari institusi dominan di masyarakat mereproduksi pandangan dominan sebagai pusat, jelas, dan natural

karakteristik perspektif marxis




subjek dengan memalsukan kondisi eksistensi mereka individu dibentuk sebagai pembawa suatu posisi melalui efek relasi sosial

pendekatan marxis/kritis
structuralist approach -

where the emphasis is on the 'internal articulation of the signifying systems of the media'

pendekatan marxis/kritis
political economy approach -

who see the power of the media as located in the economic processes underlying media production.

pendekatan marxis/kritis
culturalist approach emphasizes

the actual experience of sub-groups in society and contextualizes the media within a society which is seen as 'a complex expressive totality

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