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The System of Professor Tuko

Prepared by: PISMP TESL 1 JAN 2012 Akashah Osman Chai Xiao Ling Hema Sriranga Pillai Ng Pin Ting Ong Pei Shan Roland Wong

Lecturer: Miss Nagamah a/p Raju Sathian

1st performed by the Philippine Education al Theater Associatio n (PETA) in 1981. Contents: Practices during Marcos regime, reflection of the society as well as in the classroom.

Included students as main characters.

The story revolves around the classroom. The characters Bodyok, Kiko, Ningning, and Bondying are introduced in a classroom on a morning, where the teacher (Prof Tuko) is late. They are playing imaginary basketball. Bodyok and Ningning are talking about punishment they usually receive. Ningning asks Bodying to join, though he is reluctant. Mr Tuko enters the scene, and they stop the game to greet him. A daily routines of hygiene commence after they great him. Mr Tuko told them how important personal hygiene is.

He was then later mocked by his student

Then, professor Tuko revises about nationalism. Mr Tuko lectures them on the progress of their country if they do not study. Mr Tuko continues the class with a speech on patriotism. During that time they had finished the punishment. Mr Tuko then asks the class to bring materials for class tomorrow. Those materials are needed to make flags in order to greet special guests. Mr Tuko explained with patriotism how great it is to have famous people to visit their country.

Mr Tuko stresses that their pride is much more important than any of those chores they have.

They continues their lesson with literature. Ningning reads her grandmothers Philippine poem and then stopped by Mr Tuko. He asked if his 32 years experience of teaching is being question when he said that is not a poem. He then explains that literature in the class is meant by world literature, like the work of Shakespeare.

Mr Tuko started to act. His student doesnt understand Shakespeare and he stopped them from leaving. The students complain they have chores and want to leave early. He stresses that no one is allowed to leave .Mr. Tuko scolded him and said that his brother is not able to give him a diploma, and without it they are nobody in the society.

Mr Tuko threatens them by giving a bad report card for not answering him.

Mr Tuko doesnt allow the students to go to the comfort room unless it is recess time. Students who answers his questions will get points. History class continues, and students act out. He disapproves.
Mr Tukos ego was scratch when his students brings him a new history book and he hasnt read them. He is speechless. Kiko is taken out of the honour list and Mr Tuko shuts them using Martial law. They entered the Health and Science subject. Mr Tuko explained to them the functions of the human body.

Bondying broke the priceless mirror owned by Mr Tuko. Mr Tuko was furious and want to punish them severely.

Bodyok threathens to report his behaviour to the PTA meeting. They play around his glasses. He fell injured and threatened them with a club. When he came back, he beat them. All of them did not move. He was afraid they have died. The students woke back up. He explains everything to them. The students understand and forgive him. Mr Tuko changes his system from that day on.

The four main characters, Bodyok, Kiko, Ningning, and Bongying are playing imaginary basketball in the classroom while waiting for their teacher, Mr. Tuko.

After a while, Mr. Tuko comes and starts his teaching in the classroom.

Rising Action
Suddenly, a loud crashed is heard from outside while Mr. Tuko is writing on the board. Bondying broke the mirror and Bodyok said to Mr. Tuko that the loud crashed is the kicking of the desk made by Kiko.

When it comes to Health and Science lesson, Mr. Tuko asks Bondying to get his mirror outside of the room and brings it to the classroom.

Bondying said that the mirror was too big and heavy so the mirror slipped from his hand. He is worried about his situation. Bodyok comes out with an idea to help Bondying. When Mr. Tuko asking where is Bondying, the class pretend like Bondying is standing beside the board holding with the mirror. But Mr. Tuko did not see him.

Then, Bodyok suggested Mr. Tuko that there maybe something wrong with his glasses so Bonyok is willing to help Mr. Tuko to clean the glasses.

At the moment when Mr. Tuko takes off his glasses, Bondying sneaks into the class with the frame of the broken mirror.

Bondying act as the image of Mr. Tuko, mimics his move.

However, at last Mr. Tuko loses his balance and attempt to lean on the mirror. He collapses all the way through the mirror.

After the dispute between Mr. Tuko and the pupils, Mr. Tuko is annoyed and enraged. The pupils are passing Mr. Tukos glasses and started a game in the classroom. After that, Bodyok comes out with an idea again.

They all set up desks and boxes and cover with curtains. They made as if they themselves are hiding under the curtains.

Then, they hide behind, close to the covered desks and boxes. Mr. Tuko enters wounded, as if he just came out from a battle.

Mr. Tuko close the windows and locks the doors. He discovered kids hiding under the curtains.

Mr. Tuko said that The System of Professor Tuko has been tested for ages and there is no way they can break it.

Then, Mr. Tuko strikes with his club. He metes out the punishment while kids act out suffering from behind.

Mr. Tuko wants the pupils ask for forgiveness and be sorry for their sins.

Mr. Tuko does an exorcism and slowly, the cries die out. Then, it was a sudden silence.

Mr. Tuko thinks that he has probably overdid and he must have killed them.

Falling Action
While Mr. Tuko cries his heart out, kids come out from behind. At first, Mr. Tuko feels that he is dreaming when the pupils appear in front of him. Mr. Tuko realizes that it is truth that they still alive when he hugs them.

Mr. Tuko explains to the pupils about the reason he continues the system. Finally, the pupils understand and forgive Mr. Tuko as he has promised to change his system of Professor Tuko.

He also confessed and admitted about his mistakes.

Lastly, they proceed to next lesson with the new system of Professor Tuko.

Prof. Tuko always recall back everything about Philippines with his students. I love my country. Philippines, my Philippines. Pearl of the Orient. Paradise of the East. National language: Pilipino. Pilipino is a beautiful language. It is like a poem. It is like a song. It is my favorite of them all. National flower: Sampaguita. It is the symbol of the Filipina. Very clean, very white, very fragrant like the innocent Filipina. National hero: Doctor Jose Rizal National game: Sipa

Prof. Tuko teaches young generation of Filipino not to forget about the roots of themselves and the history of Philippines.

The Authoritarian Educational System

Prof. Tuko ways of teaching are autocratic, as he brooks no question or objections, as well as fascistic, as he punishes the students for every little stupid mistake they committed.

Mr. Tuko: Oh, yes. And you do not know him, ha. Bondying, you want to write his name again one thousand times? Bondying: Maaammmaaa! Sir, I beg you, please I already finished three long pencil writing thousands and thousands of names.

During the early 1980s, the dictatorship, Martial Law was firmly entrenched.

The Dictatorship in the Society

During the history class, Kiko point out that the discovery of the Philippnes by Ferdinand Magellan do not happens according to Mr. Tuko teaching.

Prof. Tuko declares Martial Law in his teaching. Meanwhile, Kiko pointed out Prof. Tukos mistake. Kikos action is according to the Bill of Rights against the Martial Law in real world.

Dictator Evidence: Inspect hands of his students, forces them to recite his words and follow his ways.

Sympathy Evidence: He cried when he noticed that he might have accidently killed the children.

Mr . Tuko
Rude & Arrogant Evidence: Constantly calls his students Idiot.

Timid Evidence: Beginning of the play, he is scared to meet people. A slow learner Evidence: Frequently punished because he is unable to remember facts(the name of national hero) Comes from a poor family Evidence: He didnt brush his teeth as he runs out of toothpaste and is unable to buy new one

Outspoken Evidence: He is able to defend himself.
Persistent Evidence: Although Bondying refuse to play with them repeatedly, he continues to coax him.

Smart Evidence: Often comes up with ideas to help his classmates


She agreed to join the game without much hesitation. Ningning

Evidence: Able to answer most questions proposed by Mr. Tuko.

Mr. Tukos favourite student


She is in the Honour List.


Late 1970s and in early 1980s Morning



Philippine Typical classroom


Society who love their country Mr.Tuko said that Philippines is the Pearl of Orient, Pilipino is a beautiful language, and etc. Love and forgiveness society The pupils forgive their teacher, Prof.Tuko for lying that he actually works at night as waiter, didnt update his lesson plan and read new books.

At the beginning of the play, students are seen playing imaginary basketball in the court. After a while, Bondying enters. The others namely Bodyok convinces him to play with them. Then Mister Tuko comes into the classroom and scolds them. He then starts inspecting their fingernails and scolds anyone with dirty fingernails without listening properly to their reasons. He starts questioning them on general facts of Philippines like the national language, national flower, national hero and national game. When Bondying could not answer his question on the national hero of Philippines, he is punished to recite the answer a thousand times.

Hand inspection
Tuko asked Ningning to wash her dirty hand (wash cooking pans that morning) , Bodyok-fingers hit by a hammer , Bondying-teeth were dirty (toothpaste ran out) Signifies:-The lost of independence among the students Teacher acts like a dictator. The poor living standards of the people.

Squats in front of the flagpole write his name (Bonying) properly one thousand times Signifies: The fear and cruelty the teacher imposes on the students.

Harsh punishment

Jueteng-illegal game/Sipa(natio nal game)

Signifies: Students are now shifting to modern times while the teacher is not.


Mister Tuko said it can only multiply and divide when Bondying wants to use it to count. Signifies: The teacher lacks of knowledge of modern technology.

Political Criticism
Set during Marcoz regime where Martial Law was proclaimed. Authoritarian and tyrant rule of Ferdinand Marcos. Martial law was declared to suppress increasing civil strife and the threat of communist takeover following a series of bombings and a government-staged assassination attempt on his primary political opponent, Juan Ponce Enrile in Manila Used by governments to enforce their rule over the public and to suppress political opposition A platform for Marcos to introduce his New Society Concept.

Evidences: Students are required to welcome special guests(possibly guest from United States). Classroom is conducted similar to the governing system during that time where (President)Mr. Tuko is the dictator while people(children) are supposed to be submissive.

Marxist Criticism
Existence of social class: Rich and poor Evidence: Mr. Tuko and the children. Most of the children need to work to supplement their lives. Literate and illiterate groups

Evidence: Mr Tuko has vast knowledge about literature compared to Ningnings grandmother.


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