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Chapter 16

Nuclear Reaction

Chapter Outline : 16.1 Nuclear Reaction 16.2 Nuclear Fission 16.3 Nuclear Fusion

Conceptual Map Nuclear Reaction

-- the original nuclei are converted into the nuclei of other elements.
Must obey The Principle of Conservation of Energy Linear momentum angular momentum Equation for Nuclear Reaction Total Charge ( Z ) Mass Number ( A )

a+XY+b+Q @ compact form : X(a,b)Y

Reaction energy , Q

Q = [ ( m )before reaction ( m ) after reaction ]c2 Q > 0 : exothermic ; Q < 0 : endothermic

Nuclear Fission -- occurs when a heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei Chain reaction

Nuclear Fusion

-- 2 light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus.

Controlled nuclear reactor

UnControlled atomic bomb

At the end of this topic, student should be able to : 1. Understand the conservation of charge ( Z ) and nucleon number ( A ) in a nuclear reaction. 2. Write and complete the equation for nuclear reaction. 3. Understand the principle of conservation of energy and calculate the energy liberated in the process of nuclear reaction.

4. Understand nuclear fission and fusion 5. Understand the occurrence of fission and fusion from the aspect of binding energy per nucleon. 6. State the condition for chain reaction 7. Decribe the process of nuclear fusion in the sun.

16.1 Nuclear Reaction

In nuclear reactions, the original nuclei are converted into the nuclei of other elements.

- Approximately 400 stable nuclei - Hundreds of other nuclei have been observed but they are unstable - Light nuclei are most stable if they contain an equal number of proton & neutrons ( N = Z ) - Heavy nuclei are more stable if the number of neutrons exceeds the number of protons above Z = 20. - Z > 82, do not have stable nuclei all are unstable.

2 type of nuclear reaction : 1. Nuclear Fission -- occurs when a heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei -- the combined mass of the daughter nuclei is less that the mass of the parent nucleus. -- energy is released

2. Nuclear Fusion -- 2 light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus. -- the final nuclei is less than the combined masses of the original nuclei. -- loss of mass accompanied by a release of energy.

The Principle of conservation for nuclear reaction 1. Conservation of energy -- relativistic energy before reaction = relativistic energy after reaction 2. Conservation of Linear Momentum -- linear momentum before reaction = linear momentum after reaction

3. Conservation of angular momentum -- angular momentum before reaction = angular momentum after reaction
4. Conservation of Total Charge ( Z ) -- atom number, Z before reaction = atom number, Z after reaction 5. Conservation of Mass Number, A -- mass number, A before reaction = mass number , A after reaction

Example : Consider the reaction value of 8.124 MeV.


F ( p, )


which has a Q

1 19 16 4 H F O He 1 9 8 2

The total number of nucleons before the reaction ( 1 + 19 = 20 ) is equal to total number after the reaction ( 16 + 4 = 20 ). Total charge ( Z = 10 ) is same before & after the reaction.

Equation for nuclear reaction

A target nucleus X is bombarded by a particle a resulting in a daughter nucleus Y and a particle b: a+XY+b+Q

@ written in the more compact form : X(a,b)Y where X & Y : nuclei a & b : particles Q : reaction energy ( being absorbed / released )

Example : An alpha particle colliding with a nitrogen nucleus produces a proton & nucleus is artificially transmuted into an oxygen nucleus

4 2


14 7


O H 8 1

@ in a shorthand notation : 14 17 N ( , p ) O

Reaction Energy , Q Q = [ ( m )before reaction ( m ) after reaction ]c2 = [ ( m a + m X ) ( m Y + m b ) ] c2 = [ m a + m X m Y m b ] c2

Q > 0 : reaction is exothermic ( exoergic ) -- some mass converted into energy ( mass of reactants > mass of products ) -- energy is released Q < 0 : reaction is endothermic ( endoergic ) -- some kinetic energy converted into mass )

Example : Calculate the Q value for the following reaction : 14 (i) 14 N ( n, p ) C 7 6 (ii) 27 30 Al ( , n ) P 13 15

Solution : Nuclear reaction equation :

4 2 He 14 7 N 17 O H 8 1 1

Given :
mass of mass of

14 7 1 0 14 6 1 1

N n C p

= 14.11543 u = 1.00867 u

mass of
mass of

= 14.11627 u
= 1.007276 u

mass before reaction = 14.11543 + 1.00867 = 15.1241 u mass after reaction = 14.11627 + 1.00728 = 15.12355 u
Reaction energy , Q : Q = [ ( m )before reaction ( m ) after reaction ]c2 = [15.1241u 15.12355 u] ( 3x10 8 ) 2 = 0.00055u ( 1.66x10-27)(3x108) 2 = 8.217x10-14 J / 1.6 x 10 -19 = + 0.514 M eV ( > 0 : exothermic )

(ii) Nuclear reaction equation :

27 4 30 1 Al He P n 13 2 15 0

Given : mass of mass of mass of


mass of

13 4 He 2 30 P 15 1 n 0


= 27.21645 u = 4.03298 u = 30.24735 u

= 1.00867 u

mass before reaction = 27.21645 + 4.03298 = 31.24943 u mass after reaction = 30.24735 + 1.00867 = 31.25602 u
Reaction energy , Q : Q = [ ( m )before reaction ( m ) after reaction ]c2 = [31.24943u 31.25602u] ( 3x10 8 ) 2 = -0.00659u ( 1.66x10-27)(3x108)2 = - 6.153 M eV Q < 0 endothermic

16.2 Nuclear Fission -- occurs when a heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei -- the combined mass of the daughter nuclei is less that the mass of the parent nucleus. -- energy is released -- divided into 2 : (a) spontaneous fission at a very slow rates take a very long time. (b) induced fission heavy nucleus is bombarded with particles such as proton, alpha particle , thermal neutron

Example of nuclear fission : When a

235 92 U

nucleus absorbs a neutron, it may

fission into 2 nuclei through the following nuclear reaction :

235 1 235 143 90 1 U n U * Ba Kr 3 ( n) Q 92 0 92 56 36 0 235 1 235 140 94 1 U n U * Xe Sr 2 ( n) Q 92 0 92 54 38 0 235 1 235 132 101 1 U n U * Sn Mo 3 ( n) Q 92 0 92 92 42 0

-- most of the daughter nuclei have mass number ( 90-100 ) & ( 135 145 )

-- The energy released is approximately 234 MeV

Chain Reaction : -- the neutrons that result from 1 fission event can initiate other fission reactions which in turn initiate further fission reactions and so on.

ex : fission of uranium-235 in nuclear reactors. To achieve chain reaction : (1) Slow neutrons are better at causing fission so uranium are mixed with a material

that does not absorb neutrons but slows

them down. (2) the fission material must more than a critical size.

-- uncontrolled chain reactions are used in nuclear weapons atomic bomb

-- controlled chain reactions take place in nuclear reactors & release energy at a steady rate.

16.3 Nuclear Fusion

In a nuclear fusion reaction, two or more small light nuclei come together, or fuse to form a more massive nucleus, releasing energy in the process, Q > 0 Energy, Q was released : Ebounding per nucleon for the bigger nucleus > E bounding per nucleon
for the smaller nucleus.

To achieve fusion reaction, the two nucleus must hit each other with a high velocity. It can be achieve by heated the deuterium to around 108 K. It is also known as a Thermonuclear Reaction.

2 1H + 2 1H 3 2H

1 n 0


product of reaction (mHe + mn) < 2mD,

mc2 was released as a kinetic energy 3 He, 1 n and Q. 2 0

Fusion appears to be an ideal energy source for the future.

Why? Enough deuterium exists in the oceans, in the form of heavy water, to supply our needs for centuries. Fusion does not depend on a chain reaction - less danger of the release of radioactive material.

Fusion products tend to have relatively short half- lives. -- However there are many unresolved technical problems to be solved before controlled fusion can be commercially to produce electric energy.
-- Primary problem : very high temperature are needed to initiate fusion reactions.

Process of nuclear fusion in the sun & star.

The sun surfaces has a lot of hydrogen gases and the temperature are very high - the fusion reaction always happen there.
The reaction can be summarized as:
1 4 0 4 H He 2 2v 1 2 1

According to the Coulomb energy potentials, 1.1x10-14J of kinetic energy are needed for every deuteron to fusion between one another to become helium.
Average kinetic energy for every proton E = 3/2 kT where k = Boltzman constant, T= temperature in Kelvin. Temperature for Thermonuclear, T= 2E/3k = 2(1.1x10-14J)/3(1.38x10-23JK-1) = 5.8x108K

Every 1g of sun mass contented 4.5x1023 proton ; equal to 4.5x1023 x 24.69 MeV = 1.1x1025 MeV = 130 Mwatthour. If all proton are change to helium, sun will take 5x109 years to finish 1/5 of it proton.

Comparison between fission and fusion reaction.

The difference
Fission Heavy to light nucleus Fusion Light to heavy nucleus

Target is bombarded by a
Particles such as neutron Chain reaction Produce more than 1 nucleus Easy to handle & controlled

High temperature

Not a chain reaction Produce 1 nucleus Difficult to handle

The equalization between Fusion & Fission

1. Releasing big energy, Q 2. Deducting mass after reaction

3. Produce new nucleus.

That`s all for chapter 16

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