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present by:Dolly ,Nurul Huda & Siti Norain

Autism is a mental disorder characterized by Abnormal behavior such as withdrawal Development problems socially, emotionally, linguistically Appear lost in fantasy Very unresponsive to physical and verbal communication

The early signs and symptoms of autism and the associated gastrointestinal problems, tantrums and adverse behaviours vary widely. Some autistic children have only mild symptoms and impairments, while others have more gut and behavioural difficulties. However, every child with an autism spectrum disorder has problems, to some degree, in the following three key areas: Communicating, whether verbally or non-verbally. Relating socially and interacting with others and the world around them. Having repetitive or restricted behaviours.

The word Autism comes from the greek autos meaning self, and children with autism are concerned with themselves. The early symptoms can be: A lack of responsiveness to others, Does not make eye contact Does not respond to being called, or to his or her name Does not make noises to attract your attention Does not reciprocate smiles or imitate facial expressions Does not reach out when being picked up Does not like to give or receive cuddles Doesnt call out or make basic requests.

Delayed or no age-appropriate language development No pointing at objects or people or waving goodbye Not following people by eye Has repetitive behaviours such as hand flapping Linines up toys instead of playing with them for their functions Has an obsession with a particular video or TV program Displays echolalia (repeating what you say) Running close to a wall repetitively, and looking sideways at it. Has self-stimulatory behaviours

Vaccines The first theory suggests that the MMR (Mumps-Measles-Rubella) vaccine may cause intestinal problems leading to the development of autism. The second theory suggests that a mercurybased preservative called thimerosal, used in some vaccines, could be connected to autism. The medical community has soundly refuted these theories, but a very passionate group of parents and researchers continue to disagree, based on anecdotal evidence.

It is certain that some cases of autism have a genetic basis, and it is quite possible that genetics are involved with all cases of autism. Studies have shown many cases of "spontaneous" genetic mutation which are not inherited. In addition, studies have shown that parents from families with autistic members are more likely to have autistic children, and families with one autistic child are at increased risk of having more than one autistic child.

Bad Parenting
Dr. Kanner, the man who first identified autism as a unique condition, had the idea that cold refrigerator mothers caused autism. He was wrong. But Dr. Kanner's misinterpretation of autism impressed a major figure in psychology, Bruno Bettelheim, whose book "The Empty Fortress: Infantile Autism and the Birth of the Self" created a generation of parents carrying the guilt for their child's disability. Fortunately, our generation is spared that burden.

Differences in the Brain

Autistic individuals seem to have larger brains. They also seem to process information differently; in other words, their brains are "wired" differently. Research on this issue is ongoing, and intriguing findings are coming out of top research institutions.

Immune Deficiency Problem

There is some evidence that autism is linked to problems in the immune system. Autistic individuals often have other physical issues related to immune deficiency. Some researchers say they have developed effective treatments based on boosting the immune system. The NIH, however, states that the evidence is not yet strong enough to show a causal relationship.

There is some evidence that allergies to certain foods could contribute to autistic symptoms. Most people who hold to this theory feel that gluten (a wheat product) and casein (dairy) are the most signficant culprits.

Poor Nutrition
It seems unlikely that malnutrition can cause autism. But megavitamin therapies have been used for many years to treat autistic symptoms. Certain supplements, particularly omega fish oils, do seem to be helpful for treating some aspects of autism.


1.Behavioral training and management

positive reinforcement self-help social skills training

2.Specialized therapies
Speech Occupational physical therapy

Depression anxiety hyperactivity obsessive-compulsive behaviors.

4.Community support and parent training

Talk to your doctor or contact an advocacy group for support and training.

Effective Methods:

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