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APGOPO: Court Cases

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The Supreme Court 200 400 600 800 1000 The Supreme Court 200 400 600 800 1000 The Supreme Court 200 400 600 800 1000 The Supreme Court 200 400 600 800 1000 The Supreme Court 200 400 600#29 Random : 600 800 1000

Bonus Question: 2000 pts

The Supreme Court

Question: : 200 State sovereignty and a weak national government was a major principle implemented by? Answer Articles of Confederation

Question: Changing appellate jurisdiction of federal courts is one way ______________ can influence the federal judiciary. Answer Congress

Beginning Scuffles : 400

Question: The framers of the Constitution intended to establish a _________________ republic Answer Representative

Beginning Scuffles : 600

Question: The ___________________ has a major role in the shaping of tax policy. Answer Ways & Means

Beginning Scuffles : 800

Question: Results from public opinion polls that indicate which candidates are most likely to win are most frequently reported by the media during a _____________ election Answer Presidential

Beginning Scuffles : 1000

Question: Was instrumental in increasing the number of African American and other minority voters (act) Answer Voting Rights Act of 1965

Battles : 200

Question: What do categorical grants-in-aid do to the power of state governors? Answer Weaken

Battles : 400

Question: Generally, party identification in the US is most successfully transmitted by Answer Family/Parents

Battles : 600

Question: When redrawing district lines a independent commission are more likely to discourage _____________ over state legislatures. Answer Gerrymandering

Battles : 800


Battles : 1000

Laws protecting minority voting rights would likely do what to the voter turn out? Answer Increase

People : 200 Question: A 45 year old white businessman from South Carolina who attends church weekly would most likely vote? Answer GOP (Republican)

Question: The division of powers between the levels of government is known as Answer Federalism

People : 400

Question: Rules and regulations created by an agency such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are called Answer Administrative law

People : 600

Question: Media agenda setting refers to the medias ability to Answer Decides which issues are important enough to bring to public attention

People : 800

Question: _____ make campaign contributions in hopes of gaining access to legislatures. Answer PACs

People : 1000

Question: Over time the federal government had gained ___________ control over interstate commerce via such supreme court cases as__________ Answer More, Gibbons v. Ogden

The Home Front! : 200

Question: Why does the president have problems controlling congress even when his party is in control? Answer Political parties are weak in nature

The Home Front! : 400

Question: The constitutional provision that greatly broadeneds the power of congress Answer Article I Sec 8 necessary and proper clause

The Home Front! : 600

Question: The mostly widely performed act of political participation in the US can be found when? Answer Voting in a presidential election

The Home Front! : 800

Question: Voter turn out is highest among Answer College-educated voters

The Home Front! : 1000

Question: Directing federal funds into the representatives district through legislation is an example of Answer pork barreling

#29 Random : 200

Question: Independent campaign expenditures by corporations and unions are protected by the First Amended according to what SC case? Answer Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

#29 Random : 400

Question: The primary responsibility for determining monetary policy in the U.S. rests with the Answer Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

#29 Random : 600

Question: The president vetoing a bill passed by congress is an example of Answer Checks and balances

#29 Random : 800

Question: James Madison said that a large republic would best control the effects of Answer Factions

#29 Random : 1000

Question: Foreign affairs are more likely to get congressional approval over ________ affairs Answer domestic

Bonus Question: 2000 pts.

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