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Peradangan jaringan testis yang paling sering disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri. Orchitis adalah peradangan pada testis, tetapi istilah ini untuk menggambarkan nyeri testis yang terletak di testis tanpa ada bukti terhdap inflamasi.

Orchitis akut merupakan rasa sakit yang tiba2 dan pembengkakan pada testis yang terkait dengan peradangan akut testis itu sendiri. Orchitis kronis melibatkan peradangan dan nyeri pada testis, biasanya tanpa pembengkakan, bertahan selama lebih dari 6 minggu. Klasifikasi (Nikel dan Beiko, 2001) berdasarkan etiologi disajikan pada Tabel 9-6.

Patogenesi dan etiologi

Isolated orchitis, biasanya disebabkan oleh virus. Most cases of orchitis, particularly bacterial, occur secondary to local spread of an ipsilateral epididymitis and are termed epididymo-orchitis.

UTIs are usually the underlying source in boys and elderly men. In young sexually active men, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are often responsible ( Berger, 1998 ). Truly noninfectious orchitis is often idiopathic or related to trauma, although autoimmune disease has rarely been implicated ( Pannek and Haupt, 1997 ).

Bacterial orchitis is usually associated with epididymitis and is therefore often caused by urinary pathogens, including E. coli and Pseudomonas. Less commonly, Staphylococcus species or Streptococcus species are responsible. The most common sexually transmitted microorganisms responsible are Neisseria gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, and Treponema pallidum.

Mycobacterial infections can also cause orchitis, with tuberculosis ( Chen et al, 2004 ) The most common cause of viral orchitis is mumps ( Jalal et al, 2004 ) fungal infections occasionally involve the testis, with candidiasis, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis, blastomycosis, and actinomycosis all having been reported as causes of orchitis ( Wise, 1998 ).

Parasitic infections rarely cause orchitis in the Western Hemisphere, but filariasis has been described in some endemic areas of Africa, Asia, and South America and can be associated with elephantiasis ( Hazen and Lichtenberg, 1998 ).

Risk factors for sexually transmitted orchitis

High-risk sexual behaviors Multiple sexual partners Personal history of gonorrhea or another STD Sexual partner with a diagnosed STD

Risk factors for orchitis not due to an STD

Being older than age 45 Long-term use of a Foley catheter Not being vaccinated against the mumps Problems of the urinary tract that occurred at birth (congenital) Regular urinary tract infections Surgery of the urinary tract (genitourinary surgery)

Blood in the semen Discharge from penis Fever Groin pain Pain with intercourse or ejaculation Pain with urination (dysuria) Scrotal swelling Tender, swollen groin area on affected side Tender, swollen, heavy feeling in the testicle Testicle pain that is made worse by a bowel movement or straining

Signs and tests

A physical examination may show: Enlarged or tender prostate gland Tender and enlarged lymph nodes in the groin (inguinal) area on the affected side Tender and enlarged testicle on the affected side Tests may include: Complete blood count (CBC) Testicular ultrasound Tests to screen for chlamydia and gonorrhea (urethral smear) Urinalysis Urine culture (clean catch) -- may need several samples, including initial stream, midstream, and after prostate massage

Pada pasien dengan infeksi orchitis akut , pada riwayat adanya suatu onset nyeri testis, dikaitkan dengan ketidaknyamanan perut, mual, dan muntah. Gejala-gejala dapat didahului oleh gejala parotitis pd anak laki-laki atau laki-laki muda, anak laki-laki atau UTI pria lanjut usia, atau pd pria yang riwayat sexual aktif bisa didahului dengan gejala STD . Meskipun proses ini biasanya unilateral, kadang-kadang bilateral, terutama jika virus. Pemeriksaan fisik dapat ditemukan demam. Kulit dari hemiscrotum eritematosa dan pembengkakan, dan testis lunak untuk di palpasi atau dapat dikaitkan dengan hidrokel transiluminasi. Pasien harus dinilai secara klinis untuk prostatitis dan uretritis. Untuk orchitis yg tidak menular gejala sama tapi tanpa demam.

Untuk orchtis cronic dan orchalgia ada riwayat nyeri pada testis sebelumnya, biasanya sekunder dari orchitis akut, trauma atau penyebab lainya. Pasien dengan orchitis chronic harus dicurigai juga dengan epididimisnya dan rasa sakitnya makin memburuk dari hari kehari dan mengganggu aktivitas sehari-sehari. Dan biasanya pasien sangat frustasi. Skrotum biasanya tidak eritem, indurasi dan hampir selalu nyeri tekan pada palpasi.

Tortion testis.


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